KB2VXA > CAR 10.09.12 21:58l 55 Lines 2108 Bytes #-4564 (0) @ WW
BID : 17731_W6RAY
Subj: Re: VE3WBZ > KFQ's Today
Sent: 120910/1513Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:24771 [Boyanup] $:24771_VK6ZRT
>From kb2vxa%ve3bwm@w6ray.ampr.org Mon Sep 10 13:16:25 2012
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>From kb2vxa%vk6zrt.#bun.#wa.aus.oc@ve3bwm.ampr.org Mon Sep 10 11:53:46 2012
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>From kb2vxa%vk6zrt.#bun.#wa.aus.oc@ve3cgh.ampr.org Mon Sep 10 11:50:53 2012
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>From: kb2vxa@vk6zrt.#bun.#wa.aus.oc
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Hi Pete and all,
Reminds me of the Today morning show on NBC TV. Packet must be awfully
slow in your neck of the woods when a 7 Sept. bull gets read and a
comment on the 9th. (;->) I never heard about an electric car winning a
race in 1896 but I'm not surprised, electrical systems were primitive but
physics is eternal, since an electric motor has a much flatter power
curve than a gasoline engine even today electric dragsters put gassers
and even fuelies to shame. It must have been funny back then with
gasoline engines still in their stone age, the weight to horsepower ratio
was all weight and no horsepower.
BTW, if you go directly to the internet site KFQ's bulls come from you'll
find a whole lot more on "this day in history". I used to have the URL
kicking around but now there are several web sites including The History
Channel (a cable outlet) so Google those key words and choose your poison.
73 de Warren
Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.
Message timed by NIST: 15:06 on 2012-Sep-10 GMT
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