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Subj: Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest
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Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest Rules
Saturday/Sunday February 23/24 2013
This annual contest is named to honour Jock White ZL2GX, NZART Contest and
Awards Manager for over 40 years, for the service that he gave to NZART during
that time. This contest is primarily to test Branch organisation and weld a
team of workers together. Your team can aim to be as competitive or as social
as it likes, or all points in between. There is work for all: spouses/partners,
prospective members etc.
Of Note
Rule 12 relating to the branch number of field stations has been altered to
allow more flexibility.
The minimum number of CW contacts per band operated needed to gain branch point
status remains at 20, see rule 15.2.4 below.
Entries must be scored and submitted on the correct sheets, see rule 17. The
contest managers job is made much easier if all entries are scored on the same
The single station 80 and 40 metres section has been trialled over the last two
years and will remain.
Splatter and distortion is still a cause of significant QRM and must be
avoided. (See rule 7)
There are two main causes of splatter with modern equipment:
Insufficient DC supply voltage at the transceiver terminals. Make sure your DC
supply is up to the job, which means checking the voltage at the set while
transmitting a carrier or on voice peaks.
Overdriven Tx. Check ALC readings, giving attention to the correct use of the
microphone gain control. This is particularly important if a different
microphone from usual is in use. When operating under Field Day conditions it
is best to turn your power down a little, not to run at maximum.
1. WHEN: The last weekend in February each year: In the event that the Saturday
falls on the last day of February, then the second day (Sunday) will be
conducted the following day (i.e. Sunday 1st March)
Saturday 1500 -2400 NZT
Sunday 0600 - 1500 NZT.
2. Bands: 40 and 80 metres:
2.1 Simultaneous operation on 80 and 40 metres is permitted provided that only
one receiver/transmitter is operational on any one band at any one time. Single
receiver/transmitters may be used on one or both bands. The exception is the 80
metres only section, and the single station 80/40 m section.
3. Modes and Contacts:
3.1 Modes to be used are phone and CW. Phone to CW contacts is not
3.2 Home stations will identify themselves as such and field stations will
identify themselves as such.
4. Sites/Shelter: All equipment (except generators) to be under the same
shelter. For field stations the shelter to be a tent (one or more tents within
10 metres of each other) erected on the weekend of the contest, mobile home or
other vehicle (moved on to the site on the weekend of contest).
5. Antennae: for field stations to be raised no earlier than 2300 UTC on the
Friday (1200 NZT on the Saturday). This takes into account that some may chose
to erect antennae supports while others may use natural or standing supports.
e.g. hills, trees, towers, buildings etc.
6. Power Supply: for field stations must be from a source independent of the AC
or DC mains, i.e. all power must be from batteries/engine alternator/solar
source/wind generator etc.
7. Operating Standards: Verifiable complaints of poor operating standards,
which impede the ability of other Field Day stations to participate in Field
Day, will result in the offender either being penalised, or disqualified. This
will be at the discretion of the Field Day Manager
8. Contest Sections: Only one section of the contest may be entered by any one
station although that station's entry may qualify for entry into more than one
8.1 Open Section: Field Stations with final power amplifier output not
exceeding 100 watts. The use of linear amplifiers is restricted to increasing
the power output of lower powered transceivers (e.g. a K2 or FT817) to the 100
watt level. The trophies stated (detailed in Rules 8.1.1 to 8.1.4 incl. will be
awarded to the highest scoring stations in their respective Regional Section.
Certificates of Achievement will be issued to all place getters, as warranted
by entry numbers.
8.1.1. Northern Region Section (Montgomery Cup)
8.1.2. Central Region Section (Patea Shield)
8.1.3. Midlands Region Section (ZL3/4 Trophy)
8.1.4. Southern Region Section ('4' Trophy)
8.1.5. Single Operator Section -operation unaided by any other person.
8.1.6. CW Only Section -operation on either band or both bands CW only.
8.1.7. Phone Only Section -operation on either band or both bands Phone only.
8.1.8. Single Station 80 and 40 metres- operation on both bands alternately, no
simultaneous operation. Alternate operation is permitted throughout each hour
period. Only one receiver can be in active use at any one time i.e. another
operator cannot hunt for stations on the other band. Use a separate log for
each band.
8.1.9. 80 metres Only Section -operation on 80 metres only.
8.1.10. QRP Field Station Section (W M Hall Memorial Cup): The maximum output
power from the final amplifier of the field station must not exceed 5 watts.
8.2 A certificate will be awarded to the overall highest scoring home station.
Due to the variability of entrants in this section other certificates will be
awarded at the discretion of the field day manager e.g. region, QRP, phone or
CW only etc.
9. Operators: The station should be operated by members of NZART except that
operators being introduced to NZART and helpers need not be members. Indicate
accordingly on the summary sheet.
10. Mobile Stations: are eligible for contest purposes as field stations for
contacts made from within one branch area only. The branch number used will be
that of the area where the station is operated.
11. Cipher Exchanges:
11.1 The ciphers given will consist of report and serial number/branch number.
e.g. 59001/11 on phone and 599001/11 on CW.
11.2 Serial numbers will commence at 001 and increment by one for each
11.3 Where simultaneous operation is used a separate serial number series
will be used for each band.
11.4 Phone and CW numbers on one band are from the same number series.
12. Branch Number:
12.1 Field stations will usually operate in the area of their Branch. They will
use the NZART Branch number in their cypher.
12.2 It is recognised that for various reasons some field teams may need to
venture beyond their ‘normal branch area’ to operate.
12.3 Some teams may not have affiliation to a particular branch but wish to
operate as a field station. To provide a branch number in this case nearby
branches not active in field day should be approached for permission to use
their number. (see 12.5 below)
12.4 If the field station chosen location is within another Branch area care
must be taken not to clash with the other Branch station. The onus is on the
'moved' station to ensure that there is no clash.
12.5 The Branch number of Branches in recess may be used.
12.6 The field day manager should be contacted well before the event if there
is any potential difficulty with the use of branch numbers.
12.7 Home stations will use the Branch number 00
13. Contest Periods:
13.1 There will be 18 periods between the even hours. eg. 1500-1600, 1600-1700,
13.2 Contacts may be made with any field, ZL home or 'overseas' (refer rule 13)
station once each period on each mode on each band. i.e. on 80 m: once on phone
and once on CW, and on 40 m: once on phone and once on CW, each period.
13.3 The contacts with any one station on phone and CW on one band in a period,
or on one mode at the end of one period and commencement of the next, may not
be sequential except where 5 minutes have elapsed between those contacts.
14. 'Overseas' Stations: are those located outside the New Zealand mainland,
and in the South Pacific region. The prefixes that are eligible are: all VK,
ZL5, 7, 8, 9, ZK2, ZK3, A3, E5, FK, FO, FW, H4, P2, YJ, 3D2, 5W.
15. Scoring: The final score will be the total of contact points (80 m + 40 m)
x total Branch Points.
15.1 Contact points:
* ZL phone 3 per contact
* ZL CW 5 per contact
* Overseas phone or CW 10 per contact
15.2 Branch Points (multiplier):
15.2.1 One Branch point is claimed for each Branch contacted on each band and
mode. e.g. one Branch point for contacting Branch 01 on 80 m phone, two Branch
points for contacting Branch 01 on 80 m Phone and 40 m Phone or 4 Branch Points
for contacting Branch 01 on 80 m Phone and CW plus 40 m Phone and CW, etc.
Enter the callsigns claimed for the branch point contacts above in the
appropriate columns in summary sheets two and three. Then total the columns to
get the number of Branch points for summary sheet one.15.2.2 Only one station
from a branch may be claimed as a Branch point for a mode on one band. However,
where a Branch has more than one station active different stations contacted
may be claimed for the other band or mode.
15.2.3 Stations using the same Branch number may contact each other for contact
points but not for Branch points.
15.2.4 To qualify as Branch points for other stations, a field station must
have a minimum of 50 contacts on Phone or 20 contacts on CW on each band that
the station is active on. e.g. if active on 80 m Phone, must have 50 contacts
to count as one Branch point, if active on 80 m Phone and CW, must have 50
contacts on phone and 20 contacts on CW to count as two Branch points, etc.
16. Logs
16.1 One log per station in order of time, except that where simultaneous
operation is used one log per band is required.
16.2 Head each page with the call, Branch or HS for home station and the page
16.3 Log sheet layout order: date/time/station contacted/CW or PH/band/cipher
sent/cipher received. NZART logsheets are preferred. Entry in the point's
column is not required as totals are done from a summary, but the point's
column can be used for checking purposes. A total of PH/CW/DX contacts on each
page is useful for counting purposes.
16.4 Use a separate log-sheet per period except that where there are very few
contacts per period, several periods (ruled off between periods) can be on one
sheet. The operator (not log-keeper) must check the log.
16.5 Highlight or underline each contact claimed as a multiplier.
16.6 Check for accuracy and rule through any duplicate contacts in a period.
17. Scoring Sheets:
17.1 The summary and final score details are to be on the 'Jock White Memorial
Field Day' summary sheets provided to Branch secretaries each year and also
available from NZART HQ and the NZART website
17.2 Summary Sheet 1 contains:
17.2.1 Callsign used Branch name & number or HS for home station
17.2.2 Postal address for certificates and email address for results
17.2.3 Section entered (one only)
17.2.4 Names & Calls of operators/assistants
17.2.5 No. of 80 m phone contacts, No. of 80 m CW contacts, No. of 80 m
overseas contacts
17.2.6 No. of 40 m phone contacts, No. of 40 m CW contacts, No. of 40 m
overseas contacts
17.2.7 Calculation of contact points
17.2.8 Branch points claimed for 80 m phone, Branch points claimed for 80 m CW,
Branch points claimed for 40 m phone, Branch points claimed for 40 m CW, Total
Branch points
17.2.9 Total points claimed (contact points x total Branch points)
17.2.10 List transceivers/generator etc/power output
17.2.11 Certification of power output and rule observance by two operators
(except for single operator stations)
17.3 Summary Sheets 2 and 3 contain a table for listing the CALLSIGN of the
station claimed as a Branch point for each branch on each band and mode. Count
the number in each column and transfer the figure to summary sheet 1.
18. Closing Date: Logs should be posted to reach Stuart Watchman, 33 Brooklyn
Drive, Blenheim, by the Saturday which is 4 weeks after field day Saturday.
e.g. If Field Day is held February 23/24, logs to be received by 24 March (in a
non-leap year). Late logs will not be eligible.
Manager e-mail: clareandstuart@xtra.co.nz
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