F5PBG > KAM 15.11.00 02:05l 117 Lines 6449 Bytes #-8892 (0) @ WW
BID : 10730_F5PBG
Subj: Re:KAM plus TNC
Sent: 001113/2204Z @:F5PBG.FBRE.FRA.EU #:10730 [Brest] FBB7.00g $:10730_F5PBG
> Im looking for several Kantronics KAM Plus TNC's with late issue firmware
> chipsets. (7.0 or higher). Please email price and condition.
Hi, At the same question, Kantronics answer that : (be carreful it's a
little bit long but i don't know if i can join a file here...)
73' Christophe - F1BDQ
Version 8.2 Firmware Update
Firmware Update Version 8.2 adds advanced digipeating capabilities for
GPS/APRS operations by adding four new commands for digipeating--UIDIGI,
UIFLOOD, UITRACE, and UIDWAIT--and adding UIGATE to control cross-band
digipeating for the Kam Plus, Kam, KPC-9612 Plus and KPC-9612. See the
GPS/APRS discussion below. In addition, 8.2 versions for the KPC-3 and
KPC-9612 are upgraded so that their command sets are more like those for the
KPC-3 Plus and KPC-9612 Plus. For example, MODEM mode has been added so
you'll be able to copy the NWS EMWIN weather broadcasts. See description of
EMWIN below.
If you've skipped over one or more of last year's upgrades for your TNC,
don't be concerned; 8.2 firmware incorporates the major features of the
previous upgrades. The Version 8.2 Firmware Upgrade Manual Addendum, shipped
with the firmware, includes a full description of the new digipeater
commands and commands modified or combined with other commands since the
last update.
Since documentation is not included for previous updates, KPC-3 and KPC-9612
owners might wish to purchase our newly written KPC-3 Plus and KPC-9612 Plus
manuals which incorporate material from previous updates and are a great
reference source. These manuals contain over 280 pages of information,
including 60 pages of operational information on the various VHF/UHF digital
modes, an 80 page Command Reference, and an extensive index. The operational
chapter includes sections on the following: the packet mode of operation,
remote access to your TNC, the packet personal mailbox (PBBS), working with
a full service BBS to forward messages, GPS interfacing, the KA-Node
networking system, WEFAX (for KPC-3 and KPC-3 Plus), the NEW EMWIN mode,
KISS mode (for TCP/IP operation), and DAMA mode (the European node system
Since the Version 8.2 update is not available for KPC-2, KPC-4, or KPC-2400
owners (due to their limited memory space), this may be an ideal time to
consider the purchase of a new KPC-3 Plus or KPC-9612 Plus. Advanced
GPS/APRS Digipeating: Amateurs are using GPS receivers, a packet unit, and
an FM transmitter to report the location of their vehicles or stations to
others. Their broadcasts use one-way (unproto UI) packets, to report call
sign, latitude and longitude. Packet stations hearing these broadcasts may
display the positional information, often using map-based programs such as
APRS. To extend the range of reporting, it has become common practice for
the mobile stations to use digipeat paths containing generic digipeater
names, such as RELAY and WIDE. Using these names (aliases), there is no need
to recall and enter specific call signs during a trip.
In response to requests from many GPS and APRS enthusiasts to more fully
support "generically named" digipeater activities, we've added four
digipeater commands to the 8.2 firmware, that provide alternative ways in
which to digipeat using generic call signs. First, the UIDIGI command allows
up to four additional digipeater aliases and supports a swap of MYCALL for
the alias name during digipeating. Second, the UIFLOOD command adds the
ability of the TNC to digipeat several times, frames that contain only one
digipeater address, such as WIDE3-3. Here, the ssid (-3) is decremented each
time the frame is digipeated and each TNC digipeats such a frame only once.
UITRACE does the same but adds the digipeaters MYCALL address to each
outgoing frame, creating a return-path record, a "trace."
For You Techies out there, here's a brief description of each new
digipeating command:
UIDIGI ON [+|-] call1[,call2[,call3[call4]]]
Up to four call signs can be specified for special digipeater duty. If any
of the UIDIGI calls appears in the to-be-digipeated field of a UI packet,
and if MYCALL does not appear in the source field or any of the
has-been-digipeated fields, the UIDIGI call in the to-be-digipeated field
will be replaced by MYCALL with the H bit set and the packet will be
UIFLOOD name, n, [ID|NOID] (n=0-255)
When a UI frame is received with a call in the to-be-digipeated field of the
form name'x-y (e.g. WIDE'3-3), the ssid is decremented and the UI frame is
digipeated without the H bit set if such a packet has not been "seen" for
the last n seconds. If the optional ID parameter is set, the MYCALL is
placed in an additional digipeater field with the H bit set.
UITRACE name ,n (n=0-255)
This command is similar to UIFLOOD except that the MYCALL is inserted as a
has-been digipeated address. Thus digipeated frames grow in duration as they
are digipeated several times.
When OFF, digipeaters retain first channel access. When ON, digipeaters must
compete with normal packets for channel access (using PERSIST).
NWS EMWIN Broadcasts: The NWS Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
(EMWIN) is a wireless, direct-to-computer information service that the
National Weather Service (NWS) provides with help from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency. The NWS feeds a constant stream of weather information (@
1200,8,N,1), from around the world, to a satellite orbiting the Earth. Many
cities are coming on line now to capture this stream and rebroadcast it on
fixed VHF FM frequencies., usually just above the 2-meter amateur band,
tunable with most rigs. With an FM receiver or scanner, a KPC-3, KPC-3 Plus,
KPC-9612, KPC-9612 Plus, KAM Plus, or KAM with Enhancement Board, and PC
with communications software, you can copy these broadcasts. The content of
the broadcasts may be plain ASCII text (copyable with Pacterm - shipped with
Kantronics TNCs) or graphics (copyable with "WeatherNode" software, stocked
for sale by Kantronics).
To copy the broadcasts, simply cable together the equipment mentioned above,
tune your VHF FM receiver to the local EMWIN frequency, set the KPC
interface command to MODEM, and follow the text on your PC screen.
Please be sure to select the right KPC model(s) for your update(s); the
EPROMS (firmware) are not interchangable.
73's of Ludovic.
email: radioham@chez.com
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