DL5NBR > ISS 30.05.05 15:14l 95 Lines 2261 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: today 1352utc
Sent: 050530/1411z @:DB0MRW.#BAY.DEU.EU [Wunsiedel, JO60AB] OBcm1.06b52
From: DL5NBR @ DB0MRW.#BAY.DEU.EU (Bruno)
To: ISS @ EU
X-Info: No login password
301352z73 aus jo60be
fm DL5NBR to APU16K via DB0JGK WIDE7 ctl UI^ pid F0
>301352z73 aus jo60be
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I10+ pid F0
129 49 $ /1454 IZ5DKF>ALL hallo
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I11+ pid F0
128 63 B$ /0801 LU8YY >ALL Saludos a Todos
fm UR5RAA to CQ via RS0ISS-3* ctl UI pid F0
=5054.50N/03108.52E--op:Romeo,QTH:Ukraine,Loc:KO50nv.73' Via Satellite {UISS40}
fm UR5RAA to CQ via RS0ISS-3* ctl UI pid F0
=5054.50N/03108.52E--op:Romeo,QTH:Ukraine,Loc:KO50nv.73' Via Satellite {UISS40}
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl RR1+
fm RS0ISS-11 to F4EKP ctl DM-
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I13+ pid F0
125 121 B$ /1116 LU8YY >ALL Feliz Dia de La Patria
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I14+ pid F0
124 79 /0739 KL7XJ >ALL Greetings from Alaska
fm F4EKP to CQ via RS0ISS-3* ctl UI pid F0
=5028.30N/00334.22E-73's via ISS de Patrick pse qsl f4ekp@hotmail.com {UISS40}
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I15+ pid F0
123 30 /1652 CX5ABB>ALL SALUDOS
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl I16+ pid F0
122 87 B$ /1644 LU8YY >ALL Saludos desde Neuquen Arg
fm RS0ISS-3 to P0PPP0 via SGATE WIDE ctl UIv pid F0
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl RR1+
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl RR1+
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl DM-
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl RR1+
fm EU4AG to CQ via RS0ISS-3* ctl UI pid F0
:E-MAIL :73! de EU4AG, pse send e-mail:eu4ag@mail.ru
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl UA-
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl I00+ pid F0
119 20 /1941 YV4FT >ALL Saludos
fm UR5RAA to CQ via RS0ISS-3* ctl UI pid F0
:Hi fm Ukraine from Romeo!
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl RR0+
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl DM-
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl RR0+
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl RR0+
fm RS0ISS-11 to IK0YUJ ctl DM-
fm RS0ISS-3 to P0PPP0 via SGATE WIDE ctl UIv pid F0
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl RR0+
fm RS0ISS-11 to EU4IRC ctl DISC+
fm RS0ISS-3 to P0PPP0 via SGATE WIDE ctl UIv pid F0
119 20 /1941 YV4FT >ALL Saludos
73 de bruno DL5NBR
in jo60be
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