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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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TI2MAB > ISS      23.04.05 07:16l 83 Lines 3332 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : B40545TI2MAB
Subj: Problems with ISS job
Sent: 050423/0536Z 33296@TI0PAQ.SJO.CRI.CEAM [San Jose] WFBB7.00i $:B40545TI2MA
To  : ISS@WW

Hello Fellows,

I would like to konw if somebody of You have any info about de ISS
perfomance in Amateur Job.

My PC is Pentium MMX, 233 Mhz., I am using the virtual TNC AGWPE and
it is doing a good job.  

The parameters that I am using here are: 

Persist   = 120
Slottime  =  10
Maxframe  =   2
Retries   =   6
TxDelay   =  35
TxTail    =   4
Frack     =   5
Resptime  =   5
Check Ev  = 100

The problem taht I have at this moment with the pass of this space
craft is that, when it comes in a good pass over Central America by
the Caribbean sea, I hear the job that all the USA Stations are doing,
but I do not see anything on my PC screen and suddenly I receive all
the info in one sending, something like if the info would be keeping 
in a buffer and later it is sending free.  Same situation is present
with my packets digipeating.  I send my beacon and I do not hear any
thing I do that for three or five times, but suddenly I receive all
my beacons degipeating.  I think this job is not normal. 

Really I do not understand what is happening?  I know that recently 
the ARISS TEAM made some changes in the spacecraft amateur equipment
and since they made them I have beem with this trouble.  Also I have
had problems with the BBS.  Really it is very hard try to connect the
ISS for me.

I am using the software UISS v40, especific for the the ISS job, my 
antenna is an ARX2B with 7 dBi gain (in theory) and rig is a 706 mk 
II g. 

All this equipement is the same that I was using before I began with
troubles and they were and are working good this is so, than I have
spoken with Mike Finke when He comes over Costa Rica in ISS

Could someone explain to me what happening and if You know something 
about?  Is somebody having the same problem?

                Enjoy the radio and have a good times.         

                             Pura Vida

            ±±³Û                          ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û TI2MAB - MARIO - EJ79vw  Û°°°°ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û                          ÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û     Santa Ana, C. R.     ÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛ°°°ÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û                          ÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û                          ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³±±
            ±±³Û               -=####=-               Û³±±
            ±±³Û    W98se + AGWPE + Winpack V 6.80    Û³±±
            ±±³Û   Gracias Roger Barker, G4IDE, Gbu   Û³±±
            ±±³Û              SK9/9/2004              Û³±±
            ±±³Û               -=####=-               Û³±±

                  22:55 hs. ti(-6utc), 22-Apr-2005.

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