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EI2GYB > NEWS     09.04.23 16:34l 54 Lines 11502 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 12867_EI2GYB
Subj: IRTS Radio NEws Bulletin Sunday 09 April 2023
Sent: 230409/1513Z 12867@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO LinBPQ6.0.23

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IRTS Radio NEws Bulletin Sunday 09 April 2023
News from the IRTS

Under Rule 23.1 of the IRTS Constitution, the Committee shall, at least twenty-eight days prior to the Annual General Meeting, send all paid-up members a list showing the nominees of the Committee for the Offices of President and Vice-President, and also nominees for each of the eleven Committee positions specified in Rule 9.1(c), who are eligible and willing to serve for the ensuing year. The following nominations have been received: President: Enda Broderick EI2II, Vice President: Robbie Phelan EI2IP. The following 11 names are of those who have been nominated for the eleven Committee positions: Pat Fitzpatrick EI2HX, Sean Byrne EI2HZB, Owen O'Reilly EI4GGB, David Gardiner EI3IXB, Declan Horan EI9FVB, Roger Greengrass EI8KN, John Ronan EI7IG, Niall Donohoe EI6HIB, Mark Condon EI6JK, Ronnie McGrane EI9ED and Tony Breathnach EI5EM. Nominations Under Rule 23.2 accompanied by the written consent of the Nominee, shall be sub-mitted by post to the Honorary Secretary at IRTS, P.O. Box 462 Dublin 9 and must reach him by 8 a.m. on the 11th April 2023. With the 2023 IRTS AGM taking place later this month, the 2022 Cup and Trophy award holders are asked to return their awards as soon as possible please, so that the Awards Curator Mark Kilmartin EI4FNB can prepare them for the new recipients at the AGM 2023 awards ceremony in Ballinasloe. For anyone wishing to contact Mark you can find his details on the IRTS website. Cups and Trophies can also be returned to any IRTS committee member. Awards Curator Mark wishes to thank all those who have already returned the trophies they won and thanks also to those who have made contact with him in regard to returning trophies not yet returned.
2023 IRTS AGM Weekend

Keith EI5IN sends an updated report about activities organised by Shannon Basin Radio Club during the 90th IRTS AGM Weekend on April 29th and 30th in Ballinasloe. The schedule of talks taking place on Saturday afternoon has been published. Morse testing will be available by appointment; please contact Chief Morse Tester Dave Moore EI4BZ for details. We kindly remind everyone that tickets are required for the IRTS Gala Dinner on Saturday night. The gala dinner starts at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday April 29th in the Marina Suite. Tickets cost 35 euro. Please purchase tickets via at least two days prior to the event. This is to allow the hotel to be aware of numbers attending and to have sufficient staff available. We have around 25 confirmed traders and club tables for the radio rally. We are also excited to announce that we have over 1500 Euro worth of raffle prizes. The raffle will take place after 12 p.m. during the rally on Sunday April 30th. The prizes include radios and essential shack equipment. Entry and raffle tickets will go on sale from 9 a.m. that morning and doors will open at 10 a.m. The IRTS news will be read from within the venue. Shannon Basin Radio Club is providing the rig and antenna. No other HF antennas are to be erected at or around the venue due to safety reasons and to comply with our arrangement with the hotel. The rally will end at 3 p.m. sharp. We wish to thank our generous prize sponsors WiMo, Yaesu UK, Long Communications, Messi and Paoloni, Martin Lynch and Sons, MFJ Enterprises, Icom UK, Wescom Ireland Ltd.,, Begali Keys, Airmast, Se n from Charleville, and EI2WRC. The 90th IRTS AGM will start at 2 p.m. Paid-up current IRTS members are invited to attend. You can find all the information about ticket purchases and the event schedule on the event website at If you have any questions or comments, please send them via email to admin/at/
EI2WRC at the SBRC Rally

EI2WRC are thrilled to be sponsoring some raffle prizes at the Shannon Basin Radio Club rally at the Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway on Sunday April 30th. Drop by the SEARG stand and get your free EI2WRC pen, there is a limited stock so come early, because once they're gone they're gone! Also, EI2WRC mouse mats, azimuthal maps and club mugs will be available for purchase. The group will also have a special incentive in place on the day. Any new member that joins on the day will receive a complimentary mouse mat, azimuthal map or club mug, and also enter a draw. The winner of the draw will receive their membership fee back. This offer only applies to new members joining and not to existing members who renew their membership on the day. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group look forward to meeting many friends both old and new on the day. Everyone in EI2WRC wishes everyone in EI2SBC the very best of luck with the event and continued success with your club in the future. Before heading to Ballinasloe EI2WRC will be QRV as EI2IMD for International Marconi Day 2023. The station will be active from the Burrows Car Park, Tramore, on multi band HF, VHF, UHF, DMR and Digital modes. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group can be contacted via email to southeasternarg /at/ . Please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. Their website is at , You can follow them on Twitter /at/ seargnews, or find them on Facebook.
EI3CC News

Keith EI5KJ writes for EI3CC: Last Wednesday evening Collective Communication were delighted to receive first prize from the Tramore St. Patricks' Day parade committee for their entry in the parade and for welcoming the public and explaining the ins and outs of Ham Radio to all who showed interest in our display immediately after the parade. Chairman of Collective Communication, Wayne EI7HKB, received the very welcome prize money of _350 on behalf of the club at a very jovial meeting in the Ragland Road Pub, Tramore. We thank the parade committee for the prize and assure them that it will be put to good use for all our members. Keith informs the newsteam that in a fortnights' time EI3CC will be active at the Coastguard Center, Doneraile Drive, Tramore, for International Marconi Day, putting EI3IMD on the air. And in three week's time the mobile shack will travel to the IRTS AGM rally in Ballinasloe. More on this in next week's news.
Message from the IARU

The IARU is excited to mark World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) and the 98th anniversary of its founding with a special event to promote the United Nations Human Security for All (HS4A) initiative. We hope you will activate special event stations during the period 11 to 25 April 2023 to help with the celebration. For more information about WARD and HS4A please visit Thanks to the support of the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group a special website has been established to manage the operating event. If you are planning to operate one or more special event stations for WARD/HS4A please register at the website.

The South Dublin Radio Club brings Amateur Radio, STEM enthusiasts and educators together at their event on Tuesday, the 18th of April, from 19:30 to 21:30. Ham and Jam is a free informal meet-up opportunity for radio enthusiasts and those from the digital maker and education communities. The event features a "Show and Tell" area with radio-related projects made with various types of micro-controllers and computers, a live FT8 digital modes radio station, and Software-defined radio projects showing how to decode weather satellites and receive AIS live data from ships. There will be talks and demos on "Ham-Pi" Raspberry Pi applications for Ham Radio, on "TinyGS" Ground Stations that receive and operate LoRa satellites and other flying objects, plus an Information stand on ARISS. If you're a STEM enthusiast or educator you will find many ideas on how radio can facilitate key learning. Find out about the world of Arduino, Raspberry-Pi and BBC micro:bit. For Contact details and directions, please see our website at

During the IRTS Easter Monday Counties Contests You have two options to knock the dust off your VHF and UHF gear this Bank Holiday Monday. To begin with we have a 30-minute 70cm contest from 14:00 to 14:30 local time followed by a one and a half hour 2m contest. Both contests have entry options for fixed and portable stations including low power. Operation can be FM or mixed SSB and FM. This is always a very well supported and fun contest that gives you the opportunity to fill in some WAI squares or counties. Rules can be found on the IRTS website under activities / contests section. Please note the QSY rule for the FM channels. The closing date for logs entries is the 25th of April.

Rafal EI6LA reports the final results of last year's CQ WW SSB have been published on . There was a good number of Irish entries with 33 contestants and 3 check logs. As expected from the raw scores, EI7M led Ireland, and got the 2nd spot in Europe and 5th worldwide in the Multi-Two category. The operators at EI7M were EI3JE EI3JZ EI3KD EI4BZ EI5GSB EI5IX EI6LA EI7IG EI8IR and rookie Paraic EI9IRB entering his first major contest. The other Irish team at EI9E was operated by EI2FG EI2HQ EI4DJB EI4L EI5DI EI5HTB EI7FJ EI8CE EI8KN and EI9HQ, making it into the European top 20. Stefan EI4KU made it into the top 10 in Europe, and top 20 worldwide, in the Classic Low Power All Bands overlay. Congratulations especially to the Youth and the Rookies. It is nice to see the very recently licensed Adrian EI7INB, Artur EI9IKB, Dave EI8IOB, Eamo EI7LC, John EI3ISB, and Mick EI6IKB making a good use of their spanking new stations.
The Propagation Horoscope

The Solar flux density has dropped since the last rotation, the face of the Sun is quiet, apart from a minor filament eruption on Friday morning. No Earth directed CMEs were observed during the past few days. The Earth facing coronal hole CH1040 will likely result in increased ionisation from Monday onward. ON the higher bands low Sporadic-E is expected, but there are moderate to good Tropo conditions towards southerly directions. 


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=                  PART OF THE DONEGAL PACKET RADIO NETWORK                    =
=                    Packet: EI2GYB@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO                        =
=                      Email/PayPal: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM                          =

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