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DH8WR  > IOTA     25.07.05 17:56l 98 Lines 9868 Bytes #999 (30) @ WW
Subj: IOTA Contest Rules 2005
Sent: 050725/1638z @:DB0ERF.#THR.DEU.EU [Erfurt DL3AMi] DP6.00 $:IK6Z1LDB0ERF
From: DH8WR @ DB0ERF.#THR.DEU.EU (Andreas)
To:   IOTA @ WW 

(The General Rules for RSGB HF Contests do not apply to this event.) 

IOTA Contest Section here - (Contaning previous years results, all time record scores, trophy list and online log submissions.)

1. GENERAL The aim of the contest is to promote contacts between stations in qualifying IOTA island groups and the rest of the world and to encourage expeditions to IOTA islands.

2. WHEN 1200UTC Saturday 30 July to 1200UTC Sunday 31 July 2005.

3. BANDS AND MODES 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28MHz, CW and SSB. IARU band plans should be observed, with CW contacts being made only in the recognised CW ends of the bands (see RSGB Yearbook and similar sources, for recognised IARU band plans). Contest-preferred segments should be observed, no operation to take place on 3560 - 3600, 3650 - 3700, 14060 - 14125 and 14300 - 14350kHz.

All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score. Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500m diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licencee’s address, whichever is the greater.
4.1 Location: 
• Island (Any station operating from a qualifying island, as listed in the IOTA Directory. Island stations must ensure beforehand that the island from which they are operating is a valid qualifying island for IOTA. Any questions about the IOTA programme and island validity should be addressed to the IOTA Manager G3KMA ( 
• World (any station not on a qualifying island).

4.2 Operators: 
• Single operator 
• Single-operator Assisted (passive use (self-spotting not allowed) of DX spotting nets and DX Cluster is allowed).
• Multi-Operator (24-hour Mixed Mode only. Multi-ops are restricted to a maximum of two transceivers, the second station to be used to find and call other stations only if the station is a new multiplier. It must not be used to solicit other contacts, e.g. by calling "CQ" or "QRZ". Any non-multiplier QSOs made accidentally on the second station should be logged, but scored as zero points. Multi-ops may make passive use (self spotting not allowed) of DX spotting nets and DX Cluster. Multi-operator entrants should include a full list of operators with their entry).
4.3 Mode: 
• CW
• SSB 
• Mixed-mode (multi-operator entries must be Mixed Mode).
4.4 Operating Time: 
• 24 hours 
• 12 hours (Multi-operator entries must be 24 hours, In the 12-hour categories, operation need not be for one continuous 12-hour period but, once operation has commenced, off periods must be a minimum of 60 minutes.).
4.5 Power (Any station not indicating transmitter power will be classified as High Power): 
• High-power (maximum, as permitted by the station licence but, in any case, no more than 1500 watts output)
• Low power (maximum 100 watts output), 
• QRP (maximum 5 watts output).

5.1 Island stations may, additionally, indicate that they are a DXpedition station as defined below, and compete for a range of expedition trophies and certificates (an additional listing will be shown in the results). It is essential that you make this clear on your cover sheet as notification after the entry deadline cannot be accepted. 
5.2 The definition of DXpedition for this optional listing is one: 
• where the island can only be reached by boat or air (islands which can be accessed by bridge or causeway - man-made or natural - are not eligible), 
• where none of the operators is resident on the island, 
• where the operators take all radio equipment and antennas with them and do not rely on a resident for any part of the station, 
• where, in the case of 100W IOTA Island DXpedition stations, the antennas are limited to one element per band (e.g. dipole, vertical). (High power DXpeditions have no antenna restrictions). 

Send RS(T) and serial number starting from 001, plus IOTA reference number if applicable (island stations MUST include the IOTA reference as part of their exchange). Do not use separate numbering systems for CW and SSB. Stations may be contacted on both CW and SSB on each band.

7.1 QSO Points – All entrants can work anyone, island or non-island. Contacts with non-island stations count 3 points. Contacts with IOTA islands count 15 points except that, if you are on an island, contacts with your own IOTA reference count 3 points.
7.2 Multiplier - The multiplier is the total of different IOTA references contacted on each band on CW, plus the total of different IOTA references contacted on each band on SSB. Multi-op stations may not work members of their own group for multiplier credit.
7.3 Total Score - The score is the total of QSO points on all bands added together, multiplied by the total of multipliers.

8.1 Electronic submission of logs by disc or e-mail is encouraged - and in fact required - for all high scoring entrants and all who use a computer to log or prepare the logs. Electronic entries are preferred, preferably in Cabrillo format (a definition of Cabrillo, as applied to the IOTA contest, can be found on the RSGB HFCC Web page). For other electronic log formats, send the log file but do NOT send a summary file. The contest robot will direct you to a Web page where you will be asked to enter this information. Always ensure that your logging software produces a log file which correctly contains all the QSO data. If you prepare your log electronically by any means (e.g. Excel, Word) then please send the electronic version, as it reduces the need for retyping data.

8.2 For Cabrillo logs, the categories and category overlays are:
So, a single-op, World, low power, 12-hours, CW, unassisted would show:
A multi-op island station may, for example, indicate:

8.3 Logs must show: Time, Callsign, Band, Mode, RST / serial number / IOTA reference sent, RST / serial number / IOTA reference received. Please ensure you send a single log in order of sent serial number. Do not send separate logs for each band. Logs from IOTA stations must state their island name and IOTA reference number. The log data in a Cabrillo log should be of the format:
QSO: 28024 CW 2003-07-26 1338 G3XTT 599 001 EU-005 ZS6EZ 599 018 ------
QSO: 21003 CW 2003-07-26 1341 G3XTT 599 002 EU-005 G4TSH 599 130 EU-005
QSO: 21002 CW 2003-07-26 1343 G3XTT 599 003 EU-005 5B4/G3UFY 599 036 AS-004

8.4 Entries can be emailed to and should be sent as a normal attachment to the e-mail. Send as an uncompressed file. Do NOT send more than one attachment. In the "subject" line of your e-mail message, please include your contest callsign. Please take a moment to check your log via a text editor before sending it, to avoid potential problems. You will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail within 24 hours, directing you to a Web page to complete the submission process, or advising you if there is any problem with your log. Further help on log submission is available by going to the HFCC Web page ( 
8.5 Postal (paper and disc) entries should be addressed to: RSGB IOTA Contest, PO Box 9, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3RH, England.
8.6 The closing date is for mailing of logs is 1 September 2005. 
8.7 Island Stations - By submitting a log for this contest you agree that the RSGB can automatically grant credit to IOTA participants' scores for claimed QSOs that reasonably match the data in your submission (this facility is not yet been implemented and no date has been fixed for its implementation. However, it is planned for the future).
8.8 Photographs of IOTA contest operations are very welcome and will be posted on the HFCC Website or used in RadCom. Do not send these as part of your log submission, but mail them separately to 
8.9 Once the contest results have been published, UBN reports are available on request from 

Example of IOTA Contest log.

Further information regarding the Cabrillo Format

Points may be deducted, or entrants disqualified, for violation of the rules or the spirit of the contest. This includes, for example, refusal by IOTA island stations to make contacts with their own country when requested, use of a third party to make contacts on a list or net, working CW multipliers on an SSB frequency, or not giving the IOTA reference for every contact. The decision of the IOTA Contest Manager and RSGB HF Contests Committee is final in all matters of dispute.

Certificates will be awarded to leading stations in each category and section, and in each continent, according to number of entries. A large number of Awards and Trophies is now available, and new sponsors are always welcome. Please see the full list on the RSGB HFCC Web site.

The IOTA Contest Manager, Don Field G3XTT, can be reached via the RSGB, or by e-mail at: IOTA Contest information, including rules, trophies available, previous results, soapbox and photographs, and logs received can be found on the RSGB HF Contests Committee Web site at Copies of the IOTA Directory, if required, can be purchased from RSGB (see A full list of IOTA islands, and other information relating to the IOTA program can be found on the RSGB IOTA Web Page (

have a nice IOTA Contest vy 73 Andy DH8WR

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