ZL3AI > HUMOUR 04.03.04 12:23l 71 Lines 2828 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2946-ZL3AI
Subj: Persia/Martini/Cronkite
Sent: 040304/1052Z @:ZL3VML.#80.NZL.OC #:20305 [Chch-NZ] FBB7.00i $:2946-ZL3AI
Once upon a time, far away in the ancient land of Persia, the ruler of the
country was called the Shah and his wife was known as the Shahnee.
And it came to pass, in the fullness of time, that the Shahnee gave birth
to a son, and this son, being the heir to the Peacock Throne was given the
title of Shan.
It soon transpired that all was not well with the young Shan and wise men
were summoned from all over the kingdom to the palace. They examined the
Shan carefully; then they instructed the scribes to write out enormous
bills; then they informed the Shah and the Shahnee that their son, the
Shan, heir to the Peacock Throne, was epileptic.
Now in those days there was no Medicare or super-efficient public or
private hospital system such as we enjoy in America today; there was not
much that could be done about his condition. So the wise men got
together, got their scribes to write out some more enormous bills and
recommended to the Shah that he appoint some special bodyguards to take
care of the Shan and watch over him all the time.
And it was so.
Everywhere the little Shan went, the bodyguard went, too, watching over him
and taking care of him.
For a while, all was well, but then, one day, when many months had passed
without any untoward incident, the bodyguard grew complacent.
The time came when he left the Shan alone while he indulged in amorous
dalliance with one of the ladies of the court.
And of course, it was at this time that the young Shan had an epileptic
seizure and, being unattended injured himself.
Great was the commotion in the Palace and the Shah waxed wrath. Summoning
the bodyguard into his presence he angrily demanded.....
"Where were you when the fit hit the Shan?"
A man rushed into a bar and ordered a double martini. The man downed it
with one swallow, put a five dollar bill on the bar, and turned and rushed
out of the bar.
The bartender picked up the five-dollar bill, folded it carefully and
tucked it in his vest pocket. Just at that moment he looked up at the boss
standing in the doorway staring at him.
Doing a bit of fast thinking he said, "Hi boss, did you see that fellow
just now? Came in here, bought a double martini, gave me a five dollar tip,
and rushed out without paying."
Dear Sir: I need to advise you of a nefarious plot by one of our greatest
news agencies. I discovered that they tried to clone Walter Cronkite, but
after creating the embryo and implanting it into the host mother, they
discovered, that they were going to be producing twins. I therefore shall
go and drink to absolve myself of my awareness of this heinous act of
replication, thereby making of my evening.....
a binge over doubled Walters.
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