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VE3WBZ > FILMS    06.01.08 18:13l 205 Lines 8209 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 24823_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:G0TEZ on CB
Sent: 080106/1655Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:24823 [Ballantrae] $:24823_VA3B


DT:Sunday,January 6th.,2008 @1045hrs EST

<< Quoting G0TEZ to FILMS @WW >>
>From         : G0TEZ          To           : FILMS @WW
>Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 05-Jan 05:50
>Bid          : 250623G0TEZ    Message #    : 221186
>Title        : Re: "Convoy" & CB (G0TEZ)
>From: G0TEZ@GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU
>I happened to know a few people who were connected with the
>media in the late 70s and early 80s, so I do know what I'm
>talking about.

Hello Ian ...   When you speak of the media and CB, and lately
in the films AR ... both services were misrepresented, and
the biggest example was CB with movies and a TV show.

If you knew what you were talking about...why didn't you
correct those services as misrepresented to the public?

>It sounds as though David didn't use CB or he would know
>that it was 27MHz AM not 29 MHZ and there were gaps in the
>'straight 40' band which were left unoccupied to leave room
>for the radio modellers. The aero modellers had long ago
>moved up to UHF mainly to make things lighter but rigs
>imported from the 'States kept the gaps.

 The RC channels were clearly marked on our sets in the 60s.
I had only "2" and I stayed clear of them.   Also ch 23
which was used by the Telephone system.   Might also mention
Ian that I stayed well clear of the business frequencys
we shared.

We got CB or GRS in Canada 1962, and it was for my sailing
and a great way to keep in touch with my parents on shore.
<< Radio telephones were quite large ,heavy and tube >>

Channel rundown:

Ch 1, 2 3   : The Only Ham radio frequencys allowed
Ch  4       : Business operated  < 2 in Toronto at the time >
Ch  5,6,7,8 : Open channels for use...eye open ch 5 and 8
Ch 9        : At the time, just starting out as an Emergency call
Ch 10       : Didn't use due to possible interference to 9 and 11
              used by truckers...easy switch to ch 9
Ch 11       : Toronto Call channel and many places
Ch 12       : Open channel to use  with an eye to Ch 13
Ch 13       : Marine channel
Ch 14,15,16,: Open use channels until SSB came then CH 16 a callchannel
   17,18,19 : Open use..until CH 19 became popular
Ch 20,21,22 : Open use Channels

But this was before 40 channels came along...and the hams lost 1,2,3
bell telephone got off 23...and all the businesses with licences
were sent packing for other frequencys.

> I started using CB in 1979. It became extremely popular
> around Christmas 1980. Yes. Part of the fun was the
> illegality and fighting what most of us saw as an unjust law.

About that time Ian, I was in a lobby group in Ottawa and I used
to get mail sent to my business looking for CB radio equipment
from addresses in UK.    Interesting correspondence, and I
gave them as much info as they requested, pointing them in
the direction of distributors who would sell to International
buyers, for which I was not setup and really had no interest.

When you started using CB, was the period where I an my family
stopped.   Our sailing days on Lake Ontario were over. And
we were looking to move out of Toronto.

>I was part of the fight, I founded two clubs and got onto
>local radio where I was allowed to give our side of the story.

 Ian.   At the time you mention 1979,  I do remember people onair
speaking about what was happening in UK.   You are heros here
and they were looking forward to the UK CB movie to follow
the situation.

>One radio presenter, who had better remain nameless, allowed
>me the right to reply to a CB critic, under a pseudonym and,
>when I had said my bit and he had gone to the adverts,
>stayed on the 'phone and said "10 -19 and 73 ***** *******"
>(my 'handle'), then admitted he too was on CB along with
>another DJ. The late M.P. Cyril Smith used to play CB, as
>did most of our local police, including a Chief Superintendent.
>I saw his 5/8 wave AE on his chimney. Some of the police
>told me it came in very useful for listening in to real
>criminals without having the CID park outside their
>houses for hours.

 Ian ... as a radio and cable station host ... I always allowed
Radio clubs and individuals access to the station to talkabout
their interest.  Yes..many people we all know had a CB.
Why not ... it was Internet before it
went down the tubes.

>Oh yes. We had a lot of criminals.

 We did too Ian.   But into every activity there is always
sooner or later that element arriving to seekout victims.

>The 1970 film Convoy and the 'Dukes' were banned because
>they might encourage more people to become 'outlaws'.
>Notwithsatanding that, there were millions of people using

 The film convoy, and it does follow the song, was what many
drivers encountered when driving.   The activity of the
local and state police caused many drivers to convoy and
drive together for safety in numbers...if not from hijackers
but local police looking for anyway to give a big ticket and
impound the unit....hence interesting highways incidents
and even today truckers and car drivers giving smokie locations
and movements etc ....   An oh yes on our highway system
400,401...etc  truckers still in convoy.

 The Dukes...well they remind me of the moonshiners of Indiana
and hijackers and yes a organized criminal element that used
CB and anything else that gave rise to colourful reports in
the media that feed the movies and TV show.   Not a smart

>The introduction of the 'legal' FM CB on 1st Nov 1981 was
>not very successful. FM doesn't work too well on 27MHZ.

 I have no reason why FM in our GRS  <CB> was not tried.

 Ian....FM was great on where I am on the 10meter band.
No reason why it wouldn't be as great on 27mhz.  Please

>A mass of people moved on to Ham Radio around 1982 where,
>magically, SSB at 400W doesn't seem to cause the problems
>CB did at 4W.

Explain?   I wonder why neighbours via their city coucils
have banned both the ham and cb'er from their areas?

>Around that time, the rest of Europe allowed 2W AM,4W FM
>and 4W SSB on the old 'mid band CB'. Later, they even
>allowed packet but Britain still said it was conducting a
> 'feasibility study' whatever that might mean.

That is interesting...but by that time I was into the
broadcasting TV and radio and cable.

>We are now in the strange possition where we are part of
>the EU and should have their type of CB but people evntually
>got bored so it doesn't matter.

 Packet CB ... interesting.  What a plus for the guys here
who always say they have to leave the rig on.   But most here
where I am love the chit chat...and packet would leave them
cool..then of course they'd need a computer and a TNC...mmmm
extra costs.

>I wonder how many people who moved from CB to AR are still
>around ?
>I left it til 1990 before I got licenced BTW.
>73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7FCR
>Message timed: 05:19 GMT on 2008-Jan-05
>Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
>[End of Message #221186 from G0TEZ]

 Ian. Try how many people still have an maintain their CB system
along with Amateur Radio?  My father always told me, to keep
any licence I got.   I have ...even kept his old 10 channel
tube radio made by the Johnson company.       It is not just
CB or HAM...but also add GMRS, FRS and anything else....

BYT Ian.  When I needed to organize the TV coverage of the local
Santa Parades, or anyother events, I found it incredible that
100% of the time... I be called back by the local CB radio
orgnaization, who assisted...and did with a professional manner.

Coming this year ....  10 new CB radio are going to be on-air
here in this town.  1 Ham gets his town up,  2 CB bases going
in... 8 mobiles for CB,  and a few FRS and GMRS units...all
done by a combination of CB and AR users and volunteers.

I don't know Ian if you saw Jericho the TV show.   Glad it died.
I objected to the depiction of the Ham who for money allowed
our TV heros to use his radio station.   Where was he when
the disaster started?   Is his depiction what many people see
ARs being these days?   Hope not...

Anyhow IAN enjoyed the posting ....

73 Peter VE3WBZ

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