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TI2MAB > EME      23.03.06 00:34l 89 Lines 3869 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 500265TI2MAB
Subj: A little help
Sent: 060322/2330Z 49687@TI0PAQ.SJO.CRI.CEAM [San Jose] WFBB7.00i $:500265TI2MA
To  : EME@WW

Hello EMErs

I need some help about something that happened and I do not
believe it, when I saw it on the screen of the WSJT 498 by K1JT 

Well, the thing that happened was that I was trying to setting
the program up because I would like to see if it was possible to
receive some signals from EME activity.

The big surprise was when I see on the screen of the program
several lines from a station WA4VWR, EM55mm and one of the 
station YO3JW, KN34ck calling to me, or something like that.  

Until here, everybody could say "well that is nothing extrange",
but the surprise was that I was not using a directional antenna,
or a big gun, I was only with a homebrew vertical 19+ (1/4 wave 
lenght in 2m band and 3/4 in 70cm.) that I use for LEO satellites.  

The question is... Is it possible?  Many times when I heard some
people talking about moonbounce activity, I understood that they 
have to use big gain antennas, big dishes for tx and rx signals.

Why I received this lines?  Are they from a moonbounce?  Or maybe 
some propagation in the atmospheric layers helped me?  I think
that the only way to prove that is asking for the operators of
that stations.  What do You think about it?

I think this happened when I send some tones or messages like 
"CQ TI2MAB EJ79" when I was trying to set the program up, but I
supposed that with my 0 dB antenna gain was not possible that 
somebody hear me. I run 50 w on a 706 mkllg in 144.140 Mhz.

The full line that I received in WSJT 498 by K1JT program between
14:00 to 16:00 UTC with a moon elevation angle between 24 and 26 
degrees, 3-22-06, was:

File ID  Sync  dB   DT   DF  W            JT65A MODE
071101     1  -29  4.6 -470 24 *   TI2MAB WA4VWR EM55   ?  0 1
152001     1  -27 -0.9   93  5 #   TI2MAB YO3JW  KN34 0 ?  0 1

(Is this info correctly? I ask for it because I really was not
specting anything, that is my doubt.)

Where could I take some info about EME?  In this phase of my 
understanding of the topic I do not know anything about it, I 
began to translate the WSJT User's Guide in text format for use
and understand how is the program doing the job.

I would like to know if some of You fellows, know to this people
and like I do not have the callbook, I could not looks for them,
maybe You can send to me the address for answer them with the
QSL card. If someone know to this Hams please, could You speak 
them about this report?

A Ham dream...

Many times I dream with the posibility to make a contact someday
throug the moon, also I am sometimes thinking an idea and ask 
myself why the amateurs does not plan with NASA, and now maybe 
with ARISS, the posibility of instaling some repeater or maybe a
transponder in the moon?  Now with the next trip to Moon maybe it
could be possible.  There is the idea, could We do that?

Thanks in advance


                     Hasta Pronto y ­Pura Vida!

   ±±                       ±±±                                  ±±
   ±           MARIO         ±      ti2mab@ti0paq.sjo.cri.ceam    ±
   ±        * TI2MAB *       ±   W98se + AGWPE + Winpack V 6.80   ±
   ±     Santa Ana, C. R.    ±    16:53ti(-6 UTC), 22 Mar 2006    ±
   ±±                       ±±±                                  ±±
   ±±                                                            ±±
   ±   "Pioneros en la uni¢n de las barreras del entendimiento    ±
   ±                        mundial", IARU.                       ±
   ±         18 de abril, D¡a Mundial de la Radioafici¢n          ±
   ±±                                                            ±±

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