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ON4KNG > EME      26.01.99 00:19l 101 Lines 3977 Bytes #-9550 (0) @ EU
BID : 25190BON0RTB
Subj: eme contest
Sent: 990125/2106z @:ON0RTB.#BR.BEL.EU [BRUSSELS TB1.9 ON6KY] $:25190BON0RTB
de ON4KNG @ ON0RTB.#BR.BEL.EU   (Peter)

to EME @ EU

Sponsored by REF and DUBUS

The EU WW EME contest is intended to encourage worldwide activity on
moonbounce. Everybody can enter!

Multipliers are DXCC countries plus *** ALL W/VK/VE STATES ***
This gives equal chances for stations from North America, Europe and
The rules reward random QSOs, but do not penalize skeds on 2.3GHz or
1. Contest Dates & Periods
The contest happens during two full weekends: 144 and 1296MHz on the
FEBRUARY weekend, and 432MHz and all other bands on the MARCH weekend.
Each weekend of the contest begins at 00:00 UTC on Saturday and ends at
24:00 UTC on Sunday.
2. Bands and dates
First weekend:  144MHz and 1296MHz           27/28 FEBRUARY 1999
Second weekend: 432MHz, 2300MHz and above    27/28 MARCH 1999
3. Sections
QRP       144MHz    <100kW EIRP
          432MHz    <400kW EIRP
          1296MHz   <600kW ERP
       >= 2300MHz   no separate QRP/QRO categories
QRO       On 144, 432 and 1296MHz, stations with EIRP equal to or
Greater than stated above.
PRO       Non-amateur equipment or antenna.
          PRO stations will have scores listed separately.
There are no separate multi-operator classes. Multi-operator and QRO
stations will be highlighted in the general classifications.
4. Exchange
Callsigns + TMO/RST + R.
5. Scoring
100 points for each random QSO completed.
10 (ten) points for each sked QSO completed on bands below 2.3GHz.
100 points for each sked QSO completed on 2.3GHz or higher bands.
6. Multipliers
Each DXCC country (except W/VE/VK), or EACH INDIVIDUAL STATE worked in 
Multipliers count only if worked by RANDOM (except on 2.3GHz or
States and provinces can be determined after the contest using
address lists in recent Newsletters or in DUBUS.
7. Total scores
Single band entries: sum of points multiplied by sum of multipliers.
There will be one QRP winner and one QRO winner on each band.
Multiband entries:
(Total sum of points on all bands) * (total sum of multipliers on all
There will be one QRP multiband winner and one QRO multiband winner.
Multiband stations will also be listed as an entry on each separate band
worked, and can also win single-band awards.
10. Reporting
Copy of the log for each band with details of points, multipliers and
total points.
The following information MUST also be included for each band:
1.  Output power, transmit cable loss, antenna type and gain.
2.  Working category: QRO/QRP single/multi operator
3.  Name(s) and signature(s) of all operators
4.  Locator/State.

Other information is welcome: Comments, conditions, grid locator,
other station details, photographs, etc...
11. Awards
A certificate will be sent to each entry. All QRP/QRO band winners and
QRP/QRO multiband winners will receive a trophy.
In each section, the highest-scoring station in the southern hemisphere
will receive a special certificate.
12. Logs
Log entries MUST be postmarked no later than 30 days after the end of
the second weekend (i.e. in the mail or e-mail by 27 APRIL 1999),
to the following address:
        DUBUS Verlag         EME Contest
        P.O. Box 500368
        D-22703 Hamburg
    Fax: (++49)40-8508972
You can also e-mail your log directly to:
All e-mail entries will be acknowledged within one week.
13. Referee
Responsible for rules and general questions is:
        Ian White, G3SEK
        52 Abingdon Rd.
        Drayton, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4HP
        Tel.: (++44)1235-531559
Good Luck in the Contest !
For REF:   Philippe Martin, F6ETI
For DUBUS: Rainer Bertelsmeier, DJ9BV
Referee:   Ian White, G3SEK
73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                          'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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