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I1JQJ  > DX       09.06.03 01:34l 144 Lines 8992 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 33221_F6KOE
Sent: 030601/1846Z @:F6KOE.FPCA.FRA.EU #:33221 [Menton] FBB7.00g $:33221_F6KOE
To  : DX@WW

                        <<< 2003 IOTA HONOUR ROLL >>>
                by Roger Balister, G3KMA,  RSGB IOTA Manager

The Honour  Roll  lists  the  callsigns of  stations  with  a  checked  score
equalling or exceeding 50% of the total of numbered islands/groups, excluding
those with provisional numbers, at the time of preparation. The listing below
includes  participants who  have at least  750 confirmed groups  (that is the
threshold for the Plaque of Excellence).

The full Honour Roll listing (including rankings from 225 to 512) as well  as
the 2003 Annual Listing (callsigns of stations with a checked score of 100 or
more islands/groups but less than the qualifying threshold for entry into the
Honour Roll), the 2003 SWL Listing (list of SWLs with a checked score of  100
or more islands/groups) and the 2003 Club Station Listing (callsigns of  club
or  multi-operator  stations  with  a  checked score of  100 or more islands/
groups) can be found at and on the
official IOTA web site at

Rk    Call    Score     Rk    Call    Score     Rk    Call    Score
1     F9RM     1018     76    W4BAA     916     151   G0MYC     815
2     9A2AA    1011     77    F5XL      912     152   HB9BVV    814
2     I1ZL     1011     78    I1WFF     910     153   DL8DSL    813
4     I1SNW    1009     79    DK6NJ     908     154   UY5XE     812
5     EA4MY    1003     80    IK8PGC    903     155   GM0KCY    809
6     ON6HE    1002     81    G3VJP     902     155   I5ZJK     809
7     GM3ITN   1000     82    F6CKH     901     155   ON4ON     809
7     I2YDX    1000     82    SM6CVX    901     158   CT4NH     806
7     I8XTX    1000     84    9A2TW     900     158   N8JV      806
7     W9DC     1000     84    VE7YL     900     160   HB9BZA    805
11    VE6VK     999     84    W2FXA     900     161   DJ4XA     802
12    IK1JJB    998     87    4X4JU     899     161   G3ZBA     802
13    I8KNT     997     87    G4SOZ     899     163   S51RU     801
14    F2BS      995     87    IK1AIG    899     164   G0ANH     797
15    VE3XN     991     90    IK1ADH    898     164   I4GAS     797
16    K9PPY     989     91    I1HYW     897     166   I1TBE     796
17    ON7EM     988     92    DL8USA    896     167   W4ABW     795
18    I8ACB     987     93    G3TJW     895     168   PA3EXX    793
18    WD8MGQ    987     94    K8NA      894     168   RW4HW     793
20    IT9GAI    986     95    G4BWP     893     170   DK6IP     792
20    K8DYZ     986     95    I8YRK     893     170   UR5LCV    792
22    DL8NU     983     97    AA5AT     891     172   GI0TJJ    791
23    G3GIQ     982     97    F6CUK     891     172   I1CAW     791
24    F6AJA     981     97    G3OCA     891     172   SM5CZY    791
25    ON4AAC    980     97    SM5DJZ    891     175   VE3MDQ    789
26    OM3JW     978     101   F6DZU     890     176   F5NPS     788
27    N7TZ      975     102   K9AJ      888     177   I4UDV     787
28    CT1ZW     974     103   N6PYN     887     178   N6BOI     785
29    IK2MLY    973     104   W9HA      886     178   W9HAO     785
30    ON4XL     971     105   EA7DUD    882     180   JH2AYB    784
31    G3ZAY     970     106   CT1EEB    881     181   CT1EEN    783
31    W5BOS     970     107   GJ3LFJ    880     181   G3TOK     783
33    DK6NP     968     107   OK1JKM    880     183   SM7TE     782
33    I2MWZ     968     109   N6AWD     879     183   VE3JV     782
35    F6BFH     967     110   AA7AV     877     185   OZ1ACB    780
35    I4LCK     967     110   OZ5MJ     877     185   W1OX      780
37    G4WFZ     965     112   EA3KB     875     187   IK4WMA    779
37    OE3WWB    965     113   G0APV     870     187   VK3UY     779
39    F6ELE     962     114   IK1GPG    868     189   KH6WU     777
39    K7SO      962     115   KD1CT     866     190   DL5ME     775
41    F6DLM     961     116   I2YWR     864     190   G3OAG     775
41    K6DT      961     116   OE3SGA    864     192   DL1BDD    774
41    OH2QQ     961     118   HB9RG     863     192   G4LVQ     774
44    EA5AT     958     119   DK2PR     861     192   IK2WAL    774
45    DK1RV     957     119   ON4IZ     861     192   OH5PA     774
45    EA8AKN    957     121   G3XTT     860     196   DL6MST    771
45    F6AXP     957     121   ZL2VS     860     196   JR7TEQ    771
48    I0OLK     956     123   G3RUV     859     196   N7RO      771
49    I2FUG     955     124   AD5A      857     199   VE3PRU    770
49    IK8DDN    955     125   GM0AGN    855     200   HA1AG     769
51    W1NG      953     126   OH2BLD    854     201   W1CU      768
52    4Z4DX     952     127   DK2UA     852     202   K1OA      765
53    HB9AFI    951     128   EI7CC     850     202   WW1V      765
54    G3ALI     949     128   JE1DXC    850     204   F5PAC     764
55    ON5KL     947     130   F9GL      847     205   DL8MLD    763
56    I2VDX     943     131   N6VR      846     205   G8JM      763
57    ON4FU     942     132   W5KN      842     207   G3SJX     762
57    OZ4RT     942     133   K3FN      841     207   VE3LYC    762
57    WB9EEE    942     134   W6ED      839     209   DK8UH     761
60    VE7IG     939     135   GW3ARS    836     210   CT1UD     760
60    VE7IU     939     136   I4EAT     835     210   DL1BKK    760
62    N5JR      937     137   IK4CWP    834     210   G3PMR     760
62    VE3LDT    937     137   W3KH      834     210   JA1QXY    760
64    W4DKS     935     139   W2JZK     833     214   W0BBT     759
65    W1DIG     932     140   SM6CAS    832     215   N4QQ      758
66    DF2NS     931     141   DL2SCQ    829     215   UA9YE     758
67    DL6MI     929     141   ON4QP     829     217   PY5PS     756
68    ZL1ARY    927     143   G0LRJ     828     218   G3HSR     753
69    K8SIX     926     144   N5ET      827     218   IK4HLU    753
70    HA0DU     924     145   I8LEL     826     220   DL2NES    751
71    DL1SDN    923     146   K5MK      825     220   G3UAS     751
72    G3NUG     922     147   JF1SEK    822     220   WT2O      751
73    N5UR      921     148   S52KM     821     223   DL5MU     750
74    SM0AJU    920     149   WF1N      818     223   G3HTA     750
75    VK9NS     918     150   K1HTV     817

Listing in the 2003 tables was  restricted to those  members who had  updated
their scores since February 1998. This implemented the new rule in the latest
IOTA Directory that  limits inclusion in  the listings to  those members  who
update their scores at least once every five years. This change did not  have
a major effect on the Honour Roll where almost all members had updated in the
last five years,  but it led  to some  reduction in  the size  of the  Annual

"Lapsed" members should  note that their  records on the  IOTA database  have
been amended to reflect changes in Directory 2000 arising from the  splitting
of a  number of  island groups.  This reminder  applies additionally  to  any
member who had  not converted his/her  record to the  revised island  listing
during the  last two  years. The  maximum 19  credits concerned  were  either
confirmed or repositioned where HQ knew  the correct group or, failing  that,
were deleted. Checkpoints should  be able to  provide information on  revised
scores to enable replacement card action to be taken.

All members  should be  reminded that  the final  decision on  acceptance  of
credits is made at  IOTA HQ and  that this can  mean downward adjustments  to
scores  at  any  time  to  reflect  corrections  of  one  sort  or   another.
Data-cleansing work is  on-going and covers  every member's complete  record,
not just the latest credits added. Although efforts are made to alert members
to score changes, this cannot be  guaranteed to happen in each case.  Members
who are intent on monitoring their record closely should check their credited
score in the  performance tables when  published or, alternatively,  directly
with their checkpoints AFTER their data has been recorded at HQ.

Remember, the line of communication is via your checkpoint, so PLEASE do  not
route queries direct to IOTA HQ  or the IOTA Manager.  Always check first  to
see if the answer is in IOTA Directory 2000 or IOTA Directory - 11th Edition.

IOTA enthusiasts are reminded that the last date for mailing applications  or
updates to  checkpoints for  inclusion  in the  2004  Honour Roll  and  other
performance tables is 1 February  2004. If postmarked  after that date,  they
will be processed in the normal way but the  scores will be held over to  the
following year's listing. It is important  that members who have not  updated
since the  1999 annual  listings and  wish to  remain  listed should  make  a
submission on or before 1 February 2004.

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
RSGB IOTA Committee Member 

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