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SM6GQW > DX       12.05.03 00:27l 690 Lines 38230 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.610
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 610
Sent: 030512/0042Z @:SK6YW.O.SWE.EU #:44610 $:OPDX.610 FBB7.00i
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 610
BID: $OPDX.610
May 12, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, K2FF, W2CE, W2LO, NG3K, W3HC,
W3UR & The Daily DX, K4SV, N4AA & QRZ DX, WB4PVT, WW5L, K6RIM, KI6T,
DL2VFR & IOTA-POST, DL8YR, ES1FB, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,
FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, GACW, G4OBK, HK3JJH, I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX
OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50 MHz DX Bulletin, PY2ZX, PY7AB, RW6HS, SP9JPA, SP5UAF,
the following DX information.

** A NOTE FROM TH EDITOR, TEDD, KB8NW: Because I will be attending the
Dayton HamVention next weekend, there will not be a bulletin on May 19th
(unless something major is announced). Since I missed an issue last
weekend and will miss an issue next week, this week's bulletin is extra
long to make up for it. Please continue to send your information ("you
never know"), and I hope to see you/meet you at the HamVention or the
NODXA Hospitality Suite (see Dayton Happenings below).

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Monday, 5th/May, through Sunday, 11th/May there were 220 countries
active. Countries available:  3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4,
A6, A7, AP, BV, BY, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU,
E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG,
FK, FM, FO, FO/m, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HC, HH,
HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J8, JA, JD/m,
JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH3, KH6, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX,
LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2,
PY, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5,
V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9L, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP8/h, VQ9, VR, VU,
XE, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB,
ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

7P, LESOTHO (Update). A sixth operator has joined July's week-long 7P8
Lesotho DXpedition. That will give the group even more expertise on CW
and digital mode operations. The newest operator to join the group is
Igor Zdorov, W0IZ, of Minneapolis, MN. Look for 7P8CF and 7P8TA to be
the main phone ops, while 7P8MJ, 7P8NK, and 7P8DA, 7P8IZ will be mostly
CW and digital modes. This all modes, all band operation is under the
aegis of the Texas DX Society  < > and the Lone
Star DX Association < >. QSL routes for July
18-25th 7P8 DXpedition are as follows:
            7P8CF--K5LBU--Frosty       7P8NK--VA7DX--Neil
            7P8TA--WW5L--Tom           7P9DA--K4SV--Dave
            7P8MJ--W5MJ--Madison       7P8IZ--W0IZ--Igor
QSL each call individually since there won't be a main DXpedition callsign.
A web page will be announced later. ADDED NOTE: K4SV and VA7DX will also
be operating from 3DA after 7P8, but callsigns have not been issued yet.
AGAIN NOTE (Please): This is a different operation from the "African Double
Jump" at:     

AL1, ALASKA. Operators Corliss/AL1G, Francis/KL7FH, William/KL7Z and
Kyle/AL7J will be active in the CQ WPX CW Contest as AL1G. The entry
is Multi/??. QSL via AC7DX.

BALLOON EXPERIMENT RESCHEDULE (Update from OPDX.609). The Italian Amateur
Radio Society  - Milano Chapter (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani -
Sezione di Milano) has rescheduled their ARBE (Amateur Radio Balloning
Experiment) to May 17th due to weather conditions. Look for IQ2MI/p, on
144.300 MHz +/- QRM USB starting at about 0800-0900z. Flight should be
1-3 hours long. If delayed again, they will try again on May 18th. For the
latest updates about the ARBE event, please visit the ARI Milano Website

C6, BAHAMAS. Operators Frederick/K9VV and Calvin/K6CT will be active as
C6AKU during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as a Multi-Single
entry. QSL via K9VV.

CANADIAN SPECIAL PREFIXES. Just a reminder that Industry Canada has
authorized the use of "Special Event Prefixes" to celebrate the 50th
Anniversary of the National Library of Canada between May 24th and July
27th. This means that the special prefixes will be available for use in
the upcoming CQ WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th). The special prefixes are
as follows: CK for all VE's, CJ for all VA's, CY for all VO's and CZ for
all VY's.

   EUROPEAN CASTLES DAY will take place on May 18th. Look for a lot of
   castle activity on all HF and VHF bands from France, Italy, Belgium,
   Spain and Portugal. All contacts will count for the National Castles

   (Update to OPDX.609). Members of the "Clube Radioamadores do
   Entroncamento", who are expected to be active as CS7AL on May 31st
   from Castel Alcanede, will now be active on 40/20 meters CW/SSB/DIGITAL.
   QSL via CT1BXE.

   Francois, F5JNE, will be active from the French Castle of Maligny.
   Reference number DFCF 89226 (contacts also count for French Department
   Yonne - 89 and Province Burgundy). Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters
   SSB, starting about 0600z. QSL via bureau preferred.

   On Sunday, May 18th, members of the Association des Radio Amateurs des
   Cotes d'Armor (ARACA 22) will be active from the Cap Frehel Lighthouse
   as F6KBO/p. Activity will be between 0630-1600z on the HF and VHF bands.
   References numbers are: WAZ 14, ITU 27, French provinces - Brittany,
   French Departments - Cotes d'Armor/22, and for the Onshore French
   lighthouses Award (DPLF) - PB087. QSL via F6KBO through the French

CU, AZORES. Goran, SM4DHF, will be active as CU2/SM4DHF in the CQ World
Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Single Band (20m)
entry. QSL via SM4DHF.

    DX FORUM. Moderator Jay, K4ZLE, states, "This should be one of the
    better DX forums in recent history." The scheduled speakers and
    presentations are as follows:
      Bernie McClenny, W3UR, on the AH3D story
      Al Hernandez, K3VN - ZL7C story
      Wayne Mills, N7NG  - ARRL DXCC update
      Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW  - Northern Ohio DX Association Award
                            presentation (2002 DXpedition of the Year)

    The Northern Ohio DX Association (along with WVNO Radio) will once
    again sponsor a Hospitality Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention.
    This year's Hospitality Suite will be dedicated to the memory of one
    of NODXA's "Silent Key" club members Jim Hire, W8ZET. Jim loved ham
    radio and enjoyed meeting his friends from around the world each year
    at Dayton. He was also a NODXA "Honorary Life Member" and was very
    involved with NODXA and the Hospitality Suite. This year Jim's wife,
    Janeen (now a new ham - KC8VRS, not KC8BRS as first reported and
    soon to be W8ZET ... ) has decided to keep the tradition going and
    will provide some special memorabilia of Jim at the Hospitality Suite.
    Please stop by and visit. It will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th Club
    Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel (old Stouffers) on Friday and Saturday
    evenings. All DXers and Contesters are welcome.  Munchies and
    refreshments will be avaialble. Come and meet the members and friends
    of NODXA.

DXCC NEWS..................
   Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, informs OPDX that the following
   operations have been approved for DXCC credit:
      Afghanistan: YA1BV, YA1CQ and YA1JA -- (November 14, 2002 through
                   March 31, 2003).
      Uganda:      5X1CW -- (License renewed through March 1, 2004).
      Nepal:       9N7DX -- (April 22, 2003 through June 19, 2003).
      Market Reef: OJ0/OE1ZKC, OJ0/JH1ARJ, OJ0/AH7X and OJ0/JR4PMX
                   (July 12-16, 2001)

   Looks like the ARRL 2002 DXCC Yearbook is out. Many have begun to
   receive them. Be watching the mailbox for it (Your editor has not
   received his yet!). The DXCC yearbook is sent free if you are or were
   a member of ARRL as of September 30, 2002, and made a DXCC submission
   between October 1, 2001, and September 30, 2002. If you did not submit
   anything, you will still get one free if you are on the DXCC Honor Roll.
   If you are NOT a member of ARRL and would like to have one, we believe
   details are available on the ARRL Web page on how to order one. Yearbook
   is 5 USD plus shipping.

   INTERESTING NOTE: Gary Stilwell, KI6T, reports: "At the Visalia
   International DX Convention this past weekend (May 3-4th), the DXCC
   QSL card checkers processed 85 DXCC applications which included 8,660
   QSL cards.

OPDX that he is administrator of the Web site at:
He states, "We publish fresh DX/Contest news and QSL infos EVERY DAY. Also,
at the end of the month we send QSL info bulletin to our subscribers." If
one wants to subscribe to their QSL info Bulletin... please send an
E-mail to:     

FS, ST. MARTIN. Look for Craig, AH8DX, will be active as FS/AH8DX during
the CQWW SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All Band entry. QSL via CBA.

HC, ECUADOR. Andy, NP3D, will be heading back to HC-Land on May 18th to
celebrate his birthday. He will be there until May 26th. Also, he will
be joined by Alexandro/HC1AJQ and Taka San/JA2JPA. They will try to activate
SA-033 at this time. They will have a generator, ICOM-706MKIIG and dipoles.
The schedule is as follows:
          May 18th    - Celebrating Andy's 44th birthday.
          May 19-20th - HC1/NP3D and HC1/JA2JPA QTH on the Mountain at
                        11,000 ft ASL near Quito.
          May 21-23rd - IOTA SA-033 as HC4/Homecalls.
          May 24-25th - CQ WPX CW as HC4/NP3D on 80 meters.

IOTA NEWS...................
   AF-018.  Look for OL5Y to be active from Pantelleria Island during
            the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th), either
            as IH9/OL5Y or IH9P and as a Single-Op/Single Band (40m)/
            High Power entry. QSL via OK1MG.

   AF-083.  Look for Francois, F8DVD, to be active from Djerba Island,
            Tunisia, using the callsign of the Djerba Scouts Radio Club,
            3V8SM, from June 23rd to July 4th. Activity will be on the
            HF bands, SSB. By special permision of Mustapha, DL1BDF,
            who's the coordinator for Scout Radio Clubs organization in
            Tunisia, all the cards for Francois' QSOs will go to him,
            either direct or via the French Bureau. Please write
            "via F8DVD/71" on the cards going through the bureau. For
            direct cards please send a SAE and the correct return postage.
            All the direct cards with insufficient return postage due
            will be answered by the bureau. Send direct cards to:
            Francois Bergez, 6 rue Liberte, 71000 MACON, FRANCE.

   AS-024.  Operators Kaoru/JA3MCA, Aru/JA0KNM, Jun/JJ1EQW and Kai/JE3NJZ
            will be active as homecall/JR6 respectively from Hateruma
            Island, Yaeyama Archipelago, Okinawa, from June 6-9th. Their
            activity will be on CW/SSB and on 40-2 meters. Please QSL
            via their home callsigns by the Bureau or direct. Hateruma
            Island is known as the inhabited island in the south end of

   AS-073.  Tex, 9M2TO will be active as 9M2TO/P from Perhentian Island,
            May 15-18th. Using an IC-706 plus a G5RV, Tex will be active
            on 40-10 meters, including the WARC bands. QSL 100%
            AUTOMATICALLY through the Bureau via JA0DMV.

   AS-074.  Ian, 9M2/G3TMA, will be operating from Pulau Ketam from May
            14-18th. Operations will be on CW and some SSB. Callsign will
            be 9M2/G3TMA. QSL address is: Ian Buffham, Bekay Court,
            Lorong Enau, (off Jalan Ampang), 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

   AS-107.  Champ, E21EIC, will be active as E21EIC/P in the RSGB IOTA
            Contest in July from Si Chang Island. He will use a dipole
            antenna and 100 watts. QSL via E21EIC

   AS-147.  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/8 from Okushiri
            Island (Okushiri-cho Okushiri-gun Hokkaidou) starting at 0700z,
            July 25th through 0000z, August 3rd. Activity will be on
            40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via the Bureau ONLY.

   EU-004.  Peter, DL8YR, will be active as EA6/DL8YR/p from Mallorca
            Island, May 14-28th. Activity will be mostly on CW on all
            bands including an entry in the WPX Contest on CW.

   EU-008.  Bob/N5ET with XYL Linda/KE5TF and Peter/GM3OFT are expected
            to be active on May 31st as MM/N5ET/P from Raasay Island (IOSA
            NH-10, SCOTIA CN-24, Loc. IO67xi). Activity will be for 5
            hours starting around 0900z. Activity will be on 40/20/15
            meters, following propagation. Send direct QSLs (EU-only)
            via GM3OFT, all other areas via N5ET or bureau.

   EU-080.  A multi-national team (CT1APE, CT1CJJ, CT1EEB, CT1ILT, CT2GLO,
            EA1CA, EA1DKV, EA4ABE, EA4ST, EA5FX and N5KO with the close
            help of EA1MC) will be active during the IOTA Contest from
            Ons Island as ED1ONS.  The Team will be on Ons from July
            25-27th. A Web page will be set up very soon (online logs
            will be available) at:
            Also, the team wants to know your needs for EU-080 so they
            can set an operating plan for outside of the contest hours.
            Send your feedback to:
            QSL via ED4URJ: Seccion Comarcal Ure Jarama, P.O. Box 123,
            28700 San Sebastian de los Reyes (MADRID), SPAIN. Cards can
            be send Direct or via Bureau. PLEASE NOTE: A station will
            also be active on 50, 144 and 432 MHz.

   NA-057.  Raymound, WQ7R, will be active as HQ9R from Roatan Island,
            Honduras, in the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th)
            as a Single-Op/All Band/Low Power entry. QSL via N6FF.

   NA-067.  Ken, W8KL, will be active from the North Carolina State East
            Group between May 18-22nd. This will be a "Mobile Operating
            Position" using a FT-100D/Hamstick Mobile Antenna. Look for
            him on SSB on 14260 kHz +/- QRM during the afternoons/evenings
            (East Coast Time), if band conditions are good. He will also
            try during the mornings for JA/VK stations. Ken states, "If
            Bands Are Dead There's A Nice Beach There!!!" QSL via the
            Bureau or direct ( OK).

   NA-144.  Tom, WA6WPG, will be active as WA6WPG/P from San Miguel Island,
            July 25-27th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters and include
            the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) as a Single-Op. Tom will
            have a solar panel in addition to his battery and plans to be
            operating at least 24 hours. QSL via his home callsign.

   OC-NEW.  Members of the Mediterraneo DX Club (YC3DIK, YC3MM, YC3BDJ
            and YC3BCS) and possibly others plan to activate Pisang Island,
            a new IOTA in the Sumatra's Coastal Islands South Group. All
            operators will sign homecall/5 and activity will start around
            1200z May 11th and end May 17th. Activity will be on 80/40/15/10
            meters SSB. QSL all callsigns via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau.
            Their web page is at:

   SA-024.  Members of the LABRE/SP (Liga Amadoristica Brasileira de Radio
            Emissao in Sao Paulo's) will activate Comprida Island (DIB 021),
            May 17-18th. Their callsign will be PV2AA. Activity will be
            on 160-2 meters CW/SSB/FM. QSL via PY2AA: Caixa Postal 22,
            Sao Paulo/SP, CEP 01059-970, Brasil. "The main objective
            of the PV2AA Comprida Island Expedition is the educational
            approach, with University - Ham integration. Teachers and
            students of journalism from UNICID (Universidade Cidade de
            Sao Paulo) will be following the expeditionaries, making one
            institutional video, interviews, and stay more closed with
            basic ham radio DX activitie."

   SA-042.  UPDATE to OPDX.599. Operators PT7BI/Daniel, PT2GTI/Stuckert,
            LU1YU/Helmult, PY8BI/Marcelo, CT1EEN/Samuel and PY8EA/Rocha,
            will be active from Mexiana Island, May 21-25th, using the
            callsign ZW8M. QSL via CS1GDX. For more details, visit the
            Web page at:

   SA-082.  Pedro, HK3JJH, will be active from Morro Grande from June
            3-8th. There was no callsign provided, but activity will be
            on all the bands (mostly 20m). He also mentions that there
            is a lighthouse (WLH- LH-0404) on the island. QSL cards are
            only by direct to: P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia, SA
            (Postage is 2 USD, any help is welcome)

IU3, ITALY. Operator Andy, IV3SKB, informs OPDX that he will use the
special callsign IU3X in the CQ WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single
Band (40m)/High Power entry. His Web page is at:

J75, DOMINICA. George, K5KG, will be active as J75KG between May 20-29th.
Activity is planned for the HF bands CW/SSB and an entry in the CQ WPX
CW Contest (May 24-25th) using the J75A callsign. QSL via KU9C. George
is currently working to help local hams get on the air. A request has
gone out, asking for donations of small rigs or HTs. You can contact
George via E-mail at:    

KH9, WAKE ISLAND. This may be the last week to work Jake on Wake as
N6XIV/KH9. He has been active on most days on 20 meters (around 14265 kHz
between 0730-0915z. His QSL Manager Glenn, K2FF, informed OPDX that Jake
was expected to install a Force-12 tribander C3SS last week which was left
behind by Chuck Brady (N4BQW/KH9) and will be used by both operators when

    Members of the Michigan DX Association (MDXA) will activate both Grand
    Havens South Pierhead Inner (USA-1077) and Outer Lighthouses (USA-1078),
    August 16-17th. They will use their club callsign W8DXI. The lighthouses
    are located in Ottawa County, Michigan, Loc. EN63ub. More details are

    Members of the Michigan DX Association (MDXA) will activate the Historic
    Grand Haven (Main) Lighthouse (USA-327) on the shores of Lake Michigan
    (Ottawa County, Loc. EN63ub), August 17-18th. More details are forth-

    Operators Klaus/DF3GL, Gregor/DL1BFE and Uwe/DL3BJ will activate the
    offshore Lighthouse "Roter Sand" (red sand), July 10-14th, using the
    the club callsign DA0LRS. The lighthouse carries the amateur radio
    related numbers FED 019 for the ARLHS, and WLH 0396 for the World
    Lighthouse Award and DLD/GLA 44. Activity will be on all bands CW/SSB.

    The Tandil Radio Club (LU2EE) announced that the next operations for
    commemorating the start of "Mistongo DX Tandil Group (GMDXT)", will
    be from the Lighthouses of CLAROMECO and SEGUNDA BARRANCA:
        From May 31st to June 1st, they will activate Lighthouse CLAROMECO
        (ARG 014), on all bands and modes. Operators are: LU5DIT/D, LW5EE/D,
        LU6DLB/D, LU8EXJ/D, LU8ERH/D and LU3DR/D. QSL via direct to LU2EE
        with SASE, or via the Bureau operator's home callsign.

        Between June 13-16th, they will activate (first time ever) the
        Lighthouse SEGUNDA BARRANCA (ARG 067), on all bands and modes.
        Operators are: LU5DIT/D , LW5EE/D, LU6DLB/D, LU8EXJ/D, LU8ERH/D,
        LU8EGS/D and LU3DR/D. QSL via direct to LU2EE with SASE, or via
        the Bureau operator's home callsign.
          Visit the following Web sites at:

NCDXF PRESS RELEASE. Al Burnham, K6RIM, V.P. Northern California DX
Foundation, reports: Effective immediately, the Northern California DX
Foundation (NCDXF) has a new and greatly improved web site. Check it out

P4, ARUBA. Scott, K0DQ, will be active from Jacky's, P43P, QTH during
the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as P41P and as a Single-Op/All
Band/High Power entry. QSL via Mario, I2MQP. Look for some P40Q operations
before/after contest.

POLISH SPECIAL EVENTS.........................
    Special event station HF6UE will be active now though June 10th. This
    station is active to celebrate the signing of the European Community
    Accession Agreement by Poland. The suffix UE means UNIA EUROPEJSKA
    (European Union in English). This activity is organized by the SP6ZDA
    club station. QSL via SP6ZDA, via the bureau (the best) or direct to:
    Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA, P.O. Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw 9, Poland.

    Special memorial operation will be taking place in the coming months
    to commemorating Ignacy Lukasiewicz, the Polish petroleum pioneer who
    distilled crude oil and designed kerosene lamps to light up the
    operating theatre in the hospital in Lvov on 31 July 1853. He is the
    founder of the petroleum industry (Award: ).
    "This lotion is the future wealth of this country, it's the welfare
    and prosperity for its inhabitants, it's a new source of income for
    the poor people and a new branch of industry, which shall bear
    plentiful fruits." -- Ignacy Lukasiewicz, 1854
    Look for the following special event stations:

      Now thru June 30th -  HF8IL (via SP8PJG) Ignacy Lukasiewicz:
                            founder of the petroleum industry

     July 1st-August 15th - HF150IL (via SP8PJG) Ignacy Lukasiewicz:
                            distilled kerosene, designed lamps and
                            illuminated an operating theatre in a
                            hospital (1853)

     July 25th-August 4th - 3Z0IL (via SP8ZBX), SN0IL (via SP9PEE),
                            EN3WLL (via UR4WXQ) Ignacy Lukasiewicz
                            memorial stations (Award:

     August 20th- September 10th -  HF8IL (via SP8PJG) Ignacy Lukasiewicz:
                            founder of the petroleum industry

QSL INFO AND NEWS..................
   8TH AREA QSL BUREAU ADDRESS CHANGE: Great Lakes Director Jim Weaver,
   K8JE, informs OPDX that effective May 1st, the address for the 8th
   Area Incoming QSL Bureau will be changed to:
             W8 QSL Bureau, PO Box 307, W Chester, OH 45071-0307.
   Also, Jay Slough, K4ZLE, has been named to replace Ed Gassman, N8HTT,
   who has managed the 8th Area QSL Bureau for several years and is

   9K2ZZ OPERATIONS. Ray, W8CNL, reports he received the following from
   Bob, 9K2ZZ. Ray states, "He (Bob) is going to be spending the majority
   of his time in YI and A9. I ask about logs, cards, etc. He informed me
   that all requests for confirmations go to the LOTW. This includes the
   past K4CY/P and K4CY/M operations from Iraq. These are his wishes. I
   am starting to get cards for K4CY/M. Do not waste your money as I do
   not have logs or cards. I do have all the 9K2ZZ and 9K9Z logs and plenty
   of cards. Direct only to me with SASE or SAE and postage. Some countries
   tell me they can not get IRC's. I accept a ruble, franc, lira, mark,
   etc." Ray's address is: Raymond H. McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North
   Augusta, S.C. 29841-4319

   Memebers of CW-Philippines Club were active from Mindoro Island (OC-244)
   on May 1-3rd as DX1CW. QSL via VE7DP.

   Frank, VE7DP, provides OPDX with the QSL info for the recent IOTA
   activations from the Philippines:
       4G6A  OC-125 via VE7DP       4H1LC OC-244 via VE7DP or DX1CW
       DX4CN OC-202 via VE7DP
   Frank states he has several listed addresses, but the preferred one
   is: General Delivery, Winfield B.C.  Canada V4V 1M6

   Special event station EO58G was active from May 5-11th to commemorate
   the 58th anniversary of the end of World War II. QSL via UR3GM, via the
   Bureau (Box 56, Kiev 01001, Ukraine) or direct to: Igor Pulin, Box 23,
   Kherson 73022, Ukraine.

   Phil, G4OBK, has recently returned from his GD4OBK/P Isle of Man
   operation (Saturday, May 3rd) and made 1159 QSOs in 20 hours of
   operating. A log search and report is available at the following
   Web page:       
   QSL route is via his home callsign G4OBK. His address is: Phil Catterall,
   Wayside, Lendales Lane, Pickering, YO18 8EE, England.

   K1B QSL STATUS. Dave, K4SV, "K1B North America QSL Administrator",
   reports: "So far we have processed ~11,000 QSOs and ~2300 cards.  Please
   contact Stephen, K4YL, at < > if you have any special
   requests (Please note his new E-mail address). Stephen will do all he
   can to help in obtaining K1B QSL cards. Please remember Stephen only
   handles DIRECT requests, NO bureau cards please.
                    Stephen Grose, K4YL  (ex W4SMG)
                    PO Box 183
                    Flat Rock, NC  28731-0183
   Our goal is to get everyone QSLed for K1B who has not received their
   cards. Any small donations will be gratefully accepted towards printing
   cards, printing supplies and postage. Please remember: USA send SASE,
   DX send SAE, one Green Stamp preferred or one LARGE IRC accepted."

   COLLECTION OF OLD QSLS. Jean-Michel, F6AJA, from Les Nouvelles DX
   informs OPDX that more than 1000 old QSL in five different galleries
   are waiting your visit on the web site:

   It was announced that Mac, W3HC, will handle the cards for the PT5T
   operation of November 2001 conducted by CT1BOH. Cards are being designed

   QSL RA3AR (ex-RV3AKU) via: Dmity K. Darkov, 115211, Moscow,
   ul. Borisovskie prudy 10-1-108, RUSSIA.

   T9 CALLBOOK. Nenad, VE3EXY, reports that a T9 (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
   callbook is available online at:

   June, VK4SJ, has been active as ZK1AYL for about two weeks from the
   Aitutaki Group (OC-083), Southern Cook Islands, as ZK1AYL. QSL to her
   home callsign VK4SJ. By the way, she was heard on 10 meters begging
   for QSOs as this was being typed up Sunday.

   XQ6ET UPDATE. George, W8UVZ, provides OPDX with an update mentioned
   in issue OPDX.609 regarding Bob, XQ6ET, and his becoming his QSL Manager.
   George has now ordered the QSL cards and expects them in 4-5 weeks.
   Bob is loading all his QSOs into a logging program which they hope to
   soon transfer to George. Also, Bob has been without high power on the
   low bands - particularly 160 meters. A small group in Battle Creek
   (ala the "Battle Creek Special" guys) are in the process of shipping
   an amp to XQ6ET. In addition, to the cost of the amp, they will have
   air freight expense to Chile and will have about 600 USD total into
   the project when Bob receives the amp. So, if you would like to help
   out in the cost, any donations are accepted no matter what the amount
   is with or without QSL requests, to help fund the amp for XQ6ET. W8UVZ
   would be glad to receive your donations and confirm good QSOs with

   XY1M QSL STATUS. OPDX was asked to find out if anyone has received their
   QSL cards for Hiroo's operation in Myanmar last November. If you received
   one let us know.

   Wayne Carroll, W4MPY, wants it to be known that he will furnish QSLs
   at no charge to Military personnel deployed to Kuwait and Iraq if the
   quantities are reasonable and there is a stateside shipping address.
   Wayne states, "I feel they have sacrificed a lot for all of us and
   that is the least I can do to say THANK YOU!"

   Z32AF NEW QSL MANAGER. Please note Arthur, N8RKA, is the new QSL
   Manager for Venci, Z32AF. His address is: Arthur Barbetta,
   2395 Liberty Rd, Stow OH 44224, USA. E-mail:

RL1, RUSSIA (Special Prefix). Radio amateurs from Sankt Petersburg, Russia,
are celebrating the 300th anniverary of their city. Look for 21 stations
to be on the air from Sankt Petersburg now through May 31st.
     R300SP via RU1AE (RZ1AWT)           RL1N via RA1ABC
     RL1A via RA1AG                      RL1O via RZ1AWO
     RL1B via RU1AB                      RL1P via RZ1AP
     RL1C via RV1CC                      RL1Q via RV1AQ
     RL1D via OH5ZZ (UA1DJ)              RL1R via RA1ALA
     RL1F via RU1AS                      RL1S via UA1AES
     RL1G via RA1AR                      RL1T via RX1CQ
     RL1J via RZ1AWF                     RL1U via RA1AOL
     RL1K via UA9KG/1                    RL1W via RW1AI
     RL1L via RZ1AYA                     RL1X via RX1AX
     RL1M via UA1ANA

S9, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE. Duarte, CT1CPP, is now active as S92UN. He is
now active on 12/15/17/40 meters with dipole antennas. Watch around 7067-
7074, 14260-14270, 18126-18130 and 21260-21270 kHz starting around 2100z.
Duarte asks to please be patient with his answering of the QSL cards,
because he can only answer them when he returns to Portugal. QSL via CT1CPP
( Antonio Duarte Prates Bebiano, Estrada dos 4 Marcos  No. 17,
Sarilhos Grandes, 2870 Montijo, Portugal. Duarte is expected to be here
for about 3 months.

SOMETHING OF INTEREST ON THE WEB. There was a story on NPR's "Talk of the
Nation" on April 30th about Ham Radio. Visit the following Web page at:

SPECIAL EVENT. Special event station HF25KVW is active until July
31st in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the SP5KVW Radio Club
in Ostroleka. QSL via SP5KVW, either via the bureau or direct to:
Radioklub SP5KVW, P.O. Box 56, 07-410 Ostroleka, Poland. Their Web
page is at:     

SPECIAL EVENT. For the next 2003 French Mills Day, on June 15th, look
for Andre, F5PEZ, to be active using the callsign TM1JNM. Activity will
be on the HF bands, mainly SSB. QSL via Andre, F5PEZ, either direct or
via the French Bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT. The year 2003 is the European Disabled Persons Year. Look
for operators Domi/F5PTI, Alain/F6ANA and Joel/F8DCZ are now active using
the special callsign TM5I until May 17th. On May 18th, they will use the
same special callsign TM5I, for the 2nd European Castles Day, from the
Oisellerie Castle (JN05BN). Look for them on CW/SSB, 80-10 meters and on
2 meters (144.316 MHz). QSL via F5PTI, either direct or via the French
REF Bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for the special event callsign VC3RCS to be active
between June 1-30th to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the formation
of the Royal Canadian Signals Corps. QSL via the operator's instructions.

SPECIAL EVENT. The special callsign W2H continues to be active until May
15th. Activity is for the anniversary of the crash of the Airship
Hindenburg. This is the 66th anniversary. Operations, hopefully, will take
place each year using the same callsign. They plan to be active on as
many bands as possible. QSL only direct to W2CE (no bureau cards).

TA, TURKEY. Andy, G3AB (ex-G4ZVJ), will be active as TA3/G3AB in the
CQ WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op (possibly Single Band) entry. QSL via

TO5, MARTINIQUE. Jack, RW3QC, will be active as TO5AA, in the CQWW WPX CW
Contest (May 24-25th) as an All Band/High Power entry. Activity will be
from FM5BH's QTH. The QSL Manager has not been chosen yet.

V63, MICRONESIA. Operators Funaki/JA7ZP, Takao/JA7AGO and Sho/VA7HMZ will
be active from Pohnpei (OC-010) May 12-15th as V63ZP, V63GO and V63DX
respectively. Activity will be on 40-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via their
home callsign (Bureau OK).

VI8, AUSTRALIA (Special Event). The Darwin Amateur Radio Club of the
Northern Territory, Australia, will be operating a special event station
with the callsign of -- VI8NT -- to celebrate 25 years of self government.
The station will be opened officially on the 1st of July 2003 (Northern
Territory Day) and run until the 31st December 2003. This special Amateur
Radio callsign -- VI8NT -- is allowed to be used by any licenced VK8
Amateur. Only one Amateur will hold the callsign at any one time, meaning
only one station on air at a time. They have many VK8's who are interested
in operating one week periods on all bands and modes and the Darwin Amateur
Radio Club will partake in all major contests with this special callsign.
A special QSL card is being made up by the QSL Manager Neil, VK6NE. All
QSLs will be accepted directly or via the Bureau.

VP2, MONTSERRAT. Three members of the Florida DXpedition Group are on the
"Road Again"! Operators Bill W4WX/VP2MHX, William/N2WB and Bob/K9MDO (both
waiting on VP2M callsign) will be here July 22-29th. They will have three
Kenwood TS-570D stations and will be active on most bands and modes. This
is a "Little warm up for the upcoming San Andres trip in October". QSL via
their homecalls, CBA. N2WB via QSL Manager N2OO.

VP9, BERMUDA. Merv, N6NO, will be active as N6NO/VP9 from May 14-21st.
His activity will be on 80-10 meters, possibly 160, with a 100w and a
focus on CW. His operating times will favor the difficult Asia/Oceania
path. QSL via N6NO.

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLAND. Larry, VQ9LA, has been very active on 20 meters RTTY.
Watch around 14083-14090 kHz beginning around 2200z. Larry will be there
for about year.

XU, CAMBODIA. Jaak, ES1FB, informs OPDX that he will once again return
to Shianoukville, and operate as XU7ACE for about 10 days starting May
11th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters, mostly SSB. He plans to activate
IOTA AS-133 on May 17-18th, but this depends on the weather condition
(It is the rainy season now...). QSL via his home callsign, ES1FB, either
by the CBA or by the bureau (but this will take more time). ADDED NOTE:
Previous XU7ACE bureau cards are answered about 70%, direct cards on
a weekly basis..

XW, LAOS. Champ, E21EIC, will be back in Laos around June 3-23rd and will
be active as XW1IC. His activity will be on 160-10 meters, including the
WARC bands using only 100 watts. He states the modes he will use are
CW/SSB/RTTY and 2 meter FM (Maybe 6 meters if possible). Champ will also
be active in the All Asian DX Contest as a Single-Op/All Band/Low Power
entry. QSL via E21EIC.

YO, ROMANIA (ed. I don't mean YAO!).  Jean-Michel, F6AJA, will once again
be YO/F6AJA (10th year consecutively) from Suceava (450Km north of Bucarest)
from May 19-28th. He will be on the air when time permit from the Silviu
station YO8FZ.

YV4, VENEZUELA. Dario, YV4GMG, in Santa Cruz, informs OPDX that he is active
on 160 meters and 6 meters (on 50110 kHz), as well as 20/15/10 meters. On
HF, he can also be active on PSK31/SSTV/RTTY/MMT63/AMTOR. QSL via his home
callsign. Also, active from the same station is Hector/YV4GMH and

Z38, MACEDONIA. Lothar/DJ7ZG and Babs/DL7AFS will once again be on tour.
This time they will be active from here using the callsign Z38Z. They
hope to be active starting on May 15th for about 10 days. Activity will
be on 160-6 meters, mainly on RTTY, PSK and SSB. They will travel through
the country to reach Z3-land. They ask you to cross your fingers that
the ride will be without problems. Lot informs/states to OPDX, "Due to
the request of many Hams from America and Japan we want to work these
countries particularly."  QSL via DL7AFS. Their homepage and online
log will be at:

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. The team of John/K6AM, Ned/AA7A, Lee/KY7M and Bud/N7CW
will activate ZF1A (IOTA NA-016) in the 2003 CW WPX Contest. This will be
a multi-single operation with limited operation before and after the
contest. Please QSL via W5ASP.

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