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I1JQJ  > DX       10.05.03 01:26l 166 Lines 11436 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW627A
Subj: 425 DX News #627 [1/4]
Sent: 030509/2317Z @:SV1AAW.ATH.GRC.EU #:26727 [Athens] $:425WW627A
To  : DX@WW

  10 May 2003                       No 627                      $425WW627A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail                                         !

3V     - Francois, F8DVD  plans  to  be active  on  SSB  from  Djerba  Island
         (AF-083) using the call sign of the Djerba Scouts Radio Club,  3V8SM
         from 23 June  to 4 July.  QSL via  F8DVD (by  special permission  of
         Mustapha, DL1BDF)  either direct  (Francois Bergez,  6 rue  Liberte,
         71000 Macon, France) or via the REF bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
7P     - Two  other  operators  have  joined  the  team  of  the  18-25  July
         DXpedition to Lesotho [425DXN 623]. The group now includes:  Charles
         F. "Frosty" Frost (K5LBU/7P8CF,, Madison Jones
         (W5MJ/7P8MJ), Neil  King (VA7DX/7P8NK),  Tom Anderson  (WW5L/7P8TA),
         Dave Anderson (K4SV/7P8DA) and Igor  Zdorov (W0IR/7P8IZ). This  will
         be an all mode, all band operation with beams, dipoles, a couple  of
         amplifiers and hopefully at least one station on the air 24 hours  a
         day. 7P8CF and 7P8TA will be the main phone operators, while  7P8MJ,
         7P8NK, 7P8DA, and  7P8IZ will be  mostly CW and  digital modes.  The
         DXpedition  is   under   the  aegis   of   the  Texas   DX   Society
         (   and   the   Lone   Star   DX    Association
         ( QSL via each operator's home call.  For
         additional information  please  contact K5LBU  (  or
         WW5L ( A web page will be announced later. [TNX WW5L]
CT     - A multi-national  team (including  CT1APE, CT1CJJ,  CT1EEB,  CT1ILT,
         CT2GLO, EA1CA, EA1DKV, EA4ABE,  EA4ST, EA5FX and  N5KO with help  of
         EA1MC) will be  active from Ons  Island (EU-080) on  25-27 July  and
         will participate in  the IOTA Contest  as ED1ONS.  One station  will
         also be active in 50, 144  and 432 Mhz  "for the true-believers".  A
         web page is under construction at (on line
         logs will  be  available). QSL  via  ED4URJ either  direct  (Seccion
         Comarcal URE Jarama, P.O. Box 123, 28700 San Sebastian de Los  Reyes
         (Madrid), Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX CT1EEB]
DL     - H7AX, DH1LA and DL2VFR will be  active (on 80-10 metres SSB and  CW)
         from Hiddensee Island (EU-057, O-005 for  the German Islands  Award)
         from 29 May to 1 June.  They will operate from the Dornbusch  (ARLHS
         FED-026, German Lighthouse nr. 17) and Gellen (ARLHS FED-088, GL 22)
         lighthouses. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau.
         The  web   site   for   the   German   Lighthouses   Award   is   at [TNX DL2VFR]
EA6    - Peter, DL8YR  reports he  will be  active  as EA6/DL8YR/p  from  the
         Balearic Islands  (EU-004)  on  14-28 May,  CQ  WW  WPX  CW  Contest
         included. QSL via home call.
ER     - Special station ER0ITU will be active  from Moldova on 12-17 May  to
         celebrate the  World Telecommunications  Day.  QSL direct  to  ER1DA
         (Valery Metaxa, P.O.  Box 3000, Chisinau,  MD-2071, Moldova) or  via
         the bureau. [TNX ER1DA]
GM     - Look for the Vital Sparks Group  (MM0VSG) to be active as  MM0VSG/p,
         MM0DFV/p and GM0EZP/p from Bute Island (EU-123) on 10 May. QSLs  via
         CBA (see [TNX MM0DFV]
GM     - Bob/N5ET, Linda/KE5TF and Peter/GM3OFT expect to be QRV as MM/N5ET/P
         on 15, 20, and 40 metres from  Raasay Island (EU-008) from 9 UTC  on
         31 May for  about 5 hours,  and from Great  Cumbrae Island  (EU-123)
         from 11.30 UTC on 4 June for  about 6 hours. Direct QSLs via  GM3OFT
         (Europe only) and N5ET (others) or bureau. [TNX GM3OFT]
HC     - Andy, NP3D is going to Ecuador  and reports he  plans to operate  as
         19-20 May: HC1/NP3D (along with Taka, HC1/JA2JPA) from near Quito
         21-23 May: HC4/NP3D/p  (along   with   Alex,  HC1AJQ/4   and   Taka,
                    HC4/JA2JPA/p) from La Plata Island (SA-033) on SSB
         24-25 May: HC4/NP3D for the CQ WW WPX CW Contest from the mainland.
HK     - Pedro, HK3JJH will be active  from El Morro  Grande SA-082 (HK2)  on
         3-8 June. He will operate mostly  on 20 metres SSB. QSL direct  only
         to Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box  81119, Bogota, Colombia. [TNX HK3JJH]
I      - Vanni, IK4RUX will be active as  IG9/IK4RUX from Lampedusa  (AF-019,
         IIA AG-001)  on  17-23  May.  He plans  to  operate  also  from  the
         lighthouse at Capo Grecale (WAIL SI-020). QSL via home call,  either
         direct or through the bureau.
IS0    - Marco, IK1YED reports he will be active (on HF and 6 metres SSB)  as
         IM0/IK1YED/p from  Maddalena Island  (EU-041, IIA  SS-001) on  24-31
         May. He also plans to operate  from Caprera (EU-041, SS-005)  during
         that time frame.
JA     - Kaoru/JA3MCA, Aru/JA0KNM, Jun/JJ1EQW and  Kai/JE3NJZ will be  active
         as homecall/JR6 from Hateruma Island (AS-024) on 6-9 June. They will
         operate on 40-2 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls either dsirect
         or through the bureau. [TNX JA3MCA]
KP2    - Ann/W2AZK and  Brian/KF2HC, from  the  North Jersey  DX  Association
         (,  will   be  active   as  homecall/KP2   from
         St.Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands on 12-19 June. They plan to operate on
         160-10 metres  SSB and  CW.  QSL via  home  calls either  direct  or
         through the bureau. [TNX KF2HC]
PY     - LABRE/Sao Paulo members PU2OCZ, PY2HN and  PY2ZX will be active  (on
         160-2 metres CW, SSB and FM) as PV2AA from Comprida Island  (SA-024,
         DIB 021) on  17-18 May.  This is  a joint  project between  LABRE/SP
         ( and the Sao Paolo City University. QSL via  PY2AA
         either direct (P.O.  Box 22, 01059-970  Sao Paulo -  SP, Brazil)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX PY2ZX]
PY     - ZW8M is the  callsign to be  used on 21-25  May from Mexiana  Island
         (SA-042)  [425DXN   613].  Team   members  include   Roberto/PT2GTI,
         Daniel/PT7BI,    Marcelo/PY8BI,     Rocha/PY8EA,     Moreira/CT1AHU,
         Samuel/CT1EEN and Helmut/LU1YU. QSL via CS1GDX. The web page for the
         operation  is  at  [TNX
SV5    - Goran, SM0CMH will be active (on 10-160 metres CW) as SV5/SM8C  from
         Kalymnos  Island,  Dodecanese  (EU-001)  on   17-30  May.  He   will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX  CW Contest as J45KLN. QSLs via  SM0CMH
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM0CMH]
SV9    - SV1GE, SV1RP, SV2DGH, SV2FPU and SV2GWB will be active as SX9G  from
         Gavdos Island (EU-187) on 4-15  June. QSL via  SV2DGH. The web  page
         for the operation is at [TNX SV2DGH]
TA     - Metin, TA1ED will be active  (on 10-80 metres  SSB) as TA1ED/0  from 
         Kekova Island (AS-115) on 15-18 May. QSL via home call. [TNX TA1ED]
V6     - Look for JA7ZP, JA7AGO and JA7HMA  to be active (on 10-40 metres  CW
         and SSB) as V63ZP, V63GO and V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia
         on 12-15 May. QSL to home calls. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
VE     - Bob, VE3UUH  reports  that he  and  VE3GID will  operate  as  VC3MCC
         (instead of  the  announced  VB3MCC)  from 27  June  to  4  July  to
         celebrate the 100th anniversary of Military Communications in Canada
         [425DXN 623]. The web site is at 
VE     - Len/VE9MY and Linda/VE9GLF will be on Newfoundland (NA-027) from  13
         to 22 May. This  is a working  trip so their  operations will be  in
         their evenings,  but on  17-19 May  they will  try to  operate  from
         nearby islands (NA-027 and NA-198). QSL via home calls either direct
         or through the bureau. [TNX Islands On The Web]
VE     - Linda (VE9GLF)  and  Len  Morgan  (VE9MY)  plan  to  arrive  on  the
         Madeleine  Islands  (NA-038)  [425dxn  611]  on   20  July  and   be
         operational for  eight  days. They  will  have mobile  and  portable
         capabilities with 100 watts,  beam, vertical for  10, 15, 20  metres
         and dipole for 40 metres. They are planning on doing two islands per
         day depending on band conditions; during the IOTA Contest they  will
         operate with  two stations.  QSL via  home  calls either  direct  or
         through the  bureau (it  is not  necessary to  send a  QSL for  each
         contact- one QSL with a list is all right). [TNX VE9MY]
VP9    - Merv, N6NO will  be active  (on 10-80  metres, possibly  on 160m  as
         well) as N6NO/VP9 from Bermuda on 14-21 May. He will focus on CW and
         his operating times will favour the difficult Asia/Oceania path. QSL
         via home call. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Operators from the United  Radio Amateur Club  (
         will be active  (on 10-80 metres  CW and SSB)  as K6AA/P from  Santa
         Catalina Island (NA-066) on 17-18 May. QSL via K6AA. [TNX The  Daily
W      - Look for WA6WPG/P to be active (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) from San
         Miguel Island (NA-144) on 25-27 July. He has made plans to  increase
         his available power and should be able to be on the air most of  the
         three days he will be on the island. [TNX Islands On The Web]
XU     - Jaak, ES1FB will  be active (on  40-6 metres, mostly  SSB) again  as
         XU7ACE from Sihanoukville, Cambodia for ten days starting on 11 May.
         Weather permitting, he will  operate from AS-133  on 17-18 May.  QSL
         via ES1FB either direct or through the bureau. [TNX ES1FB]
YO     - Jean-Michel  Duthilleul,  F6AJA,  Editor   of  "Les  Nouvelles   DX"
         (, reports he will once again (for the
         tenth year in a row) be active in his free time as YO/F6AJA from the
         QTH of  Silviu, YO8FZ  in Suceava,  Romania on  19-28 May.  QSL  via
Z3     - Lothar, DJ7ZG  and Babs,  DL7AFS  plan to  be  active as  Z38Z  from
         Macedonia starting on 15 May for  about ten days. They will  operate
         on 6-160 metres  mainly RTTY, PSK  and SSB and  will concentrate  on
         North America  and  Japan. QSL  via  DL7AFS. Their  homepage  is  at [TNX DJ7ZG]

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