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CX2SA  > 425DXN   21.02.25 20:35l 240 Lines 14198 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1764
Subj: [425ENG] 425 DX News 1764
Sent: 250221/1911Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:48454 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:425WW1764
To  : 425DXN@WW

22 February 2025                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1764

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5W     - Dave, G4BUO will be active as 5W0UO from Samoa (OC-097)  between 22
         February  and  3 March.  He is a 99% CW operator.  QSOs will be up-
         loaded to LoTW in early April.
6Y     - Iain, G4SGX will be active as G4SGX/6Y from Jamaica (NA-097)  on 1-
         21 March.  He will operate CW only on  80-10 metres (hopefully also
         "some top band action"),  and will  take part  in the  RSGB Common-
         wealth  (BERU) Contest  (8-9 March).  QSL via LoTW,  or via M0OXO's
8Q     - Mamoru, JH3VAA will be active as  8Q7VA  from the Maldives (AS-013)
         between 26 February and 5 May. QSL via home call and LoTW.
C6     - Chad, WE9V will be active as C6ACK while visiting "various islands"
         in the Bahamas  between February and May.  He will be QRV on 40-6m.
         QSL via LoTW (preferred),  or direct to WD9DZV.  "I will eventually
         set up Club Log"; he says.
D6     - Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as D68Z from the  Comoro Islands (AF-
         007) from 3 until at least 18 March. She will operate SSB, CW, FT8,
         FT4 and RTTY on  160-6 metres.  QSL direct to IK2DUW;  QSOs will be
         uploaded to  Club Log,  whose Livestreams feature  will be enabled,
         and LoTW.
HD8    - A very large multi-national team  (26 operators)  will be active as
         HD8G from  Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands (SA-004)  on  18-26 April.
         Plans are  to operate  SSB, CW, FT8, FT4 and RTTY  on  160-6 metres
         with  8 stations  from  two different operating sites.  One station
         will be dedicated to  satellite,  one to EME,  and one to 6 metres.
         QSL via M0URX's OQRS;  full LoTW upload 12 months  after the end of
         the DXpedition. See for more information, detailed
         QSLling policy included.
ON     - Celebrating the centenary of the  International Amateur Radio Union
         (IARU),  the local divisions of the Belgian IARU society (UBA) will
         activate 28 special event stations between 15 March and 15 May:
         ON100I, ON100A, ON100R, ON100U
         OO100I, OO100A, OO100R, OO100U
         OP100I, OP100A, OP100R, OP100U
         OQ100I, OQ100A, OQ100R, OQ100U
         OR100I, OR100A, OR100R, OR100U
         OS100I, OS100A, OS100R, OS100U
         OT100I, OT100A, OT100R, OT100U
         In addition,  members of the  UBA Board  and  HF Committee  will be
         active as  OQ0IARU and OR0IARU.  A series of  certificates  will be
         available,  see  for
         the details and the OQRS for bureau cards (TBA soon).
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Greenland between  25
         February and  14 March.  His main  QTH  will be  the city  of  Nuuk
         (GP44de) on the main island  (NA-018),  with possibly a day-trip to
         Manitsoq (NA-220, GP35nj).  As always, this will be  a working trip
         and he will be QRV only in his spare time. QSL via OZ0J, Club Log's
         OQRS and LoTW.
T32    - Ken, KH6QJ will be active again as T32AZ  from Kiritimati/Christmas
         Island (OC-024),  East Kiribati  on 28 February-3 March  and  18-20
         April. Usually he operates SSB on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL
         via KH6QJ, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK     - VI100SIG,  the special callsign  celebrating  the centenary  of the
         Australian Corps of Signals,  has been QRV  since 14 February . QSL
         via  M0OXO's  OQRS.  See  for more
VU     - The DX India Foundation  is organizing a  DXpedition  to take place
         from Arnala Island (AS-169) from 29 May to 1 June.  This IOTA group
         was activated back 2004 and 2006,  and has been silent  ever since.
         Requested  callsign is  AU2M.  The  team  includes  VU2RS,  VU3WEW,
         VU3DXA, VU3TPW, VU3GDS,  VU2HIT and  VU2KWJ.  QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
         Donations  to help  offset  the  significant costs  are  gratefully
         accepted. See for more information.
YB     - Look for  YB7MP/p,  YB7HYK/p  and  YE7HIO/p to be active from  Laut
         Island (OC-166)  on  21-23 February.  They  will  operate  SSB  and
         digital modes on various bands. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

DX INDIA FOUNDATION ---> The newly born DX India Foundation is "a non-profit
organization dedicated  to promoting  amateur radio and  DXing activities in
India.  Our mission is to activate  rare IOTA islands,  conduct DXpeditions,
and  participate in  international contests,  while promoting  amateur radio
awareness and community building in India".  An account has been created  at to serve "as a platform for discussion, planning, and coordination
of DX India Foundation's activities":
Future plans include AU2M from AS-169 (see above) and "an epic international
DXpedition"  to the Lakshadweeps (VU7) in late 2025 (ten days, five stations
with a focus on the low bands, details will be given in due course).

IOTA HONOUR ROLL ---> The 2025 Honour Roll  and  Annual Listings  have  been
posted on the  IOTA  website click  on  PERFORMANCE
LISTINGS  in the  dropdown menu under  PROGRAMME INFORMATION.  They show the
position as of 31 January 2025.
The Honour Roll  lists  the  stations  with  a  checked  score  equalling or
exceeding 50% of the  total of  numbered  IOTA groups, excluding those  with
provisional  numbers, at the time  of preparation.  The Annual Listing lists
the stations with a checked score of 100 or more  IOTA groups but  less than
the qualifying threshold for entry into the Honour Roll.
IOTA rules limit inclusion  in the listings to  those participants  who have
updated  their scores  at least once in the preceding five years (i.e. since
February 2020) and have opted to have their scores published.

WSJT-X 2.7.0 ---> The WSJT Development Team  has announced the  WSJT-X 2.7.0
General  Availability  (GA)  release.  This is the  first GA  release  since
version 2.6.1,  two years ago.  Major enhancements  include  a new companion
program called "QMAP",  new Special Operating Activities called "Q65 Pileup"
and "SuperFox",  and a new  "Message System" feature  designed  for  sending
requests  to change to  another band or mode.  Direct links  for downloading
pre-built installation packages for  Windows, Linux, and macOS  can be found
on the WSJT-X web page:

YASME FOUNDATION ELECTION ---> The Board of Directors  of the  Yasme Founda-
tion ( is pleased to announce election of the follow-
ing Officers and Directors for 2025: Ward Silver N0AX  (President and Direc-
tor),  Ken Claerbout K4ZW  (Vice-President, Secretary and  Director),  Rusty
Epps W6OAT  (Treasurer and Director),  Hans Blondeel Timmerman PB2T,  Martti
Laine OH2BH, Robert Vallio W6RGG, Marty Woll N6VI, James Brooks 9V1YC,  Dave
Sumner K1ZZ (Directors).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3G2AID      LZ1JZ       HF100WSR    SP4LVK      S590AA      S59AA
3V8SF       LX1NO       HG3IPA      HA3JB       SE5E        SM5AJV
4S7SPG      SP6EQZ      HG3N        HA3LN       SF5X        SM5EFX
6Y6N        DK9PY       HG7T        HA7TM       SN0RV       SP7VC
9L1BXU      G7BXU       HZ1WRD      HZ1SAR      SN100MARKI  SQ5WH
A60KWT/21   EA7FTR      II2ANT      IK2QPO      SP0ANT      SP3TYJ
A60SFD/5    EA7FTR      II2V        IK2AQZ      SP105JHP    SP3PDO
A60TET/10   A65BR       II5ANT      IZ5BTC      SP50KRF     SP1KRF
A60TET/21   EA7FTR      IP0A        OM2FY       TG9ANF      VE7BV
A60TET/5    EA7FTR      IR0APTT     IQ0AK       TI1RRC      M0OXO
AZ1D        EC6DX       IR1ANT      I1HYW       TI7W        M0URX
C37N        C37URA      IR8ANT      IK8VRH      TM2Y        F6BEE
CB2AID      LZ1JZ       J75A        F5VHJ       TM30KLE     F5KLE
CB2PC       CE2LK       KL2A/KP4    W7JXY       TM3Z        F4DSK
CN3A        IK2OHG      LO7H        EA7FTR      TM5CR       F6HOY
CR2X        OH2BH       LS5H        EA5GL       TM8C        F4WBU
CW1C        CX1AA       LZ185SK     LZ2VP       TM9C        F5OHM
D450ICV     IK2NCJ      LZ403ES     LZ1KCP      TO4A        VE3DZ
D4DCX       DL8CX       MD4K        G3NKC       TR8CR       F6AJA
DA0BCC      DL2JRM      MU5E        GU4YOX      TY2AA       I8KHC
DL4DBM      PA3CLP      OE65IPA     OE3DMA      TZ1CE       DK1CE
E2A         E21EIC      OH0/SE2QRP  SA2SAA      V3T         WC0W
E2M         E21LLR      P40L        WA3FRP      V55Y        DK2WH
EA8RM       EB7DX       PA700WBP    PA0WBP      V73WW       DJ4MX
ED5U        EA5DF       PI4AMF      PA3EYC      VI100SIG    M0OXO
EF6T        EA3AIR      PI4COM      PA1AW       VK9XU       DL2AWG
EG5DANA     EA5URW      PI4SRN      PA3DHR      VP5K        K0PC
EH3ANT      EA3EYO      PJ2C        EC5AHA      VP9I        WW3S
EH5AAW      EA5N        PJ2T        KU9C        WP3C        M0OXO
EH5ANT      EC5JC       PJ4A        K4BAI       XR2AID      LZ1JZ
EX9A        EX7CQ       PJ4R        N4RR        YS1/WJ2O    N2ZN
G6XX        M0OXO       PR3PA       PP5BZ       ZF1A        K7ZO
H25A        LZ3SM       PV2K        EA5GL       ZF2MG       KM5G
H44MS       DL2GAC      PW2E        OH2MM       ZP6/N3BNA   KA2AEV
HC8M        M0OXO       PX7L        PT2OP       ZW5W        PP5BZ
HD8CW       M0OXO       S21ZN       JA7NQQ      ZZ5V        PP5EI

5V0DX    Antonio Montrone, Via delle Forze Armate 20, 70126 Bari BA, Italy
AH2R     Sato Kouetsu, 9-15 Aoba, Nakayama-machi, Yamagata, 990-0411, Japan
AO8WRD   Federacion Digital EA, Apartado Postal 3050, 08200 Sabadell
         (Barcelona), Spain
DJ4MX    Sven Lovric, Kampenwandstr. 13, 81671 Munchen, Germany
DL2AWG   Guenter Gassler, Eichertstr. 8, 07589 Muenchenbernsdorf, Germany
ED7O     Pedro L. Alvarez, Calle Isaac Peral 11, 23700 Linares (Jaen), Spain
EI4POTA  Stefaan Sinnaeve, Moularostig, Sneem, Killarney, Co. Kerry,
         V93 Y42N, Ireland
FM8QR    Jean-Michel Suire, 63 Impasse de la Croisee,
         85440 Talmont St Hilaire, France
FP/F4HEC Frederic Fontaine, 2 Les Ferrands, 37800 Drache, France
FP5BZ    Ronan Darchen, BP 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
FR8TZ    Fabrice Brassier, 10 rue de Chanlat, 63190 Moissat, France
FR8UA    Fabrice Brassier, 10 rue de Chanlat, 63190 Moissat, France
HP1TT    Robert L. Grubic, 2631 Skyline Drive, Signal Hill CA 90755-3803,
J79NV    Oliver Sweningsen, PO Box 90, Orinda CA 94563, USA
KH0W     Thomas M. Callas, P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka MN 55345, USA
LN8W     Tom Sigurdsson, Hasasgrenda 10, 3243 Kodal, Norway
LZ73TRC  Atanas Petrov Kolev, P.O. Box 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria
LZ75IPA  Emil Stoykov, Ul. Kozlodui 5 et.5 ap.36, 6008 Stara Zagora,
N4T      Molly V. Sauder, 1509 Pinkerton Rd, Mount Joy PA 17552, USA
P44W     Carol Richards, 22 Mill Rd, Shamong NJ 08088, USA
PA80OV   Roy Wij, Paulus Potterweg 2, 6562 XH Groesbeek, Netherlands
SX2I     Andreas Voulgaropoulos, Aiolou 11, Makrochori, 591 50 Veria, Greece
T48K     Erhard Hauptmann, Erlenstr. 31, 57581 Katzwinkel, Germany
TM6M     CSAM, Section radio, 68 rue Theodore Botrel, 29200 Brest, France
VC3X     Shel Pimentel, 26 Ledgerock Rd, Brampton ON L6P 2L8, Canada
VK9DX    Nick Hacko, Suite 403 Level 4, Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh St
         Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
ZF2EZ    Bill Priakos, 10 Free Ferry Heights, Fort Smith AR 72903, USA
ZF2OO    Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Place, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952, USA
ZF5T     Stanford H. Stockton, PO Box 73, Siloam Springs AR 72761-0073, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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