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CX2SA  > 425DXN   10.01.25 19:33l 214 Lines 12997 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1758
Subj: [425ENG] 425 DX News 1758
Sent: 250110/1754Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:47179 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:425WW1758
To  : 425DXN@WW

11 January 2025                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1758

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5N     - Members of the Rebel DX Group  expect to be active as  5N9DTG  from
         Nigeria "for up to 3 weeks" starting the third week of January. QSL
         via Club Log's OQRS. After that,  they will go to South Africa  "to
         take care of  our expedition vessel  and pack most of the equipment
         for southern ocean voyage". []
9N     - Robert, 9N7AA (S53R) is going to be active on the low bands on  10-
         12 January.  This  will  be  "a real DXpedition"  to  a  hill  near
         Kathmandu,  carrying some  200 kg  of equipment.  The plan involves
         operating on 30 and 40 metres initially,  with the intention to set
         up  vertical  antennas  for  80 and 160 metres  the following  day,
         depending  on the success  of the first night  and local  QRM . The
         antennas are expected to remain in place for a few months.  QSL via
         LoTW, or direct to S56DX.
G      - GB70RS is the special callsign celebrating the 70th anniversary  of
         the Radio Society of Great Britain's  weekly news service  (GB2RS),
         which  has  been  running  continuously  since  25  September  1955
         (  GB70RS  is operated  by  the radio
         amateurs who work  to deliver GB2RS  each week,  both the editorial
         staff at RSGB HQ and the newsreaders spread around the UK and Crown
         Dependencies who transmit it every Sunday. QSL via the bureau, LoTW
         and eQSL.
HB9    - HB20SOTA is the special callsign for the Swiss SOTA Group (HB9SOTA)
         to celebrate its  20th anniversary  throughout 2025.  A certificate
         will be available, see for more information.
HI     - HI59UD is the  special callsign for the  Union Dominicana de Radio-
         aficionados, the second oldest amateur radio club in the  Dominican
         Republic,  to celebrate the 59th anniversary  since its foundation.
         Look for activity on the HF bands SSB and digital modes, from 17 to
         25 January. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, and QRZ Logbook.
I      - Team IG9/S51V will participate in the CQ WW 160-Meter CW Contest as
         a Multi-Single  entry from  Lampedusa Island (AF-019).  Outside the
         contest, on 19-29 January, look for team members S51V, S52OT, S52P,
         S54W, S56DX, S57UN, S58MU, S59A, S59ZZ, IV3CTS and  YT3H  to be QRV
         as IG9/home call on the HF bands. QSL via home calls. [TNX S59ZZ]
LZ     - Radio Club Blagovestnik  (LZ1KCP)  will use  six  special callsigns
         during  2025  to honour as many different Orthodox saints:  LZ403ES
         (January and February),  LZ372SG (March and April),  LZ286MDK  (May
         and  June),  LZ591MK  (July and  August),  LZ117ME  (September  and
         October) and LZ306WW (November and December). QSL via the bureau or
         direct to P.O. Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria.  Details on the "All
         Saints 2025 Award" can be found at
OH     - OF60AP is the special callsign  for members of the  Central Uusimaa
         Radio Amateurs Association  (OH2AP)  to celebrate their club's 60th
         anniversary throughout 2025. QSL via Club Log's OQRS. A certificate
         will be available, see
TG     - Dwight, VE7BV will be active again as TG9BBV  from Guatemala on 10-
         28 January. He will operate CW, SSB and possibly FT8 on 40-6m.  QSL
         via home call and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU     - Team AU2V (namely (VU2RS, VU2TT, VU3DXA, VU3GDS, VU3TPW and VU3WEW)
         is planning a DXpedition to Sacrifice Rock (AS-161). This challeng-
         ing island and  highly sought-after  IOTA group  was activated only
         once, back in January 2002.
         The team has received informal approval from local authorities  and
         is awaiting  formal confirmation  to proceed,  with  the activation
         tentatively planned for the  second week of February.  "We have two
         CW operators and  four SSB/digital operators",  Sarath, VU2RS says,
         "ensuring that we can run three stations simultaneously, if permit-
         ted, or two stations round the clock. We'll be using a range of an-
         tennas, including a 40-6m beam, 6 and 10m beam,  and verticals,  to
         ensure maximum coverage and efficiency".  Donations to help  offset
         the significant costs can be sent via PayPal to sarath[@] A
         website is apparently under construction at
         QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

425 DX NEWS COLLECTION ---> The bulletins  (past and future issues)  are now
archived in the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC), a
project  of the  Internet Archive:
You can use the search "text contents" field to do a full-text search on all
issues, or click "Date Published" to see them sorted by publication date.

BOUVET 2026 ---> Team 3Y0K  has announced  the  "completion of a major mile-
stone" with  the signing of a contract  with the company that will take them
to Bouvet Island in February 2026. They have also secured a contract with  a
company that will provide a helicopter,  two pilots, and a mechanic for this
"We will depart from Cape Town February 1st 2026",  the team says,  "and the
DXpedition is scheduled for  36 days.  We intend  to stay around  the island
for more than 21 days,  which will provide us with enough time  to wait  for
good conditions to land the team and all the equipment".
The total budget of $1,675,000  includes a $450,000 deposit  due on 20 Janu-
ary, with funding assistance from private contributions  and grants from the
Northern California DX Foundation.  "NCDXF has discussed  the planning  with
their leadership team and believes that this plan will be successful.  There
is risk associated with this  DXpedition  as we all know  because of weather
and local conditions.  The leadership  has experienced these challenges  and
has  thoughtfully addressed them  as best as they know".  There will be  two
grants from NCDXF, "totally up to $200,000. The first will be a down payment
of $100,000.  The second will be  a dollar for dollar  match up to $100,000.
The match will be a challenge to the clubs and hams that donate prior to the
DXpedition".  To help meet this target,  please consider making  a donation:

KERGUELEN 2025-26 ---> Thierry, F6CUK  and  Pascal, F8TRT  are working on  a
project to be QRV from the  Kerguelen Islands:
The document outlines the current status and future plans for their proposed
DXpedition,  addressing challenges faced  during the application process  to
TAAF authorities,  the multi-faceted nature of the project,  and the urgency
to receive approval before a self-imposed deadline in spring 2025 to proceed
with the expedition.  "With a departure  planned between  December 2025  and
March 2026", they say, "we are granting ourselves until spring to secure the
necessary approval; beyond this timeframe, the project will be abandoned".

WSJT-X 2.7.0 ---> Release Candidate WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc8  is  ready for download
and use  by  beta testers:  RC8  is
mostly a bug-fix release of the well-functioning RC7, but it also introduces
a new Message System that can be used  to invite your QSO partner  to QSY to
another  frequency or mode (e.g. during contests),  or to send some  general
short messages.  It consists of the "Message Creator" and the "QSY Monitor".
Received messages  are displayed as  popups.  To understand  how  to use the
Message System, read  Section 8  of the updated  WSJT-X User Guide  for RC8:

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2GE       OE3GEA      DA0WWA      DF1QR       P49X        W0YK
3D2HAZ      9M8HAZ      DP0GVN      DL5EBE      PA25WWA     LoTW
3Z6I        SP6JIU      EG6WWA      EC6DX       PJ4R        N4RR
3Z7WWA      SQ7U        EH5HNY      EA5ZD       PJ4SON      M0URX
4U1WB       KK4HD       FM4TI       EA5GL       PV2K        EA5GL
5P9Z/p      DL7UZO      FT4YM/p     F5PFP       R2025NY     RQ7L
5W0GE       OE3GEA      FY4JI       EA5GL       RC25BA      RV1CC
6W1RD       EA7FTR      GB1GKA      G4HLN       RI42SP      RN3RQ
8E3R        N2OO        GB1WWA      LoTW        RK25NY      RN3RQ
8Q7FX       DO4FX       GB200LB     M0OXO       RT25NY      RN3RQ
8Q7XF       DF3XY       GB8KW       G0UKN       RU25NY      RN3RQ
9A925T      9A2EU       GB9KW       GW0PUH      RW25NY      RN3RQ
9J2BO       EA5GL       HF33WOSP    SP6ZHP      RX25NY      RN3RQ
9N1CA       EA5ZD       HI8D        NK4Q        SC90SM      SK5SM
A43WWA      EC6DX       HK3X        M0OXO       SN50IWA     SP7IWA
A71AE       EC6DX       HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       TC93HARP    YM9EKE
A91WWA      EC6DX       IA0/IZ1KHY  I1URL       TM850N      F4GFE
AM150MF     EA3XL       II4FPEN     IQ4FE       UE25NY      RQ7L
AZ1D        EC6DX       JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY [d]  UP7WWA      LZ1YE
C37AC       EA3QS       JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ [b]  VE2CSI      M0URX
C5RK        EA7FTR      KP4ZZ       EB7DX       VI100IARU   M0OXO
CQ7WWA      CT1GFK      LY13LY      LY8O        VK5KI       M0OXO
CR5WWA      CS5DX       LZ06RN      LZ1ZF       VP6MW       W0VTT
CR6WWA      CT1ILT      LZ403ES     LZ1KCP      WP3C        M0OXO
CS2025HNY   CT1REP      OF60AP      OH2AP       YB0AR       EB7DX
D2ACE       EA7FTR      OU25AEI/p   OZ7AEI      Z81D        OM3JW
D4L         IK2NCJ      OY1OF       M0URX       ZW5B        PY5EG

4L7T     Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
8R1TM    Aldir Blanc da Silva, Rua Luisa Lirio do Vale 155, Praia Campista,
         Macae - RJ, 27923-080, Brazil
9G1SD    David W. Schneider, 1501 SW K St., Grants Pass OR 97526, USA
EI7M     John Barry, Lackabeha, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, Ireland
FM8QR    Jean-Michel Suire, 63 Impasse de la Croisee,
         85440 Talmont St Hilaire, France
H40DA    Darren Johnston, PO Box 3140, Browns Plains LPO, Browns Plains,
         QLD 4118, Australia
HD8FG    Gustavo Falconi, 1865 Brickell Ave A-1006, Miami FL 33129, USA
V4/G4DVB Brian Price, PO Box 2020, Llanharan, Pontyclun, CF72 9ZA,
         United Kingdom
ZF2OO    Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Place, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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