I0OJJ > DPBOX 04.04.24 16:34l 159 Lines 5067 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: apropos of DPBOX cmds
Sent: 240404/1302z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:A47T3_I0OJJ
>From i0ojj@i0ojj.ampr.org Thu Apr 4 15:02:37 2024
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Language: en-US
>From: Gustavo Ponza <i0ojj@i0ojj.ampr.org>
Organization: SICD Rome
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as per above, it needs that one is able ONLY
to read and write to understand what to do
with it :)
Type H(elp) to access the server commands
14:35:07 04.04.24 IR0EQ de I0OJJ-3 =>c i0ojj-13
link setup (9)...
*** connected to I0OJJ-13
Welcome to I0OJJ PMS !
dpbox on test - Login: 04.04.24 12:35 UTC Logins: 1
dpbox (Linux) v6.00.06
Welcome Gustavo!
Last login : Tuesday, 02.04.2024 20:57
no messages for IR0EQ @ I0OJJ.ITA.EU
HELP-INFO DPBOX v6.00 (2000-04-16):
Change language:
Baaseldyytsch.....: ' SPEAK BS '
Deutsch...........: ' SPEAK DL '
Experten-DL.......: ' SPEAK DLX '
Espanol...........: ' SPEAK EA '
Manta-Slang.......: ' SPEAK EY '
Francais..........: ' SPEAK F '
English...........: ' SPEAK G '
Schwiizerdyytsch..: ' SPEAK HB '
Italiano..........: ' SPEAK I '
Nederland.........: ' SPEAK NL '
Expert-Nederland..: ' SPEAK NLX '
Viennese..........: ' SPEAK OE1 '
Czesky............: ' SPEAK OK '
Danish............: ' SPEAK OZ '
Polsku............: ' SPEAK SP '
Hitch-Hiker.......: ' SPEAK SPC '
Schwaebisch.......: ' SPEAK SW '
You get detailed help for every command with "HELP <COMMAND>",
* = can be abbreviated to first letter
Abort * ends connection, logindate NOT updated
BBs search for specific mailboxes
Bye * see ABORT
Check * output CHECK-list (new messages in bbs)
CD changes board
COmment send a comment on a bulletin (addressed to board)
COMP activate/deactivate huffman compression; also //COMP
CONverse start converse mode
CS output SORTED CHECK-list (new messages in bbs)
Directory * display board list of bbs
Erase * delete a mail
EXit ends connection, logindate updated
FBbmode changes to FBB style of check list output
FILeserver starts file server mode
FInd see BBS
FTr full text retrieval, scans mail database
HEAder read only mail headers
Help * get this help, HELP <INDEX> gives more help on a command
LAnguages display available languages
List * display content of a board
LOgintime display or change time of last login
MAIlbeacon mailbeacon settings for the own call
MD2 starts MD2 password login
MD2Sf activates MD2 password for SF
MD5 starts MD5 password login
MD5Sf activates MD5 password for SF
Msg * send a single text line to another user
MYbbs enter your HomeBBS
Name * enter your name
NExt reads next mail
NOTboard suppress boards in CHECK output
PAssword set/delete your password
PIng generate a routing test message to another BBS
PREfix retrieve information on prefixes/WW-loc/calls
PRIV start password login
PROMpt change the bbs prompt
QTHLoc locator calculations
Quit * ends connection, logindate updated
Read * read messages
READLock set access restrictions on your user board
REPly reply to mail or bulletin (addressed to author)
ROutes retrieve routing information from the 'active' message router
Send * send a mail
SELection configure LIST and CHECK selection
SERver display server entries
SETReply marks a mail as 'replied'
SFStat display S&F statistics
SFTest test routing
SPEak change user language
STARtup enter startup commands (executed at login)
SYSChk check for sysop mode
SYStem start password login
TAlk start a connect to another user
TIme system time
TEll remote request to another bbs
Transfer * transfer mails; also CP
TTl lifetime display
UNerase unerase own mails
Usage * display user infos
Version * display version number
WAntboard selection of boards for CHECK output
In addition to the standard dpbox commands, a number of additional
(external) commands is available, as far as installed by the sysop:
RUn display all external commands (RUNs, scripts)
FHelp display external commands for the fileserver
Info display system information
Multiple commands in one line separated by semicolons (;)
The output of this BBS can be interrupted at any time by typing
a (blank) <ENTER> or <CR>.
Ask your sysop for a complete documentation of DPBOX.
73 and ciao, gustavo i0ojj/ir0aab/ir0eq
non multa, sed multum
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