DH8YMB > CLX 20.12.05 10:43l 175 Lines 6072 Bytes #999 (0) @
Subj: Update CLX 5.00 -> 5.04a (Info)
Path: DB0FHN
Sent: 051220/0943z @:DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU [JN59NK Nuernberg] obcm1.06b57
From: DH8YMB @ DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU (Markus)
X-Info: No login password
CLX Version 5.04a released November 21, 2000
Version 5.04a is a patch to version 5.00, 5.01, 5.02 or the latest
5.03 released in June 2000.
There is one major new feature which is the added dupe checking
for announce messages (PC10). Nowadays they seem to be the big
problem in loop configurations. Thanks to DK4VW, PA4AB and others
for their input and cooperation in providing this solution.
Also this version was tested on Postgres 7.0 which is now found in
current Linux distributions. It is not yet guaranteed to run on
Postgres 7.0 but we tried hard and it seems to run fine.
If you are a new user and install CLX for the first time, get the
clx_500.tgz file and install CLX as per instructions in the manual.
Then come back here.
The same is true for installations still running version 4.06 of CLX.
You must backup your data, install 5.00 from scratch, reload your
data and then come back here.
Remember to run VACUUM after you have reloaded the backup data (if
any) before you proceed.
If you have had CLX 5.00, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 or pre-release of 5.04
running, here is your way to upgrade without losing any data:
1. Put the upd_504a.tgz archive into the /tmp directory.
2. As user clx_us shut down your current CLX software but leave
the postmaster running:
$ clx -s
3. In CLX 5.00 there existed a hard link from clx_par.sample
to clx_par and cluster_par.sample to cluster.par. As clx_us
remove the *.sample files, otherwise the unpacking will
overwrite your current config files:
$ rm -f ~/config/clx_par.sample ~/config/cluster_par.sample
If you come from version 5.02 or 5.03 this should already be
4. As root, unpack the software patch from the archive file and run
# cd /
# tar xvzf /tmp/upd_504a.tgz
# ldconfig
5. Fix an error which was in the clx_500.tgz file:
# chown -R clx_us:users ~clx_us/box ~clx_us/config
6. If you are upgrading from version 5.00 or 5.01, there is a new database
table which needs to be created before you can start CLX 5.04 for the
first time. If you were up at level 5.02 or beyond, proceed to the
next item.
Here are the commands that need to be executed as clx_us:
$ psql clx_db < ~/db/wcy_data.cl
$ psql clx_db < ~/db/wcy_data.idx
7. There was a problem in the ml_file table where the type for f_cntr
was originally set as int2. However, over the years its limits have
become too small and a problem emerged at various places (PA4AB, DB0MDX)
where CLX would not accept new mail messages any more. To find out if
you have this problem use the following command (user clx_us):
$ echo '\d ml_file' | psql clx_db -Aqt | grep f_cntr
If the result shows int2 in the second column, you need to apply the
following procedure. If you see int4, you are already done and you
can skip this step and proceed with the next item.
$ bup_db -s ml_file
$ psql clx_db -c "drop table ml_file"
$ psql clx_db < ~/db/ml_file.cl
$ psql clx_db < ~/db/ml_file.idx
$ bup_db -r ml_file
Now do a final test:
$ echo '\d ml_file' | psql clx_db -Aqt | grep f_cntr
You should now see "int4" or "integer" in the second column.
8. As user clx_us delete outdated files and directories (contest
data has moved to another directory in version 5.02):
$ rm -rf ~/exec/command/contest ~/exec/command/contest_data
$ rm -f ~/lib/libclxccl.so.5.1* ~/lib/libclxccl.so.5.2*
$ rm -f ~/lib/libclxccl.so.5.2*
$ rm -f ~/tools/cleanup_wwv
9. If you are coming from version 5.02 or before, create the two
executable tables Udt_QSL and Udt_MANAGER for remote access using
the following command. Skip this step, if you already had 5.03 up
and running - you did it last time.
$ psql clx_db < ~/db/qsl_mng.cl
Ignore the warning message about the already existing table
10. If all went well, startup the new CLX 5.04.
$ clx -u
*** CHANGES ***
- AX.25 functions inside CLX changed from old ax25-utils-2.1.42a library
to new libax25-0.0.7. CLX (con_ctl actually) now uses libax25.so.*.
In case your system does not have it, CLX provides it in the
~clx_us/lib directory.
- Remote DB request for remote nodes not directly connected now working
- ~? command crashed term_usr - fixed (F6FGZ).
- CLX now sends appropriate PC41 for SET/NAME, SET/QTH and SET/LOCATION
commands. Also a new sysop command FORWARD/OPERNAM <call> was implemented
to spread around the information gathered (G1TLH).
- Added symbolic callsign "links" to show/cstat output. You can now check
link statistics by using SHOW/CSTAT LINKS.
- Dupe checking for announce (PC11) is now a dynamic parameter which
can be set in the clx_par file. Default depth is 400 entries. One
entry currently costs 214 bytes of memory.
- Modified the lock mechanism. Added a manual lock for the cluster_par
file - see further details in sysop manual (DK4VW).
- Users on a node which has the "local" attribute (clx_par) are now
reported with SET/LOGIN (their callsign ends with a @ character
to make them discernible from really local users) (N6WS).
- Bell flag '*' added to PC10. Fixed crash when using wrong syntax
in announce command (DK4VW).
- New sysop command ANNOUNCE/SYSOP - generates a local announcement
even for users who have switched off ANNOUNCE messages using
SET/NOANNOUNCE. Useful for announcing shutdowns and system
- SHOW/SCATTER calculated a wrong direction when the heading was
180 degrees (DL2MIC/DC8EC).
- Some small bug fixes:
a) SHOW/DXFROM allows callsigns now also in capitals (N6WS)
b) Some user list irritations fixed for users that were connected
to other nodes as well (W7IUV)
c) SHOW/LOG now also works with callsigns in capitals (F6FGZ)
d) db_maint (6c) optimized (DK4VW)
73 Markus DH8YMB
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