VK8PDG > CLOVER 04.11.01 02:09l 195 Lines 6138 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 7965_VK8PDG
Subj: Winlink Clover mailboxes operate 24 hours/day
Sent: 011104/0416z @:VK8PDG.PLM.#NT.AUS.OC (Palmerston NT) Z:0830 #:7965
; WinLink Export File version 2.9c. Thu Nov 01 11:17:17 2001
; Originating BBS: ZS5S
; Destination BBS: YOURS
; Contains 0 Message(s) and 2 Bulletin(s)
CLV MBO's WW - 01NOV01
R:011101/0505z @:ZS5S.ZAF.AF [AfricaLink] #:357815
These Winlink Clover mailboxes operate 24 hours/day,
unless indicated, and forward directly to/from their
local Packet Network.
Listed is the Center Frequency.
Add 2.25 kHz to find the LSB dial frequency.
Explanation of codes used:
Type of antenna:
B = Beam
D = Dipole
V = Vertical
Internet details:
# = Not accepting Radio-EMails
E = E-Mail address
H = Homepage URL
AB7RU@WB7AUK.#SPKN.EWA.WA.USA.NA, Mike, [------:-], via NONE,
(99-), no fwdg
day: 14062.25 - night: 7062.25
E mparkes@worldnet.att.net
H home.att.net/~mparkes
CP5VW.BOL.SA, Mike, [------: -], via NONE, (--), non-Winlink
B North: 14097.75 14107.75 14113.75 21063.75 21065.75
E -
GB7SIG.#45.GBR.EU, Jim/G3WGM, [IO92--: -], via NONE, (--)
3663.25 7037.75 14063.25 14107.75
E jim@mail.army.mod.uk
H www.hfmailbox.rsars.org.uk
K6VE.#SCA.CA.USA.NA, Nick, [------: Los Angeles], (99OCT), RLI
E nick222@earthlink.net
KE7XO.#SONEV.NV.USA.NA, Richard, [------: Las Vegas], via NONE (99OCT)
E -
KQ4ET.#VABEACH.VA.USA.NA, Joel, [------: Virginia Beach], (--), NTS only
- 3625.75 3627.75 7063.75 7064.75 7065.75 10131.75 10134.75
14107.75 14111.75 14113.75
E -
N0IA.#CENFL.FL.USA.NA, Bud, [EL98jv: Deltona], via WB5KSD, (98-)
- 7104.25 10141.75 - 2200-1300: 3627.75 - 1300-2200: 14097.75
E budt@cfl.rr.com
N4SS.#WFL.FL.USA.NA, Nick, [EM60ko: Milton/Pensacola], via N8PGR, (--)
- 3627.75 7063.75 7104.25 10134.75 10140.75
14064.75 (14111.75 NTS only)
0100-1300: 3625.75 7064.75
E zorn@gulf.net
N6IYA.#WCCA.CA.USA.NA, John, [------: -], (--), RLI
H24: 7061.75 7062.75 7063.75 7064.75 7065.75 7066.75
Day: 14061.75 14062.75 14063.75 14064.75 14065.75 14066.75
E -
# N7QDN.OR.USA.NOAM, Duane, [CN85sl: nr Portland], via NONE, (00JAN),
D 3623.75 3626.75 3628.75 7070.75 7071.75 7072.75 7084.75
10121.75 10123.75 10125.75
B 110 deg 1400-0400: 14068.75 14069.75 14072.75 14074.75 14113.75
18102.75 21067.75 21073.75 21076.75 24914.75
28072.75 28074.75 28076.75
E -
VE3BDM.#EON.ON.CAN.NA, George, [FN05--: Brockville], via NONE, (01JAN)
D 3625.75 3627.75 7063.75 10134.75 14064.75 14111.75
E ve3bdm@recorder.ca
H web.ripnet.com/~ve3bdm
W0RLI.OR.USA.NA, Hank, [------: -], via NONE, (00AUG), RLI
- 7085.75 14107.75 14113.75 1417.75 21063.75 21073.75 21074.75
28074.75 28097.75 28107.75
E -
H horedson.home.att.net or home.att.net/~horedson/w0rli
W4NPX.#CVA.VA.USA.NA, Bob, [FM08sb: Charlottesville], via NONE, (99MAR)
- 3627.75 3630.75 7063.75 7065.75 7104.25
10132.75 10133.75 10142.25 14063.75 14065.75 21063.75 28127.9
E w4npx@earthlink.net
H home.sprynet.com/sprynet/w4npx
W5SEG.STX.SEG.TX.USA.NA, Robby, [EL19as: Seguin], via WB0TAX, (00MAR)
D 1800-0800: 3625.75 3627.75
0800-2000: 21093.75
H24 : 7104.25 10134.75 10140.75
E w5seg@swbell.net
H www.axs4u.net/home/w5seg
W7IJ.#WWA.WA.USA.NA, Bill, [CN86sv: nr Olympia], via K4CJX, (00SEP)
V 3604.75 3619.75 3623.75 7067.75 7068.75 10125.75 10127.75
B ESE: 14067.75 14068.75 14117.75 18104.25 18105.25
21077.75 21078.75
E w7ij@arrl.net
WB2FTX.#NENJ.NJ.USA.NA, Dave, [FM20tx: Butler], via NONE, (00MAY), NTS only
3625.75 7104.25 10140.75 14064.75 14111.75 18097.75
E wb2ftx@optonline.net
WX4J.#SWITZ.FL.USA.NA, Earl, [EL90ec: -], via NONE, (--)
D 3625.75 3627.75 7063.75 7065.75 14107.75 14113.75
E wx4j@juno.com
This bulletin is updated continuously and distributed on the first
of each month.
Also available at URL: zs5s.com
Please send additional info and changes to ZS5S @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF
or via e-mail to zs5s@zs5s.com
For Internet subscription to this directory, send E-mail
To : zs5s@zs5s.com
Text: yourcallsign
- end -
ZS5S Operating Schedule - 01NOV01
R:011101/0728z @:ZS5S.ZAF.AF [AfricaLink] #:357822
ZS5S, a Winlink-2000 MBO, operates on the following
Center Frequencies (CFs):
| Pactor-1 and Pactor-2
| 7037.0
| 14064.0
| 14073.0
| 21064.0
| 21073.0
| 28073.0
| 0400-0500 and 1400-1500z - weekdays only -
| beaming 60 degrees (towards SE Asia/Indian Ocean).
| 2100-0400 - 250 degress (towards South America)
| At other times the 4-element 4-band beam is generally
| towards the North, varying between 330~020 depending on
| demand, conditions and time of day.
| Beamheadings can be adjusted on request.
| During summer storms are common, most pronounced around
| 1200-1300z, but can (re-)occur any time between 1000-2200z.
| ZS5S is situated in a high risk area (80%) and the system
| is off air when lightning is severe.
Users of the ZS5S system may use the free Winlink-2000 EMail service.
Your EMail Address will be call@winlink.org and is auto-assigned on
the first connect to a WL2K MBO.
E-mail : zs5s@zs5s.com
URL : zs5s.com or users.iafrica.com/n/ne/nexus
Note - To find YOUR dial frequency on Pactor:
on LSB: CF + CFT
on USB: CF - CFT
Center Frequency Tones (CFT) of your particular tnc/controller
is the lowest + highest tone devided by two or the mean of
mark and space tones, e.g the CFT of a US PK232 is 2210 Hz.
The CFT of all SCS controllers is software controlled.
A CFT 2000 Hz may be considered. It allows instant switching
between USB and LSB and a read-out frequency of - 2 Khz or
+ 2 Khz respectively.
- end -
*** Done
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