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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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VE3WBZ > BIKES    12.09.08 06:47l 97 Lines 3354 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 60719_VA3BAL
Subj: Hello K. Warren
Sent: 080912/0439Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:60719 [Ballantrae] $:60719_VA3B


DT:Friday,September 11th.,2008 @0014hrs EST

<< Quoting KB2VXA to BIKES @WW >>

>Hi Pete and all,

    Hello fellow peddle-pushing-speed freak  ..hahahahha

> Hoons, loons or whatever the entertainment never ends and
>I have a front row seat on the porch. Unfortunately I won't
>be out there too much watching the fun as they slip and
>slide on the white stuff so maybe I should get one of those
>machines and watch the morning surprises in June?

Me too ... this week has been MAD!

>Speaking of Klaus and the zapper, the other side of that
>coin is the Taser. Heh, chlorine in the gene pool?
>Any comment Mister K?

 Aah you hurt us Cannuckians...but unlike  "U-know-WHO"
I will opinionate on the use of Tasers, and the Vancouver
airport where 3 or more RCMP officers surroundered a Polish
man and killed him with a taser, just has me up in arms.

There is your comment from "Mister K" give me the
crown and the money.

>Eh, now how could you connect to my packet station when
>it's not on the air and without an antenna?

Sorry Warren. I mever indicatred whether you were on
or off.    I just wanted you to know about where
I can RF digi too...thats a station near you.

>I don't know where that notion came from and besides,
>I haven't surfed the network in a few years having found
>little out there and even when I still used radio the
>mail box, digi and beacon were shut down due to lack of use.
>It rather died around here except for a few NTS users so
>no point keeping it powered up 24/7 anymore.
>No, ham radio isn't dieing, just packet has fallen by the
>wayside in favor of other digital modes.

Never said it has....always promote RF packet.

>Not being a news buff I hadn't heard the end of the surfer
>story but I was told by a reader of the regional paper one
>was rescued and the other lost. Sorry no details, I don't
>know if the pilot ever got his pizza either.

We yesterday had a parachut type plane dump in Lake Simcoe
about 7:30PM last night.   Never heard him or can not
recall if I heard him go over...but it was sundown...anyhow
the search today found him.    Too late.

I bet the pilot went radio silent and sent someone in for
the pizza.   Any idea which type?

>Thanks for the warning, when I get to your TVPROG I'll
>first scan it for viruses and open it VERY carefully.
>Then which wire do I cut, red or blue? Decisions decisions

  Hahahahahaha...yeah..hahahaha...well at least I did admit
I watched that one ..and also some real crap today.  Glad
I don't waste money on dish and cable for the crap offering
I am seeing....what a waste .... BUT my opinion.

  Our emblem below is approprite

    ----------     ________     ____      ____
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   | P A C K E T   R A D I O   N E T W O R K |

>73 de Warren
>[End of Message #257035 from KB2VXA]

 ttfn Pete VE3WBZ

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