AE5ME > ARL 19.04.16 04:32l 47 Lines 5171 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: ARRL Letter April 14 Part 3 of 4
Sent: 160419/0105Z 35984@AE5ME.#NEOK.OK.USA.NOAM BPQ1.4.64
ARRL Rookie Roundup Returns with SSB Event on Sunday, April 17!
The SSB edition of ARRL Rookie Roundup returns on Sunday, April 17, getting under way at 1800 UTC and continuing through 2359 UTC. For the purposes of this operating event, a "Rookie" is any radio amateur licensed within the current calendar year or in the previous two calendar years, regardless of license class. The goal of Rookie Roundup is to encourage recently licensed operators in North America (including territories and possessions) to operate on the HF bands and experience competitive Amateur Radio operating.
Rookie Roundup events take place three times a year: SSB in April, RTTY in August, and CW in December. Experienced operators are encouraged to participate and help new operators -- either on the air or in person. Old Timers may want to consider making their stations available to rookies and serving as contesting mentors.
Rookies call "CQ Rookie Roundup," while veteran ops call "CQ Rookies." Exchange the call sign of the station you're working, your call sign, your first name, the two-digit number of the year first licensed, and your state, Canadian province, Mexican call area, or DX. Rookies exchange information with as many other stations as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.
Contact ARRL Contest Branch Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, for more information. Read more.
ARRL School Club Roundup Results Posted
The results are in for the February 2016 ARRL School Club Roundup. Turnout for the winter event was very good, especially by college-level clubs. There's also growing digital activity.
Topping the Elementary/Primary School field was the Dresden Elementary Amateur Radio Station (DEARS) team at KD8NOM. The Ohio school racked up 102,828 points, mostly on SSB but with a handful of CW/digital contacts.
KF5CRF sponsor Clifton Harper, KE5YZB, mentors students in the Mangum Public Schools, where he teaches a World Communications class.
The Schofield Middle School Radio Club, operating N4SMS, had the top score in the Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School category. The South Carolina school ran up 428,808 points in an all-SSB effort that included contacts with 49 states.
In the Senior High School category, the Tiger Radio Club, KF5CRF, of the Mangum, Oklahoma, Public Schools, took 1st place with 268,793 points.
Texas A&M University had the top score in the College/University category, achieving 428,544 points from W5AC. The team had 1016 contacts, 50 of them on CW or digital modes.
Besting the field in the Club/Multi-Op category (W/VE) was the Duluth Children's Museum's N0DCM, with 34,572 points, mostly from phone contacts but with 59 CW/digital QSOs as well.
Congratulations to all! See the complete results. -- Thanks to Ward Silver, N0AX
World ARDF Championships Participation Expected to Break Record
According to a post on the IARU Region 1 website from Don Beattie, G3BJ, the 2016 World Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships are expected to attract a record-breaking number of participants. The World ARDF Championships will take place in the Black Sea resort of Albena, Bulgaria, on September 3-9.
The Championships are expected to be a huge event, and so far 374 participants from 33 countries on four continents have declared their intentions to take part in the events. The tally is expected to reach 400 participants from 39 countries, which would top the current record.
Details -- including those for some preliminary events -- are on the World ARDF Championships website. -- Thanks to IARU Region 1
Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, Named as IARU Satellite Advisor
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has announced the appointment of Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, as IARU Satellite Advisor, effective immediately. Blondeel Timmerman succeeds Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV, who had served as IARU Satellite Advisor since 1994. Van de Groenendaal established many of the Amateur Satellite frequency coordination procedures and has been a critical contributor to the IARU coordination process.
Newly appointed IARU Satellite Advisor Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T.
The IARU Satellite Advisor represents the IARU to the satellite community and the various amateur satellite organizations and handles satellite frequency coordination. In addition, the Satellite Advisor maintains a database of coordination requests and letters, reports to the IARU Administrative Council on issues related to satellites and satellite frequency coordination, and, if requested, provides technical and operational advice to assist in representing the Amateur Satellite service to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). A panel of volunteer satellite advisory members assist the Satellite Advisor.
Licensed since 1980, Blondeel Timmerman served VERON as its HF Manager from 2000 until 2001 and as Vice President from 2001 until 2008. He was a member of the IARU Region 1 Executive Committee from 2002 until 2008 and served as IARU Region 1 President from 2008 until 2014. He has been European DX Foundation (EUDXF) President since 2004, and is a member of the YASME Foundation Board of Directors. Read more.
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