AE5ME > ARL 02.04.16 15:32l 166 Lines 6154 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: West Gulf Division Newsletter
Sent: 160402/1357Z 34693@AE5ME.#NEOK.OK.USA.NOAM BPQ1.4.64
West Gulf Division Newsletter April 2016
---Annual West Gulf Division Awards
---H.R. 1301 waits for Committee approval
---Dave Sumner, K1ZZ retires April 18th
---Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships (ADRF)
---Planned Events for K5RAV and N5AUS
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
---Annual West Gulf Division Awards
The Annual WGD awards program is now open to receive nominations. It
is time to start working on your submissions for the WGD 2016
Divisional Awards which will be presented at the West Gulf Division
Convention at HamCom in June. Nominations for the 2016 Award Winners
will be accepted until May 1, 2016.
Nomination forms for each nominee (by category) must be supported by at
least three ARRL members on the award nomination form, a minimum 150
word statement, and any available supporting documentation. Other rules
do apply and can be found on the
nomination forms.
Go to http://arrlwgd.org/?p=1450 to display the actual forms and
The Division Awards judging panel consists of four (4) ARRL members
selected by each of the Section Managers in North Texas, Oklahoma,
South Texas and West Texas Sections. The Section Manager may opt to
appoint his/herself to the committee. The fifth judge is selected by
the Division Director and may reside anywhere within the West Gulf
Division. Neither the Division Director nor the Vice Director will
participate in the vote.
Please make 2016 the year that you nominate that outstanding member of
your club that you know deserves Division level recognition for all the
good things he or she do for amateur radio.
---H.R. 1301 waits for Committee approval
H.R. 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, has passed the House
Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. Rep Greg Walden-R
Oregon, W7EQI, is the Chairman of the Subcommittee. It now waits for a
hearing before the full House Energy and Commerce Committee. There have
been two behind the scenes compromises to the text of the bill made by
the ARRL’s Washington group made up of ARRL’s Chief Counsel Chris
Imlay, W3KD, and Mike Lisenco, Hudson Division Director, N2YBB. It is
my understanding a full hearing of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee will be scheduled soon. I don’t have a date as yet.
---Dave Sumner, K1ZZ retires April 18th
Dave Sumner, often referred to as “Mr. Amateur Radioö and who has
been at ARRL HQ’s in Newington, CT, for 34 years officially retires
April 18th. The new ARRL CEO, Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, takes the reins of
the over 100 year old ARRL on that date. Tom is already in residence at
ARRL HQ’s and has spent the past several weeks making ready for the
Tom has agreed to attend HamCom June 10-11 in Irving, TX, and the
Oklahoma Section Convention in Oklahoma City on July 22-23. He will be
at the ARRL forums at both conventions and will also be available at the
ARRL booths. Drop by and meet the new ARRL CEO, Tom Gallagher.
---Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships (ADRF)
Killeen, Texas, will be the site of the 2016 USA ARDF Championships.
The Texas ARDF group and the Austin Orienteering Club will stage
classic competitions on two meters and 80 meters, plus sprints,
foxhunting and optional practice courses from April 6 through 10. Most
events will be at the Parrie Haynes Youth Ranch, which has over 2000
acres of equestrian trails and facilities for other outdoor sports.
USA's ARDF Championships are open to all. Visiting competitors from
outside USA are welcome. Some of USA's medal winners will be invited
to compete on Team USA at the ARDF World Championships in Bulgaria next
---Planned Events for K5RAV and N5AUS
Director Woolweaver, K5RAV and Vice Director Stratton, N5AUS plan to
attend the following upcoming events in 2016.
---OK State Convention (Green Country), Claremore, OK April 8
---West Gulf Division Convention (HamCom), Irving, TX June 10-11
---ARRL July Board Meeting, Hartford, CT July 13-16
---Oklahoma Section Convention (Ham Holiday), OKC, July 22-23
---OK State Convention (Green Country), Claremore, OK April 8
---West Gulf Division Convention (HamCom), Irving, TX June 10-11
---ARRL July Board Meeting, Hartford, CT July 13-16
---Oklahoma Section Convention (Ham Holiday), OKC, July 22-23
ARRL Convention and Hamfest events are a great place to visit with the
Division and Section Leadership. Each event will also include an ARRL
forum where you can receive additional insight into Division and
Section matters.
At any time that you have a concern or just want to say hello, contact
Director Woolweaver at K5RAV@arrl.org
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
04/08/2016 | Oklahoma State Convention (Green Country Hamfest)
Location: Claremore, OK
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Green Country Hamfest, Inc.
Website: http://greencountryhamfest.org
04/16/2016 | HamEXPO
Location: Belton, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Temple Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://tarc.org/hamexpo/
06/10/2016 | West Gulf Division Convention (Ham-Com 2016)
Location: Irving, TX
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: North Texas Area Clubs
Website: http://www.hamcom.org
06/18/2016 | Big Spring Amateur Radio Tailgate
Location: Big Spring, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Big Spring Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://www.qsl.net/w5aw/
Learn More
07/16/2016 | Tidelands ARS Hamfest
Location: Texas City, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Tidelands Amateur Radio Society
Website: http://tidelands.org
Learn More
07/22/2016 | Oklahoma Section Convention (Ham Holiday 2016)
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs
Website: http://www.hamholiday.com
Learn More
08/05/2016 | Texas State Convention (Austin Summerfest 2016)
Location: Austin, TX
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Austin ARC & Texas VHF-FM Society
Website: http://www.austinsummerfest.org
Learn More
ARRL West Gulf Division
Director: David A Woolweaver, K5RAV
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