AE5ME > ARRL 22.01.16 16:36l 58 Lines 6809 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: //WL2K ARRL Newsletter January 21 Part 2 of 4
Sent: 160122/1511Z 30131@AE5ME.#NEOK.OK.USA.NOAM BPQ1.4.64
In addition to forums, exhibits, and Amateur Radio examinations, special event station KP4AW will be on the air from inside the coliseum. An Amateur of the Year Award will also be presented, and the Coquifest 2016 get-together will be held on el Gran Parque de Hatillo on Saturday evening.
Outgoing ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, Honored with ARRL President's Award
As both were on the threshold of departing their official positions with the League, then-ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, presented ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, with the ARRL President's Award. The presentation came during the ARRL Board of Directors' Annual Meeting January 15-16 in Windsor, Connecticut. She also recognized two Board members for their 50 years of League membership.
ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, receives the ARRL President's Award plaque from ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN. [Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, photo]
The legend on the ARRL President's Award plaque recognizes Sumner "for lifetime dedication to advancing the art, science, and enjoyment of Amateur Radio." Sumner announced last year that he would be stepping down at the end of May after 44 years on the ARRL Headquarters staff.
Licensed in 1962, Sumner has been engaged in Amateur Radio in the domestic and international arenas for most of the years since. Sumner is an active contester and DXer and renowned for the breadth and depth of his knowledge and expertise in Amateur Radio.
ARRL President Bestows President's Award on AMSAT's Tom Clark, K3IO
The ARRL has honored veteran AMSAT personality and Amateur Radio digital pioneer Tom Clark, K3IO (ex-W3IWI), with its President's Award. Then-ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, presented the award plaque to Clark at a January 10 meeting of the Potomac Valley Radio Club in Blacksburg, Virginia. The plaque, which bears a likeness of ARRL Co-Founder Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW, recognizes Clark's 60 years of advancing Amateur Radio technology.
Tom Clark, K3IO, receives the ARRL President's Award from then-ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN. [Courtesy of Bob McGwier, N4HY]
"In addition to his work with AMSAT, Tom was a leader in the development of the AX.25 packet radio network in the 1980s, when he was W3IWI. Anyone who was on packet in the 1980s knew that call sign," President Craigie said. "I recall attending a forum he gave on packet radio at a hamfest in Baltimore in the 1980s, when people on the East Coast were just getting interested in the mode and its possibilities." Clark was a TAPR director during the heyday of packet radio forwarding, and TAPR's significance was huge, she said.
Former AMSAT President and current AMSAT Director Bob McGwier, N4HY, was more direct. "There would be no AMSAT to inspire all of this work without Tom Clark," he said, noting that the organization had been in serious trouble after the Phase 3A satellite launch failure.
"Tom took over as president of AMSAT, and he saved the organization and inspired all of us to look to the future and aim for the stars," McGwier said. "All that has followed, including PACSAT and microsats, CubeSats, AO-13, all the way through AO-85, are a direct result of Tom Clark saving AMSAT and providing it leadership as president from 1980 to 1987 and continuous leadership on the Board of Directors of AMSAT from 1976 until today." Read more.
National Parks on the Air Update
Great pileups were reported from many National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) activators over the January 16-17 weekend. We're getting more and more comments from participants who are catching "NPOTA Fever" and beginning the chase.
At three weeks into the year-long event, we've seen nearly 200 of the 483 NPOTA units activated -- an amazing level of participation! Several Chasers are taking the event seriously as well; 11 Chasers have more than 100 NPOTA units confirmed, and 84 have 50 or more units in the bag. And it's still mighty cold in a large part of the county...just think what activity will be like when it warms up a bit.
NPOTA Managers Sean Kutzko, KX9X, and Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, are talking NPOTA, ham radio, and RVing on this week's RoadTreking.com podcast, "Reliable Communications for the RVer," hosted by Mike Wendland, K8ZRH, an NPOTA Activator.
More than 20 Activations are scheduled for the week of January 21-27; check the NPOTA Activations calendar for details. Follow NPOTA on Facebook and Twitter, too! -- Thanks to ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X
There's Still Time -- But Not Much -- to Make Plans for the ARRL National Convention and Banquet
Time is tight to order ARRL National Convention Banquet tickets and to make your plans to attend the Convention February 12-14, hosted by the popular Orlando HamCationŽ, which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. The banquet will take place on Saturday, February 13, at 6:30 PM, with ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, as the keynote speaker. Guests also will hear from and get to meet the League's new President, Rick Roderick, K5UR. Master of Ceremonies will be ARRL Southeastern Division Director Doug Rehman, K4AC. Banquet tickets will be available until January 31. The ARRL cannot guarantee that any tickets will be available for sale during the convention.
The Convention and HamCation have plenty of activities to offer, and, of course, it's a great place to meet with friends you haven't seen for a while. ARRL's exhibit area will highlight the various aspects of League services, including the ARRL Education & Technology Program (ETP), Public Service, Radiosport and DXCC card checking, and The Amateur Radio Parity Act. Visitors not only will be able to peruse the many and varied ARRL publications and gear, but ARRL staff will be on hand to help generate and send letters to Members of Congress to urge their support of The Amateur Radio Parity Act. ARRL Laboratory representatives will test your handheld radio. It's also an opportunity to learn more about the ARRL National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event, which continues through the end of the year. On Saturday afternoon, younger visitors -- licensed or not -- can participate in a hidden-transmitter hunt -- a foxhunt -- using a receiver and directional antenna.
Download the entire ARRL National Convention Exhibit & Activities Guide (PDF) so you won't miss anything. More information is available on the ARRL National Convention web page. Read more.
Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, Named as ARRL Contest Branch Manager
Former ARRL staffer Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, is the League's new ARRL Contest Branch manager. Jahnke returned to ARRL Headquarters on January 4 after a decade away, working in the customer service, manufacturing sales and support, and information technology fields in the Midwest and on the East Coast. He succeeds Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW, who resigned last year.
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