N9PMO > LETTER 16.08.14 01:14l 642 Lines 29624 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : ARLL3233
Sent: 140815/2318Z 28365@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NA BPQ1.4.60
ARRL Teachers Institutes Chalk Up Another Successful Summer
Amateur Radio Operators Delighted With California City Council's
Antenna Decision
"Pacific Endeavor-14" Exercise Stresses International Cooperation
Canadian Radio Amateurs Will Join Special Event This Fall on 630
W1AW Centennial Operations Relocate on August 20 (UTC)
W1AW Centennial Operations Head to the Pacific in October and
Radio Amateur Named to FEMA National Advisory Council
Ham Radio Payload to Circle the Moon
AMSAT Issues Call for 2014 Space Symposium Papers
Shortwave Broadcasting "of Marginal and Continuously Declining
Impact," Committee Concludes
NPR Program Features WRTC2014
Radio Amateurs Named to Order of Canada
Support ARRL by Shopping at AmazonSmile
A Century of Amateur Radio and the ARRL
The K7RA Solar Update
Just Ahead in Radiosport
Upcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events
ARRL Teachers Institutes Chalk Up Another Successful Summer
Thanks to the ARRL's 2014 Teachers Institutes on Wireless
Technology, nearly 3 dozen teachers will be heading back to school
this fall better equipped to incorporate science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) principles into their curricula.
A dozen educators also returned home with an Amateur Radio license
or a license upgrade.
As part of its outreach to schools, the ARRL Education & Technology
Program (ETP) sponsored two introductory Teachers Institute (TI)
sessions and one advanced class during June and July. "Introduction
to Wireless Technology" (TI-1) sessions took place in late June at
Dayton, Ohio -- hosted by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association --
and at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. The advanced
"Remote Sensing and Data Gathering" (TI-2) course was held at ARRL
Headquarters in July. The 4-day, expenses-paid professional
development seminars offer teachers from the elementary to the
university level tools and strategies to introduce basic
electronics, radio science, space technology, and satellite
communication, as well as weather science, microcontrollers, and
basic robotics in their classrooms.
Two dozen teachers from 16 states attended the two introductory
courses under the guidance of Instructors Tommy Gober, N5DUX, and
Larry Kendall, K6NDL -- a new instructor who is a middle school
technology teacher in California.
"The curriculum is designed for motivated teachers and other school
staffers who want to learn more about wireless technology and bring
that knowledge to their students," ARRL Education Services Manager
Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, said. "Many expressed interest in coming back
for more training with satellite communications, the MAREA [Mars
Lander/Marine Amateur Radio Robotics Exploration Activity] program,
and remote sensors and data collection." MAREA is a hands-on
activity designed to engage students in learning programming skills
for command and control of land or marine robots via Amateur Radio
Advanced TI session Instructor Mark Spencer, WA8SME, runs his
students through a MAREA setup and demonstration.
During this summer's advanced (TI-2) session on remote sensing and
data gathering, Instructor Mark Spencer, WA8SME, demonstrated how to
control the movements of a robot through data packets sent via the
International Space Station (ISS) digipeater on 145.825 MHz. The
satellite station at W1AW tracked the ISS during a July 10 pass.
W1AW received and decoded movement instructions sent by Matt
Severin, N8MS, in Eau Claire, Michigan. Those data then were
transferred to the robot through a wireless UHF link. Ten teachers
from nine states took part in the advanced course. All were Amateur
Radio licensees and ARRL members. The introductory wireless
technology course is a prerequisite to the advanced class.
New this year at the TI-2 course was a marine research buoy. The
buoy is outfitted with sensors to measure surrounding air and water
temperature and pressure, and it includes a GPS tracking device. A
PIC controls data sampling and storage. A Yaesu FT-270 handheld
transceiver was used to transmit data via the Automatic Packet
Reporting System (APRS).
Students at the TI-1 class in Dayton, Ohio, assemble components for
a robotics project.
"Each teacher received a buoy, assembled it, and learned how the
data measurements from the electronic sensors are converted to
useable information about the environment, how to program the PIC to
sample the data, how to configure APRS and receive the data and
upload it into Excel for evaluation and analysis," Johnson
explained. "The buoy is a resource designed for classroom use as
well as for easy deployment in local bodies of water. The teachers
deployed their buoys in buckets, as they learned how to program and
set up their buoy systems."
Participants were enthusiastic in their anonymous post-session
comments. "This seminar was my first experience with remote data and
sensing using Amateur Radio," one advanced course participant said.
Another educator called the buoy project "exciting."
To date, the ARRL's Education & Technology Program has provided
resources, including radio equipment, to more than 500 teachers and
schools. Your contribution to support ARRL's successful efforts to
promote Amateur Radio in schools and to provide professional
development for teachers in wireless technology is welcome. Read
Amateur Radio Operators Delighted With California City Council's
Antenna Decision
The nearly 300 radio amateurs who live in Poway, California, may
erect antenna support structures of up to 65 feet with only a
building permit and a courtesy notice to their neighbors. The Poway
City Council unanimously approved the new ordinance on August 5.
According to an August 6 Pomerado News report by Steve Dreyer, the
Council "declined to adopt an alternative ordinance that would have
required obtaining a special minor use permit" for structures
between 35 and 65 feet.
ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, said the League has been
working with Poway's Amateur Radio community for "a very long time"
on the matter. Representing radio amateurs' interests in Poway was
Felix Tinkov, whom Imlay described as "a very competent and
experienced land use lawyer." Imlay noted that Tinkov is not a ham
radio licensee but that he "gets Amateur Radio and did a stellar job
of advocating for the hams." ARRL's Amateur Radio Legal Defense and
Assistance Committee contributed funding for the effort.
"It represented a big change in well-entrenched attitudes in Poway
spanning decades, so this is a big win for us," Imlay said.
Members of the Poway Amateur Radio Society (PARS) submitted a
technical report to the City Council. The report concluded that
antenna support structures of up to 65 feet would represent
"reasonable accommodation" for Amateur Radio communication under
PRB-1, due to the area's varied topography.
The subject of Poway's Amateur Radio antenna ordinance came up at
the ARRL Board of Directors January 2014 meeting. ARRL General
Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, reported that he'd been in contact with
attorney Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, on behalf of Howard Groveman,
W6HDG, of Poway, who sought to install a 59-foot crank-up antenna
support structure. At the time Poway's ordinance set a maximum
height of 35 feet and required a variance for anything taller,
precluding Groveman's proposed antenna system.
According to the Pomerado account, the option that the city council
ultimately approved had been tweaked a bit from the version council
members had received earlier from city staffers. That option would
have required notification only to abutting property owners. This
was expanded to a 250-foot radius, Dreyer's report said, adding that
applicants would be responsible for mailing the notices. The notices
would alert neighbors that an antenna would be erected, but
neighbors would have no legal standing to impede or block
construction as long as the proposed structure met the requirements
of the city's ordinances.
Installing an antenna support structure taller than 65 feet would
require a new antenna permit and the approval of City Council. The
Council asked for a report in 1 year regarding how the new
procedures are working. Read more.
"Pacific Endeavor-14" Exercise Stresses International Cooperation
Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS) stations from Okinawa and
the US West Coast joined members of the Canadian Forces Auxiliary
Radio Service (CFARS) to participate in the first phase of the US
Pacific Command's multinational "Pacific Endeavor-14" communication
exercise that concluded on August 11 (UTC). The disaster scenario
was a massive earthquake in Nepal that caused a large number of
casualties and crippled the country's infrastructure.
MARS and CFARS members scanned "emergency center of activity"
frequencies on the Amateur Radio HF bands, listening for information
on the simulated disaster from Nepalese amateur operators.
Unfortunately, poor propagation prevented Nepalese Amateur Radio
operators from being heard by any other participants. The Army MARS
gateway station at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and the 311th MARS
gateway in Okinawa then simulated on-scene traffic, allowing the
other participants to complete the exercise. Details of the exercise
will be reported during the Global Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications (GAREC) conference August 12-15. GAREC-2014 is being
held in conjunction with the Huntsville (Alabama) Hamfest.
Because MARS and CFARS may operate on both Amateur Radio and
military frequencies, they can provide a bridge for radio amateurs
outside the US and Canada to communicate with military units
responding under the 24-nation Multinational Communications
Interoperability Program in the disaster-prone Asia-Pacific region.
Part 2 of the Pacific Endeavor exercise is set for August 19. During
the second phase, traffic from Nepalese amateurs reporting on
earthquake aftershocks will be relayed to the US Pacific Command. --
Thanks to Bill Sexton, N1IN, Army MARS Public Affairs Officer
Canadian Radio Amateurs Will Join Special Event This Fall on 630
Canadian radio amateurs will take part in the previously announced
CW-only special event operation on 600/630 meters this fall. The
Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS), which maintains the
KPH/KSM commercial coast stations, also will participate in the
event. ARRL 600 Meter Experimental Group Coordinator Fritz Raab,
W1FR, said the MRHS participants will conduct a mini "Night of
Nights" operation, with special attention to MF operation.
"This will give listeners the best chance of copying their MF
signals by operating during the fall and extending our operating
hours well into the evening hours Pacific time," he said. Coast
station KPH will keep 500 kHz and 426 kHz active, as well as HF,
with special messages, press and weather and will verify listener
reports. Raab pointed out that the event will coincide with the
106th anniversary of the Berlin Treaty that created the
international distress frequency at 500 kHz.
Amateur Radio operators in Canada gained access to the 472-479 kHz
band on May 1. Three Canadian radio amateurs will conduct cross-band
communication tests with amateurs operating on 80 and 40 meters. Joe
Craig, VO1NA, in Torbay, Newfoundland, will transmit on 477.7 kHz
starting at 2130 UTC on October 31 and continuing until 0130 UTC on
November 1, and listen on 3562 and 7062 kHz. On the West Coast,
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, on Mayne Island, British Columbia, will be
active November 1, 0200-0600 UTC, transmitting on 473.0 kHz and
listening on 3566 and 7066 kHz. John Gibbs, VE7BDQ, in Delta,
British Columbia, will be on the air from 0100 until 1000 UTC on
November 1, transmitting on 474.0 kHz and listening on 3536 kHz.
All stations either will call CQ or run "VVV" marker beacons while
listening on their respective receive (QSX) frequencies, which will
be included in the CQ or marker beacon.
"The official time period is 0000 UTC on November 1 through 2359 UTC
on November 2," Raab said. "These include Friday and Saturday
evenings in North America. Stations on the East Coast may start a
little earlier if they like."
All activity will occur between 465 and 480 kHz and between 495 and
510 kHz. Read more.
W1AW Centennial Operations Relocate on August 20 (UTC)
The ARRL Centennial W1AW portable operations taking place throughout
2014 from each of the 50 states and now in Oklahoma will relocate at
0000 UTC on Wednesday, August 20 (the evening of August 19 in US
time zones), to Ohio (W1AW/8) and North Dakota (W1AW/0). During 2014
W1AW will be on the air from every state (at least twice) and most
US territories, and it will be easy to work all states solely by
contacting W1AW portable operations.
The ARRL Centennial QSO Party kicked off January 1 for a year-long
operating event in which participants can accumulate points and win
awards. The event is open to all, although only ARRL members and
appointees, elected officials, HQ staff and W1AW are worth ARRL
Centennial QSO Party points.
Working W1AW/x from each state is worth 5 points per mode/contact,
even when working the same state during its second week of activity.
To earn the "Worked all States with W1AW Award," work W1AW operating
portable from all 50 states. (Working W1AW or W100AW in Connecticut
does not count for Connecticut, however. For award credit,
participants must work W1AW/1 in Connecticut.) A W1AW WAS
certificate and plaque will be available.
The ARRL has posted an ARRL Centennial QSO Party leader board that
participants can use to determine how many points they have
accumulated in the Centennial QSO Party and in the W1AW WAS
operations. Log in using your Logbook of The World (LoTW) user name
and password, and your position will appear at the top of the leader
boards. Results are updated daily, based on contacts entered into
The schedule has been updated recently. Check it often to make sure
you don't miss out on working a state.
W1AW Centennial Operations Head to the Pacific in October and
The ARRL Centennial W1AW portable operations will be heading to the
Pacific this fall. From October 8 until October 21, W1AW/KH0 will be
on the air from The Radio Space of Tinian, on Tinian Island in the
Northern Mariana Islands. Ten operators from the US and Japan will
support the activity.
American Samoa: The Maliu Mai Beach Resort.
Starting in early November, W1AW/KH8 will fire up from American
Samoa. Heading up the operation is Mike Goode, N9NS, who has at
least 10 "seasoned DXpeditioners" to operate. The group has received
permission from the ARRL to operate for longer than 1 week, and
Goode anticipates that W1AW/KH8 could take to the air as early as
November 1, continuing operation through November 12, although the
current W1AW Centennial QSO Party schedule indicates that operation
will run November 5 until November 18.
The team will put up at the Maliu Mai Beach Resort, which has hosted
other Amateur Radio operations, and their primary operating location
will be that of the late Larry Gandy, AH8LG, compliments of his
widow Uti, KS6FO. Plans call for three or four stations active on
all bands from 1.8 through 28 MHz. The group may also set up a
station at the hotel, and outside of their W1AW operation, team
members may operate as KH8Q or using their home call signs /KH8.
As with other Centennial QSO Party contacts, confirmation will be
via Logbook of The World (LoTW). Stations contacting W1AW/KH0 or
W1AW/KH8 may be able to request cards directly or via the bureau
through use of an Onlmposium Papers
AMSAT has issued a call for papers for its 32nd AMSAT Annual Meeting
and Space Symposium. This year's event takes place the weekend of
October 10-12 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Baltimore-Washington
International Airport (BWI), Linthicum, Maryland.
Proposals for papers, symposium presentations and poster
presentations are invited on any topic of interest to the Amateur
Satellite community. Final copy must be submitted by September 15
for inclusion in the printed proceedings. Send abstracts and papers
to Dan Schultz, N8FGV.
The AMSAT Board of Directors will meet October 9-10. Technical
presentations on satellite design and operating begin on October 10.
The annual general meeting takes place on the afternoon of October
10. An ARISS Operations Team meeting will be held on Sunday, October
12. -- Thanks to AMSAT News Service via the 2014 Baltimore Symposium
Shortwave Broadcasting "of Marginal and Continuously Declining
Impact," Committee Concludes
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Special Committee on the
Future of Shortwave Broadcasting foresees a dim outlook for the
medium. The Committee this month released its assessment of the
current and projected use of shortwave radio as a platform for
programming by US international media.
"United States international media must optimize delivery by
audience/market," one main finding concluded. "While there is still
a critical need for shortwave in key countries, it is a medium of
marginal and continuously declining impact in most markets." The
report said that even in countries where shortwave radio will enjoys
significant usage levels, "audiences will migrate to other platforms
as they become more accessible."
Among other things, the Committee reviewed audience-based research,
including analysis of user experiences and user choices, as well as
opportunities and limits of the medium. It also examined "the
characteristics and listening experience of shortwave users in the
BBG's target markets, the use of shortwave radio by the BBG's
networks, the networks' relative success in reaching their target
audiences through shortwave, and the costs of operating the BBG's
shortwave transmitting facilities."
The panel recommended that the Broadcasting Board of Governors take
"an aggressive approach to reduce or eliminate shortwave broadcasts
where there is either minimal audience reach or the audience is not
a target audience based on the BBG's support of US foreign policy."
The report said that its evidence suggested that declining use of
shortwave radio is primarily due to the availability of high-quality
content on "preferred platforms" such as AM and FM radio, podcasts,
and mobile streaming, which are more widely used for audio
Theigital Radio Mondiale or DRM) "is unlikely to
become an established mass media distribution methodology in enough
of the BBG's current or future markets to justify the costs."
The committee said it largely supports the reductions in shortwave
radio broadcasts previously approved by the Board. Those include
recent cutbacks in a number of Voice of America, Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia broadcasts. But, the
committee added that given the current situation in Ukraine and
nearby states with significant Russian-speaking populations, it
recommended that the BBG revise its fiscal year 2014 operating plan
to ensure that "shortwave broadcasts in Russian to Russia and the
Caucasus be continued at current levels, subject to re-evaluation
during FY16 budget formulation processes."
A fact sheet also is available. -- Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio
Club News via G0SFJ
NPR Program Features WRTC2014
The National Public Radio weekend program "Only a Game" with host
Bill Littlefield featured World Radiosport Team Championship 2014
(WRTC2014) during its August 9 broadcast. WRTC2014 Co-Chair Randy
Thompson, K5ZD, said the program segment reporter-producer Karen
Given "did a great job" in capturing the essence of the July event.
"If anything, I felt the piece was flying by in her attempt to
capture so much of what was going on," he told ARRL.
Thompson said one of the goals of WRTC2014 was to use the
international competition as a platform to promote Amateur Radio and
radiosport. "Only a Game" is produced by WBUR in Boston. The
WRTC2014 website includes a compilation of media coverage of the
Radio Amateurs Named to Order of Canada
Two radio amateurs were among those recently named to the Order of
Canada. The list of recipients included telecommunications
researcher Veena Rawat, VA3ITU, and Canadian astronaut Chris
Hadfield, VA3OOG/KC5RNJ.
Rawat was honored as a "Companion of the Order of Canada" for
contributions to telecommunications engineering and for her
leadership in establishing a global regulatory framework for radio
spectrum management. She has served as president of the
Communications Research Centre at Industry Canada and as a vice
president at Research in Motion. Rawat chaired the World
Radiocommunication Conference in 2003 and was instrumental in
resolving the 40 meter "harmonization" issue that led to shifting
international broadcasters from part of the 7 MHz band.
Hadfield was honored as an "Officer of the Order of Canada" for "his
commitment to promoting scientific discovery and for sharing the
wonders of space exploration with the world." Hadfield was the
International Space Station Expedition 35 commander during his 2013
duty tour.
The Order of Canada is the third-highest award in Canada, to
recognize outstanding merit or distinguished service.
Support ARRL by Shopping at AmazonSmile
If you already shop on Amazon, or if you're looking for the perfect
gift for a family member or friend, we invite you to shop at
AmazonSmile and choose American Radio Relay League Inc (ARRL) as
your charity of choice. With every purchase you make via
AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a contribution to ARRL, which allows
us to extend our reach in areas of public service, advocacy,
education and membership. We hope you will take the opportunity to
support ARRL and Amateur Radio with your eligible purchases on
AmazonSmile today! Please note, AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you
already know, with the same products, prices and service. Visit
AmazonSmile and log into your Amazon account (if you're new to
Amazon, you'll need to create one).
A Century of Amateur Radio and the ARRL
A comprehensive and fascinating article on long-delayed echoes
(LDEs) appeared in the February 1970 QST. LDEs are signals that have
been transmitted, go away somewhere, and then are heard -- at low
signal levels but often with good readability -- 10 or more seconds
later. They were first heard on the ham bands in 1927. An article in
the May 1969 QST described them and asked for reports from readers
who had heard them. The 1970 follow-up article summarized more than
40 reports. A May 1971 QST article later reported on more than 90
observed LDE events.
The effort to get more amateurs on the VHF and UHF bands continued,
with QST publishing articles on 432 MHz transmitters, 220 MHz
kilowatt amplifiers, state-of-the-art low-noise receiver
preamplifiers, new propagation modes and how to use them, portable
beams for 2 meter mountain-topping, and more.
The number of hams using very low power -- QRP -- also continued to
grow, with equipment and portable HF antennas featured in QST
articles, as well as reports of QRP use by hikers and
mountain-climbing hams.
A May 1976 QST article by Doug DeMaw, W1CER, described how to build
the Tuna-Tin 2 QRP transmitter for 40 meters.
Repeaters for 2 meter FM operation were becoming very popular, and
their numbers were growing rapidly. QST described how to build
repeater duplexers, control equipment, antennas, and control links,
and it kept repeater control operators informed of relevant FCC
rules as they were developed.
Amateur Radio satellites continued to attract more and more
attention. QST articles provided information to encourage and help
hams get up and running on the satellites. Topics covered in those
many articles included how to plot satellite orbits, build beams
that could be rotated in both azimuth and elevation, construct
circularly polarized beams, determine when you can use the
satellites for contacts over a given path, along with other tips and
information. As each new OSCAR was built and launched, QST carried
announcements and information on how to use it.
A nice article on "The $22,000,000.00 Ham Shack" appeared in the
April 1970 QST. No, it wasn't an April Fool's article. It told of
the first flight of the new Boeing 747, with WA7IBL using one of the
aircraft's radios to make HF SSB contacts.
As the 1970s rolled along, many homeowners purchased hi-fi and
stereo audio equipment. Most consumer electronic equipment was not
built to reject interference from ham transmitters, however.
Articles in QST during the 1970s told hams how to deal with those
interference issues.
In 1970, the much-anticipated Heath SB-220 HF kilowatt linear
amplifier came on the market, with a selling price of $350.
As transistors' performance continued to improve, homebrew
solid-state equipment became progressively more popular. QST
reported on many interesting projects that used transistors,
including VFOs, QRP rigs, receivers and receiver preamplifiers,
transmitting linear amplifiers, and accessories. -- Al Brogdon, W1AB
The K7RA Solar Update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington, reports: Solar activity showed
further signs of weakness this week, with the average daily sunspot
number dropping 41.8 points to 94.9, while average daily solar flux
declined 36.5 points to 113.1.
In the 45-day forecast for solar flux, it was surprising to see on
August 3 a new solar flux prediction of 150 for August 31 through
September 3. I had anticipated that this prediction would drop, to
be more in lin on August 14, 8 for August 15-16,
5 for August 17-21, then 8, 5 and 8 on August 22, 23, and 24, 5 for
August 25-27, 8 for August 28-29, then 5, 12, 10 and 8 on August 30
through September 2, 5 for September 3-5, 8 on September 6, 5 for
September 7-8, 8 on September 9, and 5 until September 18.
This weekly "Solar Update" in The ARRL Letter is a preview of the
"Propagation Bulletin" issued each Friday. The latest bulletin and
an archive of past propagation bulletins are on the ARRL website.
In this Friday's bulletin look for an updated forecast and reports
from readers. Send me your reports and observations.
Just Ahead in Radiosport
August 13-14 -- NAQCC Monthly QRP Sprint (CW)
August 16-17 -- ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest
August 16-17 -- SARTG WW RTTY Contest
August 16-17 -- 70 centimeter Digital EME Championship
August 16-17 -- Russian District Award Contest (SSB, CW)
August 16-17 -- Keymen's Club of Japan Contest (CW)
August 16-17 -- North American QSO Party (SSB)
August 16-17 -- Feld-Hell Gridloc Sprint
August 16 -- Dominican Republic Contest (SSB)
August 17 -- SARL Digital Contest
August 17 -- ARRL Rookie Roundup (RTTY)
August 18 -- Run For the Bacon (CW)
August 23 -- ALARA Contest (SSB, CW)
August 23 -- Kansas QSO Party
August 23-24 -- Ohio QSO Party
August 23-25 -- Hawaii QSO Party
August 24 -- South Africa DX CW Contest
See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information.
Upcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events
August 16-17 -- Southeastern Division Convention, Regional ARRL
Centennial Event, Huntsville, Alabama
August 17 -- Kansas State Convention, Salina, Kansas
August 23 -- West Virginia State Convention, Weston, West Virginia
August 23-24 -- JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan
August 24 -- Western Pennsylvania Section Convention, New
Kensington, Pennsylvania
August 30-31 -- North Carolina State Convention, (Shelby Hamfest),
Shelby, North Carolina
September 5-7 -- ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference,
Austin, Texas
September 6 -- Kentucky State Convention, Shepherdsville, Kentucky
September 6 -- Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach, Virginia
September 12-14 -- Southwestern Division Convention, San Diego,
September 19-20 -- W9DXCC Convention, Schaumburg, Illinois
September 26-27 -- W4DXCC/SEDCO, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
September 26-28 -- Mid-Atlantic States VHF Conference, Bensalem,
September 27 -- North Dakota State Convention, West Fargo, North
September 27 -- Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,
October 4 -- Delaware State Convention, Georgetown, Delaware
October 5 -- Iowa Section Convention, West Liberty, Iowa
October 10-11 -- Florida State Convention, Melbourne, Florida
October 10-12 -- Pacific Division Convention (Pacificon), Santa
Clara, California
October 11 -- Pacific Northwest VHF Conference, Seaside, Oregon
October 12 -- Connecticut State Convention, Meriden, Connecticut
Find conventions and hamfests in your area.
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