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Subj: ARES E-Letter October 18, 2017
Sent: 171101/0137Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:24965 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:24965-CX2SA
The ARES E-Letter October 18, 2017
Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE
A Hurricane Season To Remember -- And It's Not Over
This year's epic hurricane season and matching amateur service provider
responses from the major players such as the Hurricane Watch Net, SATERN,
the WX4NHC station/operators adjacent to the main forecasting room at the
National Hurricane Center in Miami, the VoIP Hurricane Net and others, and
the smaller but no less significant ones such as local and county ARESİ,
CERT, RACES, SKYWARN REACT and other ARRL Field Organization
appointees/groups that staffed and supported Red Cross shelters, EOCs,
National Weather Service Forecast Offices, hospitals and many other
facilities in and outside the threatened and devastated areas, to some
almost unprecedented, historic support events such as the sending of 50
radio amateurs, the "Force of Fifty," to Puerto Rico at the request of the
Red Cross, have all contributed to a hurricane season to remember. There has
been extensive coverage of the radio amateur responses across the board in
numerous media, including the ARRL news and information services, and
extensive support for the amateur efforts coming from ARRL HQ staff
including Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U, who traveled to
Puerto Rico to support the team of deployed radio amateurs.
For comprehensive information, check the following links: To start off, see
this page, www.arrl.org/pr-carib or www.arrl.org/K1M, which includes
information, resources and news summarizing the amateur response that has
been supporting emergency communications to aid hurricane recovery efforts
in Puerto Rico and throughout the storm ravaged Caribbean. See the following
links for information of Amateur involvement on each of the respective
IARU Region 2 Announces Ham Aid Donation of Funds and Equipment (10/6/17)
Make a donation: Donate to Ham Aid
Florida Statewide Policy on ARES and Other Volunteer Communicators Issued
During last month's hurricane emergencies, the ARRL was asked to share the
following from the Communications Branch Director of the Florida Division of
Emergency Management:
"The State of Florida appreciates the service of ARES. State of Florida SEOC
and its staff will never request individuals or provide individuals any
information on an incident. All requests for individuals in the ARES program
in the State of Florida will follow the North Florida ARES Plan and
direction of their Section Manager Stephen Szabo (WB4OMM). Absolutely no
direct communications to the SEOC or its staff is to be made by individuals
to request to be deployed or provide services at anytime."
"Any amateur wishing to volunteer to assist needs to go through the ARRL
Northern Florida Manager Steve Szabo's established processes, as that is the
system Florida Emergency Management is utilizing to coordinate Amateur Radio
activities. Under no circumstances should individual Amateurs contact
Florida Emergency Management.
"We also remind ARRL/ARES volunteers who may be assisting in support of the
ongoing relief and recovery efforts that the only persons who should be
speaking on behalf of the ARRL or its field organization are the ARRL
Section Manager or their Public Information Coordinator/ Public Information
Officer. Unfortunately we have had reports of false information being
apparently shared via Amateur Radio channels. This type of misinformation
can negatively affect the hard work being done by various Emergency
Management agencies involved, as well as the various agencies also providing
assistance, and can be harmful to the efforts of the Amateur community
trying to assist in the response and relief efforts. ARRL SMs, PICs, and
PIOs only provide information publicly where it has been vetted by state
officials, and only as directed. Unauthorized false reports can seriously
and negatively impact the work of relief and recovery officials as well as
damage the good relationships that Amateurs have in those relief and
recovery communities. Let the trained PICs/PIOs do their jobs!
"Thanks to the hundreds of Amateurs who are providing communications
assistance as this story continues to unfold. With everyone working in
concert and through appropriate channels, your work is helping make a
difference." -- Dan Henderson, N1ND
Assistant Secretary, the American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Regulatory Information Manager
Massive Destruction of Lives and Property in Northern California Firestorms;
Amateur Radio in the Mix of Support and Responders
As if the hurricane disasters were not enough, northern California is
grappling with wildfire disasters of proportions possibly not seen ever
before. For a report on the amateur emergency service response to the
horrific firestorms there, see Ham Radio Bridging the Gap in
Wildfire-Stricken California. ARRL Section Manager Evacuates When Fire Comes
Within Two Blocks. Check regularly for more reports and updates here.
In This Issue:
- A Hurricane Season To Remember -- And It's Not Over
- Florida Statewide Policy on ARES and Other Volunteer Communicators Issued
- Massive Destruction of Lives and Property in Northern California
Firestorms; Amateur Radio in the Mix of Support and Responders
- VoIP Hurricane Net Secures after Nate
- Drop, Cover and Hold On -- ARES Invited to Participate, Tomorrow!
- Statewide California Medical Exercise Next Month; Amateur Service
Provider Participation Planned
- 4th Annual National Tribal Emergency Management Conference
- First Responders' Media Give Kudos to Amateur Radio Role in Disaster
- Section News
- K1CE For a Final: Notes from Irma
Other News: Radio Amateurs Volunteer to Support 2017 US Air Force Marathon
For Monthly ARES Reports and Stats: ARES Annual/Monthly Reports. Check to
see if your Section's ARES activity is included. If not, check with your
Section Emergency Coordinator.
Pacificon 2017 This Weekend: Don't Miss It!
Pacificon 2017 is the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, sponsored by the
Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club, and will be held this weekend, Friday
through Sunday, October 20-22, in San Ramon, California, at the San Ramon
Marriott hotel. Bill Feist, WB8BZH, National SATERN Liaison, Divisional
Disaster Liaison for Alabama-Louisiana-Mississippi, will be speaking on both
Saturday and Sunday: The Saturday Session will cover SATERN and Amateur
Radio Emergency Communications In The 21st Century; Sunday's session will
address Salvation Army and SATERN disaster response to Hurricanes Harvey and
Feist, a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM), is currently the Divisional
Disaster Liaison for the Alabama-Louisiana-Mississippi (ALM) Division of The
Salvation Army. He is responsible for interfacing with all federal and state
agencies and non-profit organizations active in disaster work in the three
states. He is also the National SATERN Liaison for The Salvation Army. He
helped guide the Division's response and recovery efforts in a large variety
of major events including Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Katrina and Rita (2005),
Gustav (2008) and Isaac (2012). He also initiated the response to the
devastating tornado outbreak of April 2011 in Mississippi and Alabama.
Other public service programs will be presented: Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF,
will present Communications Infrastructure for Special Events -- Supporting
the Wildflower Triathlon. SKYWARN Training will be offered by Brian Garcia,
National Weather Service; Paul Young, K6PDY, founder of NorCal SKYWARN; and
Ron Bunch, W4FEK, Mount Diablo ARC Emergency Communications.
Don't miss Pacificon this weekend! More info here.
VoIP Hurricane Net Secures after Nate
The VoIP Hurricane Net activation for Hurricane Nate secured on Sunday,
October 8, at 2:00 AM EDT/1:00 AM CDT after Nate made landfall near Biloxi,
Mississippi. Nate spared the New Orleans area any significant wind damage
and storm surge flooding but pockets of tree and wire damage and wind gusts
to hurricane force were recorded in parts of Mississippi and offshore oil
platforms in the Louisiana coastal waters. Storm surge values of 3-7 feet
were recorded in portions of Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi and
extreme Southeast Louisiana. Some pockets of structural damage were recorded
in parts of Mississippi/Alabama from higher wind gusts in severe
thunderstorms or possibly tornadic activity. One tornado was spotted in
Orange Beach, Alabama by both The Weather Channel media and an Amateur Radio
operator that was in the area. Reports from Nate can be seen at the VoIP
Hurricane Net viewer.
While Nate was not as formidable as past hurricanes worked this year,
reports of SKYWARN reporting criteria were supplied to both local National
Weather Service Forecast Offices and WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at
the National Hurricane Center, which is the net's main mission to help save
lives. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!
- Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net
Drop, Cover and Hold On -- ARES Invited to Participate, Tomorrow!
Citizens and hams will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:19 AM
on October 19 - that's tomorrow -- during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills,
which began in California in 2008, and is emphasizing the historically
earthquake-prone state again this year. All regions of the country are
invited and expected to be active in this important exercise. Participating
is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and
recover quickly from big earthquakes- wherever you live, work, or travel.
ShakeOut is also a major activity of FEMA's Ready program America's
PrepareAthon! -- ARRL is an affiliate program of the DHS initiative Citizen
Corps. Those amateur groups that cannot hold their ShakeOut drill tomorrow
can select another date when registering.
The ShakeOut organization has published basic instructions for how Amateur
Radio operators from ARES, MARS, RACES, REACT, and other organizations and
their members can plan their drill, tips for getting prepared, and
suggestions for sharing the ShakeOut with others.
Register your group to be counted in the ShakeOut Drill, get email updates,
and more information. Encourage all members to register their families.
Consider what may happen in a major earthquake and plan what your group will
do now to prepare, so that when it happens you will be able to recover
Talk to other radio groups about what they have done, and encourage them to
join you in getting more prepared. Meet with your members and colleagues to
plan your drill according to your existing procedures or by using one of the
four levels of sample drills in the ShakeOut Drill Manual for Non Profits
and Other Organizations (PDF). Plan an emergency communications drill to
test your group's abilities to provide communications support in a disaster.
Download audio and video "drill broadcast" recordings to play during your
drill (Video versions have text captions).
On October 19, at 10:19 AM:
Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to the ground, take Cover under a table or
desk, and Hold On to it as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down
for at least 60 seconds). Test your communication infrastructure and conduct
an emergency communications drill. Finally, practice what else your group
will do after the shaking stops. After your drill is complete, have
discussions about what was learned and incorporate these lessons into your
disaster response plan.
Visit MyHazards (California Emergency Management Agency) to discover the
hazards that exist in your area and learn how to reduce YOUR risk! Help your
members and their families to get prepared. More information is in the Seven
Steps to Earthquake Safety. Test alliances and MOU's with your critical
partners, community leaders and sponsoring organizations. Participate in a
CERT training course. Members should check and test their emergency
equipment - fire extinguishers, first aid, flashlights, food, generator,
fuel, etc. -- Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills
Statewide California Medical Exercise Next Month; Amateur Service Provider
Participation Planned
This year the 2017 California Annual Statewide Medical Health Exercise will
take place on Thursday, November 16, 2017, with Amateur emergency service
groups expected to participate. The Statewide Medical and Health Exercise
Program consists of four phases (Multi-media Training, Organizational Self
Assessment, Tabletop Exercise, and Functional Exercise) where each phase
helps to build on and prepare for the next phase. The program is based on
the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and aligns
with Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)/Hospital Preparedness
Program (HPP) grants.
Amateur Radio operators around the state support local hospital and medical
functions with redundant wireless communications as a component of this
annual drill. There are about 350 hospitals in California that participate.
From San Diego ARES to the Bay Area Hospital Net (BAHN) and other
specialized hospital teams such as ARES LAX (Los Angeles County), Orange
County's Hospital Disaster Support Communications System (HDSCS) and Kaiser
Permanente Amateur Radio Network (KPARN), all participate in this exercise.
If you are an amateur service operator in California and wish to
participate, contact your local ARES, RACES or club.
ARRL Los Angeles Section ARES (ARESLAX) supports the Los Angeles County EMS
agency and the County's 74 "9-1-1 receiving" hospitals. Amateur Radio is a
formal component of the County EMS Agency's Communications Plan, and ARESLAX
support is part of its implementation through reference in the County's
Prehospital Care Manual. Accordingly, ARESLAX provides primary emergency
communications support at the County Medical Alert Center (MAC) and at most
of the 9-1-1 receiving hospitals, except for the Kaiser facilities, which
are supported primarily by the Kaiser Permanente Amateur Radio Network
(KPARN) group. For next month's exercise, ARESLAX will be deploying at the
MAC and at most of the supported hospitals. One of this year's exercise
objectives for hospitals is to test a Joint Commission (a healthcare
accrediting entity) Standard that mandates as part of its Emergency
Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will communicate during
emergencies. One of the sample tasks is to test redundant backup
communications systems (of which Amateur Radio is listed as an example) to
achieve a Joint Commission Element of Performance.
KPARN coordinator Duane Marriotti, WB9RER, is soliciting members to support
the KPARN planned participation, and reports that the Woodland Hills KP
hospital has new coax installed to resolve intermittent issues. KPARN
Northern California is budgeting to completely update the regional command
center Amateur Radio station and antennas in Oakland, which will include new
HF systems to improve and assure HF paths from Northern to Southern
California. KPARN in Seattle and Portland also have HF capabilities.
The Orange County Hospital Disaster Support Communications System (HDSCS)
will be participating with requesting hospitals and county Emergency Medical
Services. The HDSCS coordinator, April Moell, WA6OPS, says that specifics of
a drill, such as exact frequencies, details of scenarios at individual
hospitals, and who will be assigned where, are not discussed on the air, or
outlined in non-HDSCS publications to keep activity as realistic as possible
and to maintain the integrity of the drill prior to the event. Of course
there are written instructions and a meeting prior to any big drill for
members. The SWMHE is not an Amateur Radio drill; it is a hospital drill. A
lesson learned over almost 37 years of experience with as many as 36
different hospitals, is that HDSCS communicators must learn to drill with
the hospitals, not just at them. Moell emphasizes the importance of
realistic drills. Too many drills are mostly "demonstrations" of
capabilities. But do the hospitals and/or EMS know how to activate an
amateur service provider group, rather than having everything set-up and
everyone in place when the fire bell rings and then the drill starts? Do
hospital staff learn about sending messages via Amateur Radio or do the hams
create all the messages? Individuals, radio groups, EMS, and the hospitals
learn the wrong things as a result and/or have unrealistic expectations as
to what happens when hams show up or don't know how the hams can help. "The
overall goal is that if we train and drill properly, hopefully we won't be
able to tell a drill from the real emergency," Moell said.
Exercise "A Real Test of Interoperability" in Southern California
HDSCS members recently participated in the second all city/county RACES and
MOU partners drill of the year. This is a rapid paced drill testing city and
county RACES groups, HDSCS, and Red Cross in getting messages through to one
another in two hours. It's a real test of interoperability forcing radio
operators to move around to different frequencies to pass their messages.
And with a very busy net, operators are also required to prioritize the
messages they are asked to handle. The scenario involved a major heat wave
that ultimately led to a countywide power outage. This caused problems for
hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living settings, particularly for
those without generators. With traffic lights out, intersections were
gridlocked. HDSCS members simulated being at 22 hospitals and the Health
EOC. One member actually deployed to the county EOC to handle a position for
HDSCS in the RACES radio room. Approximately 35 messages were handled on
behalf of the hospitals. - April Moell, WA6OPS, HDSCS, Orange County,
[Editor's Note: A year ago the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) issued the Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and
Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers Final Rule, which
"establishes national emergency preparedness requirements for Medicare- and
Medicaid-participating providers and suppliers to plan adequately for both
natural and man-made disasters." It poses a potentially profound opportunity
for Amateur Radio emergency communication providers in hospital settings.
Click here for the new Federal rules, which must be met by next month; see
also September 2017 QST's Public Service column for discussion.]
4th Annual National Tribal Emergency Management Conference
During the week of September 18-22, 2017, the largest gathering of tribal
disaster preparedness, recovery, hazard mitigation, and homeland security
professionals in the country took place in the ARRL San Joaquin Valley (SJV)
Section. This conference was hosted by the Tachi-Yokut Tribe at their Santa
Rosa Rancheria in Lemoore, California, and ARES/RACES was once again a
mainstay of the program.
As part of the pre-conference activities on Monday and Tuesday, Hal Clover,
AD9HC, a professional adult educator, taught a Technician license class and
achieved a 100% pass rate. Newly licensed amateurs were Gary Walker, KM6MWX,
Tribal Council Chairman, North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians in the ARRL
SJV Section; James McCabe, KM6MWV, Emergency Manager, Susanville Indian
Rancheria in the ARRL Sacramento Valley Section; Adrian McDonald, KD2OGJ,
and Katrina Jacobs, KD2OGK, both with the Emergency Planning Office of the
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe in the ARRL Northern New York Section; Steve De Los
Angeles, KI7QEH, Tribal Council Member, Snoqualmie Tribe in the ARRL Western
Washington Section; and Elizabeth Klute, KI7QEI (ex-KA7RYZ), Northwest
Regional Emergency Manager (OR/WA/ID/MT/ND), Emergency Management &
Corporate Security (EMCS) Department, National Railroad Passenger
Corporation - Amtrak.
The Tulare County ARES set up and supported a special event station (W7NTV)
on the lawn just outside the conference rooms for all five days. One of the
station volunteers, Jackey Burns, KK6VOJ, said, "Supporting this event is
personally very important to me as one of my grandparents was a full-blooded
native American, and this gives me a way to connect." During the conference,
the station exchanged Priority messages on 20 meters between the Tribal
Liaison Officer with the Centers for Disease Control (who was attending the
conference) and the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida regarding a
physician needed by the tribe in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.
Hams were involved in the conference program as well. Scott Mercer, KM6FKL,
was part of the Tachi-Yokut color guard during the opening drum. Nathan
Nixon, N7NAN, presented "Emergency Support Function 2 - Communications" and
"ICIN - Indian Country Intelligence Network." Elizabeth Klute, KI7QEI, spoke
about "Amtrak Safety for Tribal Responders." Jim Lundsted, N0TWR, with the
DHS Office of Emergency Communications, presented "Collaborative Emergency
Management Planning and Resources" and gave another talk explaining the
activities of his office. Steve Aberle, WA7PTM, hosted a "Getting Started
with Your Handheld Ham Radio" workshop, which included a live practicum
during which attendees were able to practice radio communications and
overcome mic fright. Adam Geisler, KJ6YHN, moderated an interactive
discussion about FirstNet. Tracy Depew, KI7EGC, gave a presentation titled
"FEMA HMA External Stakeholder Working Group and PDM in Indian Country."
Throughout the week, tribal and non-tribal conference attendees visited the
special event station. Hal Clover, AD9HC, a DEC in the SJV Section, put
ARES/RACES involvement at the conference into perspective, "Locally, the
tribal community contributes to their surrounding community. It was great to
be able to work with them to promote amateur radio. Our hope is that it will
foster an interest that will broaden the good will of the hobby between both
The National Tribal Emergency Management Council, the organizers of these
conferences, has already announced that the 5th Annual Tribal Emergency
Management Conference will be held August 20-24, 2018, at Airway Heights,
Washington. -- Steve Aberle, WA7PTM, Assistant State RACES Officer (Tribal
Liaison), Washington State
First Responders' Media Give Kudos to Amateur Radio Role in Disaster Relief
"Sometimes it seems we simply assume our communications networks and the
Internet will be available all the time, but during Harvey, Irma, and now
Maria, many learned that communications capabilities, one of the most
important links for all of us, may not always be available when we want them
and need them. While our infrastructure companies work at making our systems
better, there are times when nature's fury beats our best efforts. The good
news is that when all else fails there will still be amateur radio!" -- All
Things FirstNet. Read the full story. -- ARRL Sacramento Valley Section News
NPR Covers Amateur Radio Disaster Support in Puerto Rico Relief
On September 29, NPR's "All Things Considered" program aired a report on the
service that radio amateurs are providing in response to aftermath of
Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Listen to the report.
Section News
Section News: 2017 Western Pennsylvania SET "Very Successful': Saturday,
October 7th was the date for the ARRL Western Pennsylvania Section's 2017
SET. In the weeks leading up to the event, the section's DECs and ECs worked
hard to finish all the preparation it takes to have a great exercise, and
that was the result. At 9:00 AM, the WPA ARES Voice Net was called up, with
the next four hours filling the airwaves with messages and reports of ARES
SET activities. Both National Weather Service stations WX3PIT and WX3CTP
were operational and on the air to accept SKYWARN reports from the field.
K3MJW was on the air as the Section Incident Command station, and
established ongoing communication with the District Command Stations.
Each ARES team set up communications with their local coordinating station,
and a substantial amount of traffic was handled by all stations. The Weather
Service staff was impressed by the SKYWARN reports they received from the
SET particpants. -- ARRL WPA Section News
Washington and Multnomah, Oregon County ARES Groups Assisted Public Safety
for the Oregon International Airshow, September 22-24 -- Washington County
and Multnomah County ARES programs along with local members of Community
Emergency Response Teams (CERT) joined forces with various public safety
emergency services, supporting their efforts in an auxiliary capacity for
the show. The mission of ARES and CERT members included: Assisting people
locate lost family members; increasing response time by public safety
personnel, should an emergency arise; providing auxiliary radio
communications, should a significant event overwhelm public safety radio
communications assets; providing directions (or escort) to local public
service and safety areas, for situations such as minor injuries, water, etc;
providing organizational literature; and recruiting new members.
Washington County ARES works to accommodate the specific needs of the
County, while maintaining communications interoperability with the remainder
of the state, and nation. Within the County, Washington County ARES
officially serves the Countywide Dispatch Center, the
Sheriff's Office, the Department of Land use and Transportation, nine
cities, three hospitals, two public utilities, and one fire agency. As such,
Washington County ARES, by means of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is
authorized to conduct emergency communications for those agencies. -- Ivan
R. Loock, N7PRM, ARRL Public Information Officer
K1CE For a Final: Notes from Irma
Here on the Florida peninsula, as Irma took aim with its giant swath, I was
ordered under "house arrest" into the Volusia county public hospital where I
work, for the storm's duration. The hospital is ten stories high, and I
offered to serve as a human repeater if necessary. I checked the Volusia
County Disaster App frequently to find information and the census of area
Red Cross shelters, which, according to what I heard, were served by radio
amateurs. After the passage of the storm and authorities opened the roads
for regular travel, I drove home, observing the jaw-dropping, extensive
damage to trees, power lines, homes, stores, bulletin boards and other
structure. I assessed my neighborhood and checked to see if neighbors were
okay. Some were returning to their homes after driving as much as or more
than a thousand miles during what was described in the media as the largest
evacuation in US history. I could see the looks of weary fatigue patently on
their faces.
Which brings me to my point: Consider joining or starting a neighborhood
CERT team. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a FEMA initiative
under the Ready program's Citizen Corps, of which the ARRL is an affiliate.
From FEMA: "The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates
volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their
area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety,
light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and
organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster
situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Through CERT,
the capabilities to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters is
built and enhanced."
One of the many aspects of this program that I like is that the radio
amateur does not have to leave his home and family to travel in a
potentially unstable environment for a deployment somewhere distant.
Instead, he or she "deploys in place." He or she can take care of his/her
home and family, while also assessing his neighborhood for damage and
injuries possibly requiring outside support from first responders, making
their response possible through radio communications to the EOC, ARES and
other nets. CERT functions can include damage assessment, basic triage,
First Aid, light search and rescue, and fire and flood control.
Unlike first responders, radio amateurs are found in just about every
neighborhood throughout the country, ready to respond "in place." Make
joining or starting a CERT team in your neighborhood a priority this
post-hurricane season. There is a wealth of information on the Ready.gov
website for CERT.
And last but not least, make a donation to Ham Aid. I just did, and it felt
good to know my contribution will help put radio gear in the hands of those
who need it most: the operators in the trenches of many current disaster
areas, such as in Puerto Rico. Donate to Ham Aid!
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