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Subj: ARES E-Letter June 21, 2017
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The ARES E-Letter June 21, 2017
Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE

Special ARRL Field Day 2017 Issue!

In This Issue:

* This Weekend: Valuable Lessons, Experience for ARES© Operators, to be
  Gained from Field Day 2017
* ARES Booth, Trailer, Features of Texas Emergency Management Conference
* Opinion: ARES in the Coming Age of FirstNet
* After 35 Years, ARES Puerto Rico is Reborn, and Still in Development
* Letters: ARES Marketing to ESF Managers?
* K1CE For a Final: An Opportunity Knocks for ARES

ARES Briefs, Links

Bear is Unwanted Volunteer, as ARES Team Supports Colorado Road Race
(6/14/17); Amateur Radio Net Activated in Wake of Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake
in Guatemala (6/14/17); Amateur Radio Mesh Network Brought into Mix as
Volunteers Assist in South African Fire Disaster (6/13/17); Amateur Radio
Volunteers Needed for Air Force Marathon (6/12/17); Atlantic Hurricane
Season Starts Today (6/1/17); Amateur Radio Provides Communication Link
Following Sri Lanka Flooding (5/31/17)

Monthly ARES Reports can be found here.

Check the report summaries to ensure that your ARRL Section activity is
represented. These reports are critically important to ARRL in its efforts
to defend our spectrum against other interests, among other things. We
justify our access to extremely valuable frequencies by the service we
return to partner agencies and ultimately the public interest.

The May 2017 report summary revealed that a third of the sections in the
country did not report. We can and must do better.

Trending Now: FirstNet and Implications for ARES

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) -- a nationwide wireless
broadband network for first responders -- could change the complexion of how
ARES© functions to support communication for responders during disasters and
emergencies. As an independent authority within the US Department of
Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA), FirstNet's mission is to build out, deploy, and operate an
interoperable nationwide broadband network dedicated to first responders.
Ralph Haller, N4RH, the chairman of the National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council (NPSTC), told ARRL that the advent of FirstNet
"will likely be as significant as when public safety first began using
radio." -- ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U

For more on FirstNet and possible implications for the amateur service now
and down the road, click here: Buildout of Nationwide First Responder
Broadband Network Could Drive ARES Changes (6/1/17); see also the opinion
piece below in this issue from Colorado's John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, Emergency
Coordinator and Public Information Officer, Region 2 District 2, Colorado
ARES (Pikes Peak ARES); and the June 2017 QST editorial by ARRL CEO Tom
Gallagher, NY2RF, entitled "Fighting the Last War, or the Next?"

This Weekend: Valuable Lessons, Experience for ARES© Operators, to be Gained
from Field Day 2017
ARRL Field Day is this weekend! Field Day is one of two (the other is the
Fall classic Simulated Emergency Test) major ARRL events that is tailor-made
for ARES and other groups and operators who provide emergency, disaster
response and public event communications. It's not too late to get involved
with this year's running this week. Check the Field Day Locator utility on
the ARRL website for a Field Day operation/site near you. The purpose of
Field Day is for participants to work as many stations as possible on the
amateur bands to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than
optimal conditions. Classes, scoring and bonuses are offered for meeting
certain requirements that support the enhancement of operator preparedness
and efficacy in disaster response in the sometimes extreme environment of a
disaster area. We'll review a few of them here, along with valuable lessons
to be gained from this coming weekend. [Note: This article is limited to a
summary of FD aspects especially appealing to ARES operators; for a complete
and official set of the 2017 Field Day rules, click here.]

Appoint a Safety Officer

One of the major takeaways from Field Day that directly transfers over to
the interest of any ARES group is the appointment of a Safety Officer -
every Field Day operation should have one, and so should every ARES
organization. For Field Day, a 100-point Safety Officer bonus is available.

Actions of the Safety Officer include, but are not limited to, having fuel
for generators properly stored; a fire extinguisher on hand, appropriately
located; a First Aid kit on hand; First Aid, CPR and AED trained
participant/s on site for the full Field Day period; access to NWS alerts to
monitor for inclement weather; tent stakes properly installed and marked;
temporary antenna structures properly secured and marked; site secured from
tripping hazards; site is set up in a neat  and orderly manner to reduce
hazards; stations and equipment are properly grounded; access to a means to
contact police/fire/rescue if needed; the Safety Officer is designated point
of contact for public safety officials; minimize risks and control hazards
to ensure no injuries to public; as necessary, monitoring participants for
hydration and ensures an adequate water supply is available; and whether a
private residence, public park or farmer's field, when putting in ground
rods (or digging/anchoring), check in advance with your local municipality
(often that's by dialing 811) to confirm your intended installation is
installed safely.

All of these action items and many more apply to any ARES emergency,
disaster response or public event deployment to the field! Every ARES group
should appoint a Safety Officer.

Field Day Classes Relate to ARES Operational Aspects

A few Field Day entry classes closely emulate ARES field operations. For
example, Class A - Battery portable requires all contacts to be made using
an output power of 5 Watts or less with a power source other than commercial
mains or motor-driven generator. Batteries and solar cells are examples of
permissible power sources. Sounds like a familiar ARES deployment scenario?
Perhaps a portable station at a remote checkpoint on a mountain road rally?

The Class E Home station-Emergency power participant is limited to using
emergency power for transmitters and receivers. This is the class that Field
Day partner Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, and I will be operating, in the woods of
rural northern Florida. You can find our site on the ARRL Field Day site
locator. Type in "K1CE."

The Class F Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) entry is an amateur station
at an established EOC activated by a club or non-club group. Stations may
use equipment and antennas temporarily or permanently installed at the EOC
for the event. For Field Day purposes, an EOC is defined as a facility
established by: a) a Federal, State, County, City or other Civil Government,
agency or administrative entity; or, b) a Chapter of a national or
international served agency (such as American Red Cross or Salvation Army)
with which your local group has an established operating arrangement.
Operators work in conjunction and cooperation with the staff of the EOC
being activated.

More Related Bonuses

A 100% Emergency Power bonus of 100 points is garnered when all contacts are
made with only an emergency power source. All transmitting equipment at the
site must operate from a power source completely independent of the
commercial power mains to qualify.

Originate a formal message to your Section Manager or Section Emergency
Coordinator and receive 100 bonus points. You should include the number of
ARES operators involved with your station. In a separate Message Handling
bonus, 10 points are awarded for each formal message originated, relayed or
received and delivered during the Field Day period.

An Alternate Power bonus conveys 100 points for FD groups making a minimum
of five QSOs without using power from commercial mains or petroleum driven
generator; this means an "alternate" energy source of power, such as solar,
wind, methane or water. This includes batteries charged by natural means.

If you invite and can get a visit to your FD site by an elected governmental
official, you can win an additional 100-point bonus. Similarly, a visit by a
representative of an agency served by ARES locally is worth another
100-points. Example agencies include the American Red Cross, Salvation Army,
local Emergency Management, and law enforcement.

The above is merely a quick summary of classes and bonus points that
translate to the interests and operations of any ARES group and members that
could be deployed to a public event or disaster area, and are not the
official rules. For a complete and official set of the Field Day rules,
click here.

Have a great, happy and safe Field Day!

Profiles in ARES: Orange County (California) Hospital Communications ARES
Group to Operate Field Day at Huntington Beach Hospital

The Hospital Disaster Support Communication System (HDSCS), a specialized
unit of well-trained operators and part of ARES in the ARRL Orange Section,
California, will conduct its Field Day exercise at Huntington Beach Hospital
this weekend. ARRL Orange Section District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) April
Moell, WA6OPS, said "With our mission of backing up communications critical
to patient care, it is only appropriate that we train at one of our
supported hospitals." "We are grateful that Huntington Beach Hospital is
willing, once again, to host us in this exercise, testing our ability to
create antennas and stations, using existing structures and the equipment
our members can bring with them," Moell said.
HDSCS has supported Orange County hospitals since 1980. As a group dedicated
to providing emergency communications to the medical facilities of Orange
County, Field Day serves as a training exercise for operators, develops
team-building, facilitates our interface with hospital staff, and helps
educate the public, all for the common goal of patient care and safety. The
group will be operating using the call sign W6PA.

ARES Booth, Trailer, Features of Texas Emergency Management Conference
The Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM), a division of the Texas
Department of Public Safety (DPS) each year hosts a conference on emergency
management for emergency managers, law enforcement, fire suppression and
emergency medical services. It is also well attended by representatives from
hospitals, the military and numerous NGOs that have an interest in providing
support and assistance pre- and post-disaster.

As a part of the conference there is a large exhibit area for vendors who
provide products and services to these agencies. Each year TDEM gives ARES
and the ARRL an exhibit booth to promote Amateur Radio/ARES as an alternate
method of emergency and disaster relief communications for the partner and
served agencies. ARRL South Texas Assistant SEC Mike Urich, KA5CVH, said
"This is my third year to be a part of this week-long event. In addition to
the booth, the Bexar County (San Antonio) ARES communications trailer was on
display. We were privileged to have been able to discuss not only services
ARES can provide to our served agencies, but also to talk about other
aspects of Amateur Radio to interested individuals," Urich said. -- Thanks,
Mike Urich, KA5CVH, ARRL South Texas Assistant SEC - Training; Assistant
PIC, Districts 1 and 14; PIO, Harris County ARES

Opinion: ARES in the Coming Age of FirstNet
Lately I have been hearing a lot about FirstNet, the First Responder Network
Authority. [FirstNet and its possible implications for ARES and amateur
service emergency, disaster response and public event communicators was
discussed in ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher's, NY2RF, editorial Second Century on
page 9 of the June 2017 issue of QST, "Fighting the Last War, or the Next?"]
Some amateurs are alarmed that it will take away from the role of ARES and
RACES, and even present the end of these long-serving organizations. I
disagree. But first, what is FirstNet?

In 2012, a law was passed to try to address some of the myriad of problems
that had been identified from specific events (9/11,Hurricanes Katrina,
Sandy that have plagued emergency and disaster response for decades --
interoperability, coverage, inter-connection, and leveraging modern
technology. FirstNet was established as an independent authority within the
NTIA (National Telecommunication and Information Administration, the
regulator of frequencies for government use) under the Department of
Commerce to provide emergency first responders with the first nationwide,
high-speed broadband network dedicated to public safety. Since then,
FirstNet has been in development.

FirstNet's network is described at Imagine a first responder
being able to use a device like a smartphone to send images or real time
video of an incident to include metadata like coordinates, altitude,
azimuth, temps, etc., to an incident command post or EOC on their own
dedicated network. Imagine all the EOCs in a state (city/municipal EOCs,
county EOCs, and state EOC) being linked together over their own dedicated
system for real time data sharing. Or an Incident Command being able to
follow search and rescue efforts in real time or be able to place
markers/objects on shared maps for the units in the field to see on a
device. FirstNet could merge multiple, separate, disjointed systems into one
seamless platform, suite, and system. Perhaps FirstNet can lead to
widespread use of augmented reality (information overlays on smartphone
cameras or even heads up displays - HUDs).

The bottom line is that our first responders and emergency/disaster managers
who put their lives on the line really need something better than what they
have had and FirstNet is a step in the right direction. So getting upset
that our police officers, firefighters, medical personnel, and so on might
get some much needed tech refreshes of their communication systems is
shortsighted. We should be supporting this kind of game changing technology
for the benefit of all of us in this day and age of elevated natural and
man-made hazards.

Implications for Amateur Radio

So, what does this all mean for us as ARES/RACES/ACS operators? Let's start
this discussion by reviewing what we traditionally bring to the table:

1) We can operate without infrastructure, away from commercial power and
vulnerable fixed antennas.

2) We can communicate with areas that may be difficult for other services to
cover and we can adapt to situations on the ground quickly.

3) We can act as "remote sensors" or observers, a great example being what
we do with the National Weather Service and the SKYWARN program.

4) We can operate independently from everyone else, so we don't tie up their
communications system resources.

5) We can disseminate critical information to our neighbors and
communities,and conversely, pass back to the EOC damage reports and requests
for assistance.

6) We have a long history of experience in working with incident commands,
EOCs, and NGOs.

7) We can take away some of the burdens of communications tasks from
officials, administrators and professional radio operators who are busy with
other things.

Once the FirstNet system is fully up and operational (this is going to take
some time), most of what we bring to the table remains the same as above and
continues to add value. Granted, FirstNet will be designed with more
hardened, robust support mechanisms, but they will remain vulnerable to
cyberterrorism, and other manmade and natural stressors. We will still be
able to fill in the gaps when the inevitable occurs.

We will still be able to act as remote sensors and observers, offering
ground truth coverage unmatched by any other service, man or machine alike.
Think about it -- much of our weather spotting service dates back to long
before the modern, sophisticated radar and personal weather station coverage
we have now, yet the need for our services has not been negated - indeed, it
has been increased. And our service is not limited to weather spotting,
obviously - we remain valuable as sensors/observers at public events,
emergencies, and potential and actual disaster areas. We are eyes and ears
for all environments - even the mundane, every day need for "see something,
say something."

Another largely ignored area of involvement that will remain intact after
the induction of FirstNet is our ability to get information and requests to
and from a critical central location (incident command, EOC, etc.) into and
out of our neighborhoods, where we live.

So by now you are getting the picture: FirstNet really does not sound the
death knell of ARES and RACES. But we should continue to develop our own
systems, taking advantage of the spectrum resources we have, to do more to
enhance our utility to the public safety community and the public. There are
a plethora of examples of such developments, including the exciting
development of our own "broadband" systems such as MESH networking. We will
keep on keeping on. -- John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, Emergency Coordinator and
Public Information Officer, Region 2 District 2, Colorado ARES (Pikes Peak

[As ARRL CEO Gallagher stated at the end of his editorial referenced above,
"This topic is too large for a mere editorial. Over the ensuing weeks and
months, we will attempt to bring you the most informed thinking from subject
matter experts, and you can be the judge. I urge you to participate by
e-mailing us at with your comments on where and how radio
amateurs may have the most value in the new scheme of things. Look to ARRL's
print and digital media for a healthy debate."]
After 35 Years, ARES Puerto Rico is Reborn, and Still in Development

In a meeting on April 22 at the Ricardo Belaval Electronic Library in the
city of Fajardo, Puerto Rico ARES was revitalized for the future. The
meeting was led ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, and
Section Emergency Coordinator Juan Sep£lveda, KP3CR. More than 40 island
section radio amateurs interested in emergency and disaster response
communications attended, as did representatives from radio clubs. All
regions of Puerto Rico were represented, including the island of Vieques to
the east, one of the first places to be affected during a storm or
hurricane. Also present were members of the military who are also radio
amateurs. Officials from the Fajardo municipal Emergency Management Agency
were also present.

This meeting followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
between the ARRL Puerto Rico Section and the American Red Cross Puerto Rico
Chapter on March 3, and the first ARES meeting at the University of Puerto
Rico in Rio Piedras on March 11. It also followed the participation of
amateurs in the Caribe Wave Tsunami Communications Exercise on March 21 (see
the April 2017 issue of the ARES E-Letter for report).

The meeting commenced with a welcome by Sep£lveda, which was followed by a
presentation and discussion on the ARRL Puerto Rico Section by Resto.
Following the SM and SEC was a presentation on the ARES program by ARRL
Technical Coordinator Carlos Roig, WP4AOH: he summarized the history of ARES
in Puerto Rico, when the last time it served the island (in the early 80's)
and the efforts over time to bring it back.

After a break, Roig discussed the National Traffic System (NTS), along with
a basic tutorial on how to draft a message form, and handling them on the
Patriot Amateur Emergency Radio Club Net to serve as a demonstration and
practice for meeting attendees.

Later, Section Manager Resto elaborated on the ARES presentations,
discussing how the ARRL Puerto Rico Section effects emergency and disaster
response coordination, and agreements established with  Caribbean island
nations: In the event of an incident, amateurs turn to 7188 kHz where the
daily Friendly Net is run and meets, and other assigned frequencies on the
80-meter band for handling of local incident communications.

Then, SEC Sep£lveda displayed a map of the island while explaining how
Puerto Rico is divided and distributed by districts and the critical role
that District Emergency Coordinators (DEC) and Emergency Coordinators (EC)
play in these districts.

Also on display at the historic meeting was a "Go Box" with six radios,
power supply with distribution strip, and a small antenna to show how
portable operation can be effected.

The meeting was punctuated by a visit from by the Puerto Rico Emergency
Management Agency's new Director of Communications, Felix J. Garcia; he was
presented with a draft new Memorandum of Understanding for the ARES/EMA
partnership, which could be signed soon. For his part, Garcia told the
attendees that meeting rooms will be provided for ARES in facilities in the
capital of San Juan.

The meeting concluded with Resto and Sep£lveda granting appointment
certificates to new District EC's and EC's. The next meeting will held in
July in the city of Mayagüez. The ARRL Puerto Rico Section ARES program is
seeing a vital resurgence with more meetings and training opportunities
scheduled, other agreements with government served agencies to be signed,
and most importantly, an ARES community trained and ready to respond to
emergency and disaster incidents, either on the island or on neighboring
island countries. -- µngel Luis Santana-D¡az, WP3GW, Public Information
Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager, ARRL Puerto Rico Section

Letters: ARES Marketing to ESF Managers?
Amateur Radio has a proven and effective disaster communications product,
which should be part of the strategic disaster planning for all ESF
(Emergency Support Function) areas. Does anyone know of any 3-4 minute
professional-quality videos (one for each ESF), which would help market
Amateur Radio services to high-level decision makers in potential served
agencies? -- Steve Aberle, WA7PTM, Assistant Section Manager, ARRL Western
Washington Section

K1CE For a Final: An Opportunity Knocks for ARES
I work in a hospital as an ICU Nurse, and am sharply aware of the critical
need for communications there -- between departments, the community, other
healthcare facilities, and the public safety entities such as EMS/EVAC,
emergency management, government, etc. Amateur Radio has traditionally had
roles in providing backup communications to hospitals for drills and in
disaster situations. For an example, look at the exemplary, historic work of
Orange County, California's Hospital Disaster Support Communications System
(HDSCS), a specialized ARES unit managed by District Emergency Coordinator
April Moell, WA6OPS. See above story on their Field Day operation at
Huntington Beach Hospital planned for this weekend.

I recently received an e-mail and report from another healthcare system
communications veteran, Duane Mariotti, WB9RER, also of California, who
called attention to new rules -- from the government agency that oversees
Medicare and Medicaid administration -- requiring hospitals to establish,
among other things, an Emergency Communication Plan.

It struck Mariotti that a significant opportunity has been presented to ARES
and other amateur service groups to play an enhanced role, helping hospitals
comply with the new regulations.

From a release: "The US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
issued the Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid
Participating Providers and Suppliers Final Rule to establish consistent
emergency preparedness requirements for healthcare providers participating
in Medicare and Medicaid, increase patient safety during emergencies, and
establish a more coordinated response to natural and human-caused disasters.
[The regulations must be met by November 15, 2017, and is a condition of
participation for CMS.] The providers/suppliers are required to meet four
core elements . . .:

"1. Emergency plan--Develop an emergency plan based on a risk assessment and
using an "all-hazards" approach, which will provide an integrated system for
emergency planning that focuses on capacities and capabilities.

"2. Policies and procedures--Develop and implement policies and procedures
based on the emergency plan and risk assessment that are reviewed and
updated at least annually. For hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs),
and Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities, the policies and procedures must
address the provision of subsistence needs, such as food, water and medical
supplies, for staff and residents, whether they evacuate or shelter in place.

"3. Communication plan--Develop and maintain an emergency preparedness
communication plan that complies with federal, state and local laws. Patient
care must be coordinated within the facility, across healthcare providers,
and with state and local public health departments and emergency management
systems to protect patient health and safety in the event of a disaster.

"4. A training and testing program--Develop and maintain training and
testing programs, including initial training in policies and procedures.
Facility staff will have to demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures
and provide training at least annually. Facilities must conduct drills and
exercises to test the emergency plan or participate in an actual incident
that tests the plan."

Now would be a good time to approach hospitals and other healthcare
facilities in your area, request a meeting with administrators, and put on
the table your offer of services and support as a proven alternative
radio-communications provider that will help the entity meet the
requirements, and enhance Amateur Radio's already well-established record as
an asset to the public interest in the context of hospitals and healthcare.
-- Thanks to Duane Mariotti, WB9RER, for the tip and information


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