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Subj: //WL2K ARES E-Letter February 17 Part 2 of 4
Sent: 160221/2253Z 32050@AE5ME.#NEOK.OK.USA.NOAM BPQ1.4.64
ARES Report Forms Training Webinar
ARRL Headquarters will be offering a training session for ARES Emergency Coordinators, District Emergency Coordinators and Section Emergency Coordinators on how ARES report forms are filled out, submitted and how the information is used. The training webinar will be Tuesday March 1, 2016 at 8pm Eastern Time. You may register for the webinar here. The webinar will be recorded and made available online. All EC's, DEC's and SEC's are encouraged to participate. -- Mike Corey, KI1U, ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager.
Colorado Exercise DEEP FREEZE
Colorado is no stranger to snow. In October 1997 a devastating blizzard hit the state resulting in several deaths, many stranded motorists, and more people in need of help. On Saturday, January 9, 2016, the El Paso County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) held exercise DEEP FREEZE '16 in conjunction with the Colorado National Guard, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and other agencies to practice a response to an October '97 type of event.
At the invitation of the Red Cross, operators from Region 2, District 2 (Pikes Peak ARES®) of the Colorado Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service® set up alternate communications between the Red Cross shelter and the county Emergency Operation Center (EOC). Two Pikes Peak ARES® members were dual hatted as county Special Communication Unit personnel and manned the radios in the EOC while another ARES® member worked at the shelter.
Using VHF/FM radios these operators established simplex voice and
John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, prepares to send a digital message. (photo courtesy KD0SFY)
data communication and demonstrated to the shelter manager, Red Cross EOC liaison, and the OEM the ability to digitally pass Incident Command System forms such as the ICS-213.
"The digital messaging capability is a tremendous tool and using it in the exercise helped me learn how best to work it in with our liaison training", said Jimmy Jenkins, the Red Cross EOC liaison for the exercise.
Participating in the exercise were Fred Kendall, KD0TKR; Bob Nuttleman, K0FYI; and John Bloodgood, KD0SFY. More photos can be found here. See also Twitter hashtag #deepfreeze16 -- John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, EC and PIO -- Region 2 District 2, Colorado ARES® (Pikes Peak ARES®) www.facebook.com/PikesPeakARES Twitter: @PikesPeakARES
Ohio ARES® Helps in Water Problem
Flint, Michigan, isn't the only area with water problems due to high lead content. Starting the week of January 18, approximately 8,100 customers of Sebring, Ohio, water were notified that they too had problems with high lead content in their drinking water. On January 22, both Ohio and Mahoning County Emergency Management Agencies began passing out bottled water in Sebring. Mahoning County ARES® Emergency Coordinator Wes Boyd, W8IZC, activated ARES® to assist. Response on the workday was low, but a handful of ARES® volunteers was able to respond. According to Boyd, "EMA and Red Cross were overjoyed that radio operators came to work not needing a radio." ARES® volunteers joined others in moving and distributing water supplies. Another call was out for the weekend, where more water was to be distributed.
This is a perfect example of being ready to serve in whatever capacity we can, in order to help our communities. Sometimes it doesn't involve only operating a radio. - Stan Broadway, N8BHL, Section Emergency Coordinator, Ohio
Tips: Public Safety Tools -- Excellent Resources for ARES
The US Department of Homeland Security's Office of Emergency Communications' Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program publishes a repository of numerous resources for auxiliary emergency communicators. Most are of direct interest to ARES/RACES and other amateur emergency communication groups, including the new Auxiliary Communications Field Operations Guide (AuxFOG). The pub is a reference for auxiliary communicators who directly support backup emergency communications for State/local public safety entities or for an amateur radio organization supporting public safety. This reference guide contains information about AuxComm best practices, frequently used radio frequencies, Mutual Aid channels as well as tips and suggestions about auxiliary emergency communicators integrating into a NIMS ICS environment to support communications for planned events or incidents. It can serve as a reference both for auxiliary emergency communicators and public safety communications professionals. -- K1CE
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