G4BLT > ARCHIM 05.05.97 07:17l 94 Lines 4707 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 599_G4BLT
Subj: Acorn RISCOS software 2/2
Sent: 970503/1649 599@G4BLT.GB7WRG.#19.GBR.EU [Wakefield IO93gp]
Filename Vers Author M/T RiPC Description
-------- ---- ------ --- ---- -----------
!DeskMorse 2.57 G0TAI Yes ? A desktop Morse Tutor (shareware).
DISC 7 - PSCAN (1.6Mb format only)
Filename Vers Author M/T RiPC Description
-------- ---- ------ --- ---- -----------
!PScan 1.08 G4IJE No Yes SSTV/Fax program for the RiscPC.
OTHERS-A (Not available from me, but they are PD)
Filename Vers Author M/T RiPC Description
-------- ---- ------ --- ---- -----------
!Dire 1.06 G7LZB Yes ? UK 1993 callbook directory on disc.
!LambdaNet 1.048 G7LZB Yes ? Improved TCP/IP driver application.
!TCPIP 1.21 G4KLX Yes ? TCPIP driver application.
!TCPIP 1.31b G4KLX Yes ? Alternative version of above, more
suited to Internet access.
These 4 applications are available from Tony Howat G7LZB @ GB7NWI, QTHR.
Please contact him for further details.
OTHERS-B (Not available from me, as they are not PD or Shareware)
Filename Vers Author M/T RiPC Description
-------- ---- ------ --- ---- -----------
{!AntImp ?.?? G3TXQ Yes ? Impedance & VSWR calculator }
{ for centre-fed antennas. }
{!Coil ?.?? G3TXQ Yes ? Calculates inductance of solenoid }
{ and toroidal coil forms. }
{!Filter ?.?? G3TXQ Yes ? Calculates components values for }
{ bandpass filters. }
{!HFPred ?.?? G3TXQ Yes ? Predicts Min/Max useable freqs }
{ 2-30MHz between any two locations.}
{!Noise ?.?? G3TXQ Yes ? Helps optimise RX frontend design.}
!ArcTrack 1.61 G1DGL Yes Bug AMSAT satellite tracker. ##
!Morse 2.02 Risc User Yes ? Morse tutor.
!SARCtnc 1.00 G4FRO Yes ? Drivers for SARCtnc podule.
{ Satfoot 3.10 G3RUH No Yes Satellite graphical tracking. }
{ Plan13 2.00 G3RUH No Yes Fundamental algorithms. }
{ Windows13 2.00 G3RUH No Yes AO-13 mutual window planner. }
{!Track13 0.14 G3RUH Yes Yes Plan13 routines that multi-task.}
{ TLM13 1.03 G3RUH Yes Yes Oscar-13 telemetry display. }
!SmithChrt ?.?? G3TXQ Yes Yes Easy construction and
interpretation of Smith charts.
!Timezones 1.01 Risc User Yes ? World timezone map display.
!WorldTime 1.00 Risc User Yes ? World time clock displays.
!WorldTime 1.21 Acorn User Yes ? Realtime sunlight terminator map.
(A 'fix' for !ArcTrack is available from the author until the next release)
## Enquiries about...
!AntImp etc. to SE Hunt G3TXQ QTHR (Package is called RFToolBox)
!SMithChrt to SE Hunt G3TXQ QTHR (!AntImp comes free with this)
!Arc_SSTV to Paul G4IJE QTHR @ GB7DAA (Full TX/RX vers not PD)
!ArcTrack to Herbert G1DGL QTHR @ GB7VIR or AMSAT-UK
!SARCtnc to Garry G4FRO QTHR @ GB7IMB
Satfoot etc. to James G3RUH QTHR @ GB7DDX or AMSAT-UK
To obtain copies of the software on discs 1-6 above, send me 2 x 26p loose
postage stamps for each disc, (ie 12 x 26p for all 6 discs), plus a
self-addressed label (preferably self-adhesive), or A4 or A5 envelope. The
cost INCLUDES the discs and packaging, and please only send 26p stamps -
this is not a profit-making venture, and I do not wish to handle money!
In the case of disc 7 (PScan), please contact the author Paul G4IJE @
GB7DAA, so you are sure of obtaining the latest version. If you do obtain
it from me, please enclose a formatted 1.6Mb disc and 1 x 26p stamp.
If you live abroad, then please enclose 2 x IRCs for each disc. IRCs
(International Reply Coupons) are available from Post Offices, and are NOT
valid unless franked with a rubber stamp mark in the bottom left-hand box.
Alternatively, you can use branded High-Density (1.6Mb) floppy discs,
instead of IRCs.
Please make it clear which disc(s) you want. The address to write to is...
R.Sterry, 1 Wavell Garth, Sandal Magna, WAKEFIELD, West Yorks., WF2 6JP, UK
73 from Rick
AX25 Packet: G4BLT@GB7WRG.#19.GBR.EU
Internet : richard@waveg.demon.co.uk http://www.waveg.demon.co.uk/
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