SQ9HYQ > AMIGA 24.09.02 12:20l 97 Lines 3450 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 25548_SR9BKA
Subj: PJDopus - Info!
Sent: 020924/1226Z @:SR9BKA.#KAT.POL.EU #:25548 [Katowice] FBB7.00g $:25548_SR9
Short: Some DOpus 4.xx Rexx scripts by PeeJay
Uploader: Piotr Bartkowiak <peejay@poczta.fm>
Author: Piotr Bartkowiak <peejay@poczta.fm>
Type: biz/dopus
Requires: Directory Opus 4.xx
Replaces: biz/dopus/PJDopusScripts.lha
Version: 1.02
Bug-fixed version of WhatSize.dopus - thanks to GDR!
Added Amplifier script - thanks to PekDar!
Here ya got some cool IMHO ARexx scripts for use with DirectoryOpus 4.xx.
All written by me, just to expand the DOpus functions. First - they were
just for me, but now I thought, that they could be useful to you, so I
decided to relase them on the Aminet.
· AmigaAMP.dopus
main purpose:
Send MP3/MP2/MP1 music files to AmigaAmp and play them.
· check if the AmigaAmp is running (if not - run it)
· send files into just-opened AmigaAmp, and play first from the
· add files into earlier-opened AmigaAmp (files will be waiting for
it's turn)
· AMPlifier.dopus
main purpose:
Send MP3/MP2/MP1 music files to Amplifier and play them.
· check if the AmigaAmp is running (if not - run it)
· send files into just-opened Amplifier, and play first from the
· add files into earlier-opened Amplifier (files will be waiting for
it's turn)
· PictureInfo.dopus
main purpose:
Show some infos about graphic files (may be handy for html writers).
· support for BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG, PBM, PCX, PNG, PSD, SUN, TARGA and
TIFF files
· shows size (width x height) of the picture
· shows file format (GIF, IFF etc.)
· SmartCopy.dopus
main purpose:
Copy files from one place to another.
· check if the selected files are in the active window
· if yes, just copy them
· if not, ask if it is required to swap windows, and if it is, copy
the files
· SmartMove.dopus
main purpose:
Move files from one place to another.
· same as above, but don't copy - just move :-)
· WhatSize.dopus
main purpose:
Get size of all selected files and directories.
· get size of all files and directories
· check if they all will fit into place listed in other window
· display size in few formats at one time (bytes, Kilobytes,
Megabytes, Gigabytes)
· check how many disks (Amiga OFS, Amiga FFS, PC DD) is required to
store all the selected stuff
· check how many CD-ROMs (200Mb, 650Mb, 700Mb) is required to store
all the selected stuff
· it displays the Gb size only if selection is bigger than 500 Mb
· it displays the CD-R number only if selection is bigger than the 10%
of CD's capacity
ø¾L_àâââý_ ##´ piotr bartkowiak
·m@@ ¬M@@L _ rejtana 11/1
#@L I@@þ j@Î 60653 poznan
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â@@@@@@@@@#F j@@r
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²@ÏÏ* _â@@@# 040/25 ppc/175
p e e j a y ø¾@@@#F 34ram/2.1hd/cd
p e e j a y @ p o c z t a . f m
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