G4TNU > NEWS 16.02.25 02:54l 257 Lines 12393 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
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Subj: RSGB Main News - 16 Feb 2025
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GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 16th of February 2025
The news headlines:
* The RSGB has announced its Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth
* Listen out for stations operating for World Thinking Day on
the Air
* New resources and ideas have been added to the RSGB British
Science Week web pages
The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL will
be the RSGB's Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion. Sam brings
a wealth of hands-on experience to the role having been part of the
Scouts from a young age in Beavers and then working his way up to
Network. He then progressed to become an Assistant Section Leader.
This knowledge will help the RSGB Youth Team to engage and offer
amateur radio support to not only the Scouts, but also the Cadets and
Girlguiding. If you'd like to congratulate Sam on his role, or if you
have any ideas you think would be useful to share, email him via
Lots of amateur radio stations are on the air this weekend and next
weekend for World Thinking Day on the Air. Listen out for them and
encourage the young Girlguiding members. You can find details of some
of the active stations via rsgb.org/thinking-day but, if your
station isn't listed, please share details on the RSGB social media
channels. The aim of the event is to encourage Girlguiding members to
make friendships with those in other units, using amateur radio as
the means of communication.
Have you visited the RSGB's British Science Week web pages yet? Two
new worksheets have recently been added to inspire you to get
involved and showcase amateur radio to new audiences. The activities
were designed by the RSGB Outreach Team to fit in with this year's
British Science Week theme of ‘Change and adapt'. If you'd like to
deliver these activities to schools or youth groups, the Society has
sample lesson plans, risk assessments and a guide to contacting your
local school available on its website. Remember that British Science
Week isn't just for younger audiences, it is open to all. If you're
looking for ideas to get your friends and family involved, or a local
community group, go to rsgb.org/bsw and visit the British Science
Week resources page. There is a wealth of ideas available, from
looking at the history of radio communications to building a
sustainable system using only solar panels. If you have activity
planned for British Science Week, let the RSGB know by emailing the
RSGB British Science Week Coordinator, Ian Neal, M0KEO via
bsw<at>rsgb.org.uk Details of events taking place will be shared on
the Society's website.
The deadline for the RSGB Construction Competition is Saturday the
1st of March, which means you have less than two weeks left to submit
your entry. The judges will be considering entries in six categories:
beginners, construction excellence, innovation, software, antennas
and outreach. To find out how to submit your application go to
rsgb.org/construction-competition The results of the competition
will be announced during the 2025 RSGB Annual General Meeting on the
12th of April.
If you are passionate about amateur radio and have some spare time to
support fellow radio amateurs, why not become an RSGB District
Representative? There are currently 12 vacancies across the United
Kingdom, including in Belfast, Cambridgeshire and Lancashire. To find
out if there is a vacancy in your region go to rsgb.org/volunteers
and then get in touch with the Regional Representative of the
district with the vacancy.
Amateur radio operators are reminded to take care when operating on
the WRC-15 secondary amateur allocation at 5MHz. The UK still has no
access to the full WRC-15 allocation. Despite requests, this seems
unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Whilst the UK is
fortunate to have more generous licence conditions, it is imperative
these are not put at risk by irresponsible operating in violation of
the licence conditions, particularly in the 5358 to 5362kHz gap where
there is no UK allocation. The RSGB website has detailed advice for
operators, both for SSB and digital modes, on its rsgb.org/5mhz web
page. Please take care not to transmit outside of the UK segments
even if you hear other amateurs transmitting. Remember that signals
heard may be coming from amateurs in other countries with different
The RSGB ARDF Committee is pleased to announce the return of the
British ARDF Championships in 2025. The Championships will be held as
a three-day festival in early April 2025. Entries open on the 1st of
March and will remain open right up until the event itself. Further
information and updates can be found at tinyurl.com/ARDF25
Please send details of all your news and events to
radcom<at>rsgb.org.uk The deadline for submissions is 10am on
Thursdays before the Sunday broadcast each week.
And now for details of rallies and events
The Red Rose Winter Rally is due to take place on Sunday the 23rd of
February from 10am at Mather Hall, Mather Lane, Leigh, Lancashire,
WN7 2PJ. Please note that the maximum number of five-foot tables per
trader has had to be reduced from six to five. On a brighter note,
the price remains as it has been for several years at GBP 10 per
table. For more information visit wmrc.co.uk
The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society Annual Rally will take place
on Saturday the 1st of March at Hillsborough Village Centre, 7
Ballynahinch Road, BT26 6AR. The doors open at 10.30am. For more
details visit lvars.uk
On the 2nd of March the Exeter Radio Rally is taking place at a new
venue. The event will be held at The Kenn Centre, EX6 7UE, from 10am.
Traders and catering will be available on site. For more information
phone Pete, G3ZVI on 07714 198 374 or email g3zvi<at>yahoo.co.uk
Now the Special Event news
Daren, 2E0LXY is hosting a special amateur radio event to raise funds
for the Sheffield Children's Hospital today, the 16th. He will be
operating on the 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m bands using FT8. He
will also be active on the 2m and 70cm bands using FM. DMR users can
talk to Daren via Brandmeister talk group 23530. More information,
including how to make a donation, is available via Daren's QRZ.com
Special callsign S5701DX is running during February in memory of
Slavko, S57DX who became a Silent Key last February. The station has
been heard recently using CW and SSB on the HF bands. For more
information visit QRZ.com
From the 1st to the 28th of March George, MM0JNL will once again be
activating special event station GB0GTS. This year the station is
active in support of the Great Tommy Sleepout. This national
challenge aims to raise funds and awareness for all former UK service
personnel who are living homeless. More details are available at
QRZ.com and rbli.co.uk
Now the DX news
Bob, NC6Q is active as HP1TT from Panama until tomorrow, the 17th.
He is operating CW and some SSB on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands. QSL
directly to NC6Q.
Datta [DAH-TAH], VU2DSI is operating from Lonar [LOH-NAR] Lake in
India from the 20th to the 24th of February 2025. This unique
location was formed by the impact of a meteor around
550,000 [FIVE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY-THOUSAND] years ago. The station will
be active on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands using SSB. More information
can be found at QRZ.com
Claudio, HB9OAU is active as D44OA from Sal Island, AF-086, Cape
Verde until Tuesday the 18th. He is operating using CW and SSB on the
40 to 6m bands. QSL via Logbook of the World and Club Log.
Now the contest news
The ARRL International DX Contest started at 0000UTC on Saturday the
15th and runs until 2359UTC today, Sunday the 16th of February. Using
CW on the 160 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the
exchange is signal report and transmit power. USA stations also send
their state and Canadian stations send their province.
On Tuesday the 18th, the RGSB 1.3GHz Activity Contest runs from 2000
to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 23cm band, the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.
On Thursday the 20th, the RSGB 70MHz UK Activity Contest runs from
2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 4m band, the exchange is
signal report, serial number and locator.
The CQ 160m DX Contest starts at 2200UTC on Friday the 21st and ends
at 2200UTC on Sunday the 23rd of February. Using SSB on the 160m
band, the exchange is signal report and CQ zone. USA stations also
send their state and Canadian stations send their province.
The REF Contest starts at 0600UTC on Saturday the 22nd and ends at
1800UTC on Sunday the 23rd of February. Using SSB on the 80 to 10m
bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report
and serial number.
Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO
on Thursday the 13th of February 2025
Two large coronal holes on the Sun's surface have been spraying solar
material towards Earth, pushing the Kp index to a high of 4.67.
The solar wind speed has been consistently higher than 500 kilometres
per second and, with a south-pointing interplanetary magnetic field,
the plasma has flooded into Earth's magnetic field. There have been a
few aurora warnings, but these have only been minor.
As a result, the ionosphere has not been too badly affected and
daytime maximum usable frequencies over a 3,000km path have generally
remained above 28MHz, with the odd dip towards 24MHz.
Coronal mass ejections have not made an appearance and there were
only three M-class flares between the 9th and 13th of February.
Meanwhile, the solar flux index fell to the 150s and 160s last week.
Recent HF DX has included the V73WW DXpedition on the Marshall
Islands, which has been worked from the UK, including on the 40, 30
and 20m bands using CW. The TX7N DXpedition to Marquesas
[MAR-KAY-SAHS] Island in French Polynesia has just finished. It
wasn't an easy path, but it was worked from the UK on all bands from
30 to 12m using FT8, CW and SSB.
Next week, NOAA predicts that the solar flux index could rise a
little, to be in the 180 to 190 range. Once Earth is free from the
effects of the current coronal hole stream, we may expect the Kp
index to retreat, perhaps to a maximum of 2.
So, DX next week could be quite reasonable but, as always, keep an
eye on solarham.com for daily updates.
And now the VHF and up propagation news from G3YLA and G4BAO
The lingering high pressure just to the east of the UK is holding
weather fronts over western Britain for the time being with any tropo
benefits confined to eastern areas, and being marginal at best.
During the coming week, changes will be slow but gradually a more
determined push on the Atlantic fronts may bring them over most
areas, except the extreme southeast of the country.
This will make rain scatter more accessible although the models
suggest that the fronts are likely to become weaker. So, they will
not be especially useful by the time they reach the southeast.
Sporadic-E is in its quiet season now, as are the meteor scatter
prospects, with no major showers in attendance until the spring
Lyrids in late April.
Perhaps this quieter time is a chance to do some operating
housekeeping. For example, you could update a list of nearby
repeaters and beacons to help you track developing openings. Or maybe
you could consider trying a new mode or band. Perhaps you could learn
to use digital modes for meteor scatter. Maybe consider joining the
increasing numbers trying CW on the 2m band.
Moon declination went negative again on Saturday the 15th and path
losses are rising as the Moon moves away to apogee, its furthest
point from Earth, on Tuesday the 18th. 144MHz sky noise is low for
most of the coming week but goes high for the weekend of Saturday the
And that's all from the propagation team this week.
And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain. Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to radcom<at>rsgb.org.uk to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.
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