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N5VLZ  > ALL      12.03.24 06:21l 316 Lines 11010 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3957_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE MAR 11 2024
Sent: 240312/0124Z 3957@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida (early checkin)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
NT5R, Charley, Missouri


The PCL Net will be QRT on Monday, April 1 
(that's no April Fool), as March 31 is Easter 
this year, and that's one of the holiday weeks 
where the net takes the night off. Just don't 
eat too much of the candy (hi hi). Early checkin 
from Carl, KX4AC...his traffic will be in the 
scribe I'll post later this evening.

Sorry I missed last week...thunderstorms were in 
the area. We're into our spring tornado season, 
and there is a risk of severe weather Thursday 
and Friday, then maybe some colder weather by 
this time next week. It doesn't look like snow 
at this point, but I wouldn't be suprised if an 
early spring frost and freeze is in store. And, 
I have to wonder how many missed the time change 
over the weekend, and were late for nets, work, 
church, appointments, etc. I wish they'd decide 
on one time, and leave it there!!

I got my refurbished HamShack Hotline phone, but 
I did not know I needed a power supply with it. 
So, it must wait until next month, as does the 
lower denture repair, due to other bills.

ADT came by to repair a bad sensor on the home 
alarm system, but it cost an extra $64. An extra 
sensor kit arrived today (it was supposed to be 
here last Friday). At least it came by US Mail 
(it went from TX to TN to AR!!) I could mail 
off the check for the test session from the new
Technician licensee, who passed his exam this past 
Saturday. That saved me from going to the Post 
Office, as the shortage of Lyft drivers can make 
even a short trip approach $50. At least I can 
scan in all the exam session items, create a PDF 
file, and upload the data to ARRL/VEC.

I recently ordered groceries from Kroger, but 15 
of the Buddig lunch meats (10 chicken and 5 honey 
ham) were WAY PAST EXPIRATION. Not wanting food 
poisoning, I discarded them, and called Customer 
Service to get a refund. But, I have enough food 
and drink to last me until April. I won't order 
stuff from food banks, as many of the items from 
there are expired.

It was such a tragedy to note that Bob Heil, 
K9EID, became a Silent Key recently. I got to 
meet Bob at Ham Holiday in Oklahoma City several 
years ago. When Tim Duffy, K3LR, went to introduce 
him, and hand him the microphone, the mic and 
sound system went Tango Uniform. Unfazed, Bob 
reached into his case, pulled out one of his nice
Heil microphones, hooked it up, and all was well. 
When he quipped "this happens to me everywhere I 
go", the entire room erupted in raucous laughter!! 
(hi hi).

I found out last night that Don, W7SSK, became a SK
(his son is Randy, W4LKS). It's pretty bad when the 
first thing you look at in QST is the SK's, or the 
obituaries in the newspaper. As the late Red Skelton
noted, "if I don't see my name in the obits, or see
candles and smell flowers, then I get up to make a
cup of coffee"...and then he added "then, I thumb 
through Playboy magazine to get my heart started" 
(hi hi).

It's less than a month from the eclipse, and the
activity is ramping up. As crazy as the weather 
has been lately, there may be rain, storms, and 
clouds along the path of partial to full totality. 
Many hotels are charging nearly $1000 a night. That 
would really be a super bust, but I don't care one 
way or the other...I'll be at home. If there isn't 
any clouds or weather along the path, I'm afraid 
many people will go blind, from failing to use 
genuine safety glasses and tools, or they'll use 
"knock-off imitations", which are worthless.



GE all.  I won't be able to make the net tonight, 
but wanted to send an update. It's the monthly 
club meeting tonight and there is a talk on "Mobile 
RDFing." It sounds interesting, so I don't want to 
miss it.

It was a beautiful weekend here (except for the 
missing hour of sleep). I had a couple of nice 
walks around the neighborhood with my camera.

I have been having occasional crashes with my 
packet station; so Sunday I bit the bullet, and 
decided to update the old Raspberry PI OS I was 
using, and rebuild the BBS code. Needless to say 
it did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. I have 
basic connectivity back up, but the BBS will be 
down for a few days, and some scripts will need 
updating to Python3. Hopefully it will help in 
the long run.



GE All.

Not much new this week. Been playing with Hamshack 

Listening to the Trivia Net on Kansas City Wide as 
I type this - it's kinda neat.

Weather here is still crazy. Snow on the ground 
when I woke up this morning. Supposed to be 60s 
tomorrow. Go figure.



Good evening Daryl and all on NET.

Weather has been chilly, wet, and gloomy. Temps 
around freezing still at night, and maybe getting 
to mid 40s during the day. Snow still threatening...

Mostly I have been fighting with trying to understand 
how to connect to AMPRNET, and have been playing with 
JNOS and XROUTER. I have XROUTER sort of working 
between me and WQ6N in San Diego. Just when I think I 
have a handle on it, I get squirreled and forget what 
I just did...

I have my knee surgery this Wednesday, so I've been 
prepping for that...had to go find some crutches. Red 
Cross loans that stuff, but had to get Doctor's 
requisition, meaning phone up to get a phone 
appointment...and wait...



Well I was up with my folks again in the KC area... She 
is now home and doing well. So is Dad.

My shack is all torn up for "spring cleaning" lol 

I have no antennas up and so am off the air for time being.

I have been messing around with VPN research... I am trying 
to find a way around the CGNAT (carrier grade NAT) that my 
ISP uses... it making a mess out of my AllStarlink Node 
and other things.  

I hear that ARDC the same will be offering a VPN service 
this fall but I am being impatient. I too have a block of 
AMPRNET IP addresses, but have no good way to get or use 
them with this silly ISP service...  so <heavy sigh>.

Charley, I am planning on going to Mt Vernon HF on the 
23rd...QRP is not really my back so probably pass on the 
4 square convenstion.   LOL QRP = 1.5kW - 1W    



I guess I'm a genius too! i.e. cluttered shack here too!

Weather has been beautiful the last several days. Spent 
the afternoon playing outside with the grandkids.

I've been tinkering with the satellite tracker I've 
mentioned before. Modified it to receive the tracking 
info broadcast by weather balloons/radiosondes. It tracks 
the 'sonde now, but the 'sonde signal dies about the same 
time as it does with just a vertical up in the attic. 
<shrug> Guess I wont pursue that any further.

Scott and Charley, I was in Branson for a very quick days 
recently, and went to Lill Hobbs Shop on 65 near Omaha, 
so midway or so between Branson and Berryville. Great 
sandwiches and cake!

I met Bob Heil at 4s qrp pre covid. he is sk at 83, 
God Rest His Soul.

Nothing else to say, other than thanks Bob(NY) for the 
BBS, and that I'll be praying for good results for 
Rick's surgery.



GE everyone, just in from working on garden so bit late 
to net

Scott, Bob, 4sqrp convention coming up april 5 & 6
Also Mt Vernon MO hamfest in couple weeks

Keyboard doing strange things tonite, hope this all 
legible, on different computer v telnet

Planted beet lettuce radish swiss chard potato sprouts 
today, warm weather stuff later 

Forecast 32 degrees f one night soon so may need to 

Beautiful day today about 65 f

Scott, will look for you at Mt Vernon, usually wear my 
pink Panama cap so easy to spot

4sqrp not considered a hamfest but good convention, they 
moved yearly convention from Joplin to Branson same year 
I moved to Branson

Sorry to hear re Bob Heil, he lived not far away, several 
years he made the rounds during field day and among others 
visited our Branson club field day site

Daryl keep me posted re New Boston tailgate. We plan to 
go NE Texas for eclipse April 8.

Re Mena years ago working out of Ft Smith occasionally 
had to work on equipment at tower site near Mena, normally 
fellow out of Texarkana covered that area


Replies From N5VLZ:

Bob (NY), I hope to be back on Hamshack Hotline next
month, or earlier, if I can get the power supply from
Amazon, plus set it up for Wi-Fi. I no longer access
Kansas City Wide, as I got "run off" by one of their
admins, so I self banned myself from it.

Rick, spring is supposed to start March 20, but winter
isn't going away without a fight in some areas. Bummer
on the AMPRNET, JNOS, and XROUTER issues...GL with that,
and on the knee surgery. I'm getting around rather well,
after the hip replacement surgery 4 months ago, except
for occasional sciatica flareups. So, the walker and
cane are on standby for stability.

Scott, FB on the family. I thought a cluttered shack
was a sign of genius (hi hi). I use a VPN through the
IObit utilities, and the Opera Web Browser offers a
VPN. They're not free, but they're available. I still
need to contact AllStar, and advise of the callsign
change...but I really haven't used AllStar, and don't
have the setup for it. Tomorrow is the second Tuesday,
so that means Windows Update after the nets (ugh!). And,
QRP is when you care the most to send the very least
(hi hi).

Bob (OK), it's called the Bad Shackkeeping Award (hi hi).
Lots of controlled burns (43) today, but no burn bans,
and moderate fire danger over part of southwest Arkansas.
FB on the satellite tracker for the weather balloons and
radiosondes. Bummer on the tracking dying out after a
short time. FB on the Branson trip, and the Lill Hobbs
Shop...I haven't eaten dinner yet, so you got me hungry
(hi hi). 

Charley, no problem with being late. I was doing some
computer work prior to the net, after a much needed
power nap earlier. I went to that 4 Square QRP deal
several years ago in to meet K.O. and
Billie before they became SK's...they are sorely 
missed. No more Arkansas hamfests until the Mena one
after Labor Day, but there'll be a tailgate party in
New Boston, TX soon. I have to check with Greg, KI5NHZ,
for the details. Keyboard is just fine on your traffic.
As I noted earlier, might be an early spring frost and
freeze early next week, so keep an eye on that. It
happens every year...stuff buds and blooms out, and
there's a frost or freeze. Enjoy the Mount Vernon
hamfest...I doubt many will have a pink Panama cap
(hi hi). That Stone Castle Lodge in Branson is a nice
place. As noted, check with Greg, KI5NHZ...he'll give
you the info on the New Boston, TX tailgate...I think
it's in early April, but I'm not sure. Mena is the last
big hamfest for Arkansas for the year...the one on Petit
Jean Mountain in October (in the path of totality next
month) is more like a tailgate/swapfest.


Daryl, N5VLZ -- Little Rock, Arkansas
Please See My QRZ Bio For More Info

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