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GB2RS  > NEWS     24.05.07 08:00l 389 Lines 14447 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : GB2RS270507A
Subj: MAIN NEWS - 27 May 07 1/11
Sent: 070524/0643Z @:GB2RS.GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU


    * British amateurs inducted to Hall of Fame
    * Exceptional woman passes Foundation exam
    * New workshop for Amateur Satellite Service
    * Transatlantic Re-Enactment Flight
    * Strange Antenna Challenge 2007
    * World Thundercat Racing Championships in Scarborough
    * RSGB HQ examination session - 20 July
    * Successful reunion of surviving WW2 radio operators
    * Ofcom put online licensing helpsheet on the web
    * Amateur Radio Full Licensees - Special Research Permits
    * RSGB & IARU Respond to 10GHz Auction
    * Rallies and Events
    * Special Event News

British amateurs inducted to Hall of Fame


Two British amateurs were inducted to the prestigious CQ Magazine DX Hall
Of Fame at the Dayton Hamvention last weekend.

Roger Western, G3SXW, and Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF, were jointly honoured
for their many years of activating rare RX locations. To date, Nigel has
operated from 44 DX locations, and Roger has activated 37. Nigel has what
may be the world's largest collection of QSL cards. In fact, he recently
completed a house extension solely to house his QSL collection!
In addition to his trips with Nigel, Roger is a founding member of the
"Voodoo" contest DXpedition group, a member of the CQ Contest Hall of
Fame, and an international adviser to the CQ World Wide DX Contest
Committee. He has also written two books, on DXpeditioning and Contesting.

Exceptional woman passes Foundation exam


Finningley Amateur Radio Society is delighted to announce the success of
a very exceptional lady.

Vera Tomlinson, an octogenarian, passed her M3 Foundation examination at
the second attempt. What makes this an outstanding achievement is that
Vera is registered blind.

Vera was subjected to the same stringent rules as any other candidate
with the exception that Club President, John Swift M0UTX, was allowed to
act as a reader for her. Lead instructor, Peter Myers G3UWT, was full of
praise for Vera and stated she was a delight to teach and is now looking
forward to a QSO on air.

New workshop for Amateur Satellite Service


AMSAT UK appreciate that space communications may seem daunting to many
new amateurs so they have organised a special beginners workshop which
will show how to get started in this exciting aspect of amateur radio.

The beginners workshop will be held as part of the AMSAT UK 22nd
International Space Colloquium to be held at the University of Surrey,
Guildford, from Friday 20 to Sunday 22 July.

From 2002 until 2006 AMSAT UK campaigned to get Foundation licence
holders access to the Amateur Satellite Service. At the end of last year
the UK regulator Ofcom agreed to allow Foundation holders full access to
the Amateur Satellite Service following detailed negotiations with the
This new privilege enables Foundation holders to speak directly to
Astronauts on the International Space Station and communicate around the
world on VHF and UHF via the rapidly growing number of Amateur Radio

The event is open to all radio amateurs and SWL's. You do not need to be
an AMSAT-UK member. Either day passes or full packages comprising
overnight accommodation and meals at the University are available. There
is an online booking service and PayPal, Visa and Master Card payments
are accepted. For more details contact Jim Heck on G3WGM on 01558 453959.

Transatlantic Re-Enactment Flight


Ireland's Limerick Radio Club has been invited by the Foynes Flying
Boat Museum to operate a special amateur radio station. At the same time
there will also be a commemorative Transatlantic Re-Enactment Flight.

The special event call sign has been issued to the club to operate as
EI70FOY. The station will be on the air from July 7 to 8 on the high
frequency bands 80 through 10 metres. EI70FOY will also operate on

 On July 5 1937 the first transatlantic passenger test flight took place
from Botwood, Newfoundland and flew to Foynes, Ireland. To commemorate
the 70th anniversary of this event a special re-enactment flight is
planned by Captain Patrick White and his son Ian. They will be flying
their vintage PBY Cattlaina Flying Boat from Botwood Newfoundland on 5
July, landing at Foynes on 6 July.
  A special QSL card commemorating the flight re-enactment will be sent
to all stations worked over the three day event. All inbound QSL cards
should be sent to the Club's QSL Manager, Alan Cronin.

Strange Antenna Challenge 2007


An operation over the American Memorial Day weekend, May 26 to 28, by
special event station K0S will highlight the 2007 Strange Antenna

Sponsors say K0S will employ out of the ordinary antennas to promote
amateur radio and making do with what might be available during an
Individuals and clubs may participate as satellite stations by using
anything but wire or pipe for a radiating element and adding K0S to their
call signs.

Strange antennas used in past events, dating back to 2002, have included
folding chairs, paint easels, ladders, tape measures, dog kennels,
fences, cots and chicken wire with a trampoline as an apparent ground

World Thundercat Racing Championships in Scarborough


Scarborough has been chosen to host the 2007 World Thundercat Racing

Normally held in South Africa or Australia, this will be the first time
that the final has been held in the northern hemisphere.

Thundercats are small speedboats with a crew of two. Regional heats to
qualify for the final have been held worldwide.

The 400 metre course will be marked out in the South Bay Scarborough.
Racing will commence on Tuesday 2 June with the final on Saturday 9th

The special event station GB2CAT will be on the air June 9 to 10. HF
activity will be around 7055 or 3725 KHz SSB, and 7025 or 3525 KHz CW.
QSL via the RSGB bureau.


RSGB HQ examination session - 20 July


The RSGB are happy to announce that they will be providing an examination
session at RSGB HQ on Friday 20th July 2007 to coincide with the July
Advanced Examination. 

We are also able to run Foundation and Intermediate examinations on this
day but practical assessments must be completed beforehand.

If you are interested in attending then please contact no later than 22 June.

Successful reunion of surviving WW2 radio operators


Surviving WWII radio operators, who intercepted the highly secret traffic
from the German Secret Service attended a reunion on April 29 at
Bletchley Park.

Hams who attended were previously involved with Ultra, the top secret
material which was deciphered at Bletchley Park and disseminated only to
those who had direct responsibility for directting the war.

Mike Coleman, G1YVR, gave the group an illuminating history of Direction
Finding from before WWI to the present day. Direction Finding was a vital
part of the WWII operations and was directed by Major Dick Keen with
assistance from G5RV, G6LL, G8LT and G6CJ working on aerial systems and
distribution wideband amplifiers. A well-known D/F operator was G2BTO,
who unfortunately could not attend the reunion.

Bob Painter, G3BPF, described how he was member of the party given the
task of tracking down the illicit transmitters of the Stern Gang and the
Voice of Israel, in 1946. This was in extremely dangerous circumstances
but he survived to locate the Stern Gang, though not the Voice of Israel,
which was perhaps fortunate for him.

The 1,500 hams who became Voluntary Interceptors during the war were
recruited by various, sometimes bizarre, means. The RSGB was called upon
to help and of course could not advertise in the T&R Bulletin of that
period. Mostly it was by the Old Boy, who do you know, method.

To see a picture from the reunion click here.


Ofcom put online licensing helpsheet on the web


Following the introduction of the Lifetime Licence and online licensing
system in December 2006, Ofcom have recently made available a guide on
how to use their online system.

The comprehensive document, which runs to fifteen pages, is presented as
a pdf file and has step-by-step instructions on how to use all the online
features. It includes specific instructions on the areas of the system
which have caused particular confusion to users, such as the need to
edit' your details to force the system to generate your licence.

The document, entitled "User Guide for Amateur Radio Applicants", can be
downloaded from the Help and Guidance section of the Ofcom web site at

Amateur Radio Full Licensees - Special Research Permits
in the region of 501 kHz


Ofcom has decided to permit a limited number of Amateur Radio Full
licensees to operate under a Special Research Permit between 501 and 504
kHz for a 12 month period commencing from 1 March 2007.

This follows representations made by the Radio Society of Great Britain
and negotiations with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

Special Research Permits under a Notice of Variation to the Licence may
be made available to holders of Full Amateur Licences on a case by case
basis to applicants who can demonstrate a genuine interest in
experimentation at these frequencies and provide adequate supporting
documentation for assessment.

Due to the usage of the spectrum around 500 kHz, applicants should pay
special attention to demonstrating technical and operational competence
in terms of transmitting within the frequency and Effective Radiated
Power (e.r.p.) parameters agreed with Ofcom. Previous experience at 73
kHz as well as 136 kHz will be considered desirable in this respect to
ensure adequate steps are taken to limit any potential interference. 

Ofcom will monitor any interference reports with a view to limiting
numbers in the use of the band if necessary. In general, considerably
lower e.r.p. levels than that permitted in the 136 kHz band are likely to
be favourable and this will only be permitted where it can be
demonstrated that increased powers are necessary for research. On no
account will an e.r.p. level of greater than - 10 dBW be permitted
under any circumstance.

The standard application form (OfW306) for a Special Research Permit can
be downloaded at:

Form OfW306 is also available on request from the Ofcom Licensing Centre

Ofcom Licensing Centre
Amateur Radio
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
Tel: 020 7981 3131

You can also find more information on the RSGB Spectrum Forum website at:

RSGB & IARU Respond to 10GHz Auction


RSGB and IARU Region-1 are continuing their defence of the 10GHz band.
Their responses to the latest Ofcom consultation on the Spectrum auction
can be found on the Ofcom website at

The RSGB & IARU responses are the second formal submission on this topic
and continues the joint effort in conjunction with affiliated societies
including AMSAT-UK, the UK Microwave Group and the British Amateur
Television Group BATC. Ofcom plans would have potentially serious
consequences for innovative developments by the Amateur Satellite Service.

Rallies and Events


On Sunday 3 June the SPALDING & DARS ANNUAL RALLY takes place from 10am
at the Sir John Gleed Technical School, Halmer Gardens, Spalding. Details
from Ambrose, M0DJA, on 07989 636 520, or on the web at

On Sunday 3 June the Red Rose QRP Festival takes place from 11am at
Formby Hall, Alder Street, Atherton, Manchester M46 9EY. Details from
Les, G4HZJ, on 01942 870634, or by email to

More details of these and future events can be found on the Rallies and
Events page.


Special Event News


The Bolsover Amateur Radio Society will be operating as GB2PF on Saturday
11 and Sunday 12 August to commemorate the birthday of local man Peter
Fidler, who was a famous surveyor in Canada in the 1790s. The club
intends to operate as many bands as possible, HF, VHF and UHF, from the
new club shack located at the Coalite Sports and Social Club, Moor Lane,

The Norman Lockyer Observatory  Amateur Radio Group will be participating
at the 2nd South West Astronomy Fair. It is due to be held in the grounds
of the Norman Lockyer Observatory, Salcombe Hill, Sdimouth, Devon. It
will be operating on 1 August using call sign GB2NLO from 0900 to 1800
BST, 0800 TO1700 UTC. They will be working SSB, CW, SSTV and PSK31 as
appropriate on the 80, 40, 20, 6, 4 and 2 metre bands. QSL via the RSGB
bureau with a special event QSL card. They would welcome any licensed
amateurs or those interested in taking up the hobby to visit the
exhibition tent.

Burton upon Tent Amateur Radio Club will be at the Doveridge Steam and
Vintage Charity Rally on the weekend of the 21 and 22 July. Licensed
operators are welcome to come along and operate the equipment. They may
ask to see your licence so please bring it along. HF, VHF and UHF bands
will be in operation over the weekend. For more information

The Maidstone Amateur Radio Society G3WM will be operating a special
event station GB2BVC celebrating 30 years of sailing at Bewl Sailing
Club, Lamberhurst, Kent on Saturday, 26 May. The station will be on HF
GB2BVC and VHF as GB2BSC from 0830 untill 1600 UTC. HF bands will be 80,
40 and 20 metres.

Roger Greengrass, G4NRG, plans to operate as GM4NRG/P from the Isle of
Lismore Scotland, from approximately 3 to 15 June. As the QTH is in a
semi-residential location on an island with a population of only 176,
actual operation will be dependant upon the ability to erect and use the
antennas.  He will try and put a spot on the DX cluster when operational.
The Isle of Lismore is in the Inner Hebrides, IOTA Island Reference
EU-008, Maidenhead locator IO76GN Operation is hoped to be on 6m,
hopefully taking advantage of sporadic E propagation, voice and JT6M.
Activity is also planned on HF, using SSB and digital modes PSK31.
Operation will be holiday style. QSL via home call.



This news item was prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain
and was downloaded from, converted from HTML
to plain text and uploaded at GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU by G3ZFR.

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