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GB2RS  > NEWS     04.05.07 20:06l 431 Lines 15536 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : GB2RS060507A
Subj: MAIN NEWS - 06 May 07 1/11
Sent: 070504/1720Z @:GB2RS.GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU


    * RSGB creates two Life Vice Presidents at the AGM
    * RAYNET service award to G3STG
    * Worcester Radio Amateur team up with VMARS
    * New UK DX Forum
    * Raynet Group contact information request
    * New ISS Flight Engineer announced
    * ISS equipment upgrade and ARISS operations
    * Colchester Foundation licence assessment day
    * RSGB presentation at Helena Thompson Museum
    * ARDF Seminar report
    * Satgate System shutdown announced
    * Operating in the UK and US information on new Yahoo group
    * Ofcom put online licensing helpsheet on the web
    * Amateur Radio Full Licensees - Special Research Permits
    * RSGB & IARU Respond to 10GHz Auction
    * Rallies and Events
    * Special Event News

RSGB creates two Life Vice Presidents at the AGM


The RSGB held their 80th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28 April in
Edinburgh. The meeting was opened by RSGB President Angus Annan, MM1CCR.
Also on the rostrum were RSGB General Manger Peter Kirby, G0TWW, Honorary
Company Secretary Rupert Thorogood, G3KKT, and Honorary Treasurer Bob
Dingle, G0OCB.

 The afternoon was more of an informal session with Board members giving
presentations about their portfolios, followed by a question and answer
session at the end.

 The AGM dinner was held at the Paramount Carlton Hotel. The president
was joined by guests of honour Trevor Baylis, OBE, inventor of the
clockwork radio, and Practical Wireless editor Rob Mannion, who received
an award to celebrate the 75th birthday of PW.
Two Life Vice Presidents were created at the RSGB AGM. David Pratt,
G4DMP, and Mike Dixon, G3PFR, were awarded this prestigious honour for
their decades of service to amateur radio.

RAYNET service award to G3STG


The RSGB Raynet Cup was presented to Geoff Griffiths, G3STG, at the RSGB

Geoff joined RAYNET in 1957 and receives this award in his 50th year of
membership, in recognition of his long-standing service to RAYNET. He
served as chairman of both the RSGB National RAYNET Committee and the
Network's Committee of Management.

Geoff commented, "I was surprised and very pleased to receive the RSGB
RAYNET Trophy this year.  I have enjoyed working for RAYNET for many
Many other presentations and awards were made during the AGM. A full
report will appear in the June edition of RadCom.

Worcester Radio Amateur team up with VMARS


Over the weekend of 19  to 20 May, members of the Worcester Radio
Amateurs Association and members of the Vintage Military Amateur Radio
Society are teaming up for a special weekend camp just outside the
Worcester City boundary.

The weekend camp is a combination of antenna testing, operating vintage
military radio equipment and portable operation practice. Many members of
both groups have a wide ranging interest in anything wireless and
military, so there will be much to be learnt from the camp.

Members of VMARS are planning on erecting a large Shirley antenna, which
has been used by the military for field communications for many years.
Many are looking forward to putting this strange antenna to the test.

There will be several military vehicles at the camp for the duration of
the weekend, including a couple of Ferret armoured personnel vehicles, a
Saracen, a Uni-Mog and a couple of land Rovers, all fully equipped with
radio gear. There will also be a very special Bedford MK lorry on site on
Saturday only, fully fitted with some rather interesting equipment.
Anyone interested in coming along can find more information at

New UK DX Forum


A new website,, has been launched to create an online
community for UK based amateurs and other radio enthusiasts where they
can participate in discussion on anything to do with radio as a hobby.
   Graeme Stoker, M0EUK, the man behind the website believes that there
are a number of similar American-based forums, but nothing really with a
UK focus. He is also trying to foster a community and collaborative
spirit, which can hopefully become self-perpetuating in terms of
supporting fellow enthusiasts.

Raynet Group contact information request


RAYNET controllers are requested to confirm or update group data to as soon as possible. Details required are Group
Controller name, callsign, address, contact phone numbers and e mail
address, plus group web site address if there is one.  If a group has a
deputy controller and/or secretary, then please send their details as
well. County and regional controllers (non-Network) are also requested to
send their details. Address will be kept confidential, but other data
will appear in the 2008 Yearbook and RCVS on-line database.
  ALL groups are invited to submit photographs of recent
operations/exercises for possible inclusion in the Yearbook and other
publications.  Please provide information as to group, venue, event,
date, etc., with each image. Network Group details will come via the
Network database.

New ISS Flight Engineer announced


NASA has announced that US astronaut Clay Anderson, KD5PLA, will succeed
Suni Williams, KD5PLB, as International Space Station Expedition 15
Flight Engineer later this spring.

Anderson will arrive aboard the ISS aboard the shuttle Atlantis, set to
launch on 8 June. The same shuttle mission will carry Williams back to

Suni Williams has been in space since early December. During her ISS
stay, she's set a record for spacewalks by a female astronaut, conducting
four excursions for a total of 29 hours, 17 minutes.

Upon her return, she will have accumulated more time in space than any
other woman. She's also logged 20 school contacts so far.

ISS equipment upgrade and ARISS operations


ARISS International Chair Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, has recently addressed
some of the questions regarding ARISS operations and equipment upgrade
and repair.

He says that ISS construction has again shifted into high gear and the
delivery and assembly of two new ISS modules is now on the near horizon.
But that activity has a downside for amateur radio activity.

Bauer explained that the launch of any new or replacement ham radio gear
or computers to support ARISS operations has been significantly curtailed
because the cargo weight limits on construction flights are very tight.
There are just too many higher priority activities.

The extra workload on the crew has taken its toll on ARISS they have had
very little extra time for amateur radio activities beyond school

Bauer concedes that while these developments are somewhat frustrating
both to the ham radio community at large and to the ARISS International
Team, ARISS nonetheless is pleased that space station crew members have
been able to speak so often with youth groups worldwide, piquing their
interest in Amateur Radio, science, technology, engineering and maths.


Colchester Foundation licence assessment day


Colchester Radio Amateurs are holding a one day Foundation Licence
Assessment day on Sunday 24 June.

To enrol, or for further information, contact Kevan, 2E0WMG, on
07766543784 or e-mail

RSGB presentation at Helena Thompson Museum


An RSGB presentation is being held on 14 May at the Helena Thompson
Museum, Workington at 7pm.

Regional Manager Kath Wilson, M1CNY, and board member Dave Wilson, M0OBW,
are to make a presentation on the RSGB and take part in a question and
answer session.
All amateurs are welcome. To attend contact the Deputy Regional Manager,
Norman Williams, M0CRM, telephone 01946 692462, or email


ARDF Seminar report


Amateurs from across the north of England congregated at Silcoates
School, Wakefield for the first ever ARDF Seminar in the UK.

The seminar was hosted by the Silcoates School Radio Club and delivered
by members of the RSGB ARDF Committee. The aim of the seminar was to
trigger the start of regular ARDF competitions in the north of England.
At present the events programme is restricted to the midlands and south
of England and there is a 'chicken and egg' element in the
situation in the north.

The day comprised of three short classroom presentations, hands on
sessions with DF receivers for both 144 MHz and 3.5 MHz and two mini DF
hunts in the grounds of the school. The attendees were of all ages and
there were representatives from two Scout groups and an Air Training
Corps wing, to emphasise the attraction that ARDF has to young people.
The greatest enthusiasm and competitiveness for the mini DF hunts was
apparent amongst the ten young licence holders who participated.
In addition to the practical elements of the day, a small shop was
operated offering for sale DF receivers for 3.5 and 144 MHz as well as
receiver kits, plus transmitters for both bands and aerials. A final
feedback session saw many questions and a general desire to try to
further the development of ARDF in the north of England.

Satgate System shutdown announced


AMSAT-NA reports that after many years of forwarding packet messages via
UO-22, GO-32 and AO-51, the Satgate System will shut down.

The total of 35 worldwide stations in the system a few years ago has
dwindled due to a lack of traffic, maintenance problems, change of
location and operator attrition.

The system originated with David Medley, KI6QE, and the driving force
over the past several years has been Andrew Sellers, G8TZJ, who developed
software to permit Satgate stations to be fully automated. Meanwhile, an
analog transponder of the FO-29 satellite reportedly has shut down,
although Earth stations are looking into resurrecting the satellite and
invite telemetry reports via e-mail. Ground controllers want to develop a
plan to restore the decade-old satellite to operation. Mineo Wakita,
JE9PEL, has created a simple decoder program for FO29's CW telemetry
downlink, should signals be heard.

Operating in the UK and US information on new Yahoo group


A small group of radio hams in Florida have set up a Group on Yahoo, a
web based directory that can be accessed by almost any ham.

The aim is that the site will be used by visitors to and from the UK and
USA for local information, repeaters, simplex, Psk and digital modes, HF
frequencies and ham radio related news.

For more information log onto

Ofcom put online licensing helpsheet on the web


Following the introduction of the Lifetime Licence and online licensing
system in December 2006, Ofcom have recently made available a guide on
how to use their online system.

The comprehensive document, which runs to fifteen pages, is presented as
a pdf file and has step-by-step instructions on how to use all the online
features. It includes specific instructions on the areas of the system
which have caused particular confusion to users, such as the need to
edit' your details to force the system to generate your licence.

The document, entitled "User Guide for Amateur Radio Applicants", can be
downloaded from the Help and Guidance section of the Ofcom web site at

Amateur Radio Full Licensees - Special Research Permits
in the region of 501 kHz


Ofcom has decided to permit a limited number of Amateur Radio Full
licensees to operate under a Special Research Permit between 501 and 504
kHz for a 12 month period commencing from 1 March 2007.

This follows representations made by the Radio Society of Great Britain
and negotiations with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

Special Research Permits under a Notice of Variation to the Licence may
be made available to holders of Full Amateur Licences on a case by case
basis to applicants who can demonstrate a genuine interest in
experimentation at these frequencies and provide adequate supporting
documentation for assessment.

Due to the usage of the spectrum around 500 kHz, applicants should pay
special attention to demonstrating technical and operational competence
in terms of transmitting within the frequency and Effective Radiated
Power (e.r.p.) parameters agreed with Ofcom. Previous experience at 73
kHz as well as 136 kHz will be considered desirable in this respect to
ensure adequate steps are taken to limit any potential interference. 

Ofcom will monitor any interference reports with a view to limiting
numbers in the use of the band if necessary. In general, considerably
lower e.r.p. levels than that permitted in the 136 kHz band are likely to
be favourable and this will only be permitted where it can be
demonstrated that increased powers are necessary for research. On no
account will an e.r.p. level of greater than - 10 dBW be permitted
under any circumstance.

The standard application form (OfW306) for a Special Research Permit can
be downloaded at:

Form OfW306 is also available on request from the Ofcom Licensing Centre

Ofcom Licensing Centre
Amateur Radio
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
Tel: 020 7981 3131

You can also find more information on the RSGB Spectrum Forum website at:

RSGB & IARU Respond to 10GHz Auction


RSGB and IARU Region-1 are continuing their defence of the 10GHz band.
Their responses to the latest Ofcom consultation on the Spectrum auction
can be found on the Ofcom website at

The RSGB & IARU responses are the second formal submission on this topic
and continues the joint effort in conjunction with affiliated societies
including AMSAT-UK, the UK Microwave Group and the British Amateur
Television Group BATC. Ofcom plans would have potentially serious
consequences for innovative developments by the Amateur Satellite Service.

Rallies and Events


On Sunday 6 May the Dambusters Hamfest takes place from 10.30 at Thorpe
Camp Museum, Coninsby.

On Monday 7 May the Dartmoor Radio Rally takes place from 10.30 at
Tavistock College, Tavistock. Details from Peter, M1AYI, on 01822 860277.

On Sunday 13 May the MARS Rally takes place from 10am at Alderbrook
School, Solihull. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 0121 422 9787, or on the
web at


Special Event News


From 25 May to 6 June, Mike Bryant, GW6NLP and Colin Kenton, MW0JNI, will
be running a special event station GB100TT in association with Scarlett
Point amateur radio society, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the TT
races. It will be based at Scarlett Point Tower in Castletown. For more
information log onto or

Special event station ON50EU is active until 31 December to celebrate the
50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

Special station EV5IPY is on the air to celebrate the participation of
Belarus in the 4th International Polar Year. Operations are conducted
under the aegis of the newly born Department of Polar Researches at the
Belorussian Geographic Society.
The Letchworth and Baldock District Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will be
operating G0LBS from 9am to 6pm at their Centenary Camp between 4 and 7
May 2007.  Operation will be on 20, 40, 80, 160m and 2m.



This news item was prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain
and was downloaded from, converted from HTML
to plain text and uploaded at GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU by G3ZFR.

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