KB9MMA > AGWPE 28.02.05 21:57l 547 Lines 14345 Bytes #-7320 (0) @ WW
BID : KB9MMA000286
Subj: [agwpe_pro] Digest Number 164
Sent: 050225/0345Z @:KB9MMA.AMPR.ORG HamServ V2.66
There are 10 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "John Habbinga" <habbox@yahoo.com
2. RE: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
3. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
4. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: Jean-Marie Houle <houle_jean_marie@yahoo.ca
5. Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "John Habbinga" <habbox@yahoo.com
6. RE: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "Bill Bell" <bill@gatewayeast.com
7. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
8. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
9. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
10. RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 07:40:37 -0000
From: "John Habbinga" <habbox@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
I have been studying the GPS sentence formatters that come from my
IC-2200H when connected to a GPS. There are 25 possible
combinations, but combination number 3, RMC or GPRMC seems to be the
most useful for APRS.
Is there a way for PEPRO to monitor one of my COMM Ports (connection
data is listed below) and convert the GPRMC formatted sentence into
data my APRS software (UI-View 32) could understand?
The following is a sentence from my radio transmitted a short while
070838 Time of fix 07:08:38 UTC
A Navigation receiver warning A = OK, V = warning
3331.2438,N Latitude 33 deg. 31.2438 min North
10152.3132,W Longitude 101 deg. 52.3132 min West
20.6 Speed over ground, Knots
270.2 Course Made Good, True
220205 Date of fix 22 February 2005
7.7,E Magnetic variation 7.7 deg East
*32 mandatory checksum
KC5ZRQ , My callsign
BTW: My callsign can't have a dash ( - ) in it. I could put a
number though. KC5ZRQ1, KC5ZRQ01 or KC5ZRQ15. Callsign is maximum
of 8 characters.
John, KC5ZRQ
Is there a way for PEPRO to connect and monitor the digital
information from my Icom IC-2200H D-Star radio? The connection
parameters are as follows:
Port: COM1
Baud Rate: 4800 or 9600
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 18:53:19 +0200
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
Subject: RE: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Uiview understands GPRMC sentences (AGWTRacker not Yet!!!).
So you will have no problem.
This is what alinco sends too.
micro USB TNT (A pocket TNC with Build in Tracker and APRS digi with USB and battery for portable operation) www.elcom.gr
(SV2AGW)George Rossopoulos
George Rossopoulos
Nikanoros 59
-----Original Message-----
From: John Habbinga [mailto:habbox@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:41 AM
To: agwpe_pro@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [agwpe_pro] Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
I have been studying the GPS sentence formatters that come from my IC-2200H when connected to a GPS. There are 25 possible com
binations, but combination number 3, RMC or GPRMC seems to be the most useful for APRS.
Is there a way for PEPRO to monitor one of my COMM Ports (connection data is listed below) and convert the GPRMC formatted sent
ence into data my APRS software (UI-View 32) could understand?
The following is a sentence from my radio transmitted a short while ago.
070838 Time of fix 07:08:38 UTC
A Navigation receiver warning A = OK, V = warning
3331.2438,N Latitude 33 deg. 31.2438 min North
10152.3132,W Longitude 101 deg. 52.3132 min West
20.6 Speed over ground, Knots
270.2 Course Made Good, True
220205 Date of fix 22 February 2005
7.7,E Magnetic variation 7.7 deg East
*32 mandatory checksum
KC5ZRQ , My callsign
BTW: My callsign can't have a dash ( - ) in it. I could put a number though. KC5ZRQ1, KC5ZRQ01 or KC5ZRQ15. Callsign is maxi
mum of 8 characters.
John, KC5ZRQ
Is there a way for PEPRO to connect and monitor the digital
information from my Icom IC-2200H D-Star radio? The connection
parameters are as follows:
Port: COM1
Baud Rate: 4800 or 9600
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:05:58 -0800 (PST)
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Uiview understands GPRMC sentences
If UI-View understands GPRMC sentences, then I don't
understand UI-View. I want to track a D-Star station
that is beaconing its position with GPRMC strings. I
want there to be an icon with a callsign next to it.
When I click on the icon I want to see the position,
time, beacon comment, status text, name, effective
digi path and frame.
Here is what I can do right now with UI-View and
D-Star. I can go to the "GPS Setting" under the
"Setup" menu. I can configure it as 9600 baud rate,
com-port 2, and enable show GPS cross-hairs. This
will place a cross-hair on my map in UI-View.
So I can drive around town in my car with my D-Star
radio beaconing. At home my other D-Star radio is
receiving. My UI-View is plotting a cross-hair on my
But others in the APRS world can't see the cross-hairs
(it doesn't get digipeated). And there is no
information on my screen about the speed or bearing.
There is no identification of what the cross-hairs represent.
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:30:11 -0500
From: Jean-Marie Houle <houle_jean_marie@yahoo.ca
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Le 2005-02-22 10:05 -0800, John Habbinga écrivait:
Uiview understands GPRMC sentences
If UI-View understands GPRMC sentences, then I don't understand
UI-View. I want to track a D-Star station that is beaconing its
position with GPRMC strings. I want there to be an icon with a
callsign next to it. When I click on the icon I want to see the
position, time, beacon comment, status text, name, effective
digi path and frame.
Here is what I can do right now with UI-View and
D-Star. I can go to the "GPS Setting" under the
"Setup" menu. I can configure it as 9600 baud rate,
com-port 2, and enable show GPS cross-hairs. This
will place a cross-hair on my map in UI-View.
So I can drive around town in my car with my D-Star
radio beaconing. At home my other D-Star radio is
receiving. My UI-View is plotting a cross-hair on my
But others in the APRS world can't see the cross-hairs
(it doesn't get digipeated). And there is no
information on my screen about the speed or bearing.
There is no identification of what the cross-hairs represent.
I think I see what you are trying to do. You almost have it.
In UI-View, goto station setup. Under beacon interval, beside mobile enter 2 and 1. Under GPS Symbol, select the symbol. That w
ay. UI-View will transmit that symbol with the position every 2 minutes or more often if the position changes mo
re than 1 mile (or km).
Let us know if it works.
73, Jean-Marie, VE2AEY
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:00:28 -0000
From: "John Habbinga" <habbox@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
See how these GPRMC sentences are displayed in Windows HyperTerminal.
HyperTerminal settings are:
Port: COM1
Baud Rate: 4800 or 9600
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 15:17:59 -0500
From: "Bill Bell" <bill@gatewayeast.com
Subject: RE: Re: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
When reading from a GPS Ui-View only puts out cross hairs on the map as a indication of your location.
For you to receive others APRS station or be picked up by other APRS stations you need to be on 144.390 Mhz which is the US nat
ional APRS frequency.
For information on Ui-View I suggest the group at
You can get plenty of help there with UiView
73's W9BEL
Bill Bell
I have been studying the GPS sentence formatters that come from my IC-2200H when connected to a GPS. There are 25 possible com
binations, but combination number 3, RMC or GPRMC seems to be the most useful for APRS.
Is there a way for PEPRO to monitor one of my COMM Ports (connection data is listed below) and convert the GPRMC formatted sent
ence into data my APRS software (UI-View 32) could understand?
The following is a sentence from my radio transmitted a short while ago.
070838 Time of fix 07:08:38 UTC
A Navigation receiver warning A = OK, V = warning
3331.2438,N Latitude 33 deg. 31.2438 min North
10152.3132,W Longitude 101 deg. 52.3132 min West
20.6 Speed over ground, Knots
270.2 Course Made Good, True
220205 Date of fix 22 February 2005
7.7,E Magnetic variation 7.7 deg East
*32 mandatory checksum
KC5ZRQ , My callsign
BTW: My callsign can't have a dash ( - ) in it. I could put a number though. KC5ZRQ1, KC5ZRQ01 or KC5ZRQ15. Callsign is maxi
mum of 8 characters.
John, KC5ZRQ
Is there a way for PEPRO to connect and monitor the digital
information from my Icom IC-2200H D-Star radio? The connection
parameters are as follows:
Port: COM1
Baud Rate: 4800 or 9600
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Yahoo! Groups Links
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 00:18:59 +0200
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Does the Icom transmits a packet with the GPRSMC sentence??
If yes then any user with UIVIEW should See your station .
Of course you will not have any status text etc. Just the Position and your callsign.
If you use the in car UIVIEW to send beacons do what VE2AEY said. You can avoid the in car PC using the ICOM with mUSB TNT. MUS
B TNT will send the position packets etc.
I am planning to use a in CAR PC with a small VGA Touch Screen 7'' and AGWTracker. I am still thinking about it, when ready I w
ill publish fotos and how to.
micro USB TNT (A pocket TNC with Build in Tracker and APRS digi with USB and battery for portable operation) www.elcom.gr
(SV2AGW)George Rossopoulos
George Rossopoulos
Nikanoros 59
Message: 8
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:12:37 -0800 (PST)
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Thank you Jean-Marie. I just did that and it does
seem to be working.
The limitation here is that it will only be effective
for my station. If there are other D-Star users in
the area then their GPS beacons would screw up my
Look at the format of this GPRMC sentence:
I would like a feature in PEPRO that would convert
that sentence into an APRS formatted sentence. Notice
that it is a standard RMC sentence format that places
my callsign at the end. That callsign can be 8
characters long. Example, KC5ZRQ15.
In UI-View, goto station setup. Under beacon
interval, beside mobile enter 2 and 1. Under GPS
Symbol, select the symbol. That way. UI-View will
transmit that symbol with the position every 2
minutes or more often if the position changes more
than 1 mile (or km).
Let us know if it works.
Message: 9
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:08:53 -0800 (PST)
From: John Habbinga <habbox@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Does the Icom transmits a packet with the GPRSMC
If yes then any user with UIVIEW should See your
station .
Of course you will not have any status text etc.
Just the Position and your
Then what happens when the guy across town gets D-Star
and transmits his GPS beacon on the same frequency as
I am?
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:25:40 +0200
From: "\(SV2AGW\)George Rossopoulos" <sv2agw@raag.org
Subject: RE: D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Hi John
I really don't know how the 2200 works.
Could you explain it?
What exactly does with the GPS??
Does it transmits the gps sentences as packet frames or it uses a special format?? If it trasmits a frame, the frame can be rec
eived from other packet stations without 2200?? If this is a Packet formatted frame then contains a fromCall (wh
ich is
yours) and ToCall which should be something like Apxxxx(APRS etc)
micro USB TNT (A pocket TNC with Build in Tracker and APRS digi with USB and battery for portable operation) www.elcom.gr
(SV2AGW)George Rossopoulos
George Rossopoulos
Nikanoros 59
-----Original Message-----
From: John Habbinga [mailto:habbox@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 2:09 AM
To: agwpe_pro@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [agwpe_pro] D-Star IC-2200H Connection
Does the Icom transmits a packet with the GPRSMC sentence?? If yes
then any user with UIVIEW should See your station . Of course you will
not have any status text etc. Just the Position and your
Then what happens when the guy across town gets D-Star and transmits his GPS beacon on the same frequency as I am?
Web site. http://www.KB9MMA.COM
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