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IW0BET > SIX      05.05.04 14:25l 218 Lines 7456 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 7A0998IW0BET
Subj: SixItaly May 04  02/03
Sent: 040505/1250Z 2991@IR0UCI.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61HS] FBB7.00g $:7A0998IW0B
To  : SIX@WW

                Nr. "5/2004" - May 2004 - PART TWO   (2/3)

                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

                        PARTE SECONDA - SECOND PART

                                Apr. 24th

                            CN2DX, Summer 2004
 HB9HLM, Andre', scrive:              *
                                      * HB9HLM, Andre', wrote:
 CN2DX, sara' QRV ancora da IM63 tra  *
 il 12 di luglio e l'8 agosto 2004.   * CN2DX, will be QRV once more from
 L'attivita' e' pianificata sui 50 e  * IM63 between the 12th of July and
 144 Mhz.                             * the 8th of August 2004.
 le condizioni di lavoro saranno:     * The traffic is planned both on 50
                                      * and 144MHz.
 Stazione fissa :                     * The conditions of traffic will be
 100 watts e 3 el yagi per i 50MHz    *
 800 watts e 4x15 el DJ9BV, preamp    * Fixed stations :
 25Db sui 144MHz                      * 100 watts into a 3 el yagi on
                                      * 800 watts into 4x15 él DJ9BV,
 Stazione mobile :                    * 25Db on 144MHz
 100 watts e 1/4 lambda sui 50MHz     *
 50 watts e 5/8 lambda sui 144MHz     * Mobile stations :
                                      * 100 watts into a 1/4 lambda on
 Quest'ano Andree' sara'              * 50 watts into a 5/8 lambda on
 ragionevolmente attivo in mobile     *
 per permettere il collegamento, il   * This year André will be active
 piu' possibile, con alcuni rari      * a lot mobile, to get some rare
 locators.                            * locators, as possible.
 Oltre queste attivita' la maggior    * Outside these operations, the most
 parte del traffico sara' svolta sui  * part of the traffic will be held
 144MHz, con Si Muhammad, CN8PA, che  * 144MHz, with Si Muhammad, CN8PA,
 sara' attivo in parallelo dal        * will be active in parallel from
 proprio QTH, con 50 watts e una 9 el * own QTH, with 50 watts into a 9 el
 yagi.                                * yagi.
 Come lo scorso anno non sarano presi * As each year, there will be no
 sked.                                * taken.
 Io spero in molti contatti con voi.  * I hope many contacts with you.
 Incrociamo le dita per una buona     * Fingers crossed for a good
 propagazione.                        * propagation.
 QSL via HB9HLM.                      * QSL via HB9HLM.
         73 de Andre' - HB9HLM-CN2DX  *        73 de Andre' - HB9HLM-CN2DX

                           F5DE MY ACTIVITY ON 6M

 Bernard F5DE, wrote:                 *
 ciao a tutti, la nuova stagione      * Bernard F5DE, wrote:
 dell'E Sporadico e' arrivata         *
 finalmente !                         * hello everybody, the new Sporadic
                                      * season is born at last !
 Io sono attivo praticamente tutti i  *
 giorni sui 6 metri e sono felice di  * I am active nearly every day on 6
 vedervi qui.                         * meters and I will be very glad to
                                      * see you there.
 Generalmente sono in chiamata CW o   *
 SSB sulla frequenza di 50.216, ma do * I am generally calling CW or SSB
 una occhiata anche alle altre        * on the frequency 50.216, but also
 frequenze.                           * looking on other frequencies.
 I sono locato in JN05DP, con 50      * I am located in JN05DP, with 50
 watts e una 5 elementi Yagi come     * watts and a 5 elements Yagi
 antenna.                             *
                                      * I am interested in every QSO, DX
 Sono interessato a tutti i qso dx e  * not.
 non.                                 *
                                      * Please feel free to call me if you
 Per favore siate liberi di chiamarmi * hear me, it will be a pleasure to
 se mi ascoltate; sara' per me un     * have a contact with you on the 6
 piacere avere un contatto con voi    * meters band.
 sulla banda dei 6 metri              *
                                      * 73 QRO to all, and have a nice ES
 73 QRO a tutti e buona stagione di   * season !
 ES !                                 *
                                      * Bernard, f5de (at) 50mhz (dot) com
  Bernard, f5de (at) 50mhz (dot) com  *

                                 Apr. 23th

 Wkd Today: In the morning/afternoon Es LY, SP, OZ, DL, ES,YO.

                                 Apr. 22th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS.

                                 Apr. 21th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 7Q7/bcn, 9J.

                                 Apr. 20th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 7Q7/bcn, 9J.

                                 Apr. 19th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep D2.

                                 Apr. 18th

 Wkd Today: In the morning weak Es G, EI, OZ, F.

                                 Apr. 17th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 9J.

                                 Apr. 16th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Apr. 15th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Apr. 14th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Apr. 13th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Apr. 12th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2, 9J.

                                 Apr. 11th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2, 9J, 7Q/b, TR8/b.

                                 Apr. 10th

 In the evening Tep D2, 7Q/b.

                                  Apr. 9th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep 3B9C.

                                  Apr. 8th

 Wkd Today: In the evening Tep D2.

                                  Apr. 7th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2.

                                  Apr. 6th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                  Apr. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep 3B9C, ZS6, FR. In the afternoon Tep ZS6,
 D2PFN. In the evening Tep 5T, D2, 9J2.

                                  Apr. 4th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 9J2HK. In the evening Tep D2PFN.

                   Ari Perugia - Diploma dei Quadratoni

                                  Apr. 3th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2. In the evening Tep D2PFN, ZS6,

                                  Apr. 2nd

 Wkd Today: Nothing today.

                                  Apr. 1st

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 3B9. In the evening Tep 9J, 7Q, Z2
 (IT9 area).
                                                     END OF PART TWO (2/3)

  73's - Giovanni, IW0BET @ IR0UCI-8
         Roma, JN61FS

  E-mail : 


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