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IW0BET > SIX      12.04.04 16:43l 255 Lines 9310 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : F40879IW0BET
Subj: SixItaly 04-04 1/2
Sent: 040412/1253Z 63022@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00g $:F40879IW0B
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
         0       0   0   0          0     0      0 0    0      0 0
          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "4/2004" - April 2004 - PART ONE   (1/2)
  Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 4/2004:
  - In part One
    - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
  - In part Two:
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

              ULTIME NOTIZIE                    LATEST NEWS

      Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.

                SCRIVICI - WRITE US! -

              [Italiano]                            [English]
              ATTENZIONE:                           ATTENTION:
 Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul  All news published in Six Italy
      bollettino sono liberamente         in the bullettin can be freely
  riproducibili purche' se ne citi la     republished if only quoted by
           fonte e l'autore                    editor and source.

              see the rules on: web page


                                 Mar. 31th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 3B9. In the evening Tep D2 D2PFN

                                 Mar. 30th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2, 9J2, 7Q.

                                 Mar. 29th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 3B9, Z2, 7Q.

                                 Mar. 28th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6. In the evening Tep ZD7.

                                 Mar. 27th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Mar. 26th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 3B9. In the evening Tep 9Q (IT9

                                 Mar. 25th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/b. In the evening Tep Z2, 7Q, TR8, PY
 (IT9 area).

                                 Mar. 24th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/b, 7Q, PY (IT9 area).

                                 Mar. 23th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZD8/b.

                                 Mar. 22th

 Wkd Today: In the evening Tep ZD8/b, 9Q0AR, Z22JE, 9J2KC, 7Q7RM.

                                 Mar. 21th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep 3B9C.

                                 Mar. 20th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep 3B9C Hear His Signal in Rome! [Image] , FR.

 In the Afternoon Tep ZS6, Z2, 9Q0AR.

                                 Mar. 19th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/b, FR, ZS6, 9K2KC, ZD7VC. In the
 evening Tep ZD8/b.

                                 Mar. 18th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8, 5T5SN. In the evening Tep ZD8/b.

                                 Mar. 17th

 Wkd Today: Nothing today.

                                 Mar. 16th

 Wkd Today: Nothing today.

                                 Mar. 15th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 9J2HK (qsl via jp1zs), 5T5SN.

                                 Mar. 14th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5T5SN.

                      C6DX at it again EL93 IOTA NA219

 John, WZ8D invia questa notizia,     *
                                      * John, WZ8D pass this news,
 Salve ragazzi Joe W8GEX e Wayne sono *
 nuovamente pronti. Guardate il sito  * Hello Guys Joe W8GEX and Wayne are
 che Kevin WB8XX ha preparato per     * at it again.. Check out the web
 loro. Saranno attivi da EL93 nelle   * that Kevin WB8XX put up for them.
 Bahamas in 6 metri.. Guardate...     * They will be on from EL93 in the
 John WZ8D                            * Bahamas on 6 meter.. Check it out
                                      * John WZ8D
 Joe W8GEX segnala che lui, Wayne     *
 K8LEE, Mike K9AJ & Phil W9IXX stanno * Joe W8GEX reports he, Wayne K8LEE,
 per andare a Double Headed Shot Cay  * Mike K9AJ & Phil W9IXX are going
 in Cay Sal Bank Cays, Bahamas. La    * Double Headed Shot Cay in Cay Sal
 sola precedente attivita' da questo  * Bank Cays, Bahamas. The only
 raro identificativo IOTA (NA-219)    * previous activity from this rare
 termino' prematuramente a causa del  * IOTA counter (NA-219) was ended
 mal tempo dopo solo 6 ore di         * prematurely by bad weather after
 operazioni. Essi pensano di essere   * only 6 hours operation. They plan
 con sole 2 stazioni sulle solite     * be QRV with at least two stations
 frequenze IOTA e saranno attivi      * the usual IOTA frequencies & will
 anche durante il contest WPX SSB.    * also be QRV during the WPX SSB
 Un viaggio di due gironi in nave e'  * contest.
 necessario per raggiungere questo    * A two day boat trip is required to
 gruppo di isole IOTA inabitate. Il   * reach this uninhabited IOTA island
 team sara' QRV dal 25 al 29 Marzo su * group. The group will be QRV March
 tutte le bande (piu' i nuovi 60m) in * 25-29 on all bands (plus the new
 CW, SSB, PSK-31 & RTTY.              * band) on CW, SSB, PSK-31 & RTTY.
 Callsign saranno C6DX & QSL via      * Callsign will be C6DX & QSL via
 K9AJ.                                * K9AJ.

                                5V7C is Over

 Maurice, F5NQL, inoltra questa news  *
                                      * Maurice, F5NQL, forward this info:
 Salve ragazzi                        *
 Il team ha scritto l'ultimo QSO,     * Hi friends
 sabato intorno alle 1330 UTC.        * The team has logged the last QSO
 Tutto il team tornera' a casa questa * saturday around 1330 UTC.
 mattina .                            * All the team members are come back
 Sono attesi alle 0400 UTC            * home this morning .
 all'aereoporto Paris Roissy, Charles * They landed at 0400 UTC at Paris
 de Gaulle.                           * Roissy, Charles de Gaulle airport.
 I ragazzi sono molto stanchi ma      * They are very tired but so happy
 felici di aver passato il call 5V7   * have given 5V7 to their friends
 ai loro amici circa 17500 times      * about 17500 times
 Questa domenica sara' una domenica   * This Sunday was before a sleeping
 di sonno.                            * Sunday.
 Di tanto in tanto saranno diffuse    * From time to time other
 altre informazioni come la messa in  * will be given such as date of
 linea del log, la stampa dell eqsl e * putting the log on line, news from
 il loro invio curato da Franck,      * the QSL printer then from Franck,
 F5TVG, QSL manager.                  * F5TVG, QSL manager.
 Grazie a tutta la comunita' di       * Thank to all the ham community for
 radioamatori per la pazienza avuta   * having be patient when AC was in
 quando avevamo problemi di           * trouble.
 alimentazione.                       * Thank to all of our sponsors and
 Grazie ai nostri sponsor e alle      * pilot stations for their help.
 stazioni pilota per il loro aiuto.   *
                                      * A complète report of the
 Un rapporto completo della           * will be put also soon at :
 spedizione sara' presto disponibile  *
 su:                 *
                                      * Bruno, F5AGB and the 5V7C team.
 Bruno, F5AGB and the 5V7C team.      *
                                      *                    Maurice, F5NQL,
                      Maurice, F5NQL  *

                                 Mar. 13th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5T5SN.

                                 Mar. 12th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5V7C, 5T5SN.

                                 Mar. 11th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Mar. 10th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8CA, 5V7C (jj06 qsl via F5TVG), 5T5SN,

                                  Mar. 8 & 9th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                  Mar. 7th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z22, V51/DJ4SO (jg87), 5V7C/bcn.

                                  Mar. 6th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                  Mar. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5T5, TR8.

                           Mar. 1st, 2nd, 3th, 4th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/2)

  73's - Giovanni, IW0BET @ I0TVL-8
         Roma, JN61FS

  E-mail : 


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