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IW0BET > SIX      04.07.03 21:39l 249 Lines 10026 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 649854IW0BET
Subj: Sixitaly 07/03  02/04
Sent: 030704/1854Z 8411@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00i $:649854IW0BE
To  : SIX@WW

                Nr. "7/2003" - July 2003 - PART TWO   (2/4)
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          PART TWO - SECONDA PARTE

                                 June 15th

 Wkd Today: In the morning/afternoon Es SV, EH, EH9, EH8, CT, F, G, OZ,
 DL, HB, ZB, 4U1WRC (qsl via 4u1itu) Hear His Signal in Rome on web page!!

                        Team ZA3/ on the air Results

  Alfredo, IK7JWX, manda questa info:  * Alfredo, IK7JWX, send this info:
  Potete vedere alcune foto della      * Hi you can see some photos of our
  nostra spedizione in ZA3 su:         * ZA3 dxpeditions on: *
                73 de IK7JWX, Alfredo  *             73 de IK7JWX, Alfredo

                           IQ5AA in Iaru Contest

  Volevo informarVi che durante il     *
  contest IARU vari operatori della    * During the IARU june 6m contest
  sezione di Siena saranno attivi come * hams of A.RI.I. Siena section
  IQ5AA , nominativo della nostra      * be active as IQ5AA, our club
  sezione.                             * callsign.
  Locatore jn53ol con una 6el jxx.     * Locator jn53ol antenna 6el jxx.
         Il manager Leonardo, IW5EFX.  *     The manager Leonardo, IW5EFX.

                                 June 14th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es OZ, DL, 9H, SV, SV9, OD5/bcn . In the
 afternoon Es EH, CT, 3A. Tep/Es 9J, PY. In the evening/night Es EH,
 CN8/bcn, Es Multi Hop CU, TI2KD, KC2HC/KP2 Hear His Signal in
 Rome on web page!! (but in vy spotty area).

                                 June 13th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, SV9. In the afternoon Es CT, EH, CN8,
 G, DL, 4X, JY, OD5. Es Multi Hop VE, K. In the evening/night Es SV, T9,
 EH, EH6, EH9, CT, OD5, EI, G, OK, OM, DL, SP. Es Multi Hop CU.

                                 June 12th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Es SV, OD5, 4X, 5B, JY9, Z3, YT, LZ. Tep/Es
 9J, PY. In the evening/night Es Multi Hop KP4EIT, 9Z5BM, KP2A, FM5WD (but
 in vy spotty area).

                                 June 11th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es OD5, 4X, 5B, ZC4, SV, SV9. In the afternoon
 Es SV, SV9, OD5, 4X, Z3, T9, 5B4, TA. In the evening/night Es EH, CT, CU.
 Es Multi Hop 9Y4AT (North Italy).

                                 June 10th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Es DL, ON, PA, SP, G, F, OZ, EH, CT, ZB2, .
 the evening/night Es CU.

                                 June 9th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es LZ, SV, UT, ER, PA, ON, SM, LA, OH, SP, OZ,
 DL. In the afternoon Es G, F, YL, LY, ES, SM, OH. In the evening/night Es
 OH, SM, YL, LY, ES, EI, G.

                      DL1EJA - BALTIC SEA DXPEDITIONS

  DL1EJA, Oliver scrive:              *
                                      * DL1EJA, Oliver wrote:
  Salve sono tornato a casa dalla     *
  Sperizione nel mar Baltico come     * Hi, I'm back home from our
  DH8BQA/MM, DL1EJA/MM, DL3BQA/MM,    * Baltic-Sea-DXpedition DH8BQA/MM,
  DL5YYM/MM (JO64, 74, 75, 85, 95,    * DL1EJA/MM, DL3BQA/MM, DL5YYM/MM
  96, KO06), YL1A (KO07), LY2AAM      * (JO64, 74, 75, 85, 95, 96, KO06),
  (KO06) and LY/DH8BQA (KO16).        * YL1A (KO07), LY2AAM (KO06) and
                                      * LY/DH8BQA (KO16).
  QSL-info via: DH8BQA Oliver Droese, *
  Auguststrasse 12, D-16303 Schwedt,  * QSL-info is: DH8BQA Oliver Droese,
  GERMANY                             * Auguststrasse 12, D-16303 Schwedt,
                                      * GERMANY
  Date una occhiata a                 * Se oltre alla   * Have a look at
  vostra qsl aggiungerete altri 5,-   * you add more then 5,- Euro for
  Euro per la risposta diretta vi     * QSL you will get a nice CD with
  invieremo un bel CD con molti       * detail photos of our tour. see you
  dettagli e foto della spedizione.   * Cithe next pileup
  si vede nel prossimo pile-up.       *
                                      *               73 de Oliver, DL1EJA
                73 de Oliver, DL1EJA  *

                                 June 8th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es ER, LZ, SP, OD5, 4X, UT, 9H, SV, YO, ES, LY,
 YL. In the afternoon Es F, G , 4X, CN8/b, EH.

                                 June 7th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, PA, ON, EH, CT, ZB. Es Multi Hop VE. In
 the afternoon Es EH, CT, ER, UT, LZ, 4X, 5B, SV, OD5, TA. In the
 evening/night Es G, EI, PA, ON, OZ, 5B, SV, 4X.

                                 June 6th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es LZ, SV, 9H, EH, CT, EI, 5B4, 4X, ZB2. In the
 afternoon Es PA, DL, G, SM, F. In the evening/night Es G, EI, CT, EH. All
 day (from 1100 until 2300z) Es Multi Hop (strong) VE, K (until Texas).

                                 June 5th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es CN8/b, YL, LY, ES, 5B4/b, OD5/b. In the
 afternoon Es 4X, 5B, OD5, UT, LZ, SV, EH, CT, Es Multi Hop ZF (IT9 area)
 In the evening/night Es OD5, JY, 4X, CN8/b.

                                 June 4th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, OD5, 9H, In the afternoon Es CT, PA, DL,
 OZ, SM, SP, G, F, PA, ON, F, CN8/b. In the evening/night Es EH, EH9, CT,
 CU, EI, DL, G.

                                 June 3th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es JY, 4X, G, DL, F, LZ, SV, 5B, I-I. In the
 afternoon Es ZA3/I..., YU, Z3, LZ, DL, SV, SV9, LY, YL, UT, EH, CT. In
 evening/night Es SP, LY, YL, ES, SM, YO, LZ, SV.

                     II0W - 21/22th June - Grid JN51XX

  IW0GPN, Alex scrive:                *
  Durante il prossimo Contest IARU    * IW0GPN, Alex wrote:
  RegionE I del 21-22 Giugno, un      *
  gruppo di radioamatori sara' attivo * During next IARU Region I Contest
  come II0W dal locator JN51XX nella  * 21-22 June, a group of hams will
  Riserva Naturale del WWF di         * actice as II0W from JN51XX grid
  Macchiatonda.                       * locator inside the WWF Natural
  Il gruppo sara' composto IK0IXO     * Reserve of Macchiatonda.
  IK0SME IK0OKY IW0BET IW0GIV IW0GPN  * The crew will be composed by
  IW0GXY, noi saremo attivi durente   * IK0SME IK0OKY IW0BET IW0GIV IW0GPN
  tutto il tempo del contest sui 50   * IW0GXY, we will be active during
  MHz con una 6el. long yagi (7,4 m   * contest time on 50 MHz with a 6el.
  boom) e buona potenza, e a secondo  * long yagi (7,4 m boom) and a good
  della propagazione e del tempo      * power, and depending on
  libero, anche sui 144 MHz con una 13* and free times, also on 144 MHz
  el. + 200 Watt per Tropo e ES       * a 9 el. + 200 Watt for Tropo and
  (attualmente non possiamo attivita' * (at the present time we can't
  in FSK441, altre info appena        * confirm activity on FSK441,
  possibile).                         * later).
  QSL manager per tutti i contatti    * QSL manager for all contacts will
  sara' IW0BET.                       * IW0BET.
  Speriamo in una buona propagazione, * Hoping in a good propagation, we
  saremo contenti di farvi contattare * will be glad to give you all a new
  un nuovo grid.                      * grid.
  Grazie a tutti di voi che ci        * Tnx to all who will work us.
  lavoreranno.                        *
           homepage      73 de Alex IW0GPN
                   73 de Alex IW0GPN  *

                                 June 2nd

 Wkd Today: Every day wide Es with all Europe... Bests Dx: 4X, JY, ZA,

                                 June 1st

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es 4X, UT, TA, LZ, ZA, SV, SV5/bcn, SV9/bcn,
 OD5/bcn. In the afternoon Es EH, CT, EH9, SV, SV9/bcn. In the evening Es
 SV/bcn, SV9/bcn.

                              9Q, D.R. CONGO

                                          * Georges, F8OP, send this info:
  Georges, F8OP, manda questa info:       *
                                          * Patrick and Nicole, 9Q1A/2 -
  Patrick e Nicole, 9Q1A/2 - 9S1X/2 -     * 9S1X/2 - 9Q1YL/2 have stopped
  9Q1YL/2 hanno fermato la loro attivita' * their radio activity on may
  in radio il 31 maggio scorso.           * They definitely leave the D.R.
  Lasceranno definitivamente la Rep. Dem  * Congo on june 15th after
  del Congo il 15 giungo dopo 35.000      * QSO's made from Kinshasa and
  QSO's fatti da Kinshasa e Matadi. Dopo  * Matadi. After 20 years spend
  20 anni spesi in Africa, torneranno in  * Africa, they will return in
  Britannia dove sperano di lavoravi.     * Brittany where they hope to
                                          * you.
                        73 Georges F8OP   *
                                          *                73 Georges F8OP


                        SIX ITALY SOUTH AMERICA NEWS
                           Editor: LU2EG, Alberto

                                July 2003

                                          June 30th

 Wrkg F, G, OZ, ON, PA.

                                         June 1-29th



                               CONTEST REMINDER

                 - you can find rules on -

                    JULY 5/6TH 2003 - CONTEST LARIO 2003
                                                     END OF PART TWO (2/4)

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