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IW0BET > SIX      04.07.03 21:38l 210 Lines 8480 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : F39853IW0BET
Subj: Sixitaly 07/03  01/04
Sent: 030704/1853Z 8410@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00i $:F39853IW0BE
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
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          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "7/2003" - July 2003 - PART ONE   (1/4)
  Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 7/2003:
  - In part One and Two:
    - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
      - General Rep., S.America Rep., Contest Lario 2003 rules
  - In part three:
   -  The TOP QSO Rules 2003
  - In part four:
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

              ULTIME NOTIZIE                    LATEST NEWS

      Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.

                SCRIVICI - WRITE US! -

              [Italiano]                            [English]
              ATTENZIONE:                           ATTENTION:
 Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul  All news published in Six Italy
      bollettino sono liberamente         in the bullettin can be freely
  riproducibili purche' se ne citi la     republished if only quoted by
           fonte e l'autore                    editor and source.


                                 June 30th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es 5B, UT, 4X, ES, LY, YL, LZ, SV, SV9, PA, ON,
 G. In the afternoon Es EH, CT, 5T6M, CN8/bcn, EH8, 5B, 4X, UT, YO, LZ,
 SV9/bcn, JY, OD5, LY. Es Multi Hop YA4F. In the evening Es DL, PA, ON,
 YU, UT, 4X, 5B4, OD5, EH, EH8, CT, CU, CT3. Es Multi Hop/Tep YA4F, PY,
 9Y4AT, FM5WD, S01HA, YV4DDK Hear His Signal in Rome on
 page!, FG5FR.

                                 June 29th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, EH, CT, EH8, 5T6M Hear His Signal in
 Rome![Image]. In the afternoon Es EH, CT, CU, ZB, G, F, DL, ON, PA, OZ,
 OD, 4X, UT. Es Multi Hop C6A/W6JKV Hear His Signal in Rome on web page! VP9/GM4COK.
In the evening Es G, F, OZ, ON, PA, DL, SM, TF, UT, SP, CN,
 CU, EH, CT, CT3, EI, Es Multi Hop EX2A, VP9/GM4COK, FG5FR, KP4,

                                  June 28th

 Wkd Today: All the day Exceptional Es (and multi Hop Es Conditions) in
 direction In the morning/afternoon Es UT, YO, LZ, SV, SV9, 4X, OD5, 5B4,
 Z3, YU, SP, OE, G, F, CN, CT, EH, EH9, EH8, A61AJ Hear His Signal in
 Rome web page!!
 In the evening G, SM, LA, DL, EH, CT, CN, CT3, CU. In late
 morning/afternoon Es Multi Hop UN, Heard JA working 5B4 (weak) and UA0CQ
 calling him but no qso :-(.

                                 June 27th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es 4X, OD5, 5B4, JY, EH, CT, CN. In the
 afternoon/evening Es G, F, SM, SP, LY, ES, YL, SM, OH, UT, SU.

                                 June 26th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es G, CT, SV. In the afternoon Strong Es PA, G,
 EI, ON, DL, F, ES, YL, LY, OH, SM, SV, SV9, UT, YO, LZ, HZ, 4X, OD, 5B4,
 CN8, CT, CU, A61AJ, TF. Es Multi Hop K, VE.

                                 June 25th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es CN/bcn, UT. In the afternoon Es UT, G,
 CN/bcn, EH, EH8, In the afternoon Es Multi Hop K (IT9 area). In the
 evening Es S01HA, CT, EH, EH9, CN8, CT3, EI, G.

                                 June 24th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV/bcn SV9/bcn, 4X, OD5 /bcn. In the
 afternoon/evening Es ON, DL, PA, G, F, OH, OH0, LA, SM, TF/NT1N Hear His
 Signal in Rome on web page! OX3/bcn, CT, EH.
 In the night Es G, PA.

                                 June 23th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV/bcn, SV9 /bcn, CN8/bcn. In the afternoon
 Es EH, SM, LY, G, PA, UT, TA.

                                 June 22th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es G, LA, OH, PA, ON, DL, EH, LZ, YO, F, UT,
 TA, EI, EM, CN8, (Wide intereuropean ES. In the afternoon Es G, JY, LY.
 the evening Es CU, CT, EH.

                                 June 21th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es 4X, SV, SV9, CN, EH9, LX, DL, TA, G, F, ZB2,
 CT. In the afternoon Es Multi Hop K, VE. In the afternoon/evening Es CT,
 EH, CN8/bcn, G, F, DL, ON, PA, SM, LA, OH, LZ, SV, SV9, 4X, YO, UT ,TA,
 OD, (Wide intereuropean ES).

                                 June 20th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, SV9, LA, SM, OH, DL, PA, ON,G, JY, 4X,
 LZ. In the afternoon Es CT, EH, CN8/bcn, SV, DL, OE, F, OK, OM, UT, 9H.
 Multi Hop K. In the evening Es 4X, LZ, TA, LY, YL, Z3, CT, G.

                                 June 19th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es 4X, LZ, ES, DL, UT, SP, PA, ON. In the
 afternoon Es A6, EH, EH9, CN8/bcn, G, EI, F, LA, SM, SP, UT. Tep/Es
 VR2XMT, YC1EHR (IT9 area). In the evening/night Tep/Es PY.

                                 June 18th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es UT, LZ, SV, ON, PA, CN8, 5B4, Z3, SP, DL. In
 the afternoon /evening Es ON, F, DL, HB. In the evening/night Tep/Es PY.

                      IW5DHN/9 - Stromboli Is. - eu017

  Matteo, IW5DHN scrive:              *
  Dal prossimo 27 giugno fino al 5    * Matteo, IW5DHN wrote:
  luglio saro' attivo da Stromboli,   *
  referenza IOTA EU-017 e locatore    * From 27th june until 5th july i
  JM78, sulla banda dei sei metri     * be active from Stromboli Is.,
  utilizzando un FT-857 ed un         * IOTA EU-017 grid JM78, on 6m band
  (misero) dipolo. Saro' attivo quasi * with a FT-857 and a dipolo. I will
  esclusivamente nel pomeriggio e la  * be on on the afternoon and in the
  sera dopo cena. L'antenna sara'     * evening after the lunch.
  posizionata a 20 metri dalla        * The beam will be putted at about
  battigia, nella zona nord           * near the sea in the northern part
  dell'isola, con un path molto buono * the Island with a good take of for
  verso l'Europa.                     * NE.
  Un saluto,                          *                73 de IW5DHN Matteo
                 73 de IW5DHN Matteo  *

                             SR5SIX BACK ON AIR

  Salve                               *
                                      * Hi,
  Il Beacon di Varsavia SR5SIX e'     *
  nuovamente attivo.                  * Warsaw Beacon SR5SIX is back on
  Per tutte le informazioni visitate  * please
  il sito web:                        * use all info from WEB          *
                                      *                   73 de Tom SP5XMU
                    73 de Tom SP5XMU  *

                                 June 17th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es LZ, SV, SP, DL, G, EI, UT, 4X, OD5, SM, OH,
 YO, 5B, 4X, , CN8/b. In the afternoon Es I-I, YO, OM, OK, OZ, ES, LY, YL,
 UT, TA, JY, Z3, TF/G4ODA (IP24), PA, ON, DL, OH, EI. In the evening/night
 Es 4X, SM, OH, LA TF/G4ODA (IP34).

                                 June 16th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, 4X, LZ, YO, CN8/b- In the afternoon Es
 F, ON, DL, OZ, PA, EI. In the evening/night Es SM, OH, LA.

  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/4)

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