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IW0BET > SIX      03.05.03 19:32l 386 Lines 16279 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 0F9434IW0BET
Subj: SixItaly 05/03 01/04
Sent: 030503/1656Z 59652@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00i $:0F9434IW0B
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
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             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "5/2003" - May 2003 - PART ONE   (1/4)
  Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 3/2003:
  - In part One and Two:
    - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
      - General Rep., S.America Rep., Contest Lazio 2003 rules
  - In part three:
   -  The TOP QSO Rules 2003 
  - In part four:
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

              ULTIME NOTIZIE                    LATEST NEWS

      Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.

                SCRIVICI - WRITE US! -

              [Italiano]                            [English]
              ATTENZIONE:                           ATTENTION:
 Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul  All news published in Six Italy
      bollettino sono liberamente         in the bullettin can be freely
  riproducibili purche' se ne citi la     republished if only quoted by
           fonte e l'autore                    editor and source.

                                 Apr. 30th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep C93CM, ZS6. In the evening Tep ZD8/bcn..

                                 Apr. 29th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep/F2 VK9XY (IT9 area) In the afternoon Tep
 FR, C93FF (qsl via IZ4DPV), Z2, 9J2, V5, 5T5SN, 6W/F5VHQ. In the evening
 Tep LU, CE, PY, ZD8/bcn..

                                 Apr. 28th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon/evening Es EH, DL, G. Tep 7Q, LU, D4, LU, PY,
 ZP, ZD8/bcn.

                                 Apr. 27th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es G. In the afternoon Tep 5N, D4, .

                                 Apr. 26th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es LZ, UT, SP, YO. In the afternoon Tep ZS5, 6,
 C93CM (qsl via IZ4DPV), 6W/F5VHQ, V5, 5U, 5N.

                                 Apr. 25th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es UT, YO, LZ, SP, YT, G, EI, DL ON, PA. In the
 afternoon Tep Z2, ZS6, TR8, 7Q, 5N.

                                 Apr. 24th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep V51, ZS6, FR, Z2, 7Q.

                                 Apr. 23th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es UT, YO, PA, DL. In the afternoon Es EI, 4X,
 5B, DL, PA, OE, TA, SV, SV9. F2 VQ9. In the evening Es SV, 4x, F, PA, DL,

                                 Apr. 22nd

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep Z2, ZS6, TR8/bcn, 9J, V51/ZS5JON/m

                                 Apr. 21st

 Wkd Today: In the morning/afternoon Ms/Es 4U. Tep In the afternoon Tep
 5N, Z2, 5U, ZS6, TR8, 9J, V51/ZS6JON (jh82). In the evening Tep PY, LU,
 ZD8/bcn. Es EH, CT.

                           Team ZA3/ on the air!

  Alfredo, IK7JWX, manda questa info:  *
                                       *  Alfredo, IK7JWX, send this info:
  Dal 29 maggio al 3 giugno 2003       *
  attivita' radioamatoriale dalla citta'* Starting from may 29 to june 3
  di Durazzo (Albania) e dal faro Cape * 2003 it will be activity from
  of Durres refer. diploma arlhs       * Durazzo (Albania) and from Cape
  ALB-002.                             * Durres - ref. arlhs ALB 002
  Tutti gli operatori avranno il       * All operators will use the prefix
  prefisso ZA3/ e trasmetteranno sulle * ZA3/ own callsign and will
  frequenze HF - WHF - WARC - 2 metri  * transmit on HF - Vhf -Warc - 6
  e 6 metri ww.loc. JN91RH - (licenza  * meters and 2 meters- Loc JN91RH
  temporanea x 6m. dal 31/5 al         * (temporary licence for 6 meters
  8/6/2003) nei modi SSB - CW - RTTY - * from may 31 to june 8 2003.
  PSK 31.                              * SSB - CW -RTTY - PSK31.
  Operatori :                          * Operators:
  ZA1FD - ZA5G - IK7JWX - IK7LMX -     * ZA1FD - ZA5G - IK7JWX - IK7LMX -
  IK5BHN.                              * IK5MDF - IK5BHN.
  Inoltre, il 2 giugno 2003 sara'      * Moreover in june 2nd 2003 it will
  effettuata la manifestazione         * be done a Special event called
  "Giornata delle Forze di Pace        * "Day of Peace Army outside own
  all'estero" : con 2 stazioni mobili, * country" with 2 mobile stations,
  dal Porto di Durazzo, saranno        * from Durazzo harbour where
  effettuate trasmissioni con          * stations will exchange regards
  reciproco scambio di saluti tra om   * between civilian and military
  civili e om militari, in particolare * radio Amateurs particulary
  da Italia - Kosovo -Montenegro -     * Italy and Kosovo Montenegro,
  Yugoslavia -Macedonia - Grecia.      * Yugoslavia, Macedaonia and
  Pse, QSL via Home Call, bureau       * Qsl Via operators Home Call,
  oppure diretta SASE (   * bureau or Sase (
                73 de IK7JWX, Alfredo  *             73 de IK7JWX, Alfredo

                                 Apr. 20th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep Z2, 5U, TR8, 9J. In the evening Tep PY,
 LU. Es EH, CT.

                                 Apr. 19th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, LZ, 5B, 4Z, OE, G, YO, DL. In the
 afternoon Tep/Es PY, LU CX Tep ZS6, Z2, 5U, 9J. Es EH, EH9, CT, CN. In
 the evening Tep/Es PY, LU, ZP. Es EH, CT. Ms/Tropo 3A, 4U1ITU.

                                 Apr. 18th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8, ZS6, Z2, 5U. Ms/Tropo 4U1ITU.

                                 Apr. 17th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es LZ, OZ, OK, G, PA, OH, SM. In the afternoon
 Es/F2 VK9XI (it9, i7, ,2, i1 areas) , YB (it9 area). Es UT, EW. Ms/Tropo

  Georges, F8OP invia questa notizia: *
                                      * Georges, F8OP send this info:
  John, F5VHQ sara' attivo come       *
  6W/F5VHQ dal 6 Aprile fino al Mggio * John, F5VHQ will be active as
  sia in CW che SSB. QRV 6 metri con  * 6W/F5VHQ from April 19th to May
  100 watts e una HB9CV. Ha avuto     * in CW and SSB. QRV 6 meters with
  questa antenna come regalo da       * 100 watts and a portable HB9CV. He
  OK1TN, (il Presidente dell'OKDX)    * gets this antenna as a present
  durante la sua visita nella         * OK1TN, (the OKDX President) during
  Repubblica Ceca.                    * his last visit in Czech Republic.
                     73 Georges F8OP  *                    73 Georges F8OP

                              MAROCCO - CN2CT

  Georges, F8OP invia questa notizia: *
                                      * Georges, F8OP send this info:
  A causa di problemi di salute il    *
  viaggio di una settimana di F1CNH   * Because of health problems, the
  e' stato ritardato. Iniziera'       * F1CNH trip is one week delated.
  intorno al 26 aprile.               * It will start around april 26th.
  Il callsign CN2CT e' confermato (la * The callsign CN2CT is confirmed
  licenza e' arrivata).               * (the licence is well arrived).
  Phil sara' QRV con 100 watts e una  * Phil will be QRV with 100 watts
  3 elementi yagi da IM70, 71, 72, 73 * a 3 elts yagi from IM70, 71, 72,
  e 74. QRG: 50.110, ascoltando a     * and 74. QRG: 50.110, up to 50.130
  50.130 durande buone aperture. QSL  * if good openings. QSL direct via
  diretta via home call, or via il    * home call, or via REF buro.
  bureau REF.                         *
                                      *                    73 Georges F8OP
                     73 Georges F8OP  *


  Georges, F8OP invia questa notizia: *
                                      * Georges, F8OP send this info:
  Dal 2 al 25 Maggio FK8HA, Patrice,  *
  sara' qrv nel'isola di Vanuatu      * From Mai 2nd to 25th, FK8HA,
  comes YJ0AHA. Ulteriori             * Patrice, will be in Vanuata as
  informazioni in seguito.            * YJ0AHA. More infos later.
                     73 Georges F8OP                      73 Georges F8OP

                              VATICAN - HV5PUL

  Luca, IW0DJB invia questa notizia:  *
                                      * Luca, IW0DJB send this info:
  La oramai tradizionale attivazione  *
  in occasione della Giornata         * The usual activation of HV5PUL
  Lateranense di HV5PUL quest'anno    * during the "Giornata Lateranense"
  avra' luogo il giorno sabato 10     * this year will be palced saturday
  maggio 2003.                        * may 10th.
  Verranno attivate come al solito le * Will be active on HF 6 & 2 meters.
  bande HF , 6 e 2 metri.             *
                                      * 73' de IW0DJB Luca - HV5PUL
  73' de IW0DJB Luca - HV5PUL Manager *

             IG9DX - Iota: AF-019 - IIA: AG-001 - LAMPEDUSA IS.

  Gianfranco, IK0ZME, invia questa    *
  notizia:                            *
                                      * Gianfranco, IK0ZME, invia questa
  Dalle 20:00 U.T.C. del 5 alle 09:00 * notizia:
  U.T.C. dell' 8 Giugno sara'attivata *
  l'Isola di Lampedusa da un gruppo   * Starting 5th June at 20:00 U.T.C.
  di Radioamatori della Sezione di    * until 8th June at 09:00 U.T.C.
  Tivoli e uno di quella Ciociara.    * be active, on HF and 50 Mhz, the
  Il Call sara' IG9DX attivo su tutte * station IG9DX from Lampedusa Is.
  le bande HF e sui sei metri.        *
                                      * The Team:
  Gli operatori:                      * I0VWV Angelo QSL Manager
  I0VWV Angelo QSL Manager            * IK0MID Gianluca
  IK0MID Gianluca                     * IK0SOP Enzoì
  IK0SOP Enzoì                        * IK0SXU Massimo
  IK0SXU Massimo                      * IK0ZME Gianfranco mcc#102
  IK0ZME Gianfranco mcc#102           * inorc#305
  inorc#305                           *
                                      * seguiranno info !!!!!
  seguiranno info !!!!!               *
                                      *          73' de IK0ZME, Gianfranco
           73' de IK0ZME, Gianfranco  *

                                 Apr. 16th

 Wkd Today: In the morning/afternoon Es UT, SP, YO, LZ, OZ, DL, SM, G. In
 the afternoon Tep S0.

                                 Apr. 15th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV, SV5, SV9, OD5, 4X, LZ (only bcn). In the
 afternoon Es G, F. SV9. Tep 5U, TR/bcn, 9J, V5, ZS6. In the evening Tep
 ZD8/bcn, TR8 (it9 area).

                                 Apr. 14th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Es/F2 VK9XI (it9 area). Tep 5N, TR/bcn, LU,
 7Q/bcn. Es 4X, JY, SU, 5B, EH, G, F, CT, EH8, CT3. Es Multi Hop FM, ZF
 (it9 area).
                    ID9RGE DXPEDITION - Filicudi Island

  Giovanni, IW9BDV, manda questa   * Giovanni, IW9BDV, send this info:
  info:                            *
                                   * IT9EJW Alfio, reports that "Radio
  Un team di operatori del Radio   * Gruppo Etna" operators will be active
  Gruppo Etna saranno attivi, dai  * from FILICUDI ISLAND (IOTA EU-017,
  40 ai 2 metri (SSB / CW),        * ME-003) between 24 and 27 april 2003.
  dall’isola di Filicudi           * Expected activities on HF (ssb/cw), 6
  (IOTA:EU-017, IIA:ME-003) dal    * and 2 meters bands.
  24 al 27 aprile 2003.            * QSL via IT9EJW (Alfio Bonanno, P.O.
  QSL via IT9EJW (Alfio Bonanno    * 18, 95028 Valverde CT, ITALY) direct
  P.O. BOX 18, 95028 Valverde (CT) * through bureau.
  ITALY) diretta o via bureau.     *
  Dettagli delle operazioni al     * Details and further info on web:
  sito              *
          73 de IW9BDV, Giovanni   *                73 de IW9BDV, Giovanni

                                 Apr. 13th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Es/F2 VK9XI (OH29 qsl via VK3OT)Hear His
 in Rome in web page! VQ9LA (mi62) Hear His Signal in
 in web page! Tep 5U7, 5N, TR8. Es 4X, JY, SV9, 5B.
 In the evening Tep 5T.

                                 Apr. 12th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5N.

                                 Apr. 11th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5N.

                                 Apr. 10th

 Wkd Today: In the evening Tep PY (is0/it9 area).

                                 Apr. 9th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5N.

                                 Apr. 8th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 5N, 5T5SN, PY.

                              5T5SN MAURITANIA

  Georges, F8OP, manda questa info:   * Georges, F8OP send this info:
  5T5SN e' ora QRV con 100 watt e una * 5T5SN is now QRV with 100 watts
  antenna yagi 4 el. autocostruita.   * a home brew 4 el. yagi.
  Nicolas e' stato lavorato su 50.195 * Nicolas was worked on 50.195 a few
  alcuni giorni fa. Locator IK28AC.   * days ago. Locator IK28AC. Web site
  Web site: http.// * at: http.//
                     73 Georges F8OP  *                    73 Georges F8OP

                                CN8 MAROCCO

  Georges, F8OP, manda questa info:   * Georges, F8OP send this info:
  Dal 23 aprile, F1CNH viaggera' con  * From 23 april, F1CNH will travel
  un camper l'alto ed il medio        * with a camping-car, the High and
  Marocco.                            * Middle Atlas.
  Chris sara' attivo sui 6 metri da   * Chris will be active on 6 meters
  alcuni rari squares, come /M o /P,  * from rare squares, as /M or /P,
  con un IC-706. Il callsign sara'    * with an IC-706. Callsign will be
  CN2CT.                              * CN2CT.
  QSL via home call.                  * QSL via home call.
                     73 Georges F8OP  *                    73 Georges F8OP

                                 Apr. 7th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6.

                                 Apr. 6th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS1, 4, 5, 6, 7Q, Z2.

                                 Apr. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR/bcn, 5T5SN, PY. In the eveningTep PY,

                                 Apr. 4th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 5T5SN (IK28 qsl IZ1BZV).

                                 Apr. 3th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6. In the eveningTep CX (IT9 area).

                                 Apr. 2nd

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, V5. In the eveningTep PY, ZD8/bcn.

                                 Apr. 1st

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 9J.
  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/4)

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