IW0BET > SIX 07.04.03 20:29l 326 Lines 12891 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : C19243IW0BET
Subj: SIXITALY 04/03 01/04
Sent: 030407/1548Z 52720@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00i $:C19243IW0B
0000 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0
0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0
Nr. "4/2003" - April 2003 - PART ONE (1/4)
Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 3/2003:
- In part One and Two:
- WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
- General Rep., S.America Rep., Contest Lazio 2003 rules
- In part three:
- The TOP QSO Rules 2003
- In part four:
Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.
SCRIVICI - WRITE US! - sixitalia@sixitalia.org
[Italiano] [English]
Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul All news published in Six Italy
bollettino sono liberamente in the bullettin can be freely
riproducibili purchE' se ne citi la republished if only quoted by
fonte e l'autore editor and source.
Mar. 31th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS, Z2, 7Q7, 9J. Bs 5B4. n the eveningTep
PY (IT9 area).
Mar. 30th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, V5, Z2. Bs 5B4.
Mar. 29th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep PY. Bs 5B4.
Mar. 28th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, 5B4, LU, ZS6, Z2, J5, ST0RY (IS0
area). In the eveningTep PY, 9J.
Portable Operation - Expedition PY3CNH 2003
Ark, PY2ZX invia questa notizia: *
* Ark, PY2ZX send this news:
Expedition PY3CNH 2003 *
* Expedition PY3CNH 2003
QTH: Rolante, Rio Grande do Sul, *
Brazil * QTH: Rolante, Rio Grande do Sul,
Loc: GG40rj * Brazil
ASL: 830 m * Loc: GG40rj
Periodo: dal 12 Aprile 12 (1500 UTC)* ASL: 830 m
al 13 Aprile (1500 UTC) * Date: April, 12 (1500 UTC) to
QRGs: 40 - 10 - 6 - 2 m - 70 cm * April, 13 (1500 UTC)
QRGs: 144.970 FM, 144.220 USB, 438 * QRGs: 40 - 10 - 6 - 2 m - 70 cm
MHz FM * QRGs: 144.970 FM, 144.220 USB, 438
QSL via Bureaux o via P. O. Box 83, * MHz FM
Zip 93180-000. Porao - RS - Brazil. * QSL via Bureaux or P. O. Box 83,
* Zip 93180-000. Porao - RS -
Promosso da CRANHA Group. *
* Promoted by CRANHA Group.
Per ulteriori inf: *
py3iso@hotmail.com * For more inf: py3iso@hotmail.com
Buoni DXs e pace! * Good DXs and peace!
73 Ark PY2ZX * 73 Ark PY2ZX
IP1A Palmaria Is.
IK5FTV, Albeto scrive: *
* IK5FTV, Albeto wrote:
Ciao vorrei informare tutti coloro *
che frequentano il sito che dal * Hi will be active in Palmaria Is.
giorno 04/04/03 al giorno 07/04/03 * as IP1A from April 04th 2003 until
saremo attivi dall'isola palmaria * April 07th 2003 in HF and also in
con il prefisso IP1A con operazioni * 6m.
in sei metri. *
* Our web site:
Il sito per ulteriori info e' *
http://www.space.virgilio.it/ * http://www.space.virgilio.it/
gmiross@tin.it * gmiross@tin.it
ciao de IK5FTV Alberto * ciao de IK5FTV Alberto
Mar. 27th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 5N, J5, 5U.
Mar. 26th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep Z2, ZS6, 5N.
Mar. 25th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, ST0RY, ZS6, V5, 5N, 5U.
Mar. 24th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ST0RY (qsl via DL5NAM) ZS6, V5, 5N, 5U,
Z2. In the eveningTep ZD8/bcn.
Mar. 23th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, FR, V5, 5N.
Mar. 22th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep V51/ZS4NS, ZS6.
Mar. 21th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6/bcn.
Mar. 20th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 7Q, PY, CX.
Mar. 19th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, 5N, 5U7, LU, TR/bcn, PY.
Mar. 18th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep Z2, ZS6, 7Q7, 5N, V5, TR/bcn, PY. In the
eveningTep PY, LU (is0 area).
IE9/Ustica Is. - EU-051
Andrea, IK2XDE invia questa *
notizia: * Andrea, IK2XDE send this news:
Siamo felici di annunciare che * We are pleased to announce that
alcuni soci del "Project Dx Team" * some members of "Project Dx Team"
(Ari Lomazzo), Andrea IK2XDE, * (Ari Lomazzo), Andrea IK2XDE,
Giovanni IK2JYT, Antonio IK2ZJR, * Giovanni IK2JYT, Antonio IK2ZJR,
and Dario IK4MED with Angelo I2ADN, * and Dario IK4MED with Angelo
attiveranno l'isola dI Ustica (IE9) * will activate Ustica Islands (IE9)
in HF,10~80 meter + 50 Mhz. + * on HF bands 10~80 meter + 50 Mhz.
Satellite on SSB,CW,RTTY,PSK31 e * Satellite on SSB,CW,RTTY,PSK31 and
SSTV. * some SSTV.
Le attivitą si svolgeranno tra il * The activity will take place
26 Marzo e l' 1 Aprile 2003. * between 26 March and 1 April 2003.
I nominativi saranno IE9/homecall * The callsigns will be IE9/homecall
anche durante il contestWPX SSB * also during the WPX SSB Contest
l'ultimo weekend di March al quale * last weekend in March in which we
noi parteciperemo. * will participate.
Durante la settimana ci * During the week, we will
concentreremo sulle bandeWARC ed * concentrate our activity on WARC
anche sui modi digitali, in modi di * bands and also on digital modes,
far girare ill prefisso IE9 su * this is your change to fill the
tutte le bande ed in tutti i modi * prefix on all bands and modes.
QTH: Ustica Is. * QTH: Ustica Is.
IOTA: EU-051 * IOTA: EU-051
IIA: PA-001 * IIA: PA-001
WW. Loc. JM68OR * WW. Loc. JM68OR
Tutte le QSL sarano via HOME CALL * All QSL's will be via HOME CALL
tranquillamente via BUREAU. * sure via BUREAU.
73 Andrea IK2XDE * 73 Andrea IK2XDE
Mar. 17th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon/evening Tep ZS6, PY.
Mar. 16th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep Z2, ZS4 - 6, J5, 9J2, 7Q7/bcn, PY. In the
eveningTep PY, 9L.
Mar. 15th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Bs 5B4.Tep TR0/bcn, ZS6, J5, PY.
Mar. 14th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, ZS6. In the evening Tep PY (IT9
Mar. 13th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, ZS6, J5UCW. In the evening Tep
ZD8/bcn (IS0 area).
Mar. 12th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, ZS6, J2. In the evening Tep 9J,
7Q7, 5N + J5UCW, PY (IT9 area).
Maurice, F5NLQ, tresmette questa * Maurice, F5NLQ, forward this
mail: *
* Look for Bernard, F5LBG to be
Occhio a Bernard, F5LBG per le * active for one month starting
attivo per un mese a partire dal 13 * March 13th from Martinique isl
Marzo dall'Isola di Martinica (IOTA * (IOTA NA-107 - DIFO MN-001), as
NA-107 - DIFO MN-001), come FM/HC. * FM/HC.
Ativitą dagli 80 ai 6 m . CW. * Activity from 80 to 6 m . CW.
QSL HC bureau o diretta (+ * QSL HC bureau or direct
francobolli) a * to
DAUVIER Bernard, 20 chemin des * DAUVIER Bernard, 20 chemin des
Mottes, F26760 BEAUMONT LES VALENCE, * Mottes, F26760 BEAUMONT LES
Buona Fortuna, 73 * Be lucky, 73
73 Maurice F5NLQ * 73 Maurice F5NLQ
Mar. 11th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, ZS6. In the evening Tep PY.
Dino Is. JM79 square
Maurizio, IW2KWI, scrive: * Maurizio, IW2KWI, wrote:
Voglio informare gli appassionati di * I will be active on 6 mt from
6 mt che saro' attivo in 6 mt dal 17 * April 17th until april 26th from
aprile al 26 aprile 2003 da questa * Dino Is. (JM79 square) or near
localita oppure limitrofa jm79. * grid jm79.
73 Maurizio IW2KWI * 73 Maurizio IW2KWI
Mar. 10th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0/bcn, J5UDX.
Mar. 9th
Wkd Today: In the morning Tep TR8/bcn. In the afternoon Tep 5U7JB Hear
His Signal in Rome! [Image], 5U7JK (JK13 qsl via I2YSB), J5UDX (IK21 qsl
via IV3NVN) Hear His Signal in Rome! [Image], TR8, ZS6, 7Q. In the
evening Tep 9Q1A/2, J5UDX, ZP, PY, LU, CE.
Mar. 8th
Wkd Today: In the morning Tep TR8/bcn. In the afternoon/evening Tep 5U7JB
(JK13 qsl via ON5NT) TR8, ZS6, V51, 9J2KC + PY, LU (IT9 area) + CX (I5
Mar. 7th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.
Mar. 6th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon/evening Tep TR8CA, ZS6, Z22, 5N6NDP/9. +
4U1ITU (tropo I2 area).
Mar. 5th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon/evening Tep TR0A/bcn, ZS6, 9J2KC.
Mar. 4th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0A/bcn.
Mar. 3th
Wkd Today: In the afternoon/evening Tep TR0A/bcn, ZS6, 9J2KC (qsl via
JL1NKC) + J28UN (IT9 area).
Mar. 2nd
Wkd Today: In the morning Tep TR0A/bcn, 5N6NDP/9. In the afternoon Tep
TR0A/bcn ZS6, 9L1BTB (IJ38, qsl via SP7BTB) [Image]Hear His Signal in
Rome!, 7Q7/bcn.
Mar. 1st
Wkd Today: In the morning Tep TR0A/bcn. In the afternoon Tep TR0A/bcn,
ZS6, V51E, 5N6NDP/9 (JK30). In the evening Tep ZS6, 7Q7/bcn, 5N6NDP/9.
SIX ITALIA VIA INTERNET: http://www.sixitalia.org
ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY
Italian editor : IK0FTA - email: ik0fta@sixitalia.org
English editors: I0CUT - email: i0cut@sixitalia.org
IK0OKY - email: ik0oky@sixitalia.org
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