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IW0BET > SIX      07.04.03 21:29l 268 Lines 8164 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 749242IW0BET
Subj: SIXITALY 04/03 02/04
Sent: 030407/1549Z 52721@I0TVL.ILAZ.ITA.EU [Roma, JN61GV] FBB7.00i $:749242IW0B
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
         0       0   0   0          0     0      0 0    0      0 0
          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "4/2003" - April 2003 - PART TWO   (1/4)
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          PART TWO - SECONDA PARTE

                        SIX ITALY SOUTH AMERICA NEWS
                           Editor: LU2EG, Alberto

                                April 2003

                                 Mar 31th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA7, XE, KH6 and W4.

                                 Mar 30th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA1/7, KH6, W5/6/7 and JA1.

                                 Mar 29th

 Wrkg LU/CX to W5, TI and XE.

                                 Mar 28th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA7, IZ5, 5B and CT1.

                                 Mar 27th

 Wrkg LU/CX to TI, TJ, FJ, YS, EA7 and XE. Also HC8/LU8ADX wrkg

                                 Mar 26th


                                 Mar 25th

 Wrkg LU/CX to NH7, KH6, KB6, J3, FM, FJ, XE and HC8/LU8ADX

                                 Mar 24th

 Wrkg LU/CX to KH6 and K4

                                 Mar 23th

 Wrkg LU/CX to CT1, PP5, PY2. Also Es to Chile (very strog FM music,

                                 Mar 22th

 Wrkg LU to XE.

                                 Mar 21th

 Wrkg LU to XE.

                                 Mar 20th

 Wrkg LU/CX to IT9, W4/5 and XE.

                                 Mar 19th

 Wrkg LU/Cx to NH7,EA7, IK8, JY9, WP4 and XE.

                                 Mar 18th

 Wrkg LU/CX to S5, EA7, W3/5, FM, FJ, WP4, XE, JY, TR and ZZ2.

                                 Mar 17th

 Wrkg LU/CX to XE, KP4, W2/4/5 and ZZ2.

                                 Mar 16th

 Wrkg LU/CX to W5, EA6/7, CT3 and NH7.

                                 Mar 15th

 Wrkg LU/CX to XE, 7J, K0/2/4/5 and CO.

                                 Mar 14th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA7, PT2, YS, XE, W4/5 and JA1/2/3.

                                 Mar 13th

 Wrkg LU/CX to YV, KP4, XE and K4.

                                 Mar 12th

 Wrkg LU/CX to NH7, YV, XE and P4.

                                 Mar 11th

 Wrkg LU/CX to WP4, EA7/8, CT, JY, W3 and WP4.

                                 Mar 10th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA7, CN8, CT3 and WP4.

                                  Mar 9th

 Wrkg LU/CX to FM, FG, CT, WP4, EA7, 9N, 5B, SV, I5/9, YS, F6 and K4.

                                  Mar 8th

 Wrkg LU/CX to YV, EA6/7, CT1, CN8, S5 and TG9.

                                  Mar 7th

 Wrkg LU/CX to EA7 and 9H.

                                  Mar 6th


                                  Mar 5th


                                  Mar 4th

 Wrkg LU/CX to WP4, YV, ZF, XE, EA7, CT1 and W5.

                                  Mar 3th

 Wrkg LU to EA7 and CT1.

                                  Mar 2nd

 Wrkg LU to EA7.

                                  Mar 1st



                            CONTEST LAZIO 50 MHZ 2OO3
                             (Engish Version Below)

 Data:                 12 aprile 2003

 Orario:               11.00 - 17.00 UTC

 Banda e frequenze:    Banda concessa al servizio d'amatore in Italia con
                       interdizione da 50.000 a 50.150 MHz ammessa
                       l'attivitą solo CW tra 50080 a 50090 MHz

 Modi di emissione:    SSB e/o CW, sono ammesse operazioni Split Frequency
                       e MS (non sono validi QSO via: EME, ripetitori,
                       trasponder, satelliti); una stazione puo' essere
                       collegata solo una volta in SSB o CW

 Rapporti:             Rapporto R S (T) e WWL 6 digit, ove stazioni
                       straniere non passassero il locator completo
                       conteggiare con "MM" le ultime due lettere per

 Punteggio:            Un punto a Km.

 Log:                  Saranno "PREFERITI" LOG via internet in formato


                       o via ax25 packet:


                       Eventuali LOG su disco o supporto cartaceo devono
                       essere spediti a:

                       SEZIONE A.R.I. ROMA
                       via S. Severo n. 2
                       00182 ROMA

                       entro 15 giorni dalla data del contest; fara' fede
                       il timbro postale (non si accettano raccomandate)

 Penalita' e           Qualunque errore riportato nei dati di un QSO ne
 sqalifiche            determina l'annullamento; se ci sono QSO doppi non
                       segnalati il cui numero superi il 2% del numero
                       totale, l'intero log verra' squalificato, QSO
                       riportati su LOG non conformi saranno considerati
                       CONTROL LOG.

 Premi:                Saranno premiate le prime 2 stazioni, il 1° OM

                       Le premiazioni saranno effettuate presso la Sezione
                       A.R.I. di Roma nel settembre 2003.


                              CONTEST LAZIO 50 MHZ 2003

 Day:              April 12th, 2003.

 Hours:            from 11.00 to 17.00 UTC.

 Frequency:        50 MHz (except the windows 50.000-50.150). For CW ONLY
                   will be used also the band of 50080-50090.

 Mode:             SSB - CW (split operations are approved). One station
                   can be worked only once, in ssb or cw.

 Reports:          Reports R S (T) and WWL 6 digit, when not complete last
                   two letters should count as "MM".

 Points:           QRB = One point per Km.

 Logs:             Can be in IARU Reg.1 standard with QRB and should be
                   send via email to:


                   Log via packet will be accept via

                   Log via surface mail will be sent writing to:

                   SEZIONE A.R.I. ROMA
                   Via S.Severo n.2,
                   00182 ROME -ITALY

                   within 15 days after the contest date.

 Penalty and       Any mistake in the log regardind any qso will be
 disqualification: cancelled; In case of double qso not indicated that the
                   total will be greater than 2% of total the complete log
                   will be disqualified. Qso's send in a different format
                   would be considered as Control Log.

 Prizes:           For the 1st and the 2nd places + the 1st station in the
                   world. Awarding of prizes c/o A.R.I Roma in september
  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/4)

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