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IS0AGY > SIX      06.04.03 19:27l 296 Lines 17674 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 615_IS0AGY
Subj: OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-052
Sent: 030406/0510Z @:IW0URG.ISAR.ITA.EU #:15701 [Quartu S.E.] FBB7.00i $:615_IS
To  : SIX@WW

# Generated by: TstHWin v2.21b - Registered to IS0AGY
# On : 06/04/03 11.25.39
# UTC: 06/04/03 9.25.39

April 4.

Barbados, 8P. Richard, G3RWL will be active (on 10-40 metres, plus 80 and 6
metres if he can arrange the antennas) as 8P6DR from Barbados on 5-20 April.
(QSP de SMIRK) 20/4.

Bahamas, C6. I will be operating in Bahamas from June 26 through July 7.
C6/W6JKV will be call... Jimmy W6JKV. (QSP de SMIRK) 7/7

Armenia, EK. Evgeni EK6AD has left us but if you need a QSL from your QSO with
him please write to Minco Petkoff - LZ2DF, P.O. Box - 25, 5600 Troyan, Bulgaria.
(e-mail: lz2df(at) (QSP de SM7AED notebook) QSL

Marquesas Isl., FO. Update. The Italian group heading to the Marquesas Islands
plan to be QRV as TX4PG from April 25 to May 9. Team members will include I2YSB,
IK2DIA, IK2GNW, I2MOV, IK2WXV, IK1AOD and IK1PMR. They will have three stations
on HF and one on 6 meters. Plans are to have a beacon on 50105, which will be
active every hour and every half hour for 5 minutes. The call sign is still not
known. QSL via I2YSB either direct or via the bureau. There are two addresses
that can be used. They are: Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara (PV) Italy
or Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara (PV) Italy. They also have a
Web page at (QSP de The Daily DX #068)

Dominica, J7. Update. AA1K, Jon, and his XYL, AB1P, Jeanie, just found out their
calls will
be J79K and J79P for their trip to Dominica starting this weekend. This is a
vacation and casual DXpedition. The couple will have a pair of IC-706's and wire
antennas. They hope to be QRV a bit on all of the bands from 6 to 160 meters.
Jon will focus on CW, especially on the WARC bands and Jeanie will do some phone
operating. The second radio will be monitoring 50.110 MHz or CQing on 50.102
MHz. Activity should begin late on April 5 and end early on April 12. QSL via
home calls. (QSP de The Daily DX #067) 12/4

Japan, JA. Update. Taka JR3TVH, writes; I will be active as JR3TVH/6(/b using
HOLOOP posibly) QTH: Hirara city (or around), Miyyako Island Ryukyu Islands,
Okinawa-ken between Apr11 0700Z to Apr13 0100Z on 6m (M2's) and 40 - 10m SSB,
CW, RTTY. Specific aim of this visit: QSO to 6ers overseas (esp. African,
European) Look for a 50.138MHz becon (/b) to call me on it. QSL to HC via the
bureau ( Taka 13/4

Sardinia, IS0. Freddy IZ1EPM, writes; Hi my new Sardinian trip is now ready to
start, i have planned to go on IS0 during Easter days between 18 april to 3 may.
I have made new 50 Mhz dipole that last summer thunderstorm had destroyed.
Propagation is rising up for TEP and ES but it's not stabilized, for this reason
many part of the radio time i want to live on WARC bands, but 6m are anytime
setting in my second vfo and i'm always careful. I hope to made nice job for me
and for all stations intrested at the beautifull Sardinia Isl. WWLocator is
JN41OF. CU in operation... 73's de IZ1EPM Freddy 3/5

March 30. - and later.

Myanmar, XZ. Frank, DL4KQ (XY4KQ) will be staying in Myanmar from 1 to 15 April.
On 2-4 April he will be in Yangoon, then he will move to Chaungtha and remain
there from the 6th to the 14th. Frank plans to be active on 10-80 metres (maybe
on 6 metres as well) SSB and CW. During this time frame (actual dates will
depend on local situation) he will take a side trip and operate for four days
from the Yangon/Irrawaddy/Pegu Region group. QSL via DL4KQ,  direct or bureau.
Updates will be posted on (QSP de 425 DX News #621)

Indonesia, YB. A group of operators will be QRV as YE8A from Rajuni Island. They
hope to be active in the CQ WPX contest. QSL via YB8BRI. Meanwhile, Stan, OK1JR
is QRV as YB0AJR for a few months. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters. He may try to
be active from other Indonesian islands as well. QSL via OK1JN. (QSP de SM7AED
news) 5-2003

Mozambique, C9. Update. Look for Max, IZ4DPV (C93CM) and Filippo, IK4ZHH (C93FF)
to  be active from Mozambique from 20 April to 4 May. They plan to operate on
10-80 metres SSB and CW (possibly RTTY and 6 metres as well) and to participate
in the ARI DX Contest (3-4 May). QSL via home calls either direct or through the
bureau. (QSP de 425 DX News #621) 4/5

Guam, KH2. K1HP/KH2, Yoshi, will be on from Guam April 11-14. JE2EHP, Yoshi, is
the operator. He will be on 80-6 CW and SSB. QSL via JE2EHP. (QSP de The Daily
DX #059) 14/4.

Christmas Island, VK9X. Update, Steve VK3SIX writes; In view of the Plethora of
operators going to XI, this leaves the way clear to concentrate on 6M band and
forgo the other stuff. I doubt whether any of the proposed ops have a dedicated
6M op amongst them, certainly none of the callsigns spring to mind of any 6M
achievements, (no offence) but all too often we see HF DX ops that pay scant
attention to 6M and I dont think the next three from XI will be any different.
So having said that I propose to swing all the efforts into squeezing the best
out of 6M band. With this in  mind I propose to hand carry a 50A power supply
and TE amplifier rated at 375 watts output the VK9 legal limit is 400 watts pep
on 6M) and give 6M my undivided attention between my arrival and departure. It
is sad that in a hobby of communications so much duplication of resources and
avgas is being burnt up hauling four stations in and out of XI, where weight
loading is a premium on aircraft, and no one is sharing any equipment. Why am I
not surprised. 21/4

Andorra C3. Johan ON4ANT, writes; C37URA has been granted for 50MHz EME and the
proposed project. on condition that the government signs the release of 50MHz to
all licence holders before May 1st this year. Joan C31US confirmed he would keep
us informed about further progress. My sincere thanks to Joan C31UA and Mr Fred
Olte C31HK for their help and assistance. 22/6

Christmas Island, VK9X. Four members of Yamato ARC, JA1ZEK, will be on from
Christmas Island between April 26 and May 2. They will be on all HF band from 6
to 160 meters on SSB, CW and RTTY. They will have two 400 watt amplifiers and
four rigs. Team members include JA3MCA/VK9XC, Karl; JA8VE/VK9XE, Kuni;
JA1KJW/VK9XK, Sasi; and JA1JQY/VK9XY, Mat. Suggest frequencies are as follows:
CW: 1822, 3507, 7007, 10007, 14007, 18077, 21007, 24897, 28007, 50110. SSB:
3799, 7080, 14170, 18130, 21270, 24940, 28470, 50110. RTTY: 14080, 21080. They
will have a 6 meter beacon on 50.110MHz. QSL info is via home calls -
JA3MCA -Tachibana Kaoru, 1-7-5-403 Tsukimino, Yamato, 242-0002 Japan. JA8VE -
Saito Kunio, 2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005 Japan. JA1KJW - Nakayama
Hisashi, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato, 242-0023 Japan. JA1JQY - Matsui Shigeo, 2-31-10
Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama, 246-0035 Japan. (QSP de The Daily DX #058) 2/5

South Korea, HL. Kim, DS4BHW, will stay on Cho Island for two years starting by
the end of March. He plans to become QRV on 80-6m. QSL via DS4BHW, bureau ok.
(QSP de DXNL #1333) 3-2005

Cayman Islands, ZF. I'll be active again as ZF2BI from March 27th thru April
8th. Primarily 6 meters (as in the past), but will spend some time on HF as
well. Jim, K4BI / ZF2BI (QSP de SMIRK) 8/4

Western Sahara, S0. Reminder. A Western Sahara operation is planned for April
16-21. SO5X will be the callsign. Operators are CT1BWW, Marq; EA1BT, Fernando;
EA2RC, Juan Carlos; EA5XX, Julio; I8NHJ, Max; KD7RCD, Jordan; N6TQS, Doug;
YT1AD, Hrane and YU1AU, Miki. Activity will be 160-6M. The log will be on after the operation. EA5RM will be a pilot station. He can be reached
at QSL via EA4URE. (QSP de The Daily DX #054) 21/4

Mozambique, C9. IZ4DPV, Max and IK4ZHH, Filippo, will be on from Mozambique with
C93 callsigns April 20-May 4. They will be on 80-10M including WARC, SSB, CW and
maybe RTTY, and probably some 6M. They will have 100 watts to a TH7 tribander
and wire verticals. (QSP de The Daily DX #054) 4/5

Martinique, FM. Georges F8OP, writes; Look for Bernard, F5LBG to be active for
one month starting March 13th from Martinique isl as FM/. Activity from 80 to 6
m. CW. QSL via bureau or direct (+postage) to Dauvier Bernard, 20 chemin des
Mottes, F26760 Beaumont, Les Valence, France. Georges F8OP. 13/4

Christmas Island, VK9X. Update. Steve, VK3OT, writes; On schedule for April 7th
start up: Hardware organised from the local Shire and Power Station to erect
antenna such as poles and ladders. However the Baltimar Cirius supply ship has
bypassed XI twice so far in Feb due to high seas and no anchorage in Flying Fish
Cove only mooring buoys. The ship is currently in Perth and all attempts to
extricate the boxed up equipment being sent by sea mail and shipped in early
January, has failed. The reality may be that unless the ship gets the containers
off this trip I could see my HF gear, power supplies, 6M PA and the low band
wire antenna and all hardware clamps, keyer, etc arrive the middle of my visit.
The antenna are there but no hardware and clamps, so it could be literally an M2
held together by wire and coconut rope and an FT650 which I will carry in.
Murphys second law.. be triple prepared. Cards are printed and some lucky people
will get hand cancelled confirmation from XI within a week of working me (let's
see someone in UK gripe about that).  At least 1 VK 6M op needs VK9XI for number
100.. good luck, Ill do my bit.. Check out the website for late news.. and please check the time on
the island before looking.
and the sked charts Steve

AAland Isl., OH0. OH0/DF8QJ, OH0/DL2VB, OH0/DK6QW, OH0/DG1YTF and OH0/DL6YFB
will all be active April 19-25 on 80-2M including WARC, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to
their home calls. (QSP de The Daily DX #049) 25/4

Mauritania, 5T. DL8YHR, Frank, will be heading to Mauritania in early Summer.
He'll be mostly active on 2 (EME) and 6 meters with some HF from June 28 to July
7. Frank will be operating from the QTH of 5T5SN. No mention of callsign was
made. Equipment will include a FT-920 and an IC-706MKIIG. QSL via ON4ANT. (QSP
de The Daily DX #045) 7/7

Bermuda, VP9. Jon N0JK, writes; June VHF QSO Party "contest DX quandry" from
VP9/NΨJK "Object: To work as many amateur stations in as many different 2
degrees Χ 1 degree grids as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz.
Foreign stations work W/VE amateurs only." The ARRL rule restriction of working
"W/VE amateurs only" for contest credit will mean a change in my operating
strategy from VP9. I will  concentrate on W/VE for the contest, as Europe and
other DX QSOs are worth "zero points" for me. To help prevent confusion I am
presenting this operating plan. Outside of the June VHF QSO Party - I will give
priority to Europe, Africa, carib. and western W/VE/XE/KH6/KL7, etc. During the
contest - if 6 Meters is open to Europe or other DX but NOT to W/VE, I will work
the DX. The 6 Meter band could open via Es to Europe and North America at the
same time during the contest. On July 4, 1999 VP2E/W6JKV reported 6 Meters "open
continuously (to Europe) for 14 hours,and the Band was open to USA almost the
entire time." So now the tough choice... if 6 Meters is open to BOTH W/VE and
Europe at the same time in the contest - I will work W/VE stations first. If the
W/VE pileup is worked down, I may turn the antenna to Europe to pick up callers
for short periods. But W/VE will have priority during the contest. I plan to
bring two radios and several antennas. My host VP9GE may be able o operate 6M
beaming EU while I work the states if we get a big "two way" opening during the
contest. I will check on setting up a second station (if it doesn't interfere
with the contest station) "just in case." 16/6

Djibouti, J2. Update. Lance W7GJ QSP΄s; My callsign will be J20LA. I don΄t have
an amplifier with me! The Internet connection here is very bad. I have only once
or twice a week the possibility to look for my e-mails. I am restricted to
100watts out. Also some problems with the coax line in the hotel. Perhaps next
week i will be qrv! 73, de Karsten DL2LAH 6-2003

Nepal, 9N. Dov, 4Z4DX will be active (on 160-6 metres CW and digital modes) as
9N7DX from Nepal from 21 April to 15 May. QSL via home call. (QSP de 425 DX News
#617) 15/5

South Korea, HL. Kim, DS4BHW will be stationed on Cho Island for two years
starting in late March and plans to be active on 80-6 metres. QSL via DS4BHW
either direct (Kim, P.O. Box 27, Sunchon, 540-600, South Korea) or through the
bureau. (QSP de 425 DX News #617) 3-2004

Christmas Island, VK9X. Steve, VK3OT, writes; Update. The 2003 HAM visit
schedule for Christmass Island is presently; Steve VK3OT (VK9XI) April 7 through
21, 2003. Hartmut DM5TI and Thomas (VK9..) October 4 through 25, 2003. Beside
the Sta(h)r gang (DM5TI and his wife) will be QRV from Cocos from October 9 till
19. David VK2CZ (VK8AA/9) October 24 through 27, 2003 (CQWW). Three of the YL΄s
who operated VK9YL and ZK1XYL last year, namely Gwen/VK3DYL, June/VK4SJ and
Elizabeth/VE7YL (CW), will activate Cocos Keeling Islands October 12 thru 25,
and Christmas Island October 26 through November 9. Activity will be on 80-10
meters, a 6M rig and antenna will be provided. 9/11

Fiji, 3D. 3D2, FIJI. Tad, JF6OJX (also 7N4AHT, KH7J), will be active as 3D2JX
from Mana Island between April 19-24th. His equipment will be a FT-897 and a
wire antenna like a Windom 80. Activity will be on the lower bands 80-30 meters
(especially for Europe) and also on 20-6 meters (160m if possible). QSL Manager
is JN1HOW, and a log search will be available after the operation at: 7K1WLE/Hisa ( and JJ1LIB/Ted
( will keep in touch with him almost everyday on 40 meters SSB.
(QSP de OPDX DX Bulletin #598) 24/4

N. Marianas, KH0. JA5GSG will operate from Saipan from 5 - 11 June, 2003 on HF
and six meters. QSL to home call. (QSP de SMIRK) 11/6

Mauritania, 5T. Lance W7GJ, writes; Good news! Everything is moving forward for
the 5T6M DXpedition this summer ;-) More information is on This will be a very well equipped 6m trip, with a
very experienced 6m op! Mark your calendar!!! 73, Lance W7GJ. 10/7

Western Samoa, 5W. A group calling themselves, "The World-Wide Young Contesters"
are going to Samoa, 5W, August 4-14. Operators will be 9A6XX, Hrvoje; M0GMT;
K9YO, Cedrick; N1SNB, Jeff and 9K2RR, Faisal. They plan to be on 160-6M CW, SSB,
RTTY and PSK31 with two stations active 24 hours a day. QSL via N1SNB. (QSP de
The Daily DX #025) 14/8

Bermuda, VP9. Wanted to post that I am planning to operate from VP9 from June
27-July 5. I will have a large antenna and 3CX800 amp on 6 mtrs (got high power
OK from Bermuda telecom thanks to VP9GE); will also take a 9 ele M2 antenna and
a couple hundred watts for 2 mtrs. Hope to hit some sporadic E to Europe,
Africa, and western US and Central America while there. 73 Chris Patterson W3CMP
(QSP de UKSMG ann.) 5/7

Andorra, C3. Johan ON4ANT writes; Things look good for the C3 expedition. The
trip is sheduled 3th week of June. (15th - 22nd). So now trying to get the
equipment together, so anyone out there willing to help me out with 6m yagis,
intended to use on expedition to C3. I΄m looking for minimum 7el (like 6m7jhv),
and would like to get 2 of the same kind to have a decent setup at 2000m asl.
The pair would serve as a eme array outside normal operating times. (so 2nd hand
one, or loan or gift :-)) 73 de Johan ON4ANT. 22/6

Barbados, 8P. G3RWL, Richard, will be re-activating his 8P6DR callsign from
Barbados from April 5-20. Operations will be on 10-40 meters. 80 and 6 meters
may be possible if antennas can be arranged. (QSP de The Daily DX #244) 20/4
General information.

Latest editorial by OZ6OM. I want to announce some radical changes. - I expect
the OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-052 to be the LAST issue of the OZ50MHz DX Bulletin.
Read more in the OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-052. My intention is to keep the news
page (former breaking news), and focus at this one. vy 73 de OZ6OM "Matt".

   Ί Ί ±±±±±±   ±±±±±±    De   * IS0AGY* Op.ELIO * LOC.JM49OF *         Ί Ί
   Ί Ί      ±        ±       P.O.Box 7/C - 09045 QUARTU SANT'ELENA      Ί Ί
   Ί Ί     ±±±     ±±±         *****  AX25 IS0AGY@IW0URG-8 *****        Ί Ί
   Ί Ί      ±        ±    E-Mail * Tel/GSM 329 1122375    Ί Ί
   Ί Ί      ±   ±±±±±±    Ί ΫΫ²²±±°° Ϋ²±°°±²Ϋ Ϋ²±°°±²Ϋ°±²Ϋ°°±±²²ΫΫ Ί    Ί Ί
   Ί Ί      Feeding Solar Panel (1x46Watt 3AmpH - Batteria 1x70A)       Ί Ί
   Ί Ί          Ϋ²±° Modem TNC2(1K2) H.M.°±±° TNC2H(9K6).°±²Ϋ           Ί Ί
   Ί Ί   Packet-Compaq 486Dx4 -TSTWIN 2.21b Reg.- Yaesu FT290R/FT790R   Ί Ί
   Ί Ί           ANT.VERTICAL DOULBAND  Magnetic 144/432Mhz             Ί Ί
   Ί Ί      Visit: *         Ί Ί
   Ί Ί *       Ί Ί
   Ί Ί   IS0AGY APRS 144.800 (1k2) * Cluster IR0AGY-6 144.875 (1k2)     Ί Ί
   Ί Ί IR0SAR APRS 144.800 * IR0CA NODO 1K2 - 9K6 - 38K6 * BBS IW0URG-8 Ί Ί
   ΘΝΝΝ»       ARI Quartu Sant'Elena - Ca. New Call IS0/IQ0AM        ΙΝΝΝΝΌ

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