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IW0GPN > SIX      04.03.03 02:44l 366 Lines 10910 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: Sixitalia Bull. 03/03 1-3
Sent: 030303/1804Z @:IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU #:56095 [Roma] FBB7.00i $:BC0029IW0GPN
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
         0       0   0   0          0     0      0 0    0      0 0
          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "3/2003" - March 2003 - PART ONE   (1/3)
  Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 3/2003:
  - In part One:
    - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
      - General Rep., S.America Rep.
  - In part Two:
   -  The TOP QSO Rules 2003 
  - In part three:
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

              ULTIME NOTIZIE                    LATEST NEWS

      Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.

                SCRIVICI - WRITE US! -

              [Italiano]                            [English]
              ATTENZIONE:                           ATTENTION:
 Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul  All news published in Six Italy
      bollettino sono liberamente         in the bullettin can be freely
  riproducibili purchE' se ne citi la     republished if only quoted by
           fonte e l'autore                    editor and source.

                                 Feb. 28th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR0A/bcn, ZD7MY.

                                 Feb. 27th

 Wkd Today: In the evening Tep PY5CC (IT9 area).

                                 Feb. 26th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Feb. 25th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.
                               TT8DX Update
  Georges, F8OP, scrive:             *
                                     * Georges, F8OP, wrote:
  Chris ex TT8DX, e' ora a           *
  Libreville Gabon. Tuttavia egli e' * Chris ex TT8DX, is now in
  molto occupato e non ha tempo      * Gabon. But he is very busy and has
  libero per essere in aria per ora. * no time to be on the air right now.
  La sua licenza TZ licence e' satta * His TZ licence was confirmed by the
  confermata dalle autorita' e Chris * authorities, and Chris hopes to get
  spera di ricevere il suo call da   * his TZ callsign as soon as he will
  TZ appena arrivera' in Mali,       * arrive in Mali, perhaps in a few
  presumibilmente fra poche          * weeks.
  settimane.                         *
                                     *                     73 Georges F8OP
                    73 Georges F8OP  *

                        LU4EJ Lighthouse and Island

  Ark, PY2ZX, invia questa notizia:  *
  Salve Amici,                       * 
  Nuova spedizione argentina con     *
  attivazione anche della banda dei  * Ark, PY2ZX, send this info:
  6 metri.                           *
  Ringraziamo gli amici Raul CX7BY e * Hello Friends,
  LU4DZ.                             *
  Buona fortuna !!!!!                * New DX-Spedition argentina workin
                                     * also on 6 metres.
                         Ark, PY2ZX. * Tnx to Raul CX7BY and LU4DZ.
                                     * Good Luck de
  Il motivo di questo messaggio e'   *
  di informarvi e invitarvi a        *                          Ark,
  participare il prossimo 20, 21 e   *
  22 du Marzo alla spedizione DX     * This message is to inform and
  alla ISOLA MARTIN GARCIA valida    * you to next 20,21 and 22 march
  per il diploma IOTA SA055, sara'   * Dx-Spedition to Martin Garcia
  anche attivato il faro dell'isola  * (Iota SA 055) and Lighthouse of the
  che ha il numero ARC 045.          * Island n. ARC 045.
  L'indicativo dell'operazione sara' * Callsign will be LU4EJ/D and all
  LU4EJ/D e l'indirizzo per la       * mail will be send to Casilla Correo
  conferma dell'Isola potra' essere  * 95 - Mar del Plata CP 7600.
  inviata alla Casilla Correo 95 Mar *
  del Plata CP 7600.                 * Suggested frequencies:
                                     * 3680,7090,14200,21300,28460 and
  Le frequenze suggerite per le      * 50110.
  operazioni saranno                 *
  3680,7090,14200,21300,28460 y      * Please give a large diffusion to
  50.110                             * this international event with many
                                     * thanks to all.
  Ringraziando per la diffusione che *
  potra' dare a questa notizia       *   Mariano Viva LU4EJ, Mar del Plata
  internazionale e salotando tutti   *
  con la massima cordialita'         *
  salutiamo sentitamente.            *
  Mariano Viva LU4EJ, Mar del Plata  *

                                 Feb. 24th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon weak Tep ZS6.

                                 Feb. 23th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon weak Tep ZS6.

                                 Feb. 22th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Feb. 21th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 20th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 19th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn. In the evening Tep 9J2KC.

                                 Feb. 18th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 17th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6.

                                 Feb. 16th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6/bcn, TR8/bcn, V51E, Z22JE, Z21FO.

                                 Feb. 15th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Feb. 14th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 9G1ZZ (ij95 qsl via DL1CW).

                                 Feb. 13th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6

  Georges, F8OP, scrive:             *
                                     * Georges, F8OP, wrote:
  Pat 9Q1A/2 e' QRV in HF e 50 MHz   *
  da ieri mattina.                   * Pat 9Q1A/2 is QRV on HF and 50 MHz
  Il traliccio e' installato con una * since yesterday morning.
  antenna direttiva per i 6 metri    * The tower is installed with a 6
  sulla sua cima. Tutto funziona     * meters beam on the top. Everything
  bene.                              * runs well.
  Pat e' ora in attesa di buone      * Pat is waiting for good openings.
  aperture.                          *
                                     *                     73 Georges F8OP
                    73 Georges F8OP  *

                                  Feb. 12th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                  Feb. 11th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                  Feb. 10th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 9th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 8th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 7th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Feb. 6th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 4th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Feb. 3th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn.

                                 Feb. 2nd

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep ZS6. In the afternoon Tep TR8/bcn, 5N0EVR
 (jj16 qsl via LZ3XV).

                                 Feb. 1st

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                       SIX ITALY SOUTH AMERICA NEWS
                          Editor: LU2EG, Alberto

                                 March 2003

                                 Feb 28th


                                 Feb 27th

Wrkg LU to EA7 and K2

                                 Feb 26th

Wrkg LU to TG an d TI.

                                 Feb 25th

Wrkg LU to ZF and XE.

                                 Feb 24th

Wrkg LU to ZF, J3 and XE

                                 Feb 23th

Wrkg LU to FM, CO, KP4, XE, YV and CT3

                                 Feb 22th

Wrkg Lu to J3, KP4 and K2

                                 Feb 21th

Wrkg LU to HI, XE and KP4

                                 Feb 19th , 20 th


                                 Feb 18th

Wrkg LU/CX to FJ, PP7, KP4 and YV.

                                 Feb 17th

Wrkg LU to ZF and XE.

                                 Feb 16th

Wrkg LU to EH8, FM and XE beacon

                                 Feb 15th

Wrkg LU to EH8, FS, FM and FJ.

                                 Feb 14th


                                 Feb 13th

Wrkg LU to HI.

                                 Feb 12th

Wrkg LU to KP4 and PP1.

                                 Feb 11th

Wrkg LU to JA1/2/6. (First this year)

                                 Feb 10th

Wrkg LU to PT2.

                                  Feb 9th

Wrkg LU to HH, XE and FM.

                                  Feb 8th

Wrkg LU to YV and Es to Brazil and Chile.

                                  Feb 7th

Wrkg LU to HH, XE, FM, KP4 and PP2

                                  Feb 5th , 6th


                                  Feb 4th

Wrkg LU to PT2, YV and CT3

                                  Feb 1st, 2nd, 3th


  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/3)

73 - Alex, IW0GPN @ IK0MIL-8
     Riano, JN62FB

Message timed: 18:51 on 03-Mar-2003
Message sent using WinPack V6.80


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