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IW0GPN > SIX      06.12.02 22:54l 225 Lines 9920 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : F00004IW0GPN
Subj: SixItalia Bull. 12-02 02/05
Sent: 021204/1335Z @:IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU #:35231 [Roma] FBB7.00i $:F00004IW0GPN
To  : SIX@WW

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
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             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "12/2002" - December 2002 - PART TWO  (2/5)
                      - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                               - Part Two -

                                 Nov. 10th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 9M2TO, VK6 (North Italy). In the afternoon
 J3/W6JKV Tep 3X, 9L.

                            PV2DAE - 101 years
 PY2ZX scrive:
                                      * PY2ZX wrote:
 Ciao Amici,                          *
                                      * Hello friends,
 Il prossimo15 e 16 novembre i        *
 Radioamateurs dello Japy e della     * Next november, 15 and 16; the
 LABRE/SP Regione di Jundiaí saranno  * "Radioamateurs of Japy" and
 attivi come PV2DAE celebrando i 101  * "LABRE/SP Jundiaí Region" will be
 anni di servizi pubblici offerti dal * active as PV2DAE celebrating the
 DAE, il dipartimento di mare della   * years of public services made by
 Città di Jundiaí, Stato di S. Paulo, * DAE, the water department of
 nel sud-est del Brasile.             * City, S. Paulo State, Southeast
                                      * Brazil.
 Saremo operativi sui 2 - 6 - 10 - 15 *
 - 20 - 40 - 160 metri in CW/SSB. In  * We will ready at 2 - 6 - 10 - 15 -
 2 metri principalmente per QSOs      * 20 - 40 - 160 meters in CW/SSB. In
 locali a cura del nostro Grape´s     * meters mainly for local QSOs by
 Land Repeater e sulla top band in    * "Grape´s Land Repeater" and in top
 condizioni molto sperimentali. C'è   * band, one very experimental
 la possibilitrà di operazioni più    * It´s possible more long operation,
 lunghe ma dipendendenti dalle        * depending the conditions, till day
 condizioni fino al giorno 17.        * 17.
 Sui 6 m abbiamo una 6 el. yagi e100  * 6 meters conditions are 6 elements
 Watt con FT-100 e IC-706, FT-767 GX. * yagi, 100 Watts with FT-100,
 Locator GG66nu.                      * FT-767 GX. Locator GG66nu.
 Il team di PV2DAE e', per ora        * The confirmed PV2DAE team till now
 composto da: Ark (PY2ZX - PX2X,      * are: Ark (PY2ZX - PX2X, ex-PS0S,
 ex-PS0S, PS2V, PQ2A, etc), Ric       * PS2V, PQ2A, etc), Ric (PY2EVN,
 (PY2EVN, ex-ZY2EVN), Milton (PY2MTM, * ex-ZY2EVN), Milton (PY2MTM,
 ex-PU2OCZ/PY2,PU2KAZ/PY2, etc), Luís * ex-PU2OCZ/PY2,PU2KAZ/PY2, etc),
 (PU2OCZ), Marco (ZZ2KEZ), Lizanias   * (PU2OCZ), Marco (ZZ2KEZ), Lizanias
 (ZZ2LZC), Thiago (PY2GEJ).           * (ZZ2LZC), Thiago (PY2GEJ).
 QSL Via PY2LDJ sia via Bureaux che   * The QSL is VIA PY2LDJ by Bureaux
 al P. O. Box 1292 - 13202-970 -      * P. O. Box 1292 - Zip 13202-970 -
 Jundiaí - SP - il Brasile.           * Jundiaí - SP - Brazil.
 Grazie mille l'attenzione. Noi       * Thank you very much the attention.
 speriamo che PV2DAE possono essere   * We hope that PV2DAE can be loud
 ascoltati bene dalla vostra stazione * heard in your ham or SWL station.
 amatoriale o dalla vostra postazione *
 SWL.                                 * Many thanks for supported by
                                      * Scouts Club, Louvetel
 Molte grazie per il sostegno al      * Telecommunications and DAE for
 Gruppo Scouts di Jundiß e alla       * support.
 Louvetel Telecommunications e alla   *
 DAE per 'appoggio.                   * Sorry english mistakes.
 Radioamateurs of Japy                * Radioamateurs of Japy                 *
 Jundiaí - S. Paulo - Brazil          * Jundiaí - S. Paulo - Brazil
 LABRE/SP:           * LABRE/SP:
                         73 de PY2ZX  *                        73 de PY2ZX

                                 Nov. 9th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es CT, EH. Bs SV, F, JY. In the afternoon F2
 J3/W6JKV. Tep ZS6, 9L1AB (QSL via G3AB).

                                 Nov. 8th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VR2, A4, 3X, J28UN (QSL via F8UNF), 3XY7C.
 the afternoon F2 VP2MJD, J3/W6JKV, 3XY7C. In the evening Tep ZS6, Z22,

                                 Nov. 7th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6, XY1M, 9M2, A4, 3X. In the afternoon
 Tep TR8, 3X.

                                 Nov. 6th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6, 9M2TO, 3X. In the afternoon Tep TR8,
 3X, 5N.

                                 Nov. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 YA4F (QSL VIA G4KUX), A45, HZ, VK6, 9M2TO +
 VU2VVP, (I5 area) . In the afternoon F2 VP2MJD, J3/W6JKV, FY5LS. Tep ZS6,

                                 Nov. 4th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2/Tep 3XY7C, VK6, A45, HZ, XY1M Hear His
 in Rome on web page! (Loc. NK87 qsl via XW2A). Es YO.
 all EU! In the afternoon F2 3XY7C,VP2MJD, J3/W6JKV. Tep TR8, ZS6, V51,

                                 Nov. 3th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2/Tep 3XY7C, VK6. Es UT, SV, LZ. In the
 afternoon F2 3XY7C,VP2MJD, J3/W6JKV. Tep TR8, ZS6. In the evening Tep/F2

                               FK8HA/B UPDATE

 Georges, F8OP, manda questa info:  *
                                    * Georges, F8OP send this info:
 FK8HA/b beacon e' di nuovo attivo, *
 24/24, su 50.080, con direzione    * The FK8HA/b beacon is back again,
 Europa nella serata (FK n.d.r.).   * 24/24, on 50.080, beaming to Europe
 Rapporti saranno benvenuti         * in the evening. Reports will be
 scrivendo a :   * appreciated at :
 (info Pat, FK8HA).                 * (info Pat, FK8HA).
                    73 Georges F8OP *                      73 Georges F8OP

                                 Nov. 2nd

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 3XY7C, PY0FF + VK4, 8 (North Italy). In the
 afternoon F2 3XY7C, PY0FF, TI5KD, TI5/XE1KK, HR3/JA6WFM + VP2MJD (I0
 area). Tep TR8, ZS6.
                                CONGO - 9Q1A

 Georges, F8OP, manda questa info:     * Georges, F8OP send this info:
 9Q1A e' nuovamente a Kinshasa e QRV   * 9Q1A is now back again in
 sui 6 metri con un FT 920 + 5         * and QRV 6 meters with FT 920 + 5
 elementi @ 8m, ogni sera su 50.110.   * elements @ 8m, every evening, on
 Pat osserva che quando l'EU riceve    * 50.110.
 3C/video o TR0/B, la banda non e'     * Pat's comments : when EU receives
 aperta con 9Q.                        * 3C/video or TR0/B, the band is
 Diversamente quando in EU la banda e' * open with 9Q.
 aperta con ZS, 1 o 2 ore dopo ci sono * On the other hand, when in EU the
 buone probabilita' di una apertura    * band is open to ZS, 1 or 2 hours
 con il Congo.                         * later there is a good chance to
 L'orario giusto seMbra essere,        * have an opening with Congo.
 adesso, attorno alle 29/21.00 utc.    * The right time seems to be now
 (info F6BLQ)                          * around 20/21.00 utc. (info F6BLQ)
                       73 Georges F8OP *                   73 Georges F8OP

                                  Nov 1st

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep 3XY7C (loc ij39 qsl via DL7DF) Hear His
 Signal in Rome on web site!, 6W.

                          FRENCH GUYANA - FY5KAC

 Georges, F8OP, scrive:               * 
                                      * Georges, F8OP, wrote:
 Il Guiana Radio Club Association     *
 organizza una DX pedition i giorni   * The Guiana Radio Club Association
 8, 9, 10 e 11 novembre.              * organizes a DX expedition the 8,
                                      * 10 and 11th november.
 Il gruppo sara' attivo da Awala      *
 Yalimapo, accanto alla foce del      * The crew will be active from Awala
 fiume Maroni nei pressi del confine  * Yalimapo, beside the Maroni river
 col Surinam.                         * mouth, near the Surinam border.
 QRV in 6 metri come FY5KAC. QSL solo * QRV 6 meters as FY5KAC. QSL via
 via bureau.                          * bureau only.
                     73 Georges F8OP  *                    73 Georges F8OP

  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART TWO (2/5)

73 - Alex, IW0GPN @ IK0MIL-8
     Riano, JN62FB

Message timed: 14:27 on 04-Dec-2002
Message sent using WinPack V6.80


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