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IW0GPN > SIX      04.11.02 00:52l 238 Lines 10449 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 213-IW0GPN
Subj: Sixitalia Bull. 11-02 1/5
Sent: 021103/1450Z @:IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU #:28097 [Roma] FBB7.00i $:213-IW0GPN
To  : SIX@WW

[¯¯¯ TST HOST v1.42b, Local time: Sun Nov 03 16:43:10 2002 ®®®]

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
         0       0   0   0          0     0      0 0    0      0 0
          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "11/2002" - November 2002 - PART ONE   (1/5)
  Hello friends! Summary of "Six Italy" Nr. 11/2002:
  - In part One, Two:
    - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??... (Italian-English);
      - General Rep., S.America Rep.
  - In part Three:
   -  The TOP QSO of the Year 2002 - Rules 2002 and Actual top list
  - In part four:
  - In part Five:
                       - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                          EDITOR: SERGIO, IK0FTA

                                - part one -

              ULTIME NOTIZIE                    LATEST NEWS

      Ogni aggiornamento sara' gradito. All contributions are welcome.

                SCRIVICI - WRITE US! -

              [Italiano]                            [English]
              ATTENZIONE:                           ATTENTION:
 Le notizie diffuse da Six Italia o sul  All news published in Six Italy or
      bollettino sono liberamente         in the bullettin can be freely
  riproducibili purchE' se ne citi la     republished if only quoted by the
           fonte e l'autore                    editor and source.

                                 Oct. 31th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK6, 9M2TO. In the afternoon. Tep TR8, 5N,
 Z2, ZS6.

                                 Oct. 30th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6, 8, A45. In the afternoon. Tep TR8,
 6W. In the evening. Tep 6W, 9Q1A, 6W, ZD7, LU, PY.

                               VP2MJD, Update

 Dick, K5AND, wrote:                 *
                                     * Dick, K5AND, wrote:
 Pat, Steve e Dick saranno in        *
 viaggio per Montserrat domani       * Pat, Steve and Dick are on their way
 mattina. Speriamo di essere QRV     * to Montserrat tomorrow am. Should be
 venerdi' mattina dai 40 ai 6 m.     * QRV on Friday morning on 40-6.
 Il beacon on 6m sara' su 50.155. Se * Six meter beacon will be on 50.155.
 sara' necessario a causa del        * If pile ups develop, will listen up
 pile-up, ascolteremo up 5.          * 5.
 QSL's tramite Pat, W5OZI            * QSL's to Pat, W5OZI
                      73 Dick, K5AND *                      73 Dick, K5AND

                          MIYAKO ISLAND - JR3TVH/6

 Taka JR3TVH wrote:                  *
 Ciao sono Taka JR3TVH               * Taka JR3TVH wrote:
 questo il mio breve viaggio a       *
 AS-079 Miyako Island tra il 1       * Ciao I am Taka JR3TVH
 Novembre (0800Z) e il Nov. (0100Z). * here is my short trip to AS-079
                                     * Miyako Island between Nov. 1th
 QTH JR3TVH Taka ha deciso di fare   * (0800Z) to Nov. 4th (0100Z).
 una attivazione IOTA come JR3TVH/6  *
 nell'isola di MIYAKO - IOTA AS -079 * QTH JR3TVH Taka happenly decide to
 e sara ativo in 6m DX ,             * go IOTA operation today as JR3TVH/6
 40,,20,17,15,12,10 M con 50 Watts   * MIYAKO Island IOTA AS -079 will
 SSB,CW, RTTY. Solo er questa volta  * active on 6m DX , 40,,20,17,15,12,10
 prestera' paricolare attenzione per * M running 50Watts SSB,CW,RTTY only
 i 6m dell'area EU,AF,SA qualsiasi   * This time especially looking for 6m
 altra informazione su stazioni DX   * DX amateurs of ,EU,AF,SA any other
 sara' molto apprezzata, fatemi      * DX stations would be appreciated ,
 sapere.                             * let me know any informations
 QSL sia via il miglior              * QSL eather via the buro the best,or
 bureao,oppure con SAE via QRZ .com  * SAE by QRZ .com by e-mail
 o richieste via e-mail              *                    *
                                     * This might be the last chance of
 Questa potrebe essere l'ultima      * good prop.
 chance per una buono propagazione.  *
                                     * I could not see DX clusters spotting
 Non potro' vedere il cluser ma mi   * infomations but e-mail.
 terro' informao amie le email       *
                                     *                   73 de Taka JR3TVH
                   73 de Taka JR3TVH *

                                 Oct. 29th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4 (IT9 area) A45. F2/BS (IT9 area) VR2,
 9N7SZ (QSL VIA JA9LSZ), EU-EU. In the afternoon. Tep 6W, 6W/F6HLC (LOC.
 IK14) TR8, ZD7, 7Q, ZS6. In the evening. Tep 6W, 9Q1A, ZD7, ZP, PY + CE0Z
 (LOC. FF06) (IT9 area) .

                                 Oct. 28th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4 (IT9 area) HZ, A45, A71AW (LL55SG QSL via
 W3HNK), + VU, VK8 (South Italy). F2/BS (IT9 area) VR2. In the afternoon.
 Tep 6W, D44. Es LZ, SV, SV9, UT.

                                 Oct. 27th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VR2, 9M2TO [Image] Hear His Signal in Rome!.

 F2/BS VK8, VR2 (IT9 area). Tep TR8, In the afternoon. Tep/F2 6W, TR8, ZS6,

                                 Oct. 26th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6, 8, 9M2TO, XV9DT, VR2, VU (strongs
 signals but in spotty areas). In the afternoon. Tep TR8, ZS6, Z22. In the
 evening Tep PY + ZP (IT9 area).

                                 Oct. 25th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6. In the afternoon. Tep TR8, LU, FY,
 TY3M (QSL VIA I8ACB), In the evening Tep LU.

                                 Oct. 24th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK6. In the afternoon. Tep TR8. + FY, In the
 evening Tep PY.

                                 Oct. 23th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK4, 6. (North Italy). In the afternoon. Tep
 TR8, ZS4-6, TY0T. Es LZ, YO. In the evening Tep TY0T, PY.

                                 Oct. 22th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 9M2, VK4, 6, DU (North Italy). In the
 afternoon. Tep TR8, Z2, ZS6, TY0T (qsl via I8ACB), V5. In the evening Tep
 ZD7 + PY (IT9 area).

                                 Oct. 21th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 JA (I5 area), VK6 (North Italy). In the
 afternoon. Tep TR8, Z2, ZS6. In the night Tep ZD7, ZD8/bcn, LU. + CX, ZP,
 CE0, PY (IT9 area).

                        New Amsterdam - FT1ZK update

 Georges, F8OP invia questa notizia   * Georges, F8OP send this news
 Caroline, FT1ZK, e' QRV su 50.110    * Caroline, FT1ZK, is QRV on 50.110
 ogni giorno tra le 13.00 e le 16.00  * every day around 13.00 to 16.00 utc,
 utc circa, fino al 16th gennaio      * till 16th january 2003. The beacon
 2003. Il beacon e' attivo 24/24h su  * is operational 24/24h on 50.086.
 50.086. Tutto funziona bene ma lei   * Everything runs well, but she had
 non ha ascoltato nulla, ne beacon,   * nothing heard yet, neither beacon,
 ne OM e e' disperata. Per favore     * nor OM and she is in despair.
 girate le vostre antenne nella sua   * Please, turn your beam in her
 direzione. (info F5JCB).             * direction. (info F5JCB).
                   73, Georges, F8OP  *                  73, Georges, F8OP

                                 Oct. 20th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 HZ1MD, VK6JQ, 6W4RK. In the afternoon. Tep
 TR8, Z2 F2 6W. In the night Tep PY, LU (it9 area). Lp JA (it9 area).

                                 Oct. 19th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon. Tep TR8, Z2, ZS6 + F2 FY, VU, PY (IT9 ar ea).
 In the evening Tep LU, PY.

                                 Oct. 18th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK6JQ. In the afternoon. Tep TR8, Z2, ZS6. In
 the evening F2/Tep LU, PY.

                                 Oct. 17th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es PA, ON, G. In the afternoon Es 5B4, 4X, OD.
 Tep TR8, ZS6. F2 FY, PZ (it9 area). In the evening Tep PY + JA (it9 area).

                                 Oct. 16th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8, ZS4, 6, V51. In the evening/night Tep
 PY, TU. Lp JA (it9 area).

  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART ONE (1/5)

73 de Alex IW0GPN
³                   Operatore: Alex     QTH:  Riano                   ³Û
³                   Locatore:  JN62FB   Zona: Roma Nord               ³Û 
³     ²Û±           Mail:      IW0GPN@IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU              ³Û
³                   E-mail:                       ³Û
³                   Homepage:  http:\\\iw0gpn              ³Û

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