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projects [2014/01/11 15:15]
jann created
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-===== HAMNET ===== 
-The HAMNET is an intranet for hamradio operators. It uses high speed radio components and internet tunnels. 
-  * [[projects:​wlan:​hamnet|HAMNET Introduction (english)]] 
-  * {{:​projects:​wlan:​hamnet_dl_hamradio_2012_collected_by_dg8ngn_.pdf|HAMNET Overview 2012}} {{:​projects:​wlan:​|HAMNET Overview 2012 (Source Files)}} 
-  * {{:​projects:​wlan:​iprt_2010_-_hamnet_skript.pdf|IPRT 2010 Skriptbeitrag}}{{:​projects:​wlan:​iprt_2010_-_hamnet_intro.pdf|IPRT 2010 Einfuehrung}} {{:​projects:​wlan:​iprt_2010_-_hamnet_integration_im_amprnet.pdf|IPRT 2010 Integration im AMPRNet}} 
-  * {{:​projects:​wlan:​d04-2010-hamnet-dl9sau.pdf|D04 2010 Vortrag DL9SAU}} 
-  * [[projects:​wlan:​regulations|Regularien]] 
-  * [[projects:​wlan:​proposal|Vorschlag an die BNetzA & Musterantrag]] 
-  * [[projects:​wlan:​praxis|Praxisberichte]] 
-  * [[projects:​wlan:​links|Weiterfuehrende Links]] 
-===== D-Star ===== 
-D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) is used to transfer digital voice on hamradio. 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​ircddb|The ircDDB-network]] 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​dextra_ng|Dextra New Generation (XReflector Client)]] 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​starnet|STARnet Digital Group List]] 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​xreflector|XReflector List]] 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​essg2|Installing ICOM G2 on a Debian machine]] 
-  * [[projects:​dstar:​tvmrouter|OpenWRT Routersetup with DSL fallback]] 
-===== IGATE ===== 
-IGATE is the Internetgatewaysystem for the Packet Radio Network. 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​german|Informationen auf deutsch]] 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​english|Informations in english]] 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​flex32|PC/​Flexnet32 Digiversion]] 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​devel|Development & Features]] 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​startup|Startupscripts IGATE]] 
-  * [[projects:​igate:​ipoverigate| IP-over-AX.25 over IGATE]] 
-===== Asterisk/​app_rpt ===== 
-Asterisk/​app_rpt is a repeater application for the Asterisk PBX. 
-  * {{:​projects:​asterisk:​iprt_2010_-_svxlink_und_asterisk_app_rpt.pdf|IPRT 2010 SVXLink und Asterisk/​app_rpt Skriptbeitrag (chapter 3)}} 
-  * [[projects:​asterisk:​setup|Reinstall on a Debian machine]] 
-===== OpenWRT ===== 
-OpenWRT is a linux firmware for embedded devices. It can be customised for hamradio. 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​soft|Hamradio firmware and software]] 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​info|Linksys WRT54 informations]] 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​devel:​image|Development:​ Kernelimage]] 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​devel:​ax25|Development:​ ax25-apps/​tools]] 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​devel:​apps|Development:​ hamradioapps]] 
-  * [[projects:​openwrt:​scripts|Scripts:​ Packet Radio Shell Scripting (by DL3SJB)]] 
-===== Linux ax25apps & ax25tools ===== 
-The linux packages "​ax25applications"​ and "​ax25tools"​ are mainly developed and tested at DB0FHN. 
-  * [[projects:​ax25:​todo|ToDo before next release]] 
-  * [[projects:​ax25:​ax25ipd|ax25ipd]] 
-  * [[projects:​ax25:​ax25rtd|ax25rtd]] 
-  * [[projects:​ax25:​db0fhn|Changes to current CVS @DB0FHN]] 
-===== (X)Net ===== 
-(X)Net is a software router for AX.25. It can be used on different hardware platforms. 
-  * [[projects:​xnet:​debug|Debug]] 
-  * [[projects:​xnet:​features|Features]] 
-===== PC/​Flexnet32 ===== 
-PC/​Flexnet32 is a software router for AX.25. It can be used on a windows machine. 
-  * [[projects:​pcflex:​debug|Debug]] 
-  * [[projects:​pcflex:​doc|Documentation]] 
projects.1389449704.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/01/11 15:15 by jann